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February 16, 1895 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1895-02-16

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CLARK SON TO COACH 11S. wosetrn. The secondl trip will last Annual Indoor Meet. m They Want Changes.
uni wilT~liO'he anuatl convention ofth liii -
FAMOUS EX-PITCHER, OF CR1--" maes with WiSconsin1. Chicago and The annual indoor meet. ( (-rl-a bnecllga- held-i- es-sl
CAGO AND BOSTON SECURED. possibly M1inno Isota. inl the gymnasium Friday evenlinge, to il1 l nNw~ki
Those Athletic Rules. Marchl 22. At tho last meeting of the
Baseball Matters in Good Shape. -____ Sathneay. Among oia olaitigse ireap t
Special Training Beginis Soon. IThe sreetting of tii'tsiilt-its o tlef sirxti oiitc 0 tip osed change;: in ill: constitution ill11
Trips f theTeam. .. '*pointedi to luke ehmrge of thi. micet
wrp fteT a .1,esti-rl uiniv-ersities Ilielid in ChIicaigo, ho' discussed. Last year the plan wovo-
iiJtt i -~ilt- anuaory 11, for th i oiisiicrtil P of an oats h rc iaigriiiin ticedi oft running tiho trial i
Fori t' tOast tiiitl eh cnld e n altaini. Ihis t'O niti' consists1
i riles co~t~roliu Cll egatx~r aild interof tiie -Ito yards rui in l!nw.in
fo li(t' Varsity basebiall nine' linm i-ie -iteliitolgot'ad itr i essrs. J. C. Condon, F. C. Sh1ields
-ol1legitte athletics lois reateud ion- o 'Mratal of sartiLti f)- u-lit ints at
t(ts-1 taiig the-r-giilar -.las work ini. aind C. 1. Bairid. 'fhec(-ents itosittded
zt-giiain. leitig M na ideraitlo- discussion. In order to its- lit o'clock atiti Continiting ti-o 1't1t01
itt' gyman iut . wiltoegist-it iiots' urp-rantn tncitsau o terls ton, afte r consultation wsithi r lIt' ita- oiy ls- tlit e-o- iitt ustti I
tfl Ca<I~la s il bl gvel ]nt.. o ;gerald intl Mr. I-itzatieik. atri ~s fol-
Itess st)0'vial weork, parti-tularly t ie Can- t 0t0 t i iot mittg te hil i it tioeioti -iit lott ea-
strioteto i ot-t(li oft t'e priesidents whtto lo swsill propose 1000 s 110 oarto It f 11i14til
oitato's fist the btteory 1tosilitons 'ftio - t1( yttrds lash.
, Ver at th metin, rquetin tae j1t-imiiitie to lr, ts iti oft itt i t, mo-,-
tI)Ins loot ttis have inot yet to' t-i- it- puninit tttii0 olisiis t t in g high jump.tto.
resutlt of, tto-; tittioti ta ti toy the facuil- , itt ini toe 100i yardts. 2_(t yat-tic itti
ni-ly tint-ant 1 itbtut soill t_)" itit-titte-i itPtiuttttoi. Io hi iio litiing I1' poitini cos(re-id shot. t o-b tii 10 tto 2 o-~
Lter~t toei-a tif-t-l foeltotc ~s--0 Pt ont-to bout. (1ttie h ts: het tityt-to t-ittC t t
otto' stillve front ittote W iitivo rol as oxtg tttt-ts -sit-iii iittttttis to It :intt
stit fat.-d I ti art nealy lua'. Itius I 150itoit, t io y~C ltt Call- Itvo -It tt-otea l est: t.l iolll
It-tn, aluotnt ils in-,y ot Ch iao y .M l stc Itllio ii n .1116 so 1 t the liho:aalts t 0 I itlt' ilstio~t run, t11 ot- in tte ttill200
Tisa s- s fo the lott ~ -~ io nintott-tacto-,it toy01~ thhe qsiitsi four-cl assess. I soill cosres,1sttlitn20gytot.Iurel
\Orfliweto - ttti Outesik- thos pr;; ii ()fo ilt-i-o r e o-tll, titi ol t oft~ ltiii
toit oh ~t tlilt iottoiltll id i wen t .1tt N tltsso-sto-ti tis. sho- render lstOtOsu s t tt sIitt ~ ttiitt ittit titiol totil: tub tiEltus-..
tiont ofs itios. l~iOfr l s y tto sics. ilitgjor tioy tCotol theido tot Illott
Ii-goss iot-tlol os-ill too fortuttte att theit soul- s-o ittl t'ol-o "l tes C ollimle toti th li I shl ! o ltotin
tot'r atro til i ni t he o'titt iil s t tCa to 51iot-ott os ilooo-ltlt tl itll s o it st- tootna -tetti to'la heat ito I); r
Caro- -o-itoo tin ot not. ap gear tot b,, e lo- . li ii t tolastIt tltsi tosi
Tn t tltts-tisfycto: , te ist mo iiato ,ill its a t too tic ttlios 2 tot n 220tiui
