THE U. OF1. DAILY. BANKRUPT OLOTHING SALE No. 30 East Huron Street, now in full blast IT l EBCAJS, MACKINTOSHIS, SWEATERS, 000 PANTS AND FVBNISHING GOODS! Less than half price This is a great opportunity to get seasonable goods at unusually low prices. See the stock and get prices. ShIs aktoeFASolid Back THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS 1AN GY SUITS. Ann Arbor, Mich. Capital Stock, $50,000. {rt Bok~toe! ,urplua, X1,30,000. All Bristle aa ndertheeneral Banking Lws __ Formerly with eour ge Wahr, 19 United States. Drafto cashed n properIjust received a sample line E. Washing-tonHtueahdquarters for H r-Identification.nSafety depsit b sGioxes ts rent. erverything a Student needs in the 1)Harriman, Vice-Pros.; C~has. . 10st 'k, of hs line of extBoks StatoneryandCashier; s>.G. Fritz. Assiftant Caokisr. Miscellaneous Stock in general. FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS o - goods are manufactured by the MARTIN SCHALLER, STEAM LAUNDRY CO. Overman Wheel Co., makers of THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, AT- High G..usn and Domestic Finis. Victor Cycles, which is sufficient e1. Washington st., one block M E M ERY S. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, g-uarantee as to their quality. SF.Weast of -ain st. 23 StUTHL FOURTH AVENUE. We sell them for less than what O0 V ELTY IN you haveeto pay for inferior / Q, goods. See them before you buy. IIILk5A-d\ iqH, . -AT- JK ASAat^is uzouts Star &Crescent Bath Robes , r in rn are now made in all theM, M STA[BI [YCLE EMPORIUM, LEADING COLLEGE STRIPES W gn i .ualitypcsuprb. Made under our "fast "3 ItW Washington Rt. - 'ile" pateut. Price, in f necotton terry \ ;..; o~trf # / a 7; in fine wool terry, $io. Delivered - -,, ree. Returnableifunsatisfactor.ered Caps and Gowns not found at your dealers', send to us 1~ GRANG R'S t etioningcollegeandenclosingprice. sIp FOR MEN AND WOMEN, STAR & CRESCENT MILLS CO., Philada., Pa.I Wae tfri-p SDHOOL OF DANCING.Ina We are prepared to furnish Gaps A EY_____TNF N AN E uand Gowns of the highest quality AR Y U NTERE T D W OU T INPE Sto Uni versitie s clee n chools All classs are under the personal instruc- throughout the United States, at tion of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Granger. Private-surprisingly low prices. Self meas- or class lessons given on any dance of merit urement forms, containing all nee- requested. Oice at the Academy, ground e have something new and superior in this line. Drop us a postal before buying others. essary instructions to secure per- oneS Maynardst. RAPID PEN FACTORY, WASHINGTON, D. f. viit ngftts ogarmentsforwaded 1 - FLAG PINS $1,50. Yellow and Blue But- tons 60c. With U. of M. or the' year 75c. WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. IRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing and Delsarte. Saturday, 10a.m.,Gentleman beginnerslass. Saturday,, Lady beinners class. Monday, 7:35 p.m., Advanced Class (Ladies' and Gen'.lemeni. 'Tuesday, 7:30 p. in.,"eginnern Class Lade and Gentlemnen). Private lessons by appointment. SOHOOL 46 S. STATE ST. MEW STOCK OF Sweaters in the latest styles at heehlan & Co.'s University Booksellers. GYMNASIUM SUITS, GYMNASIUM SHOES. BEST LINEN PAPER in the city at 15c and 20c Per Pound. ATTENTION! PLEASE. Are you annoyed b your lamp wicks chared? By your lamps filling the house with a sickening smoke and giving a light the color of the moon when seen through a smoked glass? If so, use our Red Star Oil, apd thus troubles will vanish. It gives a white light, does not char the wick, emits no odor, and will all burn out of the lamp. Red Star Oil 8c per gal., White Star Oil,6c per gal., 74° smokeless Gasoline Sc per gal. SEA]N & OOMPANY- 44 South Xain Street. upon request. RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS different widths, at moderate prices. Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADELPHIA. The largest exclusively Dry Goods House in America. j1& hk SPALDING'S UNIVERSITY NOTES. There will be a quiz on the last four lectures in Easements in room 4 next week. M. E. Leliter, '95 law, has been ap- pointed sheriff for the service of pro- cess in course two of the practice court work. Arrangements are rapidly progress- ing for the nineteentli annual ball, which will be the great closing ovent of the first semester. Master Holderness, the boy soloist will sing at the meeting of the Young Men's club of the Congregational church, Sunday evening, Feb. 10. Jesse Heylen, '95 law, has just pass- ed his examinations for admission to the Illinois bar and will this month open up handsome offices in the new Masonic temple in Canton, Ill. Mr. Bror Sundeen, the well known mind reader, has an announcement in today's Daily. His work is of al high order and at the fraternity and private houses where he has given exhibitions, the highest commenda- tion has been given him. The date for the oratorical contest of the senior laws is sit for the 23rd of this month, and that of the juniors the 21st. There are nine senior uno twelve junior contestants. The regular meeting of thes Foley Guild will be held Saturday evening, at 8 o'clock in the library of St. Thomas' school. A large attendance is desired as the election of officers will take place. Other important bus- iness is also to be transacted. The Socratic Union will hold its regular weekly meeting this afternoon immediately after the lecture. The following question will be open for general discussion, "Resolved, that the benefits of party government are greater than its evils." The general law committee on Washington's Birthday held a meet- ing at the close of the law lecture yesterday afternoon. It was decided to recommend an assessment of 25 cents per capita to the two classes who are to hold meeting today. Judge Ewing, of Chicago, has consented to speak. INTERCOLLEGIATE SWEATER, It is the cost sweater made and is superior to any otter on tke market. Made from the tSnek and softest Australianwoot, band kntt, and sas used exclusivel ilast year by nearly all the college football elevens. Is white, nave and black. PRICE. $7.00. Spalding's Base Ball and Tennis Sopplies are recognized leaders. Everything requisite for the games. Spalding's Trade Mark on slink you pur- chase isa guarantee that the goods are the A. G. SPALDING & BROS. NEW YORK. PAILADELPHIA. CHIcAGO. Wild, Wild, Wild. STUDENTS, TAKE NOTICE! 0DB WIN1[B AND FALL GOODS We Sell on Reduction. Fancy Suitings and Trousers. The goods must go. Please call and see. 2--East Washington Street.--2