TIf . OF M. ' DA IIY I.
fL f Ltd ill thI' o il fia ll lol1ri :4 Df1J7ITSON ,jMUSIC. T LfL.'FEB 15.:
alit'yioilivilno 101 iilo'o 1u1 avisit _______! r c1~.~si. ...
'oil ir)l i 11 flaly ISulloy "'~lel t i i 1j0to this ill'Ilillllilt 111 ,.'4011 of ithe0
10'co1'c1yal Six Love Songs," -)
th 'llg erIyHE U, EO M, INDPENDET ASSOCIATION 1 )111o tl o oci P1111 ll(,10 101110 of ly 11111 0..i10tIf ll I0 E T' % FINE I SHOES,
tl Tli:' inc",liaildlig N. '1lio lpllxieIst., . t 't Heavy Palpet', 75 cents. - NI\U
If '1 4 ,Lit i. O, lanl inn ;cit10 'Il, te 10' 11 )111 lll11 1(' 1( 1l cl((1i(11 11111ARCTICS AND RUBBER BOOTS,
A. IV. OSmjo, Lit. ojl.1, A .ist1111 11111 a 501 illl : 1 N1 11111 ill ilsoll 111 ON(3j (),4(110() sol. 11 Heavy Paper, 50(
&,Al l1t~~ ' ~ ~ 1 illl,1 l'ii111cents: Cloth, Gilt, $1.00. JACOHIR ALT1A1I).
0.S Pr t11. ,11 Iiillll"s '100' 1111111111 itor lllalillf11t i l) 11il 14ii 'COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS."0 l u,'.0.l1 i 11. c. . l ,Airaaror.,
Associate Editors. 11111 tIiiiisoiiofiti.ei i. 011011. .11110. iii11I1t1i11T1e1Grand(11 1.1 11111111
. B.011110y, Lii:.'90. 1 A.r5111111 i 5.Heavy Paper. $1.00.Opr
E.. L. Evillis, tile 11)) l.l1.OSunlllrilnIi LIt 96. 11 i iiii~ il iii i
101~ ~ ~~~~~~~~(( 11 .llttIi.i. 51.0110 1111 i lldl 1 liii 1111oltf11 I- iilIc 01l(hi OIWYAL COLLECTION N HTMtITL CIT4H MUSC rdaFbuay8h
10. .rtletiLit. '97i , A. 01)11ill, 'wi It.
M. ;ilIlirtI, 0 . 10i. ll.ll.(iiol lti'dl o nce lii :111. L111111000ii lii ic so' t. _111 10 011 from1111liii' +f +f TH-E + +
111111510Al'1'Ilcoilsoll, Lith 97111--1-01111110. ce A solvi 11111 . laid-
Bilil Cai ore. 11111(ci.u t%50 cents. s: flM Pn (MDANY flC flCT~fIT
61UIC l-Fld/f vvuf r..
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iay. Addrress1a11 mattein iitended'ilfor 0111111-I nlfI 'flniif. 'WVillflis 1il i i lla: Ao . PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS
co tlolte 11'MianaginlglEditoir. All llu'.r'. ii. o 1100fillil i'(f'$
0111,rblNat11'e111liesll0 tS li 111' Siil' Nioirl 1
Thrm eior 111111shold bthroi oI(fe s u- CC WA TS
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11011011, U.li O Fll M.11t Dl' IL Y , Piro(o ur e t lis 111111 1110119 01111100-PadOfic t mr esidenc AT 13ERnERt
An'i111'11111rb01 or ila. ril 11,b ii'ii'' 1ii 7FRSTC A S C SO.AL RN
.end1 Ift.' ('erMae A rr1 1 I OOI IITl.F.11 lol osel
Ilic eto sd roly 11not, l h 'ot1l~ . Soor1001s uill li' ,llla.>i(s X 1111 ostllct'blil .lli . W AT',CrTS.1
10100 bsgeiaiii Nail, asl illillliositi'. i
sable for the opnions oe stliimndtSatofriorres
- osiis 001111015iafos'cheticis t'llAll'i'l'illllg 1zTHEtRE IW
ih tlts.' iislsue i' I' . ili.0 u r-a
has beri anlc~Edited by Aln(
11110 floe (11 sf 001, 1 11ri'tdllrllt' 1FR TC A S C S O AL RN
ll~liihi1g iefiolc o to'(iil' .:it'i nexit Vynlriltr9 1
01111 1100' i'i''1on , 0111 l0 l i i tflieoce11(1te( srctllri t ntac
ilIettwll appear again Fehebruharyi'alezi
ul ilt 10 iii sDIS -Dr.litI.Buut formrly
