4c ti of til, it f t I jee ko Vor,. V. NTo. 1009. UNIVERSITY OF NMICHIGAN, SATIIAY . ERUARY 2:;. 18~95. I'I1It--I''lultER CENTS. rAN 1, L( )LENT A 1)1)1{E;SS. F in , ansid siFhus. s;',Iat:Faidltll 'IFill,1E NOR c(ONTES. A BRILLIANT SPEECH DELIVERED 1111talion l111 11n11hfe lhoiloIgh ilL li'THE EFFORTS OF ORATORICAL BY HON. JOHN J. LENTZ, ! Ctilllf of their' I)('0140.l1u11onaly ill ASPIRANTS AMONG THE '95 LITS.1 The Celebration of Washlington's;IIFIlli ; l 111 111 ~lliThe yName'1s and Subjects of the Birthday for '95 an Occasion of;Illl1dl1 11 11 11FII.11I Contestants, with the ReSUlt of Unusual Interest and Enthusiasm. IllIFIIIIll' shold nothe to alt dolaris the Juldges' Decisions. Hi I II' , t l*h ldaly it t. noon ''l''lllI II .hlilllast11' 1111 1 I ' u1. . '.Iwi byIllll Met 1111 t f ll' 11111Il (it 11hal l 21la n'l I 211andIIIIFo1f1 I th'r'I'1 1j l d" 11 hadlll ot.ll ariv . 1111 ~ ,211(1l Iflllli ofg.Ill 1111111.11111( 1 . 111111i l'Ilol'sily.. 1111id t 1 t.1lilol. '1111 8111- ioi112111" til ' l s m II111 laied tint11 ill tliloc't1 ill1'11,411)'s11 ill 121' c,. ii1111i 1111t Ill sa111(111111( 11111111 21-I2212. 212 ,'I. .111(11T()111. .1111111.1. Ill~aII71 '111 (A'.'1 1 1 1lill lIlll ll'i 1 1 'i llll'. 11 ,I lp . Ill .iti 1 'lll'1'rii1s III P F 1lsi 1 11 ig11 llalii1ii 11c211 r :11'111' 111 111114 l j1 :1111 i2111 a 111\" t 111;111111411. Ill 1rf1W 4)111' 111t 111i f 111filhy11"Idlilil's. 21" 1511112 11111i l11ll l l 14f* 11 11 1111 11111 1) ) Ill 11r1n", won (mr 1 1I 111111.1 111' M r.1I1 4 ni1,111 1 1 "I n '11 tc11 is (1111 All. 11111 11111tIllstllte Oulu WI- t211o11 11 Iliol ion'lwas1\111 IIII'*l 1112 I11 .~n c 1III '11,11111111 11112 r c:11;l'lil 11'' hand; hI wo11 I ll11 c 1tc ' 11111111 w oi- 1 111 112 Ilho l(a 'on lwoIll Il . II 11111- 1-o ge 111li1, 21,''' lls 111the sf1t lJ ''11 1111111a Slu lll~YN '.-us 11pisul1811111 2 1111 11ctol a 1111 111~1 OI -o.I11 ,'11 3I1 ti'Ill in gm-c1 l n11 11'I I IIa11111 NO GOOD STUDENT ''iltst to 1111a211without. books.it Some cpeople thoutl~gh try to us If~cIl ..ditlli4Nill2 1111lile W1e Say Buy ihose Which Have Tune, 51 South Mainl st. '2 Y ' Ill'r LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS and SHORT- HANS. ?Magsnifitbuildisg; tes teachers; large attendancei; gd diciplinie; sperior work; wesll 'ppli reaing room; daily lectsres; Saturday 211111rece2pionsi; oenes ntire llyear. Exc1ep1 tina iailiie ior placing stsdens is posiis, hF.1111.ind rooma Daitoa.751 perweek in pivate I <.121112. These ratesreduced tIsxR.5oby silf- ;baoaiiinI.Far Catalogse address E IP RN CLEARY, Pres 130Ti LINEOFHEJ LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES +TUTTLE' S, +48 S. STATE ST. Go lto RANDALL for Artistic Photos. 