tt* AL Wailx. Vol. V. No. 103. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. A FIEE SILVER CLUB. THE FRIENDS OF SILVER MEET AND ORGANIZE. Committees Are Appointed on Res- olutions and Constitution - Can- vass for Members to Commene at Once. A free silver club was organied in the law deirtmet yesterday after- noon by a large sd enthusiastic crowd of students. W. I. tDowing, -9 law, was eected femporary chair- matln and C. 13. Snyder, lit special, temlporary secretary. (ommites 00 fermanleit orgaizafiollsd r-isol- flousverc apploited a1111 a discssiol ils to the('object 1an(1 puross of fill cluib followed. ft Nwas deied fthat it shouldl be thioroghly nol-parfisa 1san1 the ma~inilpurpose0 wails declared to be the dissmination of knowledge 00nfie silver quetion,fthoughite "free coi- age at 1( to I ratio" sntfimlet seene d to fe lrgely ipredlomlinantl. Ittills decied,if ipossile Is secure 501110 promineintfsilver advoclte 11s Senator Woloft, Seafor Clrfer, (Co- gressmsan Bryian or tCongresmanlliAif- ken1, to 1make(1 atsentllii laddress 0i1 le sliver qietioll tofie studtslt, ,but thlen a report was made tat Pres- tilent Agell wouldllImost likely not ii- low tile 1s0 of Universify ial for such a purpose. Hei'had been inter- iewved oiinttiquestion, ad lfter expressing is doubt lis to tie deand among Itle students for such so- ad- Aress, indicated tiat bie consdered the silver question at partisani issue and hence lceordig to a by-law of :tio regents, le could not allow. san outsider to speak in thle hall on silver. 'Tis report discocereil thle members of the club, sod thle president's coi lusions wero -disigreed with. lit it was decided to circulate tle const- tutlon wilen ,formeiamong the stu- dents for signatures to "boom" te club's membership aiio when a large -membership is secured a format ap- pliation will be made for the 11111. iff it is then refused, Itle speeches quito clearly ldicalgd tat the opera bouse will bo secured. At any rat, A~ committee to gt speakers was ap- ,pointed, and the club adjuroec to Ileet at 4 p. mn. Thursday, hi the law 'lcture room. All interested in the restration of silver, or desiring to study the question, or desrious of 'helping twbring Seator Wolcott, Con- gressman Bryan or some other equally -able silver man -to An-a Arbor ae requested to 'be present. Instructor 'Walter Denton Seith de- 'ivered an addess -en "Tte Lawyer of the Future" qt the annual banquet Wisconsin Letter. ttSeisl Coerespodesee.] Madison, Wis., Feb. 25,183- (Spec- isl Correspondence).-The great evot of last week was thle junior promi- eniae. While not a new thing at Wisconsin, the prom lisa never been a great affair, as it was foriierlytfle eustomi for eachi class to give a piarty iluring the year, btiastshfits year li(1t, is thii only class to give ai palrty the promenae hals bfeelinini-ci moi'eilab- iirate thin eeirtiefore. 'fhli- iali was dtecorate-di cith reel, whlite asoilulie bunltinig anid a lairgie numboler of flags. Thie-miisicians' staned andtthe ebsipe- 011s b'ooiithiwere eovereid cithi arces of soutlo in lsmoilax:111nd1plants, plsi anid firiis wvre' Ilacedilarotunid to 'T'lsmsite'wais by tCiallili 15 ieees- tra. fromo'Milwa~ukee-. A iconcert mcik eiinsistiediif 20 nuimibers cystgit-en lie-fore',ftle re-guiser programll. Tiiere- I t of thie deaf. The lecture was -gt'h inl colilolettoe with a coiursc in Amoericatn Cliarities. undiler Prof. Ely. -Daily Cardinal. Athletes Agree'on Terms. A distpatc-i from New York to the Chabgo IHersld says thalt S.. It ol- I1151, secretary of the London Atliletie clubt, has answeredl the.,letter of -1J)111 C. (Gulick, secretairy of tbe 1 Nt York Atlletieciub, esneeroiig the rratlge_ mn-ts for the' contests bc tweeu the' twioi orglizaitionls to be1 held next fali. Mte. Hliinsays the edate set leyft New York club, Sepitemober 21. i4 satis- factory to lilt team. thougI a wviekI later cvouldilsuit be-ftel-. He is tvilling flhat the 220)yareds flat racesall tie' adeid, sait that the shot and llallilie-c should prove part of thi' prograni. His te'aii will be- strictly amateur, gieri'the defeiitioinof ft-eEnglish i cvwee- no iextra aess as it wvis after AA. U., anld 3t oelek whlenithle re-gulse progiriai Imembiers of the cluib. 