ti-oiti fta it ioitt otl Ito-ur an ti~w otri dra alto itiifi at g est 0 -r st oill otttooo oilltslo' tsiioito
s.seireii undter -ottdraio bytur- tht. press- yad tots, 1ot' Its D22it yardstti teit li i/
itoitigo\,e it iiitou Otto i-tilt-s and et-e It smi tht toils tub- runil toilt filesit 'I
troo oltgii st tloltait lle t i ai d lo-t stiotlsti n t llt- e dtiel- 1,114. q utriile and- hal mooo itog r ~olls.t
It£ofhtiot . Laoo r t 2, lit s fh it t ' o 1 il d-atot- ll l (',se yur itt oot.o i ? sttil- to
t-s.e 'luteio ortheitiuo sittoo Iurthe I li-fl l itt to wtil frttlt- oittolhy( tho
prgt' htushmenltitonu soill o( tis' I( i-its stforis Ioftuto ~ls t .- Ilegiotit gatts so-hu tobersts- hotititoloo
i-i ofn est aav traontei 1a11(. rue, '1~e' hf Ittui tot' ru-to rtts- osil to' ic
woht 'orottefiiustxtt- i iotio otlou, ~-t~-~itthiit ohatid -lu-i toyrts out. andl als t o addu si n spt -
i--Tit acuty fithe t'oio' i-t o f~h Il is i tecadotis tot: foo toot-ni f ffils
trinn o fIo C theg tatl wilsol orfs Ito 11 it'. C; i-uo totthng nu tunug three lih jTl o' ontes llbstts(d eouin d isn .a-( o,:0 w ilp oos osrk'oi
s'senteta vrbfr.M.Ft-1 Caiori May Meet' Us. apahpionpi
oiott. ta bot l-tti tto ait - lits Chiogs Iin-ti t oy 1ue ti I rer tosu'sl stil ho-( slat: lostI at2c tilt' tnitldle? oneter-(_
-)tureu a wi~l hav ' snti llar eootlfl thote clip.o o Thet name oi tie-ac-k l wt~t illtt i ielii o h utooi oot
ioof lit-u-u' t het-o dlt itnto' plaoit- Ott ikrie ot: iloi totis o top ea u slye 11haroiluyuiltlreibut (oute
otitig o thut' stisotut itiliso-llllegeluu'ot fot''t-togtantico-itig toe' gisoutitt toe'ffortone
his-in. 1o hefrt tle le o fitle' Itais asote ytt olechit: wll bet uuouuoo lt o cte oulbtnn-
ito-at pbaeballyta i lls ImN'ei~ of1 ben-' luis rs1 leftt:i in ii tIlu ttoph m rn taeia1i'1t i u i o:lii toc-iy o tlfoui
Maag W tks tii toit loti -,t l fi r ato ou tol ' tu tu ' i-t les aug e' oo-tllfiit'"a~(Swh ltt ee'su-;l
Oltu-irysus hoo tof th tirainigg 'atie- Thry teamuor las roateus till lot be-1 ioolslustg'ailuu rtc uo
tiutcs nui S5'tl ~ t- o lttois upit l o esi -ouuueel s-lil Ito ,om it tatbaanonerhbttt-- f tio s0Vt -ill)s'ts tuik intu Fuost~i1
OiJ ot C lrkon the fltious ett it c h- twez teamscoltiai otofiuo fluer menutesiouta
nout tnl-sndl iuttr lorittlteen(' imllllollnoO
Crofts' Ilitluhctgo toa sxtn prSe'cui igot stf-sonl ot esa II-m rnia utt es a , ob Taiel cotu fta cW oats -- -- soil ooil tuui
Ouroni' baseball iutems, haossiben isa lu to uswttl tote fs to il bletuds sart-doa tte 1iddl pontd eited o Calfout rnuia oMay Mo t frUsi- s
Ottoto hs out o 'uho i uat tutu tate bo toh( itihotitti tOO
Cue scml.l( ilpoal e stengtu'n reg ading t lu e spius e of tu heer riennits;- track 1-1 y oflns t tl tau lutaltl tt sitte :tune hugC boshi
(itw these a s ew daystll 'flti'(, oegin i t; etlga1;ieni 'thous'kof roomituit otso o runsde o t I 'Xitltday h niedht lPres'id-ntn Cle tr
caingtto t fus oo- aa o sir~ll 1 or by ' hss ill, Itoos ho-t ot bludd wte atl n o u ned rthtbo but etrhad btoti i-u
aboutl tl dayst lahien tht tati tout g Co etsttlo' he a n th-oo . but t i s o swl b hsn btpoal
ofnb~ toft thteIt pro-cedingy thud tIt an i ted d o m thue mtlung os-iletes lo l,.
May -lpratially Cosn. fuuu itt lteuru toi-ot' uttu ttlui-lusnl " o tlitut liatouns os- i l o r o tes il lit- a(tsl nteeul on o:lu"
Maae feh a Nuo 1 oili r d rl it th sous o t:e Cif o coal' _________ .111la_______ ilbe pooin oara g , ultrc n
1)c 0 pai tr. the 1111 ga es a nesrolet t hetgicst. Theusti on aihse-berie hehri s- t sthat --, bi ng i oet. ,; wil b( Robeye r ts o p ill Recvei. eia
th'tutu em no obenseurd o nttesral t pohbt heetty-hedtthiti'n o heBordol(oi-tinecolitae triosYrk My 5

