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February 16, 1895 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1895-02-16

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_______________Durin the secoind osai.'st.'r Prot'W. ~ I.~i ili
Ttinei Tablet (evised) Nov. 18 10101 Ilt(TIY i Russell wilt otfer, a. course in thre studiy II~15II~I I~5
Wi W1T. ItLbiii' ltitilres n ii 15 t2t i I1 ! of rocks (letrology),to inicludte tihe O
haft and EN-- - 50 il __--t __- l 43i be i gie Tusdy and5ti~0 titiitsitts, ntitural occurrenice 01 rocks; use of the m "
NY. (pecialit. 5 15 N. Y specil-- 7 30 and in Course 2 :Monitays and 015itt'l s- umicroscope; pi-claration of their see- HO P I4 S ARK.
Ia iti Ex- til_10l2 N. s. Iitueoi. 912
A. M. Pacilec Ex-A--1 15 dttys. 'Mr. Johtnfstoni', orf _ vtt -:1 Ka tions; microscopical study of minerals I'E.AS
AttiExes.. 7 40 I's;r Es follows:. (olirse :t. Itistat's ofi 11g5 mid rocks; clitirtieteristics of tiuilding,
t;. it. Ex press 11 0i3 Cli NI. Exs.10- 'O25 laiid ton to 1.684, Slonddays, N,''ns stones, rcetdintg of special nmonogra phs, LOS ANGELES
10Cois idays andi Fridays. p. Ii. l., 1oom11 ec. This is ti eliieltar~ coutrse ii l
&i I' & I. Aat. Cin. Agt., Aiii Arbor. I(otpurse -I. History ofi Illgltild Bilei I1Etiolo~gy antI to openi to stnddeits whi
1(kSS. Coulrse 7. Itoetan Hisltoy have takilen (Geology 1. intl Mineratlogy SAN FRANCISCO.
T. A. A. & N. l~[. RY. (onllie 85, The1 Izoix-al of I.'lail ald 1' ~ 't11k-k
S kin; ieffict Snidaiy, Aug. 1, Ph9. its relationI to the Itefilrillatioii 11TThokern itte sNw'ci n aionaSepn
Ii utiin c se AAboi oni I-enata oiiii he --isiawl o-i Stuiil of Itc~fs5 Ap-plettia .Cn Car Line.
aisii hr o stiei se~ t wiioiill be1,i. t Confcrcuces 1101 Iahoratory work, '
.1 i. iii. f7:13 a. ni. oct'i t'i-:~is sa hrdy.1-2 -olTE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN RYS.
I2:25 P. Ill. 11:0 a.. m. it -5 1511Att.L C. 107lSREL
4:15 ~.Al riin for. Have nlma iii rted a new Diaily ine cr>°i
1:1 p.in 9 :0:0 . ii" litst muast he hanidedi in forn ,it he
Trains run betweeni Anin Arbior aiud Toldoi I-i k ul'~ l o one tiouir l cture course wsill 1)i IRT C1.A0S SLEPER~tit Ifro
.oly. offiered ni-tt seitiester ci ti~tl A .lUfAil
All trainii daily except Sanday. .1 Il . (31 lHICG TOWUU LAREDO, :TEXAS,
It. (x iIbti;N iiln A..i t5 Sumairy of the Iistor3. ott iih
1V. It. OINNETT in 1) A. Toledlo v. ('eli.g 2 litorl Ieology , Sit- L~iterttre'." issays tutu ioltit' rii Via Liiil Ic O . alvrn, Tosxii an, 1 0?
