DnnhininBo romn S. Mlain St., and State St., cor-
_______All Bristle ner of William st., have a
complete stok of *, Wehlevee got hea.
F ormerly with George Wahr, 19 H air . T Te betn gede fer
E. Washington st. Headquarters for l-ri.f theID~T
,,verything a Student needs in the HIair .Brush UNIVRITYI TEXT 1JOOS
line of Text-Books, Stationery and LATM~Y
miscellaneous Stock in general. FOTWNYIVCES New and Second Hand. - Orynsiumuit
- arc ady the
IHE DOWN-TOWN Inc .1 n ctlSy portig oeecudentc hichppl ~EMA hEL
-- s , GosecwhcI-EDW-ONBOOKSELLER oerr tblwetlrl cc - (maker of c? Vilr
IVY U M -M - E _____SBetinle.)ad ar
91L.Washington st,one tblock IIruttUE~ y raneed A
east of Mlain St. IV lEEV iIE~ Call and see us before purchasing. 9 great many ae. II
HAVE s 5 1)1 Organized 13 g (nscciisnrte-iih
DANE ENGRAVED Ciptsal5fI5,00 srlclsandivcfis $40003. -!M SDERS CYCLE EMPORIUM,
Transcts at enrl hnkieg bsiness.
Ioeelg exchanges boght nd spil. frnisIh B. S. SERVISS, Manager,
-AT-- lettereeof credit.
WM RODS eee.P. BACh re. S. IV, CLALfiJSON Cashehlr. i:l7 't d <L ORTH AV ENI.'I:. II W -Washingtonc St.
~ANOVELTY IN - l ~aps and Gowns
C91I a oeStrCreceBile W~-Te areprepared to furnish Cap
aironun Ics Ti .ecurringly(owns of the highest qality
6ti EEDNhc(L IG APE throuhot the United States, at
l (luali v "a v ' 1 ul 1 r.__tcisicfiglylows prices. Self ines-
iT COLLAR li t fIcw' 11 1f Ifc c tc Y hota li cccvllI V. essaryinicstrcitions to secure per-
ere h~ riaclCc itti cvore Iffctly ftting grmentwithout
_________ ___________no_____tc found at y our dcalecs' senI to us visitinge the store, will e forwarded
MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S ' SO nucrtoning ellegcaccdccclaecccgprccc .l' u ipanrqcist.
Scholcof acincg adDelsarte. AAA .+ RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS
cctccdayv d). in.,Laed beginners caere cffernt widths, atmnoderati
Mndy , isr3c.,Advcnccd cacs (fdi,' ,ARE YOU INTR STDIN UNT INPENS? n Cctemr)prices.
insa,3 .. Bgnestdtss(ais - ----- Strawbr1idge & Clothier
and Gentlemn)ui..
Private leson by appointmn. c t PHILADELPHIA.
SCHOOL 46 S. STA5.TE ST We IHavea smething new cccidiscperiorin tisuelieivDiopnitsi.acpast1efIorefacte .II: The lva rcst exclstcely IDry (ood
iiiiorrn CATERER,, RAPID PEN, FACTORY WASHINGTON D.C louse ia America.
HnGuITEnREEn, ra t '~is'i0 A T1"tr N~r101 N!T PLEA SE G A GE
Are ou anoye b our ump tack cie . lghBy u r cflithe R ER
Second Semester a e oueichciuocdbysickin sok a ivnpg - liht, 11eo alrofe.llcug OF DANCIG
moo the sentha acusokcedv gise. I so, ise olli IediStr Oil, 't SCOO
- ~~~ I~~~s ~thus trouible,, will vccnish. It glees a whitec light, does not iliac the wick,__________
El ouem ts Snoor, an will all bacrni lofu t the licp. lied Sri lil P e ergl. All cae care acndic Ihe eoatsre
IiA D00 'lute Star Ol,(;(-ter gali.. '71 sinciee Saiitie e iiPr gal. to leu ancitMrs os1ccrin~ie (,0r'ci .(
:DE.AN & OOMPAN Y rl~ esosgv noiand:nefmrt
44 South Main Street. requse.Ofi0:fi,5 cdmysgon
New and Secondhianidfor UNIVERSITY NOTES. l1% Wi It.'ciii iie 'te1w,, i>-;l SM.
ii. fridIcat file iii laPubilic iloi liiREUBEN H E MP ~h]F,
A l e ar tt n t1iCas. Nicicrc-c t eKI lii i ll (_ o elc-.-. rmiithe lRoyl Cnserevatocy,
A. 1 Jiipt~t1I-~1ls 1 . ilicie cc Ii Cililccii~ic.!'hu.- eill blii a cticicct' ccl ich - Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musica
oftie1 llvrstyatAiic'lciliy. ,ncBordifI'llcct ccl tcit Grlviit Composition; also the Art of
Iof cttche fUniversityItcl. ticcit, 01ccl . cc iecc:cciitiiTeaching.