'flee total 111111- wtas finishiedi. The pirogramis froli E. A. Wright; of thiladtelphia, contained a cut of flu- gymnalisiumliansuthIle university fdug. lie tassels forming a '.)G. Nearly 20)0 couples were fpresenit, in- eluiding a.iiuiiber froni out of town. Niumie-rousa receptionis and teas wcee- fit-i- ticoinieetion withi thle proml- enatde, ill of wvhichi coiitributed to mnake last tii-ik ione Ion.g to bere- membeire-id. ct-as hild Thursilay evening in thlen gymnasium. The contestaiits wecre so evenly mtcheled that most of the events cvere undecided. Ini the cane s-pree's, two were unidecideidaiid thle third, thle heavy weight, twas wvon. by Cochi-iis, represeitling '97. Othier events cvere in wvrestling and spairring, exhibition on thle iiorse soild1tle hli- zontal bar, aiii an exhibition of club swinging by Mr. Everett, Instructor ini gymnastics. The iiembhers of the stale legtslature visitedl the uiiiversity Wednesday afternoon. After inspecting the var- ions departments they were received in the gymnasium by about 1,301) students. Addresses were delivered Icy President Adams, Governor Up- ham and by iuembers of the sen-sb' and assenmbly. The students were anxious to iiake a good impresalon one the legislators as sev cal hilts of in- portance to the university are to be considered this winter. Anmong these is an appropriation of $360,000 for building to contain the libraries of b ee cvil not exceed litfteen. As to thio coiiditioiis goc-erningiog Eallititiollt. lie is certain Inotinig iprohibiti-eccill 1bo plropsed, soilhlst conienece thlistaty ploits lirisinig 011-that score ctill fe- am~ilcab~ly soil easily settlede. ftc asks file the iron hieiadndvoodlen iaft for thle "hlammiie" insteaid of a leadueni cceight slimng by a steel cciieefromiia cross bar. 'Thle 'Necv York climb is heartily thanmked )for1'its solimiomiof liii-ecxpense quest ion by so genecrouisly asking ItleLomndomers to be, their guests. When the return trip is mlade the favors wvill be reciprocated. Ini answvering this letter Mir. Gulicik tells cchy the elate should be kept ats at first sulggestedl, Sept. 21, aind says this series of events miay be considered settled: 100 yards, 120 yards huirdle, 220 yards, 440 yards, halt miile, once mile, three miles, high jumup, broad jimp, sixteen-ponde shot, haniler. All thie events are to lie gov-erneiby hiyIle customs, rules and practices prevaiilig in lis country, and Mr. Htolmoan is as- sured that niothing prohibitive cwill be attempted. The hammer cvill cweighi sixteen pounds, and will consist of an ironi bead witii woodem hamndle c;ithioutt cross bar. Ypsilanti Concert. The University Glee and Banjo clubs gave their annual concert in Ypsilanti, Momiday night, in Cleary'si Business College hall. The boys cve' wvell received and their friendls ap- plauded their many numbers. This will undoubtedly bh ielisat concert NO GOOD STUDENT Trios to learn cwithout books. Somo people though try to use musical instruments cvith little or no tone. WIe Say Boy Those Which Have Tone. Wo sell that kind. 51 South Main at. Is ibe LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESSandISHORT- SAND. Magniiceent bmilding; tes teachers;large attmndasse; good discipline; superior sick; weili spedreadinigeroi; daihy lecturms; Satirday eeing reeionms; opesithe entiremyear. Exep- tiosal faciiiesm far placiigsgtudns in islilio3. Boardsand romm$Sitoi$271 piewemek is private famiti. Thesemratesredumced toc$150se ml- boarding. 1mr Caalogue address - . R, CLEARY. Pines LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES + TUTTLE'S, +48 S. STATE ST. Go to RANDALL for Artistic Photos. NEW GALLERY. LARG[SI OPERAING1 BOOM IN STATE, NO. 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK, Ann Arbor, Mich. ED. A. CADIEUX.- PRORImETOmR0F THlE Latest Improved Barber Shop Is the city. E. Wtashingtoa it., Ist deer east of Misat. Ann Actor. MAMMOTH-A PIPE SALE .JOLLY 8&.CO'S 2A SOcUTH STATESTSu. Dos't fall to come. Sot andml d Lunso at All Hiors. SBCOND-HAND TErXTo . O K BOUGHT; SOLD and REPAIRED the State historical society and the university. Alexander G raham Bell addressed of the clubs before they take their AT_ western trip in April. They wilil visit South Bend, Benton Harbor, Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Colorado Springs, and several points in Iowa. I W WA * ' , of the Alumni association of the Do- a large audience at the law 'building Aro t Callege of 'Law, -last evening, this afternoon, on the education