THlE [r.OF 'M. I)AILY. nrIllar'c IRnndl enni4A Solid Back MOORE & WETMORE~ VJL lllU0UIt.) U U G I OS. NMain st., anti State St., cor- ________All Bristle ner of William St., have a complete stock of E. Washington St. Headquarters for tx-sythling a Student needs in the1H a r ru h1UIESP TT Bok lieoM etBosSainr n icllatneous Stock in greneral' O WNYFV ET New and Second Hand. MARTIN SCHALLER, O WNYFV ET ocCssa tate tdns spi' THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, ATn SatineySporting Goads, etc,whc !flI1 Washington St., one hlockh t I~ t V east of Main st. EVE EV EE 'I . Cult and see us before purchasing. '95s LAWS !S FIRST NATIONAL BANK. STEAM" LVA.NR©CO 'it ''S tttt (S VS YIS0T"1 t~ri'555t5 1863(. Ili .h(,tifss iand Domus tiecFi1ish. CANE ENGRAVED ic n oghadsod nns . S. SERVISS, Manager, -W'IV. ARNOLD' S, Jeweler.t tit ' S iit~i It'tt V _77 A NOVELTY IN Bath Robesz niis s;StarStiesc (AiT} itot ANNIECQLE- SRIE WADFOTR't ttls i t-t~ o~ _____fr c Rctrlsoitsit ~ atr,.If .sue: w not found it-,or detlets, sen ito u Scolo acing and Delsarte. STAR & CRESCENT MILL'S OFhftuda., Pct. iataohis dit a, i., tGettea einescass. E j ou INTERESTED IN " FOUNTAIN PENS? and 'situ' if tts GYM SUITS. >r LEAST MONEY, tiii ymnii'um sitsi - OVERMAN WHEEL CO. - tti'yi'tie) aiid sire tuttygnuaelitetit. A S ' ui'e.iiai~~' EXAMINE THEM, M, SUAEBLER'S CYC[E EMPORIUM, 11 '\Vi'Wasiitotn t.. Caps an-d Gowns FOR MEN AND WOMEN, andS i"os' tui irdle ighIeistiqualtty tio to isersit est' otleges istud Schotols th>ttigtotthe [uinLiiteid Ststtes,,sit surptitnttglty lois' trices. Sill'itteas- esarv iintstt'ttitiotns to s'cutre peir- fistl tittitig g'at'tettts s'ftithot RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS ii iteti iiltths, sit titod ttesSi prtices. Strawbridge & Clothier PH ILA DELPHIA. Theii'Isrgest execlusivety try- Goos IDoiusie its Atmetrisa. epunnifflI n fA kIflLIfl NewtIn11(1Secotidlt atitfoi- All Departments of the Untiversity at Sheehian & Co.'sI Bookstore, State St. I BEST NOTE BOOKS 1 in the city for 125c. 1 TILL MARCH 1ST VIIUL[ S fSALE. LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. + +ALL OUR f+ $6.00, and $5.50 Winter, Russia Ann Patent Enamel Hand Mae, Calf Limed Shoes reduced to Goodspeed's, tmtoitiesvtieiti ttitotli hatiokedtIagsss-.'IfS' -ii.sti itti li'iStar Ii land ifU U L U r U I , 1U thus tititities 'Sitlltiai. It gi'es a w iitc i' i1ft, td's Sit itihtat' tick, ___________ etiitl ii- fsit' do, suitisutv i tl bu n ii tSof the'],Iup. lid 'Star' Oil Seply r gil., AII' sit ic iltl the ~ io i islu' WiX'uti'Stat Oilfiit peri'gal.. r75 a~tuotlu'ti'5 Itausiti Si' eii'i' t .f SiiiiofiMti.linid Mts. tRissG°n'r Pivt 44 South Main Street. reque'sst. O iittf ie ,'Academyiii, gosund UNIVERSITY NOTES. INTER-OttLLEGIATE. G --_ REUBEN H. KEMPIF, uIlr sw l 2' I5 ciistii -(1l, Ii ',l '.i::- ;' utu't-jfuu * i s Sti v; ill ' , Ili Frothie Loyi al 1Co srvatory titat Isiitt i p i. 