Ijc iLI. of , ' tai ln. VOL. . NO. 91. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1895. PRICE--TIIREE CENTS. CHICAGO ATHLETICS. TWO COMING IMPORTANT ATH- LETIC MEETINGS, Chicago A. A. and the First Regi- ment-Amateur Athletic Union.-- Various Events Open to Colleg- ians. An open indoor athletic meeting wi] he iven by te thicago A. A. an he first regiment, Illinois Nationa Guards, onl Satrdaty. March 2. in the first regiment armory, Michigan ave. nod Sixreenthl st., Chicago. The' evets will be open to all amnates and wil ho as follows: Forty yards dash mile run, ruiing high ,jump, isole vault, half mile run, shot put, isotato There- will also be a ceow, or rla raice of tn' mile, opni to ainy clegeg meombr of the Western Intercollgith Athletic association. Each cleg will be allowed to enter six mnc, fetl of whom shall fintlly compete, echr running 440 yards. The track is 12 laps to the mile, wihi raiscd corners Tfhe starting in the dash will le fron cleats two inces sqare, and non( lit rubber-soled shoes will be allowel The entries, for which te fee i ,2) cenits, will close i Fbruary '_3 They mst h tistde oii the oficit entry blank, which wil be setitor application to 11. S. Cornih, car Chicago Athletic itssocittion, Cii ag, Ill. The rules for the toel may e soen at the Daily office. The gymnastic championships of th Central association of the anaten athletic union will tbo given uder lie. auspices of the Chicago athletic asso elation, in their gymntasiuma in Cii eago on Saturday, Macel 23, at Saturday, Mach 30. 'These camptioships will be open t any amateur. They will include tli following events: March 23, broae horse, horizontal bar andI rope clint ing; March 30, parallel bars, flyin rings and club switging. Entries wil lose March 10 and mst ha aecoir panled by the fee of $1 for any or a] e 0 - Entries should hoeIadeb 11. S. Cornish, 123 Michigan ave., Ci eag, Ill. rizes will ho. given to firs and second int each event, and a spe ial prize for geneal excellencewl be given 'to th contetants scomn the highest aggregate of points in th brad horse, horizontal bar, pralb bars and flying ring. Glee Club Concert. The Glee club give a concert at Di trot this afternoot under the ue piles of the Alumni association of te Detroit High Shoo. A reception an hop will be given in the evening T proceds will go toward the ig school's scholarship fnd for the Ul Yerrsty. Faculty Concert. Tlh' foturitfacultycottc('rt cof iie *seasont was given last ntight, and the Frieze MemMorial hall was crowded hy atn appreiative attdietmce Thte pro- grainiwas opietned by at toccata.,it 1 ) mimnor by PBach, r. tnderedl on the orgatn by t'rof. Stanley. Ite was fol- I loweel c by Mr. Latmisomi, whcsc singing i of a ballad ettitiledd'"fime towotti THlE FRATERNITY BALL EWILL UNDOUBTEDLY EXCEL BALLS OF FORMER YEARS. - Independents Have a Sooth-List tof Fatronesses.-Committees in -, Charge-Daily to Issue a Double Nutmber as a Souvenler. .trratgetiettts tire tieing raepidly per- il fecte'il for the Ninteeenth amitntal.ttal Supplianit" w-sas wartmly reooiv ed. TheI which will be the great closing ev-emnt third tnttmber comsisted of three harts:( of the first e miester. Tha '96ti em- Guotucreigeti by Liszt.,ti tortirmeittinmittees -who have the iutiter itt charge 1i tmajor iy Chopin, aittat valse itt A lat miajor, bys Moszkowski. These were perforimediltupoitithmepiatto with exqutisite expressiot, by Signmor Jottas, whlo otto loutdly andI ritattedly atp- plautded. Titotnext part of te program was ta series of violin soles by Mr. H~ermann A. Zeitz, wvho played three ttungarian dainties in ID, B and G ttittor. In ce- spottse to atn encore Mr. Zeitz replayed te last mentitomned selec~tion.. Follow- itig ]tr. Zeitz, Mr. Lamuson again atp- hiared atnd sang "Adelaide," by Beet- htovetn, and, if possible, his secomtd solo was received with tmorce Iweaty ap1- lau~tso than the first. Thte proagram wats losed tiy aniniittermiezzo fromt lltiteberger by Prof. Stanley. W'itht such coticerts its these of "reel biy the faculty of the School of Music eduritig the present sasmott the tusic lovers of Attn Arbor htave uttexcelled otiportutnities for entertaiment, ancd the Prieze hall is Isarely sufficiecnt to tccottmoidate the large tnutmier' whoi atttted. Sophomore Medic Schedule. 