tlrsBooREstore A Soid BackMOR & WETXORE G YM_ SUITS . All Bristle nier of William St., have a it. "-i (eore W hr, comiplete stock iof Aveo hae gotithe. i n~tiottt. Headquarters for( :, Ing a sudent needs in he< H air. Brush iiUS Y ITT 80OKS LEAST MONEY i '.t egc-BoksStationery and !0 tinonStock in general. New and Second Hand. - or ymaeotam 2A A1IN SCHATJR FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS nok4 friadeesttpit. re mde by On IE ~ OWWTOWN BOOKSELLER, ine Sttiney, poting oods, .tc ,whihl 4 .I fYRMAN WHEEL C r Bccla) and are t9S.Washington st,one block -f clygarseced. A ast of BMain st. IMU M IVE R 1 [XI 4tC allad see s before purchasiag. grelt many ,,oei; ' 95 LAW S t FIRST NATIONAL. BANK. s c o .IR EXAMINE THEM. . ]i~i t'}; -firtSlO 5. rgan iz d l3. teltto, 541),5010 Fnis. 1tO&NE ENRAVE D^ F Cpta, hufOp Slcnose and r hd Sn ookS E. ' M STA[H[UP'S IYCL[ [MPUIJAM Foet50 Xi ne pgh n od 'u~h E .SERVISS, Manager, leter;ofcredi 5 1 tl-is li, tStit.l l't)85TI1151-\t'-' II W ashington Rt. -WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. -- -- A OVELY INCaps and Gowns Bath RobesI FOR MEN AND WOMEN. I cins tar&cCresecnt tli~ol /, Ae reprepared to furnish Caps articfiornde il allih; iaid (owns of the highest quality ADIGajLLet 1LJESto tniersities, College. aind School LEAINGCOLEC. ;TPPE througout te united States, at z 7 ~ ~i!, 1 1 .u t ! ir,, 1stsirprisiiigly lowe prices. Self mnas- i -' rtIrc t i t icst toot o ,rcnent forms, containing tall nee- ii$ tc7; t i Dlii sar- instructions to secure ;i n 0 cc ro Dle7e1 ! ,per- ___V"_____"c,'e free"blt lute ii it tttf-ctors1 If I... fect-ly itting garments without ANNIEond ityour e l ters,scnt to us ~ . visiting the store, will be fowardetd MRS. A RD FOpSTE l ((l 3 mntionngcolegeandeuco tngpricec ponreq est School of Dancing and Delsarte-- - - -- - - - RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS S-ttrd.ay, ti a. a. Genteman begnnersi 1 toO i fe itwdhsatm ere atsrlY p. n., 1L:d>)"beglenritos.AEts I~'RET NFOUNTAIN PNS ifrn ~rstteea, 'Honday.3p0s. Aittteed Iass i(LidtoA EY U TRSE ES ad OttttFetes . Toe.da i t::e p.. eg rttiit r. tts (T aitllt andtte Strawbridge & Clothier pici a Iones by tiie pptie PHILADELPHIA. tSCHOOL '46 S. STATE ST. 5 'e havetsoetig iowatd speitorithiisIie Dop ius a pstal bforbyitg sltics )liei largest exclusively TDry (oods iiANGSTFRnERr CATERER, RAPID PEN FACTORY. WASHINGTON, D C lie ini Amterica. tIAu~Inr~, i E~~itiug AT ENTON!PLE SE. GRANGER 'S Arecon Sm~ser i te ou itha I st , yur o rd ,-. thui-tif uiticlrt clort liiitgSCOL FDA IN S con h$emster i kceititg snuol esi tisd tni - a l it lii- ofut tf te un Ih noon sw lieitseenth troughl aismtoktedlgli-.