Tl E U.- 0F Al. DA ILY. ~1(. ~ i.t3 01)10 cl 1101100 o1 .0 d-or l-iln 5 - t___i )11' t10 111101 1115111111 1111 1111 sttl PIfalold DIlly (Sunday eroped0111110 - ~d l 111 1110ry 1111(111as5. lie Colleg6 year, by THE U.Of DV.MID[PENDENI TASSOCIATIA . February Alumnus. llrctl:: 11ilacs laildilla N. 01011 I ., loppolsite 1.10 (111wili 1l.A11111111( 1111011 i~i ill EDITORS. G.Ii I. l it k111i(), La1\v 196, Ass1111 I s el -I 1111 1of 111' A 1. 001151, II it. S1111.As.ita t t' 5..111.etr,1,1Wi'5.. Iftllsirso'II Il IvI 11. 11 ))t Chi("Io,17 .111111111111111 ..I I. .1:11. t. 9G, Athletoic- dtr ro-I'l 1')t~ ltlt. 'u A 11lt~ Associate Editor, il 'IrlillO 1:I111 0 11%1 tt ~~"III Il S.B 101 1 S I tll.1,l.51 . A1. !interlrs 01151111 iis~ Nex, lnIl \1111 11 01hi-I l. varro l). t 9. i.I.AllllAmlba, 011'.11 At. ilbe t, In~gr '9 . Il1111' ll 0)A~d C9S lit, 1'''rd l:_, .1 loi.Yml.l' ,rl - 0 111111M.11 111111 1l11o11,11l1. 111111 I c i I i i I a j e 0 , I is I VICTOR ATHLET1IC GOODS c1111150 ItI Ils Il-IIlbenou Is to 1111 111 we are 111 051115 by nI Ilit l 01 01111111 1 + cats, NetI-cI i as, 1011 11111-. 111101II, BUY VICTOR ATHLETIC GOODS, OVERMAN WHEEL CO. ialI1lll-llrllvs~c, Il.-110r11-S. 11111 1111111 THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK -( s 1ha < 1 n hepIs 011011011 111 of11 .1c N~etrop9it an Cafe 11o11r111Alve., betw1111111511115(111111101 11111 lily 11111ice lll11lit. 1111111 111 MIr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Props. WM. 11-. ETTID FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING SHOES._SHOES. 011' 1111(ir tock ao eg lit i e u e rcsMARCH 1ST, 1895. eJ11OV3S & A l.liLMFA ND 11111111011 lo l W rlo, 111A rnn rr P. 8.-This includes all our FinelPat- j ent Leather and Russet Shoes. ONE NIGHT ONLY MONDAY, FEB. 25, '96a New York's Big Hit, Special Delivery 1111ie11,e olf 1D-e1tit,1057 GREiAT PLAY. GRAND CAST. P INE SCENERY. f 11111 fa lea)Bidgi on- Is 1111 11515 PRICES. - 35c, 50c, 75c. EVERETT 0. FISK & CO. THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES, Chicao, Ill. 355 Wabash Ave. 11111-11 5Sta1es. 4 'Uo-sr 1 )01po1sitions f illdin HOCll Nrew YorkI, LouA nh. lo Toronto. ?Students Recreation Head- quarters. 11,10101 -i 1 1 1). 1 Iol.111 1111 andI 111 1 1115t01lill Ier1.1 1. 1111 011101 II ill N,1' 111i100u11of t1111 tlb . W en '11 e 1lenllbllil0 10110 1(1(1o1r1 aIrace11)(A lllll 111e11.01Ivs of those ill- .\l-011rstablish111 f11111 ,111111 >11111111 e1110 111111iy1 .1. 111 li' 11 1 j)[ 1111.1 sou BirthI 11 ilbed l o5111b15111lb1111he1111 1-l1 1111i0ls011 11,11. llw" l l 1 111(0Illl I illllll o-il lo 11110 1110 --IlI 11 111 111 tin 1l 11111111 O 1-e1 1 1 1 11111111111, years5this loccasion11h1s11011 lo 1-, ca111111 ItI a1 (,111 (lecidll th111t1 his 30ells, fl-I-I llu11c11li llI1l115si1 1 ll ot111111 11 rac0 kil 11111 111 lce11 ilot 11111 111100 111111 spiit, 1011alll 111.s 1and-,he111-11 s lolile- l- - _________sll~ll i lls > partient lain- side;her "'uden I'nlsslrali.J11 1141II) 11 llSwl. a~ 1-11ie 111011 10 11110 ;1i110il1111111110 1111t111111o 1110 t 11110 n 111111111to 1w 1111 brincay 110111 cllner~tlt 1- 1 11 1-o biselecte Ild. 11 101111105'5 I t11010.oltuhsngflen clledst sli 1 -1 ').l jlipsl e 1110 5011- 111_ 10 lo ed len t ths (.itytanin:; heoh1111- t 1 1 I 'I) I01111, looo. for 1111'lX11015115Is 1111111 01 elIor-- 1111 ill 11 111111-corre t ll'dress1110 ill- 110i1005Mcileyllan11o11111 111 (.i1' 11111111 011011 of (he 'cn o l~zsl t1 i s. 1101-0-Dil01111h1'P0 st1111 Il ol- 11quite1poss1111 1h a snic nay 0not ha01 Ifr'e-rCe a-i1lil i' 11llll.)as not 1w l 10 reMi d trA ING0 11 1 111100thelrd - - - I 01to 1100110e e1.01100100010111 i u Sa u d y en ig. 211'ile 11111 Ast li1-1lishlit1to5b1111015( r1t1o d, horslti%1111 1101100 11th011111 o have010. 