THE U. OF M. DAILY. At the Grand Opera House. I PROHIBITION CLUB. SPRING WOOLENS. I'fG N ENT 351 ebr o h rhbiincus M. A. F. Rose represe'ntinlg the _MmesothPrhbtoclb19.Time Table (Revised) Nov. 18, 154 "The New Ole Olson" will be are requested to meet in room 12, Goden Eagle, 90 Woodward ave., De- ra WEST. ~ resented at the Grand Opera law building, Friday, February g, troit, will be at 012e Cook Tue Iiio~ 5 al~House on Thursdlay, Feb. 7, Mr. at 7 p un. F. A. KULP, IPres dyadWc~ aFb t f N.Y. Special-- 5 15 NYS s sal 7 o6twhafuldsayfFrig Easter~s.....102 N. SL mited... 9 25 Kee e, the author, has completely Course: 4 in Chemiistry will hoien 0th, wihafl inpa fFr A. M. Pacific Exs 12 15 .' ' anti Domestic Novellies for the coin- Atl.alis...- 47 r' rewritten this p~opular Seds at 1 p. 11. isteat of 11 . tit. diuring 0ILNExpress.. 5040 Western E....2 12ed he 9011 ll(1'Letrsviinceao. All are' invited to inspect G.i.E rsa.10 h. t. E .1 comed s)iend Ill t ovi: Leture, wil thgeilasohchwlllnoud.010 R.p~prss_.10 h.N Exs. E..._...127 icmd and hai'e strengthened it in th ie f in l t:'fon sp:,_ u.W lwir.ES, H. X. IlAYES, various watys. It has enjoyed a mnedic in buildig. 1'w~r. lC.~tr 1 FIIEEII.r al ie 0. 1'. & T. Agt., Chkicago. Agt., Ass Arhor. wneflctero rseiy ISOI.. ~ j T., A. A. & N. M. RY. and now that it is freshened and Mr. Dow's lectures ,tinss t jltU AHE1 iii Traking effect Sunday, Aug. 1155m. Irevised, it wviii eloitiess conitinule he'. given Tuesdays ansi 'finrsd-lys, liD T 'rains leave Aen Arbor ors Central Stooud iadi ors'2lody niEelt aeeA time, its successful car'eer. The com an10Coe2Mdays11) XV 'el1' -___- --- suave. sOuvtn. days. )11'. Johonston's wo i) oil le is, 7:10 a. me. :157~. pany is the strongest thiat has ever follows: ('ourse t1 It stoi tfNn' HOT SPRINGS, ARK.. '12:15p. m. ii:3a. m. appearedl in tile play an mrcsland dowsn to 16SS. Mond 1's XX'dl s- 4:1. p.1m. 9:00 P. m1 an emrae " rains ran between toll ArborsadTeo some of the hosat farce-consedy tal- days anld Fridays, 3 p. 0 T EXAS "el Cus lsor fInln Snena.A1 trais doily except Soaay ent in the bus5iness. ;Many' clever Cus4.tior eflgi11 bn.LOS ANGELES R. B. GRLEEN W0001) Agent 1088. Course 7, 190111. His11tory. 4V. HI. PENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo 0. specialties are introduced. Some C7ourse 8, Tile lIe's-is-at if T:'aiing t - 5's)-T ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY, new and startling surprises in aifs relation to tht e' formllation. the SAN FRANCISCO. Tim TbleOcfar7C-omedy line .ire annouoiced last three coesl'l'0 will b)e given ef News 'Texas and California Sieeplug Tie ale ctbr ,1894 and the engagement is looked for- hours statd in anlnounce'mentu.'oLie Leave Ypsilnti from Otlgreaxs A1., 7:00,09:00 wad o ith uloasure by lovers of T-_Ca _Line .ed1:0am;20,2:005:1.6:5,9:00 and wat lt ) BUSINESS LOCALS. ---- 1l00 p.em. 1 ' -i.,'. Leave Atta Arbot' Junctionl, 7:30,09:30 aed farco-tomedey 1In t1llS ClteQ5 [Notices sred inthis oe~lm ct there ,1 TEWBS DIO ONANRS Il:Zl0a.n.; o:524,:071,:0nl:0~.- f 5centn per line, Special ratesn for leger) TH AAHADIO5 ONANRS i:152:455:007:l5O300etedi:00~ne.time, atd extra Imeso forteished by applying SUNDAY TIME. Examinations. at the )AI.v~ offie. IIHave inaugurated a new naily Liter of. Leave Ypsilanti from Coafresost. 1:30, 3 :30. -Have youi roomo; to reni' I tr so, cli- FIRST CLASS SLEEPERS5 fronm ;:,i6:30 and 9:D0 . m. no-- rtise theous inl tile Doily.ICG TOfLAR EA Leave Ann Arbor function, 2.00, 4:00,;1:30, CHCG LAREDO Crmaociytm.Fare: sinegle trip 157 jC' ,re yoiviicdo n llleO Ya Little Roch. Malvern, Texarhana. Psi'- '-ees: tweed trip lickens 25 cons. 4 Ijcard ea se, opera glass elloc, meldical etine, Asin and San Antote) P lasengers Xl'. F P~lanl, npt surgical or dental instrumnt calso at for 0101 Springs have Only one. g Of art. FLOWERS, FLOWERS r n o a reasonahle pricer If so go to tile at Malvern, 9:10 a. m. net ey), aerivina ;~Otain at Hot Sprints of 11:10 a. to. Six heors the: For Everythieg aned Everybody. Argsis Book B-indery, No50 . uicks hog teigoeln ewe eu8hircitS &f nAL F x6il N. Unv ae, St., and they 'ill it you out inl first Chicago and Malvern. Aioo daily usne af a. 115.~ : O ( c.lass shape. Don't folget the nuna-- Tourist Sleepers, leaving Chicago e same f 1her 9N. Main t. 