At the'Grand Opera House, and in Course 9 Mondays and Wedues- SPRING WOOLENS.
,~hJHT&G N days.. Mr. Johnston's work t;ill be as Mtr. A. E.Ihose representing flt-
Time Table (Revised) Nose.1, 1854. "The Nw Ol 01so1.' whith-ill~ follows: Couise, 3, History of Eng- Golden Eagle, 90 Woodward ave., De-
FAST.WEST. bz! seein at the Grand Opera liouse land down, to 1688, Monday-s, Wednes- trolt, will be at the Cook house, 'nes-
Mail and Ex ---3X10Mail ---------93 on Thursday -eveniing, Feb 7, should days and Fridays,2 p. in., room, F. day anti Wednesday, Feb. 5th and
N. Y. Special-.-. 5 15 N. Y. Speial--7(30 not he confotuidedl with the old coin- Course <4, History of England since 6th, with a full display of Forigmn
Mlasters Es.lO.102 N. S. Limited.-9 25
- .A.M5. Pacific Ex-i_-1'15 edy changed, the ch1aracters and sit- 1688. (ourse 7, Roman History, and Domestic N-ovelties for the com-
Atlistie Es.._... 7 47 P aiisadrt~u~lltl lc u
0.N. Express-__5 405 .Testesn Ex--- .. uaois ndrtne ltle leht Course S, The Rtevival of Learning and ing season. All are invited to inspect
0x. R. Express ---11 055 Chi. Nt. Ex---10 25 a part of time old title. It is nesw full its relation to t1he' ieformnation. The the line which will Sx oun'mtmd espec-
GIt.Is:--- 5 7
0. W. bRosmsLn, H. W. tktvm,> of clever specialties and is 1rononnULced last three etirses u-ill be given .1t lally tine.
G. P. & T. Agt.. Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor. onef of the most laughable aind en- hotirs stated in ainnouncemnent. ____ ___ ___
T. A. A. N. X. RY tatlininlg 101111ies oiite tage)1c. Itr
TA A.& N M.R .has atractedi sidespread attention BUSINESS LOCALS. flOhTt
Taking effect Sunday, Aug. 1,189-. bec4use of the striking originality of [Notices inserted in this column at the rateTlE AV H u '
o5cetpe iESpcaraefoioerT E W BS Taid s tleav. AnArbor eoi Central Stand- tecifcam-er nAs cnzdtime, and extra liues furiiished by ppiyrng
I c tinseaveecie Assace n A- tzi~nzedat the DAILY office.?
soaim.cvi. Sedea uait, mpe-tuhabe. Have you rooms to rent.:if so, to
72:18 a. nm. 1:15a. im. illgnt .ytmtl elwcpt ertise them tn tile Dal. HOT SPRINGS, ARK., 9:00 p. il. ally playedIby, John T. Hlansonm. The Are you in need of a hune mlorocco TEXAS,
-*rins ran between-Anio Artior and Toledo story tells of It I-Cm s-e1 of mu. typicalcadasorala aemdil
ony cadcsoeagls ae-eia
All trains daily except Suinda - So-edt and serves toasa, good vehicle surgical or dental instrument case tt LOS ANGELES
0011 GEEW~I, Agen~t
W. H. BENNETT 0. P.A. Toledo 0. 1or tile comeldy svork of the clevera reasonable price? It so go to the -N..
people wholie up ~C th ie comlpany15. Argus Book :Bindery-, No. 9i N. Alain SAFRNIC
ANN ARBOR& YPSILANTI ST, RY, FussaisandIpathos n-ill i-tle jointly at at., and they will fit you out in first S NF A CS O
tile opera house next Moinday andl class shape. Don't fol-get the nun).- New 'Texas and California Sleeping
Time Tbe 'tbr7,1 r uesday evening wsenllAlhbt Haywoodhbhe, 9 N. Main at. CaLie
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st .7:00,'101
and 11:00 a. in.; 12:45,27:15,5:00, 6:45, 9:00 and and his excellenst comlpan~yswill presenst For boarders advertise in the Daily.:-_________
Lev n ro ucin :0 :30 mind "Rdgwood Folks"1111d "Down in Inu. Law; Studenets-Nos is the boat tins
11:30am.; il5,2:51,5:30,:t5:30 aid11:00pm. anny.'"There tisiio merrier comedy to have your lectures hound, and ifTEWAAHAD RNMUNANuS.
