TrllE U.O(Il" . L)AILY. PSYCHIOLOGICAL L'B. the advatictI icorse'conitiniued, al- ________thoughl it wtill be openi to those who WORK IN EXPERIMENTAL PY-havo had thio beginners' ituse CHOLOGY UNDER DR. E~iG'HAM. Wedemneyer in Politics, to Willoini V. INcdcmeyer, '94t lit.and lie Instruction in a New Science.-, go, law.,lhis been nomiinattet as the tI Fourth Year of Instruction in Ptettblicais candidat'^ at. the -.pring <.i Courses Open to Advanced Stu- eeto o omsinro col i dents.elcinfreunisioeofshos e of tis cotanty. _MNr. XWdneyer is at There are ptrobably fvery feN%,stu- perhaps bether knowii aitolig the stut- tents who are acqtuainted with and tdenis than aiiy other peson attoiling appreciate the work which has been the Uiiversity. Since hie entered the ;going taniill rooni 1 17. 11. andi a' Dr. University istso grttdnate of the Anii Btighiatm. The uninitiated, nudging Arbor Hiighi School in 1iUaheo' tas b eat from the amount and kinid of appa- the recipient of nilnerooas 1i1ii1". from iwtus, nmighit mistake it for a physical his fellow studeints. Iniito addition to latioratory. tt is to reality at psycheo-notny class and oiatoricat otltes -Mr. logical laboratory, containing appta- Wetteieyeri tos been piesilet:i of the i rates valued it $1,2W. ) Studentis' Lecture assoialion, delegate The set nee ot axlierinieiital syctiol-to the t. ioni Lea-ilechJli)te tnsin ps igy is at Coiipttiativtely iew one, grow (-lCicago, -tittor on tieoICasialian, 11.e tng out if the IHeiatrtiaii or realistic Itestao intl other itnhlieatioao, :and development of lihi Kantatidatlisiti.oratior oithet-chisof ill Oh the lit It is the stuidyiot the mtind under flix l erary deptartinti. Ilieire siil itlitt and knowii conditions secolr iiiby suit- last years contecst of tlii Noirtitr abattctppariattus in a. lalsoratory-qnite ttrsatorietil league ait Maitisel. Wis. dtstinct from phiysiological tisychloogy. 1Mr. Wedeneycr Nwas a.iti mitof-c It seeks taccurate nasurenients of ties Board of lExamoiners if Wa-ahte- mental ants ini timne, space aind effort.ioay county liii-two ye a-s, aind is wel and nmakes aoiquantitive analysis of the qualified fair theliosition oft school result. Many texperimnits tire inait, comaimissioner. ftis many student front whlichi are formlated reliatilt friends, especially thos" au-lie, like himif lasss of meiital liti. It hottes to gen. are asorking their way thiroughel irlett- noavidsin flg*,wlwsh im ues ilis h psychology. The grl. ct satitie of ite. atipaign. _________ rained aindllteintlunmce. -xert-i t pitt itdago gytant aittetics. There areitt present thiirty-ftour itt thetse laboiratories in Anicrica. Exvt a- imemts have s tar been mad-oI in i- sense, consciousness, sensatiiin, atteni- tion, pertelation, discriinatmioni, asso- ciation, miemlory, imagination, spteech, oind (va:n emotions and thie wilt. These host ieldls tire yit undteveloped, bow- Theswork here svas Is-gun ii.1,-K)lby tDr. Tufts, now of Chiceago University. 'There were three hours a wetek de- voted to elenientasry studies in' reatc- tion tinme, color sense, Weber's last, ted physiologictil psychology. 