THE U7. OF M. DAILY. THAT'S OURBUSINESS.- POPULAR AND STANDARD WE are general Music Dealers. Have the largest stock of musfo good in Washenaw conty ad can furnish Sheet Muic you anything from a Jews Harp to a Grand Piano. Wasbrn, XXE sell the best goods we can buy, as low as close byiog, careful managenent and a moderate profit will U. of A. an assern admit. We don't claim, however, to " undersell all competition," for some competitor might sell at c~ultu~x.cost, and we can't pay our bills and do that. 3nlriiss WNT sell aispeetto recommend that class of goods which will make you a lasting customer and will not allow any eaermsrpenaio to be made about any article we sell. 5tert, WAE value the good will and patronage of every student in the UT. of M. We appreciate his trade and try to IFsr'issk,J Waldor carry such instruments as will meet with his approval. 'We give a list of some of those and ask you and ceaperto call and look at our line. Viins.Krn.,Csstre TH A N TL30 O C.6 00C., 51 S. Main st., cor. Liberty. MORE& I OR NA AK[RS J AILORING AG[NCYI . a~r okt~ r of plinl.andSts. ae -cr caac~ oboe complete stocksif Sweaters to measure, all colors, woolen, $3. Sx, all wool, fast colors, 12'c. Frelywt Gog Wh,1 Itd lI[D(IIV Dflfllfc Linen Shirts, made to measure, 75c. Tailor Made Suits, Ei. Washinela on 5. Headquarters for I[5peYetTne AnAro rie.everything ,Student needs tisthe 25 pe cen undr An Arbr prcesline of Text-Books, Stationery and New and Second Hand. Avoid jobbers, anud wholesalers profits. Suits $10, $12, $15, s$16, Miscellaneous Stock ins general. Noe Rooks and oter Suenorts Sappirs, made to order. OFFICE, STATE ST. MUSIC STORE. MARTIN SCHALLER, rise Staisnery, sorting (ods, ec, swhihlTHEDOW1I pN-TOWN IJL tiy offeratithekLowst.5 'rices. LAMPS! LAMPS! LAMPS! TEBOSL, Call and see us before purchasing. Sake no mristake. Do you wantra lamp? We car shsorr you a great 191 . Wasington n1. one block _____________________________east of Sair st. F. C. STEBBINS, variety and give you lower prices tharn any house irs this rsarket. An exanination of our stock derisrtrates tbht it eontairs th sisbrt A E. MUMMERYS, 'I"T3-M~ad most improved larsp rad. 'T'hiry-three yars experierce irs tie --n----- --- '+ { Lamp Business is,,,Wrthssomething. Btuy of nsaad getlie tbeneitofitsrri q KEEP YOURSELF NEAT1 ~[IBJ~ L[N1YA! 44 South Main Street. ° mQ~p p NDCEN Will____call___for____and___deliver____work wil hlp yrBawits p \~r~ ril is ~slsllie suik UNIVERSITY NOTES. TheNew Yrrkrrl dOhio rrrrionibrmTot Isrrsspli. oif tir- briecetissesi ortriziicrr lrsbi9 Clrth ___ _Dr. ird,'93fmeicl, is lptrrtiiitg at in rrsr S A T IS F A C T IO N G U A R A N T E E D . l e v rtrrd , Q 0.o r tr s st r slrsy. * S o rrr .1 Iirertra. 