THE U. O AM. IDAILY. iii tns t tthe proposition ltie te t 'd, DiTSON701\ M 1I C*1 i V +L of ti1 f LPat if it is at all possihie to ileili'ti, piti ( ['ishted 1illy (Sunodiiy i'sci'piii uiniig lie Colles year, by 'le-spiriteitl college ion-1 ,i:'iiiig'h- c x LOVE Songs," THE U. OE M. NOEPENHENT ASSOCIAIION cIiilit ~lvri'ious hiistitiitioiis (it, II'I(, Byh'ob E.Saisye". Tianslations of Six OIC 'ic:'imes building N. Main St., sppiosteirrointryl t: forisirdi h iign 'C ii- ,sil-ting .Heavy Paper, 75cents. pail Site. _________te 1 ciiti iiiii sr i '~ COLLEGE SONGSE 11. t OiLLiivs, Lii.-. ,Munaiging Eitor.i 1leitdiiis .1.yiti hvtiiii ir (G. iB. Iiltliso., Lass'96, Assistant.. 't1oo iii"' Cornelilirnttili'otilion; 'stsaindairdi 'slic tiiiiofColslegieSoiigs. A. W. SMITH', Lii. Si 'i..Assstant. iiiOvr 30,000 :old.Heavy Paper, 50 C'. Ii. PAtti L., Lii;. '511,Assisiant. iiiid othierolletes iteir gpsicr"tnicents; cloth. Gult,$si 00. ' J. A. Loes, Lit, t6, AthltiiecEditor fstitviti a of eiuai iirotlilti'is. None.if OGGRS .1. S. PERLnu, Law '95i, Business Miansgr."OLLEGELONSFORGIL. O~~~~tiliy bol i tlii ulshd h AssociatemEitors. i'iiiabratiiitt' iilii 'ti10io ' 1)effrs n ittiii;songs fithlea iding~, colleges Cor iioie.i S.5B. Shiey, Lii. '53. 1. A. tIaneer",i 1.'5. il iti uitor hiili. orsilit st ta N Heavy Paper,.1$1.00. E. L. Evans, Laie '95. EtiSa iiiiirtndLit is RYLCLLCINISRMNTLG1A1MS Carrie V.SmithtLit.'1. tL.R. Ilaishleni. a s. Si ii) to e liiiii iias iiinu lll ba tll ii JYLCLETO OSRMNA OTdMS 1:. S. Ba~rtiett, Lit.'57. AW.A. Spili, Law06 I o. e lly oi s ghis lMottformof i'iiit.iaii.c u i ii rCoitli M. tiitbert, Engr.'8 tie-wopeesfrth uta5rm h Minnie 11. Tian, con,Lit . ll Itt1iaisersitiy euits Isis ailelict 'si iistsiiirci's. A siittri ol i'iuti''iii. filni-1 somii Coser. 50 cents.i Snbscripition price $2_50peryieir, iiis ii iaily Anyb 'ntpotpi 'o i ipt of pice'. ini advituce. Sintgie ciipies 3 cetis. Ontiscruip- loing tiude'nts ii'tluhavtspreodt1' fari 1I lons miiy be cift at the office of thi iLsus, ai ide' f(ito' fatiniewitii 31 liai 011OLIVER DITSO O.,CO at Stoffict's, nat State it. new statnd, siiiiimy if the editos sor autiorized soliecir. s xl iiuti ts hivi for socilh-ty 'ltliii- ! 453i-463 i 1 sihingtiic St. Bositon. C'ommunicatioins shulsd reach tleoffice' iy il.visitors frthcill parlits.iofthi'ti ' It. iiitso ii'ii o. i .i'5 sei'clc p. m. if they are to lpperi the nest___________________ dsy. Address sit matter intendetr- piibli- eiiiil 'RSOAL PROPlfERTY ILANS. cation lotie Managinug Editor. All business t'I1loojliioii ]to])liIt, this iiistittiii LlUIL rlr~I U IU c'ommunieatiouns should ii'be, iiito thei lisi- l);iiigtoilsits c litliiti'ith i'it. lOii Wtches, Jiwieciy,iDiatmiondsi acat istel iris Manaiger. 'mortgage's i eiulaiurail. Iiamonads bouighi ii I. . 'un 'ofttcc~ 11cl it adsotid.waiit'csarlidsisuery ncurly cr'- THE U. OF 1M. DAILY.isIii 11 iti'ii pairedi. Office' at my rescidecei, 30 14. 1iil irty; Ann Arbor, lc . ilo lie icyiim oif iiEistuiveiu's 5t.. city. iiiiiii 5 I to 1a. rn., liii 3 and !t0to Thei' uiori icto iit ticldut teuiss'lves ri'siioii' wti tctiithits yeau'iuilmi'rkedits! J. C. W~ATTS. Bibli' for iiecoinions oresatu'nc'iisof cmes- # _ _-_ - --._- - poii as thes'fliter'iity li l iili' el)- etropolitan Cafe Edition 3,000 Todayr. Lui-i ''iiiait'tgi's.ii t~ ncn d liriiiii Biuoo. :o. i N. ______iiiirthi Ase.hibetween Arligtonuholo A iii A isIttbcire ioss siiiliity f t e iros ie i els iipig'cii.