3mun Semieuster) may be eleiltediy tu-si- - c iigwl l ii-llu h Iok estinie, Atinl an San Antonio. Pasfni
ANN RBO & YSILNTIST Y eadng wllhe iclued n th ~"rk.tar Hot Springs bav-c only one cbiungc o iCa oi
ANN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~pca AROa PIAT T Y ttl 0il ro'nttk i(elg PC ttntilii wviii 1tc gili to the (ait S+lalseca, 0:50 a. in. nest days, aiii
ISlIAk'L C. I1I:I ; rlaio betwns-i Crench literaturee andil tIl ot Spiles at 1:10 a. in. si houis tio
Time Table, October 71 1894. iii ~~(xEII N, _ND1 SIiEST1ILt t renach history. 'flie coulrse is iintenii- Iuecnttnlgisepn a u rn
Lea:ve Ypilianti lfrnm Caon-rsI si., 7:00,190 ichica"10 and1 Mlvcni. Also daily lin ioi
;ied 11:0i0 a. 10.; 12:45,2:15, :10, 6:45, 19:00 anud thii icilii, in (tirmanm lyrirs cil eli for lmos' whto mailrn l 1-,cs-n i Toihi8cceo iailgCicgho
le t Aiii Arbnr aunetion, 720 ::o ..;30, and. baliidi omte nitiatsnoiieEraiyan h ae hail sonie tprep- tr-aini, thiroiighi1 elF~Icsotl
11:0a1. ini.; I1:15, .:4,1,5:30,7:15,9:'r011d Ii :00 pu i mte will be gil-iel a1s la.r(tofet-'. 1hle 1iritioli ini history thd i-all 01113 he jAngeleIs, 'Ca1.
StUNDAY 0151k. Ii ls still illilt -MSonudays antI NWediumi- knlysi'ii l-llsil.lnnl
lecase Npsilaunti frCeneis st.1:3o :0, d!13' it 11. iclt'k. i to eel :. I'luicir ',. h' rm l -'Lis, t.iiketsand fulinform iiiion
5:10(, 0:30 and 11:10 pi. rr:. par1,ticuilari ila~y beotinlll irin 0101 plyt
ailaiall 9300 4:00" , it 10 :11. till'LI1 ilislrnlC'ti. J. H. GREEN J. HIALDERMANt,
tim- naul on city tingi. F-1r-i: siiigle Il-up 15 ItLC I- A.MJ0 (I OHN 1,t. i-:iIN(;:L, JIC
ou its a'tn tip illi Ints' centils. 'IThe boairid of citors for Ites leslie li1111 ilrI ,fr tisci Nicib an Pa". Aii. Teasv. lass. Ac
FL E Sstihiit to ltiw studenuts tic folio-intg semuest:r ir lti osirks to tbe neail iii tilt'TC nt:.O s:: tCi(,st
FL iWERSilii FLOWERlS subijects for complietitiont: Two ipoemls i 11 ils osil is T'sE follows: F.1 C3. Trnrao P. E t. ombag
Fo veyh nit nd Eeryboity. serious, uittuirouto or sentimtal of; F.H rstat .obuh
S!HS & LI [iISiti no univleity a-e. not mlorel than ,0(0 wordts eacit t legal1 BUSINESS LOCALS. Cea. Pass. Age. Pass. & TicettAgi
Telephone_____________________1.ot5i.eet , C 1 tsiar.isei-liuiiaclaii it 71 u-. and Smuith- 307 Madlisoni at.,
icueglt; doesigils fill coer nt t111 tle of ceitt pier line.. Specil rates for runiei
page tyepgie efu b ivi tine iiid extra, lilies furniishii EUyE H.pplying1.LL
Thetg Is-pcN pag li i ou i t k )OLYolc. 1 ye
inchuis, tied dtesigns for humoirous cults STA-111 COLLE .CTIONS. l'o'k lyb esr ti
I ilustrating lt'gtultermus. Meitbers oif N'o staut to buy stampi c olcttiions Stelgart, Gemne,
Cliover ,[eaf Ii
tho .senlior hawcliatss itasy uon~rihut: tand wxill tuty ctash for tile statmu iou Teacher of Piano, Organ and Muics.
far competitiotn til testiy tic thesis, not, receipt if price askedl is satisftictorti. Composition; also the Art of
Po t xeelu ,((1sosil butiii Collectiono should he sent by regis- Tahig
. .. ... .tm.y legal tolue. 'those wh~o itisiri' 10 bored utail or esiscess wsithi litter nam- Studio 22 s. Diviin St.. Anii Arbor- 3lt,"-}
~Pitio eepl~ uliul he'loetecompete for thei ii'-al essay tire cc- lurc buc npcto001 N
Sb.d tupecio Ppprurt' 1-'chrtitorn- I S W E E T S
S.Louis & Kansats City Rt. R., not thi-ir to~le eoeFbur .TeCoe efRue "Fs spionsible paties.
