'THE U. OF M. DAILY. NKUPT OLTHINGSALE No. 30 East Huron Street, now in full blast SVUI, OEJY[CODAIS, MAIIKINIDSFIES; S'N[ATERS, ODD PANTS AND FVBNISIIING IGOODS! Less than half price This is a great opportunity to get seasonable goods at unusually low prices. See the stock and get prices. 8 S ASolid Back THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK GYM SUT Ann Arbor, MSic. Capital Stock, $50,000. haIIkt[ !All BristleOrganizendterthe oGneralenkingi uk l WaoftnS edures o i 1 IetisSate. Saetyiesdeositsc, tsamplenlin Formerly with George Warli, 19 H ai IUeited ntaia Dafce sd utpo t EI. Washlintton St. Headquarters for identification. safetyd stoxsore S eee as e n evey t"B a Staht e i tna , .Vice-Pes.; Ckac. E. Itice ofGymnasiumSuits. These neyliga Suetnesinh a r B u h OFrICERS: Ohrictian ;Mack, Pres., . S aiu hs din of Text-Books, Stationery and ,Cocier; M. T. Fritz.Assistant cachier. discellaneous Stock in general. FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS 4 N NAR OR goods are manufactured by the MARTIN SCHALLER, STEAM LAUNDRY CO. Overman Wheel Co., makers of THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, -AT- IIgh Gioss and Domestic Finish. Victor Cycles, which is sufficient 1 E. WVahingtonc st., one block M E RY' . E. S. SERVISS, Manager, guarantee as to their quality. oa t of Mainst t Q SOUTH FOURTH AVENUe We sell them for less than what .~ 'ARE YOU TN ERESTFED IN FOUNT AIN PENS? yon have to pay for inferior ~~ goods. See them before you buy. H1IX .AWN Be ihave sometincg ocw and soperirlne thikscline. limp us a postal before buying otkeis.c-AT- RAPID PEN FACTORY, WASHINGTON. D . C. MSIAERS CYCLE EMPORIUM, ATTENTIONTI PLEASE. . cx 11 W Washington ci. Are you annoyed b3 your lamp wicks chared? By your lamps filling the house with a sickening smoke and giving a light the color of the TRADE MAR/ moon when seen through a smoked glass? If so, use our Red Star Oil, andC pd o 4 -~_thus troubles will vanish. It gives a white light, does not char the wick, Capsand owns emits no odor, and will all burn out of the lamp. Red Star Oil 8c per gal., GRANGS R White Star Oil,6c per gal., 74' smokeless Gasoline 8c per gal. FOR MEN AND WOMEN. OOOLCH ~DE3A~L &c COJMPAiET7. SCHOOL OF DANCING. 44 South Main Street. 1 We are prepared to furnish Caps and Gowns of the highest quality Allelassesare under the personalInsruc- UNIVERSITY NOTES. W. H. Thorp his beet )electedI to Universities, Colleges and Schools All lases ae uderthe ersnal nstuc-throughout the United States, at tion of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Granger. Private.captam of the '96 lit baseball team ocr elssc lessons given on any dance of merit The senior laws will be tinizzed cltiio ie'6lthslalIansuerpricing ly low prices. Self sneas- S syThe junior laws will have ,t quiz urement forms, containing all nec- requested. Office at the Academy, ground on Wills ext weeky Instructor .. essary instructions to secure per- oor, 6 Maynard St. in Easements next week, begiinning fectly fitting garments without Dwyer. with lecture 16 and includinc' ,ll visiting the store, will be forwarded FLAG PINS $1.50, The seiiior law class in great those delivered this week. o"po" request. orators discusses Henry W.Beecher Prof. Ziwet reads aspaper hefre RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS Yellow and Blue But- Thursday. tons 6oc. the Philosophical society Wednes- With U. of M. or the The fourth faculty concert of thet s different widths, at moderate day evening, Feb. 6, at 7:45 in 'prices. ear75c cnmiunasela v.v cahucono WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing and Delsarte. Saturday, 1i a. im., Gentleman beginnera class. Saturday,4 p. inm.,Ladybeginnersclass. Monday. 7:30 p. m., Advanced Class (Ladies' and Gentleme). Tuesday, 730 p. m., Beginners Class (Ladies and tGentlemen). Private lessons by appointment. SCHOOL 46 S. STATE ST. N~EW $TOK OF Sweaters in the latest styles at Chhan & Co0.'s University Booksellers. GYMNASIUM SUITS, GYMNASIUM SHOES. BEST LINEN PAPER in the city at 15e and 20e Per Pound. in the Scol of Mic, j room 21, on 'The Mathematician's Strawbridge & Clothier in te School of Music. Us IfnTy " The specil junior law quiz in Use of Infinity." PHILADELPHIA. The pecal jnio lawqui in Dr. NTory will meet the junior The largest exclusively Dry Goods Agency will take place a week from dentals this afternoon alphabetic- House in America. Saturday, at 10 a. in., in Room 4. ally from "F" to "K," and the re- The post-graduate quiz on med- mainder of the class tomorrow SPALD I NG'S ical jurisprudence, which should have come Tuesday, will be held n a eriology, ar pivate qiztes INTERCOLLEGIATE at 4 p. mn. today. oBatrlgyth iofcenthINECLGAT Henry Palmer, M. D., '88, lo- laboratory of hygiene. SWEATER. Prof. J. W. Langley, of Case cated at St. Johns, Mich., is tak- SchooltofAIai, the best weater made end itosuperior ShoofApplied Science, and a to anyote on tke market. Made from the ing a three weeks' special course in former Michigan professor, 1 llfinest and softest Australian wool, hand knit, the medicaldepartment.sarndbrwasUuysderaclusivel last year by nearly all the celleg ootaleeesnwie the meiaj eatet speak before the Unity Club next navyv and black.fotalevnsInhi. 'lejunior laws will have an- other review quiz in Agency next Monday night on "Some Recent PRICE. $7.00. week, and the week followiny the Applications ef Electricity to Spaiding's ase Bal and Tennis Supplies . . e Chemistry and Metallurgy, are recognized leaders. Everything requisite final examination will be given, for the fames. Doubtless the junior dents will Spalding's Trade Mark on what you par- Mr. W H. c~auhlin A. .,ebase is a guarantee that the goods are the .H . n . be highly pleased in being the first best. 93, who is now an instructor in class which will receive full in- A. G. SPALDING & BROS. the U. of Ill., is spending a few structions in operative technique. NEW YORK. PAILADELPHRIA. CiICAGO. days with his sister, who is in the Drs. Hall and Van Demon wild University.n .w have charge of the course, and d W W F. Hopkinson Smith wili ecture work will begin early in the second at the Wooiward Ave. Congrega- semester. STUDENTS, TAKE NOTICE! tional Church, Detroit, Monday A fine etching of the late Prof. OUR WINTIR AND FALL GOODS evening, February 11. Subject, Whitney, of Yam, and a framedUUU "Under the White Umbrella." photograph of Walt Whitman will We Sell on Reduction. Prof. M. E. Cooley went to De- be hung in Prof. Scott's room this troit yesterday, accompanied by week. The etching of Prof. Whit- Fancy Suitings and Trousers. Messrs. Wilicox and MeCrickeltt ney will appropriately be placed The goods must go. Please call and of the senior class, to inspect the over the volumes of the Century see. boiler of the Detroit Free Press. Dietionary. 2- ast Washiugton 8teet.--2