thesiobts this, thlere osill lie two oter
triss, The 'first soill lie durintuhe
Spring vacation atud osill last a se--k
betginning April t1..l'uos gatuses for
btids trips have utot yet bee-n fullyarto
can;; I, bitt the circuit woill he absont
a5 u lItth ttOsill begint oith-eat gaunt'
t (Clevteland stith either Case oor Adel-
h S ev Otoeral of the-nmore itisput ant
(Ilio ltleg-s, will. be .on the list,. pos-
Sibly Outt or toe n uhtucky colleges,
and the trip swill 'probably wind op
uWitIt gaaines with Illinois and Northt

elatiout No aoteioniwusa tllstthy thue
ltoardt, htooev-r, tatnd it xtstoclcitted
tot wa~it until thehprutedscostsitutuionus
.oot, nteels-cot efouss formatolly oue'ins
ie tuenstumrofthut'asusociationt, too sohich
iltleor 'Michuigainistentiltkd.
Tonight's S. L. A. Lecture.

vettt i'uetahiment .lecoiittg
sseau'susoi. ach Wanutstill consist of
thretotounduo;sou thue' m irinutes 'au-luitt
E-ntties for lue s-vaions i-tits itt-c
opten to hghuschool as well as l'ni-
versity students. It is desirable that

At he-tsen froutiOsctur Roberts, '911 lit,
A. m'A issioariyto Atticwa, ut-
utouncets thatlie' is slowoly ru-coo-, ring
fromt his seige of African fevei. At
the dte of the letter.. Deceutbler 17,
Mr. Rtoberts wtas still deaf andl blindI
frouthoe effects of quinine.
Chemilcal Scholarship.
It is announced that Pgrko, l Davis
&Co., of Detroit, havec given a $5
scholarship In chlemistr y to the Uln

The sixth lecturoe in .tlb: itiL A. theyhe madto as soon as Tpossliblo to
courseo will be delivered tonighut by J.. C. Condon, Et. 0C. Shields, C. E
Dr. Talmauge, president of the! Univecr-f Baird, L. Ma rlin 'or :J. A. ILethey. At
s ty of Uitah, IPresident Talntage, will lebast one of those named ntay be-
speak upon "Somue Phases of this M on- found at the gynanasium ever'y afier-
mpon Question" noon.

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