'rleClve LafRote "as f All oither contrihbitious shuouldl be si-uI W.J I.JAW.1tENCE &; Co.,
Line" for St. Louis, Mo., autd thi' or hatndted wxith"lito' nilillamiies to 1D. KhutziMe.riT
W~est anld Southwest letaves To- Kaa.zo Lyns biiietglu 'il iiriif Iti's
ti± y Mdo Unioll Depot ll iteot ((te -e Mtirsei in>'t)CET
dalarrives Noey t:imi Sititinun .u l lit r ant 111g ' 01it 10110oniso w i
itlarge in t-het~ wold), Sit. hi gilii uca-ftute heatt, bight anti btitih. I'trim
I tolagetinth soit).Ot. guise oei to those who haveu hatd $1 11 sIat fg.
Louis early n~est miming Sptanish I, still tie offered in thte sec.- dets n ieDiy
CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR toddvmserrtudisefiiuh i'. thM. CalEy .
anid 'Michiganu Cenitral lilacs it Iniunicae swith thei iiidi'sigoui it at ai., F-eb:l,1(.--tPrcs. Ttilmag e, otf --
Toledio. onle. ;ttall, in S. I.. A. coturse in University'


Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free Ja15 13.i I. 1OPiItoLA D. htall on the Mlocuion question. pIIT~n~' nanr
an Vsibld leprswth CTEE Mon., FeP. 1IS-SopiolooIi clas~IBMB IH R II
ou change."5 I ~ i1. ox Wahig ortitorictal contest. IU NIIEII 'lI CANDhII
HANOSTERFERI Itol t rle. e..S)-uir1t.Basoa
0- J. NKINS, j Toima nes.F. t. hne iioi
FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Trs., cones. or. TJnorlwortr
tG'eai Passeiiger At, Toleido, 0. (IF AtARORt. Ihts" i.2.huiii ato~t
O-nzd16.DIETAS & SCHANZ, Caitl to, ti i u 'Ihutoss Feb. 2_11. aind Igra. Isx 1 U 'VIRaBw NU )B
ITsaesats ueirabxtinug biusiness. tHeinrih solin recitah at t'nii-ersity1
Fo.e OF eEC TchLOnI % es biiugt andsoild. Farnish hl
ttt and best stylyei oh I oeii. an id lo- 1I BACH, Pres. S. W. C'LARKSON, Gaohier. ti., Fuh. 22. Sulioii lit. i'bti.s ci-i-1 sealed boxes.
n tetui oo us 1 fiist claisotit anil tlila hss oit cne .
ripairinug neatly Sane. *~ ~ Sat. FebP 2? 1 seniot hiss ichiss urta-
4k S. Stateitt. einmlrn. prebr. mii f or ical ucontest.
52 Years in the Busiess- olFreshI~tCO01 F RIAR AMONG H. R. TICKET BRiOKERS. i eht (.liocolaties,
LAU DRY OnuuiCs: 11 N .V I1Ni euiton st.' rIE No.e 8a Netirly fSevery day soict customier
YADS NAii l . C. It. 1t. 'Phone No.a ii coies into NWard Brothers' R. It. tick-f
. .SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. - t ollir ;ind expresasssurprise at the
1'~ERCAN TALO ING M ORE& ETM RE spacious Surroundint. 'and the large l Fio'lettes
MERHAN TALORNG .XOO 'E ; T : nbirof 1 rherks emnployed, oith the:t
tle wiso, Prssing mni tepairing G S. Main st., and Slate st., cor- remtirk: "Whky, 1 wams in an office uii1
de etly by Sunshine Kisses,
AUuOUJNiA~I 6E uiigei ner of William st., have atheii street wxhich tkey told me s tis-~t):EA , 2-' asigo
complete stock of 'Ward Brotheras' ticket offloe!" It ios
PXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY! eaJTrusy to explain the cause of these de- Buttercups,
20 ASTHURN SREE. INIVERSII TX B ception. WNad Brothers have been
Gocd orks Guxanteedi. Gooxds lleos selling cut rate tickets in Columbus r i bletsa- e -a.
anddeivre. .'.c VH~cT Pop New and Second Hand. for 18 years, and the mass of the pen-
ANN ARBOR - Note Booakt and other Students Supplies pie know of their reliability, and arc -
STEtAX DYE Wi.' ORKS.te fe tteLws rcs tickets until they have at Ies f IotUD
Lals n etCor hn Clead. Ward Biothierf ax to loutes and :
SW. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. I Call and see us before purchasing. +priceIs. 46 S. STATE ST.

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