('isIi it I 5 '.inityofienuldn. pn l ifn :arbo~ipr 'oiieisyniols Ctii e tileliltu i'eti inruiittesMr. and Mrn. Edward Lewis, Props.t itis'soshi' i)li iiit'ii 'ii'.551rial thr'outghouit tiesarioils facutionts of sti.- 'SAti.~t J'RF Tz1E tireaelics Nwhich it hasts eeei'lt1s'i'iiili.dents 1both 1ncn1-1'aiiadtiiand idtu-cFIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING uuttte. Xiuilsl~uli' f itsisstio'i ipedeit. This feeling iiaih(5 is Il ICirner of Ma tie aiilWilliami sti.. by~ tie' piutlicatioii of an ' til l'-htighut is te aregenits wire tieti- its tciiie tied hottily fronitheliiiiitily "o'i'rilig tiniitbthe i less tirtitcg'et class to dMINDladREADING;err- lieroiliig ietiiiu iiliiNoctusi uc dehiify tte nse of die tti1'iiittiliifor tlintis coiisultaltioii free. "6 N. lifth Avei. sect theti'ext'uui iig'lu'hiitiSliu'.uiswith the hop. Although tile Pslutii islitel it is et iediiit dto ta-North- sitcitiesgaineid the dtay, theiy heganliul' + . ' Ns's .,i,....1r. o o itiolr .' s ler, orcoaii the flet thaittirivileges 4 TILLFEB. 15. SPE IAL .SA LE GENT'S FINE SHOES LADIES' AND GENT'S ARCTICS AND RUBBER BOOTS. JACU H8 & ALLM. AN'D 'lite) DE'ALER11. ,Vs,.laingtson Blo. A nn This space is reserved for the Grand Opera House. EVERETT 0. FISK & CO. THEB FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES, Chicago, Itt., 355 Wabash As's., 13. F'. CLARKh . 'Mauciger. The m i ostc iplei'tecuheny systin theli fa.'ecr 10))tiositions filtldin14. lioston. Chicagoi, 55'shling'tiii,l.C. Ne, w ork. Lon Angel's 'rewontcs. KZT1 DID.N R, C E A- ~iT;6IO111' Students Recreation Head- quarters. Nil. 3 N. Mtain Street. any locat tapter witos'e(Itol are, woldsoote or lterb'i' iii' iti.h.u, articles psiblisti 0 iin ttie'Dilyt9' o itt Iitdot elreii'iitth'u.'t'ir (decliin _tl ugetiicredit is gii'ten. Itostill ' ~ ; s sisw'iin ii tinvisitatiini Ienude'red ts'is'iiit coises to creeitilng a toiiciti tdet ieeooi'iiiilleu'.3 litter iwithtihant wiich i's siscayIsis ii~5 ' pretpared for' the "ri'ate' iftls iti ti is of this'sc'paipertc uh thiereuiis due ('a11e1for dticlosing such petaet liinduiithertu's;intadutof scof- tiracticc 1bya tuu'usnlulluis I sit e Iii ind t theiidea slitih1uad tbe'u'so? soughut to mlilt tiuiPlldicumlniucuiu The priopa~sitiioit f iom i( niu'u'sali' agi'iue'it half oily anituhterebyhy eal~ of tC'aliforia ufori'aituial irsek andI the itiscourtesy swtichtihas sa onou'es- fieldt meetiing siti usthslii coinlg istedi. 'The 'eult of thi anlgain"l-~ sing wi~'ll b eiveud ii'ithifavorbthlouif society itercests wias stioss-ti litre. Thtere siceIlminy 1:iuigs wiuchliniitheoiuotabht ei'unt bust ei'eiuitg. isake such a inieetinzg utesralu'. It ,1hou sh ss- u''un rn h istl1 i ad i11rotlsiig;ag hu iiItisii" Indtepentdenit sand i11n-Palladiuminforces the hntere'c=t, heeiii track laid tietud I ticcuiedci tositionls of equtality wsithi athletics. With three fid cays c s'uafu iet' lli Sa ex slur owntthe. Westerni Iutet'oeal';ilt: s2?cioiiut u hsuitntr chuamapionshtisandelaitdual iii 'stin-g idie-fumllcit('i''nt. Not only wais the' situ Californiua to lououkafrsi