'iesw stork was then carried on in ties top dloor of the medical building. In 1892 rho present q.uarterns were obtained wrhere for tswo years Mr. Mead, nosy also at Chicago, carried on thestork, accotnplishing the niost results ino the spring of 1894. The experiments are ntow superintended by Dr. Bighami, who took his doctor's degree at Itairv- ard tenider Miuenstertierg iin '94. Dlur- ing the past semester experimnents hsave been madi' in nienior, r associa- tion, time-sense. and the' lsyseliology, of spe-ch. There hare been ten students en- gaged in conducting experiments., and live taking the beginners' course.' 'Thirty others have volunteeredt to. act as subjects in resmarch. The courses include denlonstrations and corrobora- tions of psychoiogical statements for beginners, and original investigations for advanced students. During the coming seumester the ho- csinnlers' 'course will be repeated, andi r Candidates for Regent. ft the presettiiaet-tnsiderabletin i- tercst is centering upioia liii'canidtaite for rege-ats of the University to site- ct-ed ttegemat Iebitrd, wstas lriat iot oftice expirts this year. Air. Butter- fieldi, whase ti-rialtsoi ettires this year. will probabaly suceeedlimast'tf, boat it. ts gins-rally unoinrstmttt that 'Mr. Htebard is riot at caindidate for realoi- I nation. Atonag the iossibilitk-s art' nimentioned ses-crail prominirent asiiatn of the statei. Mrs. Liliani liollistera-.of ttriiit.tad Mars. A. S. hten aiia, of Piorthlad, ao mientioned is cattatidat-s andI awouid ri-ctire large suppsort. '17lie tPopulists at their state colvenatioan laist sweek nomainated G. H. Smnit. of itasi- zie, and V. ..lowear, of Jackson, ais candidates:. Chiarles H It.ltckicy. itt Musk -guon, is a cantdidate swho lots rt-t-c-ietl a' conisiderable suppirort froai t'etiress of the state. Judge Ewing Not Coming., 'fliaws-coamanittee on rograln for the Washington's Birthday ext'rci1seef1 hiti4 reieived a telegranafrom ut dge BEwing, of ('hiceago, stating that hc could not comno to Ann Arbor to deliver the annual addris on Ftebruary' 22. The reaini assigned is that he is sitting on a catse svhich lie cannot poss-liy leave. The conimittee hans secured no one, as yet, but is asvaiting further communication! from Jrudge Ewing. Judge Ewing has suggested Rev. IP. Wi. Gunsaulus to till his engagement and will make every effort to secure him for the occasion. I' t w 11 ti T3. J. 0. C (1 u p S I v T1 J z: c i I t t t S. C. A. Service Changed. Jeffersonian Officers, t ties busiiiess roattig ifthait S. The Jeffersonian sociaty at a receat *A. Wedniesdtay night it wLas deicidedil iteetinlg eleteds the tfolowing ofters 1utold thet-chiaptel sarv a- t the -esuing teram: 'resident C. reaftler.tinst-tad of at l9:15i n. in,. lTe 11. IleVatlt; aice presidet, E. 1. y- amgc s imadoe with Itit-'itt-ew tat iin- lar; It surer, 1E. L. Norris; secretary. easintg te atettlanc, ail it is N . Smtith; cormeslotttuiilng scetohry, oped# tea make, the attenitatace such J. V. Oixtoby; criit-, II. I. huiff; mar- sis itta-ititilblitthat exteltiow atdisi-- shlt, mr. rrugh. s gai.Tihea'95 laiwycantes aeit- ngttt'in pit- gaveI t lIt er's Jeelry stora. P'rot. IJaies lobinisonm fbi e iedi n Mr A.A.teeker, '!)0 law, litft Iast hit a, iJanuary 9at the age oh ,)Si)mgutfo t hacaiiite nisitil t li lidvie- tns lie was fot sometaeamsP- 'io i i'tmaatitCotrnel. ssor of (reek tinrownatI nita rsita iTat'Sctrati ImitamY (I heits 5 catit lat in 1852liiiwas