liiftlli IliliE 1' ii i'i Ill iliotlllo:' li tit-eliii jililil building.tWeartllyhornstile E
leotllllgly to0 he1(19 1et''I liii'onThengrwing ailsBandycles TeReie f eiews (of a
011001'all.tliIn a di i o'th '.sev ral 'd' r'k ii liin ~mll 11n 95h . ocilio 3 W atide fe t- ucesf tat aet 1 ees.!. I.t o t
tliilii'l'5 0110p. m. Offibefcoe dSamedaoyos atd. fr
preita 0011nd 1 't1t he usuailii~ill 1-h )1i-)WtlotArVS 110 ~iil t. men'aongulthemtioefree s N tae
lrlltilalO ril'abl'i'1101'15 111 ll' li Il i. i"o i ii ..i. Slli 1... . ae c ns11-mic nd ia progressl
_l Iio 1. Y.i. 10c. f l crR edsanda ad s a e agrce
'fltis .0ina1eto f'trel 1gre t a th1101e' u(i. ~ j o lad uies eti i ipy
j'r if he iw folio,'11110 'lli'rafu'l ilois ::; a :: ::2 Wu~xsbe Tedpatet r
5th1110 i'll.econdaciofbytcr fegentcsa sisl-In
ilie isi yeab , and partlic'iiluularly 111e1 O TH Y rismx itrsa E di aiteluberL
flastll ti-rIOS iiit i'1 eil illOs SR OS FRV J .SNORAO Aliu epat lybueRve
f r a i T hi n d f n ~ e t 3 tiedoo l e y B u s t ,F S e r i e s o f 1 8 9 4 - 9 5.th eu n p r e c e d e n l e d s u c c e s s i n t i le f i r s t b hrw
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e i d r il ' 11 111 '0 o f li i- I i iu i' l ti t-
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I of.o n m~ro ae ild.to reaoraRoEviawcV W
i01011W 111st'fy'I('11cd' boefu' flod t1" ll -
111 els~shot10 ailto 'oaiuisl s 0C YER. C. NU BER I 3 Ato Pae NeworkeEn
puros e aff' r 151tl 11111 1 in110110AmersocanIIaffai'sas'ndnds$tedited. with p
uuUILI IuIIrAI[M , uLii ~uLJiJL
A Comsedy ina Three Acts.
Prices, - 35c, 50e, 75c and $t
Jewe1lily 0111e0
Chicago, Ill., 355 Wabash .Ave., .
it. F'. CLARKI. Slttuae'.
t 1111100?psiio nsr A illeyd yiiin 194.
I .otcos, Chicalgo', tlshingtoo,1).C.
New ~uirt, I~llOAngeles'0 Torloto.
Students Recreation Head-
Ni. 3 N. Alain Str-eet.
Sin April. 1891, that the, first naumber-
1American Review of Reviews was
w idea of givitg the best thats) 01i~
nes in addition to itt oxen brilliant, orig
k America by sttrm, as it had akei
life legazine. itself, wax not at alla
115sh editiout., .11deals nmost. largely xwihi'
periect independence, in its own office.
monthtly, timely in illustration and text,
vemetts of the dlay, to a degree never
aders who offor their commetdatins~
thte world, say that' the Review. of.
Icy should ktow abotut politics, liera-
Thfe most infltltniaI men and wcomen
.d thfat no family can afford 1o lose its
I :Besides the specialbaiesifalab cha
lter shetcheis othrilininter1es0t1and
timeliniss, the Review of Reies')
11a1 thcse reguaredepartments:
Tb. Progress'of the World-sAniusta-~.Y
whhtlhhiing,11lert menand awomen
ten.dingArtles .of the Moth.Thia,.V
- .smg adlthe succeeiggone, T
1q Itail.duiahi.Rerewed, eebodyethe1ida 4
onwic hemagazine .ls'fcolddlasi
There bightlylfmmiedlil,ee~ean~od
quoted leom.
Cureent Iilstorye In Caricature chronils4
1themont'shisory thou~gh the ioiaeV
Other eartmes revioewcarefullynoe
.boh ielists and indexes o latce
si h oledsziesooandflus erse }