SUNDAY TIME. out lie stage thain 'ttdgesood Foltes," you wish a first class job take thesm tlave inaugurated a new Daily Linie or
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 1:30,3:30, while "Down ill llljtlnny" ts a gent of to the Argus Book Bindery, I9 N. FIRST CLASS SLEEPERIS fram
:,:0MandS:005 m
Leave Ann Arbor Juisetioi, 2:00,4:00,5:30,!Ipathos. ;RSain St. Prices fronm 23 cents up.
Cartsroundonipcity time. ces et.Fare: Esingle trip 13 ThNbstadertsigS.1diu i te VinsLittle Roek. Malvern, Tesarkana, Pal-
'rtWi-udtiptees.Sn,F. NOTICESS.. city 1is the Daily. estine, Austin and San Antonio. Passengers
(leoogy (-Hstorcal .euogy.Site I TENDA. for Bet Springs have only one ,- 'tYgofatcars
FLOWERS, FLOWERS t1e. Og 31.diislorica (at'Malgyernc- 9:50OF.. iALENDAR
and Semesaevernay b:elea.edib. ne-t- ,yE, arriving
For Everything and Everybody. ; otlsl3h lctdl t at Hot. Springs at 11:10 a. in. six hours the
lw~~sI~s & S.L ihlI~~ nvr~yae dents whiebo:hav lnt takens (Geology I. Times., Febi. 5.--Regemmts 1inc 'i. quickest through leeping car line betwenm
Q 1 0It " unvrtyaeelephone 115. I SRIAEL C. RtUSSELL. 't'hnrselay. Feb. .-Facutlty - {l-r Chicago and Malvern. Also daily line, or
Th. xeutv bar o teortoicl tthe Scimool of Music. Tourist Sleepers, leaving Chicago an same
The'xce~nisehoad o tie oa tc Iittrain, through to Sain Francisco via Lo.
The2vi -lcattols will sleet toda y at 4 p. Fri., Feb. .-Glee Club at Dethoit. Angeles, Cal.
It. inl 1o01112.1. .1. 11. QJAIILES, Fri., Feb. 13.-Nlneteentim Annual
M over LeafPresident Hall of the Fraternities in Wateruman For 000170,, tickets and full intormaton,
Gymnasium.apply to y
Ro tat 1 1,11 instead of 11 a. 11. iurin : Sat., Feb. 1(6.-Pres.. 'Talmage, of J. H. GREEN J.' HALDEaMAN,
Route the econdsemester. Lectures will Utah, in S. L. A. coui-se in University Mifchigan Pass-. Agt. Tray. P'ss. Ag
he given illthme lou-er lecture room, hall on the ?Mormon question. -e--R-
medical buildimg. I1. C. FREERt... Mon., Feb. 1S.--Soph~omore) li.. tmss TICKET OFFgCE: 701 Clark st., CHICAGOPlaekpinm d h.Todo Alortnsfrtertrclcn-rtoclcnetF.HTitam F.EDmbug
-St. Louis &i Kansas City R. R., test must be handed intllsm A'tl ie Tues., Feb. 19.-.lniir lit. -class aril- Cen. Pass. Agt. Pass. & Ticket Agt.
