Vol,. V. No. 95. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN . SATURDAY., FEBRUARY IR . 18915. PRICE --Fly rCENTS. 'TIS ATIING ~aOF TlE AST O'slok ths mon;!g, olh.'nthe paty Ella Shelby an(1 Mod C1ry,5of 1 and N06 0 PAS1010'boke1nips oting le "Asnill ~1011a11Rapids. Mslses Clara 1-Edy nd . 111 NINETEENTH ANNUAL BALL vrlysucsosot.t10 l ''tiorl1lopIXEddy.of Bay City, 1M1isoes lltl f, Tiesto earii without lt book. PASSE INT HISORY. as h oe'0i111 10101 .of t121'v 7111' 111 tet' Pe' tnt outhworlh. of Chlica1go, Some people thou)Ig try to Ilse ______ ioie1sity. SissM 1ssi fotmius1 ay111- ialjtinistimetsf'l with little THE BIG GYM A SCENE OF' T1e order1 of ieots 0-10 11s follows:11toi, of innnai. .Miss It sse I';51111i, o io 1(1on11. SOCIAL SPLENDOR. I WLTZ S. of Isto, Miss Editli 11trllh1n, of We Say By lhase Which Hae Toel The '96 Hops of the Nine Fraterni- N l~.ii-_... masd050e01Ilow lit onMiss s ('brtt at clInIt We Sll i tht 1i~l ties a Worthy Successor to 7. Santiago -- ---- f'-eCobini1 Margrt Iligtby,(f .1111 0011 issT on A. Sob'eLas Oas.------ ltoas a'1 ad fYpiat,1 s0 " Former''J unior Hops" 0lo.1'12lsuani --- ..X'adosdi( 10fe105l1 I 1 U 5- ''~1~ ".. -- if. GCosdoleol_-- .edeo Eizbth'tIlong. of itisbuAlils 51 South Main st. Ito Nilet'o1111Ano itii ll s i Oyosoin Lothi a_________________________ thei past 1and11its i'i1101 fo1u1110n1thy,1 55I u yadl~fi ianld lHbbarditof Ann Arbr i, s 1 '(5 J" - f 11-s Iello -I -- - loid t® 110iclf11515 anid tiinsi' ta'li'of toay - " 1. Ca11111li, A . 071 w e 5 ale wilt Soon1 be oinly 111111110. L'ist ,ET e.Ptlc n alIsI ,o eri -n f @ 11's'01 night 2.,icoptes5(Lanced' ut he li'1-1 u e . IStra1(1w's " "-oii n (It-s. 14,P. 'si'llel lt i and ynu11111st1111 as gosts olthelitt 11 lit ) cita s noeFra s (1s I o thll. it tI trot, 111a1 frtrititis 11- 17011thei'b-all lIya5-15 l 10400 I \[tt itues ('1ca 1G Xitt ll ,A ce r ting 5015 l inprflet accord site1111no1)1115 hO 1it'l_-l'--l.- GataieTos.us 11111111 ss.'WiirelitMiinititi, /', 1017 occtrdnartsti e l pe0111citii'tilf-iteb1.Iilll lii i os Itii tbtel l 7obFrance11s NobeAicei'Is ile LEADNG SCHOOL OF BUSINESS aAdOHORT' i0lill-T500 STEWlS HAND. Mdagifint lbildig; ten teches; lrge nytitoott of te occIt-sIion.i11. 0151iS issli.AMay Siift. Eiia at VI- lo 11atedince; god disipline; speio r set' ii 1iberIy k tl --spplid reading rcc; diy letures; Saurday The rator ftl t he allw11111 (('X o1-1- . 'fiiki'ss0111111 ----- -..Dei leniIl Ailly t'itileiitiifiI. i t)it, l . iissis Ievenigrecpins; pec he etire yer. Ecep. .1 10110 aclIdeaLl __-OUannlsf ailities ler plcig sudets in posiion;. -(sill ii ty lhe. ylltio 11and1tliefti' +) f l l i' Mllh a si 1101011 --_ - -_Susa ala d asal 01)11,111 Grand.ut(21111Rapids, tBoad ad ceeoo $ Ito $2.71 pe sweek in priate I faailies. Theseeates redced Ios Oso by sel- s arity. Arouin he111btoots were 1. toraoreliCadets-_..