1 h " l)1*0r11T.1111. Wits oli. nwol by 1 "r l " in- .11111 iiispirill-. .11141 .11 hi" clo(,tt1,10 v%-I v 1-( wIt,1.(- t ])A n ratit ir 1 li( r}w riu- Ica; tun) ulttt- c 1111' III ifrlnlia 11121s ii l1121A111-Ill ((rtie' n, ~11'~ 21(} rom1ut 11111 Iti 1 2Ill l' annelr. 11: folli 111 11 1111 e II'b 11t1h 12151 111( 1 111I' Illo flail ,1, 112;?. he 11121 y( hiug'lil1I rl i' ( 1' who121Ill' I 1 the111'. 2 lX' 1111 sh l int ill Ii .i(.lo g,1 1 1 I 211811 'lil/, - wn 11 e1tH l 71 if l I 11 his11', 1 uIa 192111ill ': i f e alixll' ina I \\'lli Ii 'l1 liiliilf-I 111.1114ifi1 11n 111unced as thSf'i l j 4.1 ofls lI ill 'i Aillisfull- Lllil'1 i2l' I fur I ll1111 I. triIa whchw'rlll .o Nolulnati ens for Reg;ent. w-il ,11111 ('11.11. If. Ihaclkle,- Ill(I ' 1 ff' ff2 n .211M'. Blila'..1 :llll' Fithe' LARGEST OPERAING R OOM IN STAlL4 (r(",4 'l( I 11 ll11 . II'211'.IcT z ''1i'1l 112 If'lll'f aItifllfal 1111 >1l;. I NO."li' 1O5lb WASHINGTON BLOCK, 2X11'. IIf'll'1' 112' 21'. 2I2V'uflillg Tll t 1111 11t' tIIĀ° I ' itlfI ll '1122'_," if 11111 I 21 A nn A rbor, M icli. I'ly w . Th1 ,11' ffffl IIMr11. (11212' 211. 1111sf',1111 11 l1illfl. E . C D E X 1111 but 11a shlyl12' 1illl(,lf'1i. 1t11' 1111111' IINaffill. fly 2111. .1. I:. 1,11111111'. ,11* Latest Improved Barber Shod S121 11121 11of Main. st. AnifArbo~r. Prospects for Indoor Meet. n1n1114ll11 1'11_t ( Iains.4s. 'I'll' l, 1 AM OTIPuSL I : l'lt ' . 2':1' ilffili11 1 ff11111' ill I'o I 2fl''1lf 11(2'I theil~lorl~ 1.il It111wr llllh o 1'(,lf'I '1 aS'1 'Ilf11t~1 1" \'[ 1111:. DL .uiI(LY IsrlursiI AllOBSs 11111'I'llt1'lively1f' flltf sthI 22111. 'ilI'l'' ________________;____________E_'__T. _______fall_______l 111\-1, 2 ff t 1, .s.lih s ,1 i.y . c. l ly. 111 l111,'' "I ollg' 'lhf c l ol" \112 11 1 ,s 14twdC l im le tA lH iis 9111115 111111ilt l '1t11 osi stedI'i'F I I 11111 ttlilt1 I 11' i i l'n s 1d)tt 11 tt 1'.II l Ill .tts . E J I 1111 21 112 is iti'l''1 h s I1s' i' 111 51' II : i' 1 11ll lif i l S. L .8 ' 1 A5 . 11ff if i s . Ijlf I' I tsfit n f i lu jfa~ li 11' lIf1l lhI I ~~ I I ll '.1 ' .111 III I l'inifc tl f I 1. E n~ t u bi1 I Ifill '"lff' Ill111,r.1111111 Ill1y 51 state li' 1" 11 iffas hil 1.11ff 1 fk's pans 'cuantiih1-110211 DIIIl~ .1 re11]1of 1 ffis't il illiv11y'IIII 51111it1it W A H Ill' e F Ill - rlrl i t 121 lip1 thejf'l-Ifi - II 815'& 1'1'f'1lS2 ')' I21 oa ion. lt-iSI I IIS