-- I ott. rior- i l Star i Ln I it I'- __ thus trotubles still vanii-1t It gire5aist s rt doit.les it ci t et i lt t t1 O-D nsi~io odor.tintdlwill tllun ot titof te istinp. Ieu d Sttu- Oil Se p'1i al ;it ii t tttt tii tpronattinttittit o F - dj(T XX titf t trOil, c pttr ga.. 74 smnoelSstttitit- S~oin ipe ga. tt ttoR i ttd 's. Ritoss(rotir.l iii tt I DEJAIN & OI4PANyott classle'egint ott at ditnctttfmet 44 South MaiStreet. ""mtet d.tstI Ofl ice t theAeimt tgron Nl\ aso- tiud ecollid tC~ot ' UNIVERSITY NOTES. t/ P50.1itt Fttttuesttanditotis 0 n. t tt oRtEUBEN H1. XEmPF, A llD epar'tit en' its s i t til Iittt It diim itt. tie tetl t - s ttitu bwt-o tltt- ilOt O i een"e l-lit rTeac he r ylonsvtod ra satresfrot te 1"911I ! gnzz Teche ofPiano, Organ adMac ofthe U1JiaiverSty f (it ltast itit P ike tt nb of itlth rti~lu Comtposition; also the Art of lat-an-i-eet t ltcti-inis Aot.t vissito itr _ StuioSils . ivisi-o St. Anti Artorttef, i Q Intii t y titi b it. tto i tt tit li hi smsitistlawso tretb-ncqizzedt -t-tt - alti-eti tteti Bot70Sore, Statie St. I% ta nd ~ytIstte-a. I teInsItslit lot tngos swil l lt INTERCOLLEGIATE Iuio Ill. as fu Thierisoill bus a iiet'igiof te C: tossSWEATER BEST NOTE BtOii e itt llit 'et oilniontrs, "iideltii BEST OTE OOKS talia botrel X't'dit-slay r 4 tth e ihi i l ot t eit e tiiis %li!t- trill It istote ittst oetetr ade nidis uptrior il m . itnqizo h ottuy oter on the saret, blade fros tthe inteciy o 2 c s-rittii teciureiiitluthetiotwi-ghi lt'etutirt-> hustand softet Austrailawootlind knit in te cty fr 2c. Pof.'Phtnloiilet-oris tothulasoienlb sl sujetttof 1-its nd iiI-i'- e d wastemd eclsieirast year Iy uerriy toda an Prf. echin Fetnrslayallthe bilge football re-u-es. In white. TIL MARCH 1ST oa ndPo.,e-e-nW ito-sdav thteusuelittnitiro its n! ieodbok an udayh. sb tSPRICE. $7.00. i htsbet r m' Iogel lihirItt', Ihas--r--- - (Spaidngo Iase uait and Tennislo Sn le. SHOES y trim~~~~od ochiotl after o.te r-is illue ssj Hon H.D Estebrook May Spe (.for ethe games. dlaesEvrtigeAlufe SALE of over twoonths.. palditg's Trade Merk nit what ys pa - Te owittiet-onitpirogait for c~ase oi urnataerthtitthe getd arntIe Theii' (tle nd atn sjot-cluso osill fll,- b eas. 1ESS THAN 'WHOLESALE PRICES. il ioti frlii xrisso ash-uhtitotis Itrtlidtayhaing fuie A. G. SPALDING & BRos. ington's n sfrBirthdayh xecs",o-.'nr 110 scure Judgei' nlgfori Iis dy New Yoas PsAILADAuPNA. CICAO. +A1.1,OUR 4;his extsenidedl Itt Hon. +Thet junior laws aret going to havesa id, d $6.0 ad$5.50 meetingDthin week to maoe Ori-aug -Neb.ymtxcbrook. ofis weeki;t'smakeWild, WildWild. me~nts for terouing baseball sra soseo Winter, Rtasiaand Patent Tc.IofadIadt r iig~ Publiin luh tttnYinqfiiIttroit on0j STUDENTS, TAKE NOTIEI Enatmel 'H1and Made, Cal uire ~ vt n~'igthe tvnigof tho, .22d. In iew of ained Shoes reduced to d ost hn n euaig tscsths fat it is highy poable that sitOURWIIAlFILCiS deoutttinner rguatng dvi Ps E tbrook till accettiiit. tto ical ork I Ililoleg ho D. 3 r Ftebrook is . forcitte atd telo- W 5.1o dtcai ~.85. thedalnworenisll oD.Itre tetspeker tind te tasill be1Stngadirse. at 2 p. in. this afternoon In theII ..Fac Sfin5an r~l~e5 l (I / o speed 9S tologial lbrtry in thi Idlt) otuaesiIhy eue ln fanc Culodlgg 'i et ________ys-ot in o The goods natast go.: Please cll and J2 .S. MAXM .'g.. Instructor hughe ssIll give asp-tee I 5$th e or the Dlly. 2-30Wt WOashnou.Stt.-