11 th 1 i 1 10111 0151r-111s -l-111 II 1 of1 10151101111001s1110kersr111lilullid1011.1 Iae seiousil0 1100-0-s lrllrIn J~order silllll OICl l 11Ilre 01. ihat the day1)001 b 10pr1110y o11111.dHeavyON PaperI50 by ai0llle .s 11dn, i11111. 1110 5y 11"100 cns lt.01,$.0 111(1S ted l e 50110 -1111111d11.111.hisof 'CLEE OG ORGRS' cotllsclliellt tllO(ill li~Ofor d ition1- 1 ix L veS-g , 100115. t 1-11111101 s1s.1 bt0l'111 110 Ot) r Iy 0,1 IIE.Sa Ie.e ,i' Ia liolllof Tixe of11111100 11)ne110 1011110n XollogitOar211100c11. s Jay ell ther110b ll ' 001111rhst abiltysHavy P Havyer. er,$1.00. . fe1te hratlir 111110 111y 11111 i)0'lll,Ito f f COLLEEWONIGS."MGA GIA IC ths i ty al0-1111 (11li a d iil Ifoa 15 1110 Vilivrsit, theeby .^ie(ll-11 .,' prol(>r ' A 0sl 11n01j 11d 0011001i101()f . (mer S~f'Il t'niversl0-, 05Ove111001' lretofl sol1d- sHeaCorer.50ren0s lbend toc. 1reln, tool l he)rseakealcenysCohnteGilO te$1t.o0pr0 r fros tie sfocremostl111Hol1''tonrllt. 'OLIEGERGDFITISN. 0. 'Thi dos Ist aply o 1110oears .of5theOleadigto St, es own. spe~e-tin t0 eolmts of 111felt- 0d-aIsues&C. .Y r~i "~ " ''p ' .y, " ' ..e,,d'.t '' 'Q "Q'' fP l' 7 THE EVIEWor EVIEWS ,Cdtted by ALBERT SHJAW ¢ T W ~ ~ I W AS in April, 1891, that the lirst camber ,,~jeof the American Rve of Reviewswa A 4 ~ae~e printed The new idea of giving the best that was in the other moagazines 1in addition to its oos brilliant, orig. '. i nal articles, took America by storm, as it lad take~ England---thlughl the tiligazine itself wvas sot at alla °° ern fteEgih.dtin.I el otlreywt American affairs, anod is edited sith pertect indepensdence, in its own ottic e. The Review of Reviews is a monthly, timely 1n illustration and teat, j Sarid instantly alive to thef newest movements of the day, to a degree never before dreamed ofI Thosands of readers who otter ther commensdations,j amsong them tile greatest names 115 the world, say that thec Review of SReviews gives thetsa exactly what thley should knowo aboat politics, liters. tolre, econotmics and social progress. The most intlulential men anod womsensl' of all creeds anod al partiea have agreed thlat no family can afford to lose itsl edocational -salue, while for profes. sionsal and biusinessen, it 1issimply indispenssable Tbc, departments are- 4 conducted by careful specialists', n:- THE REGULAR DEPARTMENTS -- stead of mere scissors-wielders, and j i - sides 111e special articles anld char- scrso oed lalireln~ cher shechessohthrilinisntsrest aso (P,, cor of mmedatel intrestng pr. Iimlieissthe Review of Reviews b trails alnd pictares ale in each number. Aa hsrled lell I- All this explains olshy thin Review -T.Pe...1.we-. ia. Th rgeso h'Wrd-nilsr"ldof Reviews as come toa pa bly, 0.i rewa lerttmnt vnotsn "U unprecedented success in the first three sh.olansandrint~heirprper sign05 SS years of ill existence. For 1895 it -eadingeArticle of the Month.-This de- pat*nt n~d 101e1succedin0one, The 4 whilbe inure, invaluable than ever. erodc 8Rviewed. emboday theida onuwhich the mgneasonedandlao nam-eeed. All ttis estin t1e0othe Agee.sart reaping handsme profits. We - mganees American adforeignm.s A glue liberal cuemisins. Scud Inc lerms. - qu ~otdro ndreend -~Anul ubcrpt-n Css te moth'shtory l tohe tur- S~ui oy oCents,.n to mps tae. Weeas ofthe sccsul artoon !1 I 0thedepamntevecarefsunlly new RaIAE~meRFlJWS eboi., gls nd.Indexestfll atce in the uorld'amanes, andfunisbh a ere t3u Astor Piece, New York dnl u o~e~zcu ..y t 4, 4 V, r V! 4 bI 4 4 5'< ..