'stsi' i iiiisst u~sfs'',I ufsi'' ii .tii~iiI '~Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musics romt. als ititii it' r1Nss'sl 't i!-S iv-.iIc a Comsposition; also the Art of '1I' on tti II.1 ''etil(f ' i ts t l , A el-!( C iii'icii'ii Di ayi'Teaching. + IStudlio 25S Diits'ionu at., AnisisArors, liii st1i fs' s ts fimo ~ ss lsie. Satiit'tsit. 41 :1 '1 t1, I i'itiilt.' io w'i iill ,U 1', ii. s t i is.iii sts' siss 'it l'sisisti f . ''Its SPAI.DING'S Soui' il itii 't'a22n fd. s It iis'a Watti' s' l C rels' 1si.1 (. 4- 'stt'i't snit,'22is. istltissii'' I ffu' 's'ts't isisili 'iss' Iii' INTERCOLLEGIATE is tiffs' dsuit tilt ti onIfs ist ss Nviltlii' .5; f11t'ii ltif i t it tics, is I'st"]) SWEATER titti' sumits' i;it'ndfl tist 55 sscosttt t'fti' SW EATER,'~ 'I' .Ad ltti ss'istys'fg i slid jti itf i'sure, 'I'esssit'','. 'tug silt 'sit' It'wo 5tl'lstaiist' ssd'ssi s iiii'i'tin-wig h Cec si ltr l- -,hot ips if'sbisssun try ist,f iito qliy sothieonatharsite.. isdsfotosii,' wef i'(tss''i fiti'' ili' 5f55 sifne ust dsotiust Austrasia inolandniidts, vliot-y ousthe 8flu' SifiNormats itXtisffsitstf. ;itllsIv c ti c t, sld the andsouwils iisi'd exclusively'lvaisat yeisis'tiy i-sirly alttheii' ottesi' foosttalli'esevellss. Ii ifie, Prfilsiyj Ml i 1. t liv sit'i'it t's'ftus'sisst;o iifort''w1lk-kei'll A kappiti 11a hiiflt555wias os s il'ir Itisltal i'utt'ii hic'hfstsis ol ret sday. 'The tittir is t'eiiies' t o'i -eli11!itt' ti ittsit i.icist if' $100,01011,. 'lit'sis' ite fti K-aiqsiSigito houss(,a,' 'itsst'ofi'fist itixififtihitiiit"ti try 1t1sit f1"s Willuia aid S. I'is'isioius.e'si'rs'iiipr 'lstov iit's '11tstitlifsa' s sif $75, $5))tianit"$2)5fr lsttfi ttss' tu4'i 1fe. giriduinig tIhestis irs.ct'-s iliI1ast- A tui-i'ifu st'f t'eNo Mar Iilsisil liii ititts graiduatinig i i sifissom t itr-collet isi, th''leltti ssocialtin wia s'tgines'iiig starseillii tny 'tiuia'i'sit's' hfldfitlliisosti ittbuty 1. 'The' as- (it Colleuge andiul slsfittss-l Itotlt ';Nis soiflaillis eouiiiiossul if ti.' 'ollii'ng' be'foi'ssAugust .Ifist' iiiiteatisis iniicolleg es. Aiiiliu'tf, l'ott'ti,Bthis' tf, (IRtADUATES IN HISTORY. 100 teicts.Dirtmouithi, 'Ithiy.Wes- All graduate studeats having eitherlciiWilasidt'is-rsyti'e- rnisn, It swas 'soti'slto hold they anniual a major or toinot in Amiericaun History as's asked to meet toe Tue-sdaiy at 7.3o(gisso h sohili sWii'f p. i. in Seminary room.enWdsd-, ti2. A. C. JMcLAUGI tHl IN. Subscribe for the Daily. iiiii nd bii ak. PRZICE. $7.00. are recougn'ized csadse's. Everythingtreqisite best. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. NiW wY'ORKe AL'sii s i1iA. CtICtmn. Wild, Wild, Wild. STUDENTS, TAKE NOTIE OUR WINTIBADD FAUL GOODS We Sell ou Reduction. Fancy Suitings and Trousers. The goods must go. Ph ase call anid see. 2--Fast Waishing'ton Street,--2