The Clover Leaf Rote" 'Fast Ps 7htueiyFe.1.britl contest. Cor. 7 . ave. and tsg Smith- a 7 Madisos 5,
:Line' for St. Louis, Mod., and the .1, I;ILE. Thurs., Feb. 21.-Mr idtnHc~feda htbrP oeo
West and Southwest leaves To. !IHeinrichl song ree1i11il ttInix ersity R U E .K M F
ledo Union Depot at 5 p. M. tiitA.j5)SEETE. hal.
daily, New Unon Staion 'the course in (German lyrics auid 'ri., 1-b. .72'.Se-lior lit. c-ass ~3- From the utrRoyal Cneraoy,
dal, barrivesoitNewinUnionas Station^
(the largest in the world), St blas mte iitels none torical contest Teacher of Piano, Organ and Xusical
eTuto(a ly next msorning. mn1ent svill be giver) as heretofore. The Sat., Fell..2.- Senhior tosselmass or11- Composition; also the Art of
Louis d~~~~~~cass will meet Mondays and Wednes- ttSa -uet ecig
CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR days at 1t o'ctet-I, i t resn 3 lver. Studuo 22 S. Division St. Ann Arbor, Michm
and M4ichigan Central linea at LWHEN CE . Mct.OtTIL. We want to buy stamp collections Metropolitan Cafe
Toledo.,! n Course 4 of Political Economy and will pay cash for the same on Lunch and Dining Resin. No. 18 N.
Buffet Reclining Chair Cars gets Free (Principles of tiso Science of Finance) receipt if price asked is satisfactory. Fourth Ave., between Arlington Hotel
an etbldSepr ih ie ntescn eetr uzCollections, should he sent by regis- and City Office Suilding. Open, all
out ehaango., Section I will meet on Mondays at 3 tered mail or expresa with letter nanim r.adMs dar eiPos
p. mn. instead of at 2 p. ns.. as stated mug price under separate cover. WteMran Ms.EwdLeiPo.
0.C.C . J IENKILNS, S in tlie announucemnt. send superior approval sheets to re- FR TN TO A A K
General Passenger Agt., Toledo, 0. JOHN I. 1ISAIS. sponsible parties.
______________W. J. LAWRENCE & CO., OF ANN ARBOR.
ISTORY. I Organized 1803.
DIETAS & SCITANZ, At11 Doe's lectures i ":;urse TWill! Kalamazoo, ihell. Capital, $100,t00. Surplus and Proftts, $340,000.
"U. c. Tgz o be given Tnesdays atnt Thursdays, Advertise in the Dailyrnscsa eerlbnkn Furnish
Weolensleter Firs clasritadirttas
Latest and best styles ot Foreign and Do-r P. BACH, Pres.
eaty doolne. st FORs fLL COLEG firstclas
work guaranteed. Cleaning, pressing and FRALL COLLEGE NEW
48 S. State at.. SeodFooi nn Arbor. ________________ 15JU0
22 Years in the Busness 's~. I OCDEI
x~ X. SiABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th alve. T of N f V\T 7
Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing T05fD A . Main s
done neatly by n ner of W~
AU. eCONE~cn12 E ,ahigtn will be delivered at the your room the remainder of com]
EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY! tecleeya o ny$.0
20 EAST HURON STREET. th olg erfrol 15.UNIVE[SIT
Ginod Work Guaranteed. Coeds railed foe
and'dhivered. A. F, COVERT, -Prep. 1~.I~1T New am
8T,4~(PY~WOIK. : . Fine Sainry
Ladien' and Gsdts' Clothing Cleaned ' At Daily. Offioe, " Timne Block, at Stoffiet's News Stand, they offer at the_
3 W. NUV 'S., AN RBR or at Paul Myers, State st., News Stand Canl and se
S. N. CLARKSON, tauhier.
Mashington sI.,'Phone No. 8
E.R.,']Fhone No. 51.
t., and State st., cor-
Villam st. have a
aphete stock of
id Second Hand.
sd :other Students' Supplies
r.Sporting _Geods, eta., whic-U
-Lowest P +ces.
i us before purhaing...