eheeti to thi t aVicy loetting yeslea'ttiy afternoan ame poisitionm-at Michiaganm. iafterwartantdt debatedl the followig itilstioiit huing het'G(et-k thacirinttChica-got "Resovted, thatithe-Ilawvallaumigoeruni niversity. Ini 1875 h,,atied a nt hltiastbe-ni arogfuly os-erthrownm rott-ssa-sluita ftat NT-i etstamirint 1tr-1 tmthuatthat'ptresent aitministratiian rlatatio inimithet-Mor;aml' armk 'Thee-(-wasijustiidtinimiate mipting at mtstora- tgicaai schoosl imilfCaicaigo, awhtichps- ion.'The aairiiaitiia' sas rtpree.i iii hte hlit atIhea- luu at his dttaih,. eth by Mssr.tDonatanciiadutSteumi; otighifior thiiasidicta- years hat-has thit negatie by Mssrs. troswer adi at xPobeen iactiti sacai1-. Hicks. PriesiadenitAmgelaas atStudet -Bos tBoni nt itt- It' kmoasht-gc oithit,(tnt-itt anguag- hi-i Prof. Boise htssssel swas tin- ^ s xce-lletd, andutget ,idtte at is duic tut r its adtvane-en-t in tha t'. I.'T,- uneralh services awtrna'heieti ittiBa- .st chiurmchiof this ticity o shichhe o 'sc adl to-iu a maemaberu'frmaeateilri ts a1 he11h ns. herenaitn-,saerit -R ide a Victor Sormat to thirnlatst astig phaisce anyo sittecbncyh 0aa rots. Bhemanii, Denitiotn, DOoge, Wat- cst plastare to letdersed fromi ec andthtesProfs. 'attemagihs, atl of ahelring. hon as-tre axtidifferntt t imats sttiits bate tatthe lcgst atndthfinst atac a-tr. Boiise. pliat in the twold, the Victor has justyactica the ite hit lin. Chiais. 1. nWaiktr, aiamemobar of The King of Bicycles. hei origimal facuty-of that-last tle- -unmen, dd a I~'ttai. fmi'tlay, Our hantdsomec itqry5catalog Sa~tmet, ialat.Urroi, ''utsd s ill be miaiet lr-e tun eeest. inuuary 1_1. ___ when the lastdlt-partmient ta-isis- OVERMlAN WHEEL CO. ablishinii 1859 the Board of iteg hts B.. cNw iir. Cicgo. -ht-tttsl thret' iroessors, lamias 1. tiii Ico. 'ainptatli, 'Thomas '. Cooley anmd S, irnecoc. Lu, Agiea. Porliad. 'harle-s I. Walktr. Necessariy. the z R I O.: ::: tiatis fallilag omu ,eachiof these ati-je COLG TW PLi ;cyarduous, The subtjets takema by A CLEE TW U PT i'o.Walketr were contrcts, ils andtt(MONTHLY otes, ctmumercial law, comumon Ilaw SERMONS Of REV J. T. SUNERLAND. iAtadimug and practice. As het fac'ultyj Series of 1894-98. vas t'nlarged, Prof. Walker awas c-- iev-etd of t portioni of this work. SEPT-The Soul's Cry for God I'rof. Walker reatianed in thetitea- OCT-Jesus as Humanity's Ideal. NOV,-Secterianisma Its Evils, Causes ersihy tunti 187t. Thiemi the tdeart- and Cure, tnent swas ait establishedh success timd AC-TeTu rs of Christ." Ic thiought that liesas entited to JAN-"Was Jesus God" its lomgtdef erred tast. Sine iatt FEB.-"iyalty to Conviction." moae h has nevr his-n directly ciat- etteil witht the University, althultght 50C. A YEAR. 5C. A NUMBER. lie has at all tiumes takn the depst F ot ae at Sheehats and Stofet. rintarest itt its afflairs. Charles Irish Wallorwaw s00111 in Platinotv'ne Ostego county, Nev Ytork in 1811 tla came to this tte in 1330 bhin- ning tho study of law in 15;'39 In THlE LATST THINGO IN 1841 he went to New England, and PH O'T'0 G RAPHY for some time practiced lasv In Bur- ington, Vermont In 1851 he removed -AT- to Detroit, whero lee lived until theB E R M A N ' tilme of his deahh.BER Y The best advertising medium to the 6B uo t ity Is the Daily., SPECIAL RATES TO SEIORS.