S tedic 2. Dieisecn St. Anti Abor, -Alici
isccb ci. e ciertlcinla for a. lce lday A iof eliliiccicil re crgistaioniii.
Shfeehan1 & Co.'s b. hce ic succii I. evciIit. Il. r. (iev. II.fondiothe (nco iclerc. I flO1
1he an &1e-Sucl t tilciliaascliicieccci ei c cc acc clC
Bookstore. State St. ~cil give a t trice' ory saxial lacts v.'judgeis cii icntstleaetelii-c-cccINTERCOLLEGIATE
tie ci hl ll Fridayc3 eecdng. Steril:1. c ictstlitl Ies to cii IN cct liet i.
'ccrt I. I I iOccg( Itltaailed te l Ar ccimeetig ofcc ll aillytiicrel ISWEATER.
BEFST NOTIE BOQIKS1 S C ceccii' eeterclc t3-ernoon.iSturdayfightn the 1ccrouic iai~Isg- It es icc-t cra iadccil sic er ir
in the Cityspeforg 2wn. stcritlicl Asroogy3. inain of IC. I. Frrll acassitn c tiYt ccthr etcthe-iimcret. Mecle ft-antthe
in thekciyifori25i li fi e ccelandsoftest Autrcliaolen ncid kni,
T~ln inlliol tctiveicica trll ic-git Icic- editor ic-is acicetectd ctA. di ts u s edecluielyrlast yacr Iy nearly
The unir piarlic wil bginlabciiiteccllge footalciieee . Iicc.hie,
TILLI i ARCH -1ST eorctory wocrlk incpIctcnciiiceuic dI r p A. Sill 1111 dc, wcas elct icto lte'naciciv idilaec.
crctiecccn e raclt~rive pc. lctitccc . i-totpsiioni. (liciA. Ileccili '6l iuii -ite. P Z 1 E. $7.00.
CUT tt was ee etrac-c cie ectdcior. Saciint's Base Bll ecd Tniicple ieils
_________________ rc ecognIzedlercdc. Everything reuiasite
PHO Ec XLcci t-i sily tltcc (.siccTitlccjic cliche' Present Enrollment In 2,952. ifor tm eas
SALE. ~Spccding's TaeiMacck eti cht yci pcr-
c c t Ytpsilcanltibil e rrsiniig will ee isaccguarcicte that the gods rc nice
LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. 1hull. tci (i-cdryicittsafte teircnccvilicccis giostrtecc(cci c.c.iPADIGirBOS
+ + ALL OUR *O io, Entl I3t-. It. lie i. clois .: )icc i ,18 eial:9 a
fy nd bc , eaelrag n Iliwoc-unfka, h 65, dei ccilcs cv tcic icicyS2 owpi ld- Wild, Wid
" " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i'wst itrdied oflit Iccica uialali 8 hs ae oa nol l
Winter, Russia and Patent itiue recenitly. Monilt of 2952, which will botichec'0 SUDNT. AK
Enamel iHandlMade, Calf MIessrs. C. S. (gook andtllcrry D i)roxiciccti- cocccber gvenoin thsuclat:-a
Lined Shoes reduced to Wight, hati '14hire, teaching- intie alecnduar. Altllieiccl stdiitcs re still OUR WINIER AND FALL GOODS
Detroit IHighi school. re visiting eisengfrtlrcodekcr
. red c n ~-o ut -lltcaiuulra rcsi-l We Sell on Reduction.
S Prof. ,St illc. announces that Ii oilincylcuitites c-ain-l cc-illtitik
pu 01 Ito a lotstine to get lie horus lc a Thciiut ~~ci~p ~e FancyS itin~tgs PaItserllan
it a9 in goo taining the -eer serces present i urs. Thsee&iiitg.Plaeclan
17 . MIMSfi. - ,wll ot egn ogeSbs critic for te Da ly. -2--East Washington Sgreet.-2