'tralin. through to Sale1 Fraetcis o ia Loe.. + ' Angeleo C'l. T hie 7 For boarders ads-ertise in tile Dail. o '- w A o La Sto.ud,.oets.-ov is the best timi -' ~' a°''W""' " : Foe nips, tce ts andifulleinfore t1111 Cl v r Leaf t o have your lectures hud n fepyt v I you wishl a first cass job fake them 'j H. GREEN 1. HALOER ~N~ out b H 2 to the Argus Book Blindery, 0I N. 'MchiganiP .,:s. Agt. Trav. P'ai. A- )ote oX lain St. P'rices from 259 cents up. . o . wrw.. a c , o The best advertising meldiumls in tire I(ICKET OFFICE: 2t Clark tl. CiIleAI' 0 l~ keep nn min 'thy sldo the Daly o F. H. Tstram, P. E. Dombaugh, --jas kee in midteToeo Con. Pals. Agt. t'ass. & Ticket Agt. St. Louis & Kansas City R. BR., . 1S 71 3. CALENDAR. r.thaean5mt- 17Mdseo. the Clover Leaf Route, iFast 9 d, ° a° - od ot P v.aditt - urg P adso o,.e Line' for St. Louis, Mo., and the :Fri., F eb. 8.-Glee Club at Detrtit. West and Southwest leaves To- IFri., Feb. 1 >-Nineteenth Annual REUBEN Hi. KEMPF, Ledo Union Depot at 5 p. un. y c --Ball of lhe Fra3terilitie's ill Wateriman Frone the Royal Conservatory, daily, arrives New Union Station Gymnuasiumi. : Stuttgacrt, Gemany, (the largest in the world), St. Sat., Feb. 1.-I-res. Talniage, eelf Teacher of Pianso, Organ and Mursical Louis early next morning. Titah, iii S. L. A. course in Univsrity I Composition; also the .Art of I~w( w ~w qhal oi theMoron qeston.Teaching. CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR Nov - -- hal non theb Msor omor usion. r Sui 2S iiinS. n roMc NOEly the 7 ine or Lecture is moanat 7o. e.l'-oeoioi i l tdo2 .Dvss 1,At ro' i and MAichigan Ceuntral lines at the time of tile first lecture of the week orut ycaol Contest.MerpltnC f Toledo. a ~~~course ofilecturesistgiven asufollows: Dion. Tues., Fob. 3tl.. illullel it. e lisa: eaL- h n Xet in~ingRoma N. s X at a, wed. al F ri at is, tile course is said to torical contest uc e Iiii ton.N.1 Buffet Reclining Chaer Cars Seats Free he given Sex. at 3. By referrinig Is MoedayForhAebtenrlgoHtl 3, in the schedule, it wll be seen that lice ex- Thurs., Fe'b. . --.1i. indl Mrs. a cad City Office Buldting. Opell ali and Vestibuled Sleepers sithi- aminatlollfails upoteWednesday 24.hud COMMTxEEo OEXAMNTuxanoex Heoinrich song receitcel cat 2'nts-e'sity hus out elhance. hla. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Props.. , . F K1)1S 1r Litlity whill holdi tinal14 Fri..1 tll. 2.2.--Sentior lt.iccla-eeccl- C.C E K N . exanminaltion 011 001101al chiietsltry terieal contest. i FIRST NATIONAL BANK.. G.eneral Passenger Agt., Toledo, 0. for the freshuman dents one wveok Sat. Feb.:23. Se'liore 1:ow tclcsec:- OF ANN ARBORI. toriccal ecutest. Organized 180:3. DIETAS & SCHANZ, Ifronm Wednesday' inl the denle a15- _______ _Ccapital, $100,000. Surplus asd P'rofits, $40,0019 TT w~ ltheal'e a a. Il. IAdvertise in the Daily. Transacts a genercl bak business. y , 'i~fi TB LOR llForeign exchainges bought anel sold. Furneishe ___________________________________________________________ tatters of credit. LatestandbetstylesofFreinandDo P. BACH, Pren. 5. W. CLA~RKSON, Canhier work gurnt aanteed. Cleaning, pressiteg andsn 1~Ii~ repairing neatliy done. 1) 1.5 , ~ I AL uL~ L ~ u I N . 22 Years i the Business-'13 ' PIRE YU OL LF To"H ElB M_ STAEBLER. M.M.SEABLTNo.4N. 4h ae. j ) "~*~OrFICEg: 11 XVXahisgton st.. 'Phone No.S CITY LAUN RYYARDS: M. C. R. R. 'Phone No- 51. MKERCHANT TAILORING! U DUAII~ .I LY1 %MOORE & WETMORE Cleaning, Premsinf and Repairieg i 61. Mlain t., and State St., cor- dune sently by uer of William t., hove a An. CHEEWLD,.6. ahigtn will be delivered at the your room the remainder of ' complete stock of EXCELSIOR +LAUNDRY! th colgIerfrol 15.TV 20 EAST HUR ON STREET. thJlg ya o nl 16 .;NIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS (Seed work Gunarateed Gos called for I NwadScn ~d cend delivecred. A. F. CIOVERT, Prep. New andTf'VXATH:d.. ANN ARBOR N 1Nen../ V Ste hook and ther Student' Supplies YE WORRIS.Fine Stationery, Sporting Goods, ea, whli STEAMD Y WO KS AtDaily Office, Times Block, at Stofiet's News Stand, they offer at heg wesrt rices. Lardies' and Gtn 'Clothing Cleaned . ar Dyed. 3W. UOW A&NN ARO"or at Paul Myers. State St., News Stand I pal anid see us before purchasintg-