7 i, s itessirg i Miss rity Wnrer of latiarossm gr J Resnthalt'97fitMimicediis hed FINE TOILET SOAPS ~ lt re-s. Notre BarrEi (iveest. rrr-rrrg\5r AND SPONGES. I FLAG PINS 1150, W. 1W. PIl >l a 4trs s r il tee tt-e, NwYork. _________________ -°sittI omuiie, Latorte.Is. Thelr'riiforiaoClub Corst will eron- NE DRGSO . Yellow and Blue But- II. A. W\ilirrir, '1Ii:li, is tieridiig dutif irt triil inrxt Strdayrts e- tonseo. Intall t :* year 75c. I.o hpaIr'. lt snrlv~ rof. Aigrll letures t hsie taw t o JhN[LR WM. ARNOLD'S, .jeweler. irs the lMt. (teisers Sagig;, Birs. rrisr rrlgintedofPrf M-errr At the tireseot timeosthere re ti is tfrtanucd I1B OIiO~ii K 15 studiersts reisr-iirs ts ti depsrt- 'lie esas irs QZuhititttialrusos g6 S. MAIN STREET. mes. itt omericrts- ir l elaboratory Asirs Second Hand Books, T. .Nelson, 'Iihlt, is hrtLtiCbn sri Thurrsay oftis week. jjp Secnd andBoosin he hicgo es Diisin hgh Theirunirr e rstsirsforersic oratry _College Text Books, tcotl. ill sssrrrrrerse omorrowoo. Ptaritios; Law Books, w~~~'ilt be thedtfrmrirtoti~ncly n o a o Law Books, hurLs t even inglbrariansiB. C. Dvi s, trshy. f orSiosn -i Medical Books, aerm neWn I-ir isir iednsas Tsrosrletrircecars coliderdr sirsN. S si- it cit rte pice at ire it te i-i-ser-rutlibrrry firte liibenrifit oi~rml~i~t ~t5iM~1I ir mr's hrreris.versity av. in frot of tihe denal Corner Washigon st., ard SI { art1 1\1J IVJ'J IX 1~JI1fineA stial utsSn lse i is building atout 9 o'cok Iastinigt. Asiey t. ST A T C S R E s.m ll a s t oo l eni t. hOrb- en ry Attrnninini. a rsotor anr s, h urtS a bTA:E STEET. about 2?00 were ot, hoswever, and tie leg brokers ad was badly bruied. No Ra tes $2 a nd,. $3. Bargasins ins Stationery and Note one else irs injreud. Books. Special reductions tins eek sophomores were decidedly victorious. oieofPf.etesctay saON 13 on K. c&.Es Drawing lostriuments. Fire soon~men mcmarrestetd Satarrlry o trarnnitaiecsicto is We hanve the best. for clismbing over the enses at Atl- o h diitaie"cuclo h S PALINC'S ATHLETIC CLOTHING letic fietd, were broughthifore tle graduate school, will be st rooumc, X. STAE33LEP., amid Sportinsg Goods for tire ewsvrstice ysterday nr~ md inmsesd wi aitth i altRofPPRtIEwllbeti-r gymnasium. Come and see ms. We ines. om~tgaut tuet t, 'lc are the largest dealers isntire city this week. All such studcnts, wtho G n u rie r h ows. Rv .M.Dfcrtr fHri nirdourpries re te lwes. ter. . S. Dffenraon-of irucishave rot yet reported are requmestt all amd assistantrtchuirictrofSt. Ass-e drew's Itpiscotral pa toli 'sllse.veTHE LIF40ILI TAl ILR S flL~~flM ~ ~ herUonl November 1 for the pstorste Prof. Iogle ave at general talk yrs-sifE L UIb IL l Wholesale and Retail B)ooksellers ofSi.taulsochurrch,tGrandRsaLpids. terday forenoon to the seniors urns the MUSCALGOO S H G.Fied, 3. . E E.'93 an T.requiremsets necessary for tasking sie- Has the newest Fall and Winter B. linbmnnje. D.s.M. ., 92 cesfly a case througi the corte. Wooens amd largest stock in te AT TItE f.Hnhnn r,1.S iE,'3 city. You can get aiy selec- SATE STREET MUSIC STORE comprising the iem of Field & Hinchb-lTe senior lawss are at presenturrig- tion you are looking for. t ranofDetroit, spent Sunday in Ann mg thlemsel-es in groups of four by Cheaper than anywhere else in Arbor, the guests of their respecive 'c'ap iig their names uih she(lerkt-i;o COME AND SEE US. the Country. fraternities, tie practice cour. 2 E. Wasington s., nessr Masn st.