ridto, r esalt sautifacisiry' to those preset thiere sill tbe'a t gal iilu',ntii'i' iouiMen hut. all swho lli'('the bhtler'hoodtof to comse oundie trutil for the track true. sttudenut loyality at heart. feel tesin.l'uirthe(riaort, such 5.' isiti" thtth 'it' o ttfghaercete trill bie tt good thinlg for thel athiettec their amticable settlment in the new' interests iii genleral throtughut tis tihsittoe whictu' iuusesiveratl buuancsu'i sec'ttioni. If hild in Dtetroit, ats it i's of so('tety huave taiket. certainly advisable thuat it sthould be,______ it wsoulcd he a.benefit hothi to our tin- 'Thot seniorbuss cltess ht iut nalilly trests its Ilit city anituoltDIetroit authtorized the coimmittee to order thec itself. Above all shionldAwe he tpleased hunt of Judge Cooley. 'this' dcisioit to establish friendly relationss with was made after the needed amount the 1 nlvsrsity of C'aliforia. 13; nal of subscriptions had heln solited.esi THE RVIWorREIW t // Edited by ALBERT SHAW ' T WAS in April. 1891, that the first namber ,,~ ~ of the Amerhcan Review of Reviews was tom prioled The new idea of giving thie best that was he thfeother nagazines ini additian haois cuebrilliant, orig. final articles, took Amuerics by sharm,. at it had takeo Site England-though the miagazine iself wan not at sit a °°"i'°'" °'"e reprint of that English edition. ;It dealt most largely iviti Anenican affairs, and it edited witb perfect indepeadence, is its oiwn office. The Review of Reviews is a monthly, timely in illustratitn sod test, aid intatty alive to thie, newest movements of the day, ha a dtgree never before dreamed of,. Thousands of readersn who offer their commendationt. amonug them Chin greatest nainea is the wvorld, say that the Review of Reviews givea them exactly what they should know about, politics, tbea. ture, economics and social progresa. The most influential men and wiomein of all creeds sod all parties have agreed that no family gait afford 1o lose its educational valae,swhaile for profes- sioinal and business raca, it it simply '. lx _.' - ° indispensable The department are, H EUA EATET conducted by carfutl specialists, in. Tl EUARDPRM2T stead of itere scissors-wielders, an Saltess he specil ar ticlesand ehiar- scors o imedihet ineretin po. Iace sketches oh Ibeitling intetest and scors ofimmdiatly nterstig pa. imeliness. be Review of Reviews traitsansid picures are ill each number. haslthesereegular departients: All thbs explaiiniwhy the Review The Progress of the WorM.-An ilius- of Reviews hbscome to a probably ted editialurvew te m ntheend s uni ecedented success in the first three shlndernsand in teirpropeigniti years of ila estlence. For 1895 it LesdingArcleIs of the Mont.-This de- will be more. invaluable this ever. Pro' sRvewd ebdytidiea j sun which thenaanewfusndiedsandi Agens are reaping Itandstome profitts. We' mgzne.Aeicnadfoeg.i geeliberal coemissions. Seoul orlterms. quotedfr. -CuenHse torle inCeCs e hrnie s~iI Annul 3bscrplin. S.o.the montsistory tiyhoug the piesr- '.elfeeoepleeCoy.eoeent.In taps enmen ithe emie.lut cron 51.11. epy I eeS liateeaIel5peaitg.ehrouhoutfe olld. m a °enkgivepti, endad nee sAi t t ee intelworld'semagazineend f enish a ese f$ Aetor Plte*. New Yorkc daiyegnnd o selev: en. A Ai V Vj V M .9 i V a I.9 .1