--. oisiso Iiss ptutert, of Toliidi. Miss Ilabbard badig,. Fce Ctalogeeaddress - 5110 I i-imoli S_--- ors 11P R CLEARY. P es -.fanl'fu10 Iof thi' 111'on "liorile 7.XSoustsiI'si-lof Chicago, Miss 'Aforowvof IBay fiy _________________________ 1110 giili-ry' walls were ' litedil't ittiI1 titti Si-IIol Cadets Seisi Misses(Carpen'itr Ilil, tDoula ltiant H I.0TJ N QIS l . 11th bots y -x STisar 2. d ielli of Chiago ---- - Soua 'Ptt-its, sifAnti Arbor. lsor'. IC'scioss st- is alike. beitig variei'i on11y biythe OviliollS I1. iaditsi_'- - --- osiii'nu500111. 1'A. Ititcklan. 1 . SMXli'LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES fraeiitl Cusndie-it - _--- -..Seee.JUTRcva A friierty clorei is a ite, l's.hallrdttl. It gtiis5510c01, iWilllll'5WXilianms. NV, a.C 111 1 TUTL'S thedub bll an plle y eght ta te allbyth vaios, e t rilesof Detroit. A. It Ihbotiot' f~ radir 48 S. STATE ST. Direty opposite (tie' I'ita tl"1'5015 istore:apids,___Rog(__r______________of__C_________ ('11i1 st .Xls. (GratofoI'li, anil R. ANid. Nol mon, ofSbI-bal C iagoAN he patronesses'101 ol '51' booth Nariliion. f ily y aot GO to RADAL 1) 5111 11'sc siit ty M'. .. B 2s. X'ittu', of Aioni. i' sllll0rli- s i X ;.0101 ho nesblintye eceaiddbPhotosI2It Angell.aMrs. 1'. 1R. 11'n~ti.li's... Msusfo, 1Bassett tSctottbih, 1Dunt- 1t r. X. 2Artistic Ph t s C. Knowslton, MSrs. A. A.iStonley Mrs. 1111111it'lotls, of 11117Cily,. MisesAl'ls li ( otitan-.of Detoit Mis._____ X. iL. DOogi', Mrs. I'. C. (0 oe,.'Mrs. Strgis otid Richitt, ofToledo sisss 'lose iiolPyiy. Mrs. A.11ent.iit N'W GA L R ' XX'eno'and 1111Arnoldlof Dtroi l issN W A LE Y F. C'. IiitouIIIMrs. A. 2. Atlhison, aniiitMs ,N. lBeoettof Lansng, Mrs. GCI. PD(oddhMis. S . C~. t'iiell , otr f aios ic(tn' hapeots Iissis Edicot atd tat-LAESOPRIN ROMlSTl 'Itneasolis;'I4( . llonryMss. (abdner Ll- .Ximntaleos; ist's.I. A XX'llte, ots oLIRi12111.OPiERuAbIiss iROiOM.I0111STATE._ 501, ~t'. b. 1.(2rssAfrs. oC. If.lbiot, 111111 lhlltan111 Graham ofiLayI .1rn1(,11- Marskeuy. Butit, Reynolids sos-b1111(1 M rs.1..osite T; l~oiO-is'olls rooo aisos Mothse n a . Atiiysi-alo.t; Altro Ait b'totIsy-MresOetso aon'o d BrohslCt, fSaise , itsNO. l5 WASHINGTON BLOCK, boothyeasprettly dcoraed; te Alha Dlta Vii-Ars. tchisndo 'liti, oABanCiArborAbor, ich. p~Ils bandl ferns foriiing an eixce'lle'nt teri.Sts iisrr i 0 I nt Sisit Of Latisitg, Shiss 'Ihel- 'ontbsation wsittth111' bckgrondli uf anit Srs. Fox. of (Grandtt tapid, chiiitt or, of AMailstos, Miss