THE U. OF M. DAiLY. At the Grand Opera Houae. BUSINESS LOCALS. U. OF AF. GALENAR Time Table (Revised) Nov. 8, 189.ttt lak ('rook is eatititigin all is [oisiseihi iso t herae e., Mar. 1.--Freslitia i-class so- s~ i ,atitt ititt'. ntirat-ng tosi-titiit'of 5cents1 per lise. Special rateo for longr cti nCliger ' tt. Malsoup itertb ±Ci rory, gorgeous eltio(Ytnliti' t hoIAtylte5 o sie i rot a.,Snr 2 .tt. i -ttigtfiii MaladE _--350 Mail 8T R3T --Aniclry fiurntitoa.,lipcil-lcc~i~ fcaa N. Y. Special.... 5 t5 N. Y. Special .._ 7 30tO RE litterittg arttot, togethter with t lattgt iitttor'itet rat-t: tainttt Room 2. EasterniEs---- 10115 N. S. Lirnitteti 1175 sieo om. f rae ha. i A. M. Pacific Es - si is ittitber if tittiooitic dance otiti'afnrotttoaboiriace iirtt. - AtlaicthEsx.--- 41,M K.W'ashington St. titt tillig Di N. Esrpreso ..- 5 40 Western Es.--2 f3 tttriititlst l 010iaty artists. t h i fii Fri., Mlat. .--F'inal oeititst to chioos( G. . Exss ___11 03 Chi. Nt. Es---10 25 nitrtic cast i ti5 .'aetotiiiiltt sii' EN'T. iciatr Is iee N riio'str. Gi2t ~ Cico.R.R ---------t-i -i)ttitg hiS taatt-ic- plteasiolt large sotie of roos wit h tl ,i. tr.Si V iot iiiirtl- G.1.&T At. Cicg. gt, nnAror tot-kt'tt. ()e ( 10 tilt ilei are etigagit i futrnaeo heat, tight sitd bathi. hiric t-~tatt AA in this supeicri iprodutctiiini.anutSce-nic $-I. 11 Stite of. _________ T.9 ,A.. A*. &IN.'.X*VE.RY. artists hate-ienciifo urtli' treay-r-'O tRENTf. AiEtl I.I1 'Takiiig effect Susoday, Aug ; 84.' in tirittor. It wsatlit., talk of A suite itf rotms with het andt tlight i'rdi",ill hit' iatspetialtt u- 'tig of 'fTtais haeat AinnArhorit Cra ti nd seatosoin. ''I' l,Bl -k at 25I+'. Jefferson of. Iii.ttIthe ii Sit ittttA ' ttli\'iii tp. i1i., fttr NOiTHs. OUTH~. ICokwl pera h (nidoiri A vriethea toi'ttc't'of omakinti ii -a tlt-ts 710~. . 715~. ~. H titii cot iltli'it a tu I.ttttt ilt(ri Adertse in he aiy. itiilii'thesiDailyl.oirlll 18 ap . ilO o. ca . ti stt'ietl'titth.e' YEfiilantSIitrogra. isstr 4 oit5Ipetom s Aitit A .tiur nd'ftioNO IE.At Hraittgu'r's antd Sirs.Posstcr's turI i tit ii lilly. _______tg sooittls ftrtris s - soni rolniltt'iu-i - Alltrtins daiy except Smiidtiy.Tikt t1p.ilin ea of11 .al.iarig It. S. tilEENtttttIi, Ageitn t fl 'I- 'f Mp\('t.SEN. net ekci. lircts ftrecitlt -chlotil t2~.ii tsciti 1a o itii w. f. E~iET G.P. . T'oedo(0 O 'I. ,I .,l:_.tho e c'tnt-ut i esttor. leclitres will tY.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~a hibtENT i ~ .''ttdui. -e obhi~titaineditat the tDaily ofitceirt c ANN ARBOR YPSILANTI ST. RY iitc tt it ric t ~ ~ ~grealty redcdrirce.tutiilt ' _______ iveritig,SMairhlu uit. it o'cilis ok ini A HCtllri, 'TllttI 'ft t l iSt )N- Time Table, Octobert'7, 1894. rtom 24.,iitrth Chii.- of'ilt(,ii ttibtuilt-t 511. . lDr. Ll liy, '1 lfit.\t ott etltot LeavleYsilntitfrac t t 01405si., 1O0, 9:tO i tg. fanus (ftrtr lic springtr"inii -tf isng-Egyp tt- t '\\o rs s lpracti-iilg SUN AYTtS ..tilpia t sof is u.t - - (d.andty stit a' it-lg-is lindti1e('0aitti.A;h1 i'J5 uct2:15 , ( 22:4,10 0 and wsils, 1 )e11 i. Illli itd is tll c ni t I tt it.ll tlilatlt' ctit Iil.tigl1tu oli repor____ed___as_________________________ leavte Ann Arlor wilbeeitAnid t-illtorlitunetilt toAll30, 9:30et i-toldrs 1W.ii11t ll li 5 s's tltitti lii'fttiil' -1111 .1. -.lai tt 111 -ititits li' li' I i o i ii tu' Sta t ilt'y, liii' lie 11t. o a t oI i i Iilit FLO W ERS, IMFLO'ri'ERSot ti-qiliiskitelitt].?iatl lii it bilsilAt-titicllstillylit-tiniitlivinlootl- LeveYilaecnthrn Cogessg ,130 a0, A'S is r requesteilt.1) i nceii l l loelililt' Cit-is ofAlind rb 5C) O6:30 LL Fl00 p.T. cre his' t-fitSituil itss-i i 11I li ottitil ur~tty.HOT SP 1avRIN Swo, I RK LeveAn rtheucio, :0t400'53, -oii ),inttu i. T iciittityI " li- wtill t ti~ytiheoattro t TEXdASl C:00 lo v er3 p.m. iS, te- 1f t . IA1. I 1AO S . boi thsd hit-lit lt ndot. ____ plf. 