'Te sopihoimlore meitilcltass will bei exatmitned as follows: Etnbi-yology, Monday morning, Fib. 11, 9 o'clock, in the low-er lecture rootm. Physiology, 'Tnesday rioitimg, Feb. 12, at 9i o'clock itn upper lecture rootm. Ilygietie, Wedttesday tnortaing, Feb. 13, at 9 ocloek on hoteniotiathic atmphli- theatre. Surgical Atnatotmy, Thturmsday tmtirn- itng, Feg. 14, at 9i o'clock ini the upper lecture rosin. Anatotmy of the' Nervous Systett, Friday miorning;, Feb. 15, atth o'clock, in the upper lecture room. The Freshman Medic Exams. The freshmnan tmedical class exam- inations have been scheduled and posted for next week and this. Ost- eology will come tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock in the upper lecture roont. Bacteriology is to be given Monday maorning, Feb. 11tih, at 9 o'clock in the dental ampitheatre. Anatomy will be given in the same Splace Wednesday, Feb. 13t1, at 9) o'clock. The subject of general chemo- istry is billed for Tuesday morninlg, Feb. 12th, at 8 o'clock. are its follows, with \l. W. Cttllcct, Sigmtt Phi, geteacllllaiciutit: Tcwvitatiott-'ltrl s IP. Davis, Itetta Theta. Pi, c'haeirmaln; F. Wt. Colemnm, Psi U'psilot;i«'.t. la-ctt'ir" IPhi Kappa Psi; tlowatrid Bement, Zea Psi; A. It. -Mdlri-gor, lDelta Tan Delta. Arrtttgemnts -Framik H. tPetrie, Alpha Delta P'hi; II. E. Sauea', Chi Psi; Ht. A. Cole, P'hi Kappa Psi; 1E. It. Htarrington, Delta Kappa Epsilon; L. C. Whittmatn, Zeta.t'si; G. F. Greeti- leaf, Delta Tan Delta. Reoception-A. D. Stevenson, P'si Up- silon, chmairtmanm; J. B. Tillotsone, Alpha DeltatPhmi;ID. M. tiecry, Delit Kappla Epasilonl; B. C. ilhl, ttetae Theta Pi; J. Archmer, Chli Ptsi. Thle patrotmesses of thoc tall are Mrs. J1. B. Angell, Mrs. P. It. detetit, Mrs. J1. C'. Kinowltoni, i: A. A. S!ttmtl 'y. .Mrs. ;N. L. D'ttogi', iMs. .'. Freer, Mrts. E,.1'. iHinmaitn, Mra. A. V. Atchti- sen, Ms,. .'. Codd, Mrs. S. B. Cole- maim, Mrs. W'. G. Henry, Mrs.' Gardner Lamson, Mrs. l. .1. Gross, Mrs. C. 11. Morse, Mrs. J. J. Mutheron. A nuimber of thme idepsendents hatve, taken a booth acid the followinmg frae- ternities will also be represented by booths: Delta Cli, Ktappa Sigma, Xi Psi Phi, Delhi Sigmat Delta. Time Daily will issue a double nutm- ber emm Saturday morneming folloing. Attention is clled to its announ'e- mecnt elsew-here ho our columns. Medical Faculty Changes. This morning's Detroit 'Tribune con- tales time folliowinmg: "In executive sessiom; the reogmits passed a resolutionm to abolish time chair of patimology occupied by Dr. Gibbes, and combitine it wiith the chair of thce practice of medicine. Thme pathologhcal work wilhe done by an assistant, as yet unappointed, at a salary of $90tOa, year." As we go to press the repor't is .veri- fied from official soures. It is under- stood thme action of tho regents Is lice result of the difficulties as to opinions upon various branches of work. Dr. G ibbes wvas not criticized for his work as a teacher. Theo senate trophies are on exhibition I thme display window of Shteehan & Co. NO GOOD STUDENT Tries to learmn witout ooks. Some people tiough try to use musical instrtmmeznts with littte or nmione1c. We Say Buy Those Which Hae Jone We seli that kinit. 51 South Main St. F-~ ~ -jf J dJM Is the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSNESSad SHIORT lNANh. Magsiicesntbuilding tes teachers; lage ciitedance; gssd dicbiplie; sperisrtwac; ell seecehed radisg ras; dily lettre; Studa eece~nt ccesptiosm;pes the etire year. Etemr 'i-, fciitie hor paig stdesitis psitiss h.elti and roohatsto$271 per weekh is piate £- 'e.c.. Thesrates redsced is $m5o by seli b ,ditG For Caaloge address o R-CtEARY. Pes HOT IvJNTO8ES LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES +TUTTLE'S, + 48 S. STATE ST. Go to RANDALL for Artistic Photos. NEW GALLERY. LAGES OPERAIINGROOM IN STATE NO. 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK Ann Arbor, Mich. ED. A. CADIEUX. Latest Improved Barber Shop Is the city. E. vssigton s., 1st door ast o ain s. Anm Aror. MAMMOTH A PIPE SALE JOLLY & Co'S 26 SUTHe STATE S. ont fal t com, Isot mu'd. Cot Lusrhes at All ]Hors. LAVI STUDENTS will find a full stock of LEGAL BLANKS --AT- W1AHR'S.