IDickey. of .Xar- ED. A. CADIBUJX. ho 'varsity colors. Shall, isses ttbnoi101SiiI. boi is' t.Ia orroo cond Di'ii Latest Improved Barber Shop 'T the right of te ci-nttirtboniosi onofthrtd tfus;Sisis l-tb o OtlnnArblot, Miissss 1I 1: y ittit n the city E Xashsstoc t 1 se doss placed fte booths of the Ci bIsi Sig- e'rBisei, Grs'gry 110111Trowbridlge lHardy, of Ysilttt. ___cast__of____________St. ______Arbor. _ cna Phi, PsitLUpsilon.OBta Theta Pi of Detroit; Misss Syier. X'anc' and P5s 1psist-Mrs. Waldro of i, k Del t TestDelta. Kappa Sigmna aiind'Whitney of Bay' City; Miss (Grwr',5 soil. Srs. IReitStua~rt and11 'Ils ..I X AM MOTH s h PIPEtes SALEre fBntnIabt isBo, fMl-Cotel f eriMr.Ckhnl f-T nametd. 'Thle booths on the left swersse ntOlis. Miss 1Sl6O 'ieyo',1f Knot Tsldo,01a11Mrs. (. W. Patteison If JOLLY' & CO'S those of the Alpha Deltan Yhli, Detasilk'. Mliss Ilusoof AnnsO.010Arbor Aot Artorhaperuns;hisses 17ritl's 00 SOiss SAE ST. .ID'tt llloIscomse. Kappa psilon,'Leta Psi, thi iKappla SMiss (roulor. of Strigtild. Sss., Newsmaint. Forne Smith 51111MaieraHBtand Cod Lahe at All Hures. 1si and Delta sigmna Dslho fratost- Alss Benett oat heighon, Ky. SIestBennet, of Jacksnsliis 'IMasNw ties asid the Indpendents. Mlsdooni.of tLois'ile, Air. and its. combi MSaie' Sloay, Helen loact, to match their covers, of ssnsrrssed Robinson, Perkins, Widdeeo i, I'ox rop and XX'heeler, of Dtot, isstes os S IUVDENTS lather, on whlich the wsords "Nine- and Crosby. of Grand Raipids S. S. Sad Woolson IlaTet C. Clake' and teenth Annual Ball" swre bsurned in. Ilarris of Detroit, Mc~orrant, SIC Port Taylor, of Toledo.SMisss tDorr and -wll find a full stock of The grand nmarchisbgan atIt9s)'vosesk Husron, Plat of Toleso. _ SMorshonl, of saginass, isses Cook, and was led by A. D. Steven';is. P-fi Delta Kappa lpsilo-Stt's. C. t. Cutler and Stostffer, of Chicago, Miss Upsilon, chairmanl of 1110 recponist Palmer, of Boston, Mrs. Bloosoiod, of hFannio George, of Ypslait1MlssesL j( iL1R ANKS~ committee, and Miss Frances Newlsos, Jaokon, Mrs. G. P. Codd, of Detroit.SMacy Kitchen, Crcoe 'illltsd and of Jackson. The m1u1ic17fr tlt dasnc- Mrs. W.1. Shelby of Grand Rapids, Margaret Doglas, of Alto Arbor ing was furnishedsl by 1110 FourthIll t- and Mrs. Mutton, of Cincinat, chap Mssrs. C. A. Nwootb, jr., and E. L. --AT-- fantry blnd, of For XVlyne andilt'eros; Misses Grace Barbor, Louise Sanderson, of Deroit Johin S. Pratt, the (I . ni. orcho tt-. of Battle Hlecker, Marguerite Conant SMaron of Tolesto, and MIerhon, of Siginw Crt.JrePlsadEig fDtot eaTeaP-r.M .Gos f Dancingcontnensl Iutifnearly 5 Misses Curoine Cobb, AItaud Freeman. C c chaeron; M(ies Alice' VVA H Ii<.. ago,