'otit ilsrtunilgoonttcitylltoltiime.ilt Iiltstil:titsingle11 Nes'Tess nt ( tlfot-t - - cet; ondtiptckt'5cnt.X1 ihys tiy1rne s- i o - A. s(uit n.,t.e ~ti r II ttiiiAp. ii li ~ii i .P R S? u t il i t( I 5 ttlX 111Iiot ~ttls ii linu .il' ____________ F~'LOEaekRpSinFtOW hERSosprngao, requted o ndtN 1) (11n1bor1 lill bitiio 51on tllyt.0,lacid H AAHADIO ONANRS 'fiso Hintr Lef Mone, "ast -- t ineti ttrcr it'y15. -- hIinclude lehaiu;_, accommt ionIsittiS LF iCsfut CO Ite"HLflor St LoUs,1M., anvrstive elth ndyle J i t Nllirie fa 5l5'. It.s rI5 d-t 1.(2 zyPA f O RsO. T X J l ..oo Teltpo ne's 15. -ill(, iwibein i t hotli ii __racof Asop _illbe _ade at_______ oo lodo Unioti Depot at 5 p. mn. tdaily', arrives New Unioti 'tatioin (the largest iii tue weorld), St. Lotuis early next nmorningt. CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR atnd -Michigan Hentral lines at Toledo. - Buffet Reclitning Chair Cars Seats Free aind Vestibuled Sleepers with- out chiange. C. C. 4ENKINS. General Passenger Agt., Toledo, 0. DIETAS & SCHANZ, U7. OF' L. TAILORS L attst and beat styles of Foreigs an Do- msicW~oolens aFirstclasshft anirst ctlss work guaranteed. leaning, pressing and repaitring nteatly done. 48 S. state st., SecoendFloor, AnArbor. 22 Years an the tBusiaess-"5~ CITY LAUNDRY, Mi. M'0. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. MERCHANT TAILORING ! iCleaongPressing snd Repairing dose neatly buy AUG. SC55OENEWALI) i6Y. Washngton EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY ! 20 EAST HURON STREET. Glood W~ork Guaranteed. Coed, eanled, for and deli ered- A F. COVERT. 'Prop. ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladles' and Gents' Clothing Cleaned or Dyed. '3 W. HURON lk., ANN ARBOR. ShATfIMKSI' S 2at. tica us tltol iii the anuiotc uut ix- 'utilsigis folhows: Secitis 1 .anth If st-ill secite Iio SMt. IHtll iii roomuit ?I tUniversity hitl; ic-ctsn hi'Xto lDr. laikhc itt soomtaI, 'lTptpan haitI. A 01ciots S. still tecuiteco lt lh'. 1I. ('nuls.Il'. w..'9,Gil 1ors Crc, it-lu.. SIatutA.t I 'lii ''ilAnn Arbour; 1B. ..Barr, 3"12111o1' Mt - ith SAiIo iiilloli '0a, Ann Atyi A.51 1 liiihutllithut itI tll iltIn t' 'Sit iIlti'tl i c. Matlercu, 'Icotut kacu, Ptil- c-ste, Autstliiind StinuAiitoniou. tPtssenugees foc ltttSpingsuiavtieiinly oneutttuit-ofcars it Stalvsrn:i0talli.T. snext daty), areieing t ltSpinegts at 11:t0cati. ix rlhouresthe quuiices thrcouighi sleeping.'ctoelute e tweeun - ICiagt ounlMltivern. Atslo tdailyylhue of ,TmistSleetuerss.leaiving (Chiicag'otonislime tinu, thrcughto Sari bFrlnisouvsit Los Ange-les, t. " 1 c-hoc-kiitt roouin IfIUivsit y hlt. AOlilt iii' ssii utl. 'til lirisili:t ilt s11il(hu Si'. Si'. IIEAl". ciic's if tushkuoshl.loll Iiu tiptl tnd J. H. GREEN J. HALDERMAN, tlilADi'Al:S IN ISfTORY. Itiihdu t v18 ieduu. .t otlitil l' Slieli as s. Ant. Tra.iPuss. Ag Alil gtadututctutiints haiuts eitetr tof inteursc-hols~ici tast-itul 01111 s silsu a mnajor' atrsuituot its AuictrieanI Hisutry arrantged-fortilt lSt iui'iii e t"'ll T-u-s FFC:21Clr t, HCA arcs aske to, iuet lne TueItha i 7:,ht) ptilth7tndaJuieot It twls ltcAdO st sel0 aetteIetiyi :hlAttl2'st1ttu ti oi iii F. H.Tristram, PF E.Domtbausgh, It i. in Setuinasrysootut. lt hotiho iifiirst lss01 tiuiuuufieli it u A.HtiIA'ti~N iit Fodl tl Lac oit _ ll to Cn as. At. lass. &Tuict At.t A. C l~IJATI3.I1" (.r. ae. and Smith- 20 51 aisansSt. fielidst., ittsburg, Iai hiledo, 0 FRALL COLLEGE NES 15Paioye -THE- TiHE LATEST THIhNG IN PHOTOGRAPHY U. of M. DAILY BERRY1AN'S -will be delivered, at the your room tile remainder of 6 E. Huron st. the cllege year for only $1.26.SPCARTETOENRS SUBSORJUBB Now KOWA.LI U ORDER YOUR COAL OF At Daily Office, Times Block, at Stoffiet's News Stand, g ? OI FICE: la .WasahIn ton sto.Phons No. or at Paul Myers, State st., Newsstand. YRS .C . ,