TrHE u. OF M. DAILY., ~I.a Published alte tiidy rexeptd)i during the Vollegs'ar, by THE N, Of M NEEDET ASSOCAION, 4orer!~tf Times building N:. Main 4t., ppste post tfie. EDITORS. It 11 0oMnA, Lit. '17, Maaging Edititr. G. IB. HAISONi, Law 'li, Assistnt. A. W. SrT, Lit. Se., Asistn. 0. I. FbRSnnem, Lit. '18, Assitnt. J. A. LnoY, Lit. 96, Athetie Editor. J.1 S. PsAnL Law '15, Buines Manager. R. . Lv, Law '6, Asistnt. Asociate Editors. S1. 5. Shiley, Lit. ' A. Dancer, ~it.16 E. L. Evans, Law'15. E..Sunderlsud,Llt't6. Carrie V.Smith,Lit.'Si. LiR. lmisnben,Law'961. E. S. Brtlett, Lt:'17. W. A. Spll, Law '11. M. Gilbert, Engr. 17. "II.B.GmmnnMetlie'91. Minnie M. Thompon, Lit.'17. Subscriptin price 821:60per year, invaribly in advance. Single copis 8cenits. Suscrip- tion may be left at the oicer of the DALYn~, t Stoffiets, at State t. new stand, with tny ef the editors or authored solicitors. Comuncatons shuld rah the oicer by 7 o'clok p.m. if they are ti appear the next day. Addrean all mtter intended fr publi cation to the Man ging Editor. All .bsins cmmuncations should bi'st to the Bsi - ness Manager. THE U. OF M. DAILY. Ann Arbor, Mie. The editors do iot hold themselvs repon sihle fr the opniois or statoment of corros-: pondent, ap anne lin the DAILY. Tlhere is a seeingly inigUtoessolt but pratically iportant featre cot- ncted willts 111otpening ' s4'losing of recitation hotrs that o'netisalt. tle revision it Osino ttlliters. It is usually the "elstonm to begin tine oci taton or lecture li't minutes siftr the hour strikes adtou c lose it promptly at the striking O1: the next hour. Now 'with this as a geeal rule it is extremely incovient to hond a few classyd her'and Ilere which begin two or three minutes before one 'an posiby get to them froi the prtevious recitation.-It is of course immuaterial on which side of tei hour the five minutes ot' inttrmission .ae given, but it is mst'important that hero be ulniformly iii th matter. It is certaintly most1 pricticable and 'asy for ho few iregular on's to ioi- forms to wht Is at prsent the etstii of thee ajrity. T'heannual society event ihich 1110ar long been known asltO ,unio hop, appears this year unier the new ofl- inl namve of the 1nincelectli nnual ball: Doubtless eseryone is -aare itf the easo. for the elangi, anti it Avas perfecly 'lgitimte is.11si111i4142's Mtoed. itgt nosv comies a t l)isio incidence. " lie lhop "iould -not be called "unior' because it Wy.-An .itcx lusive fraternity af~air, but liii soont'r is tie name udopped than it heitles10 iio'e truly "lniior" tatli 'sr before it. its hIdtory. . That 's'to say, De Palladium fraternities a"' invited the other frterniies and 111" ide' pendens to be present and putsp booths, and, while net sharing in the tsnla a~eot; to be oii virtussllj i"A e.iii1l footig ith'th ir hies. Con- trary~ to the mstsangune*e.licl:Ia tins of tle hop omttc, the inde-. pendents havw, applied for, asIJ of coure received a booeth, s iliac 111.~ hop, far from ritaining its '-fd e x ltsivelilss, is in theory t leasr, a real university institution. The hop maniagement taianemortilt' tffer aid the indtependents wshoi accepeil it ha.e biothiAtlownsviiitntthat isot ced. itable to tlens-c~s and to otur uiiisr' il. Th'eiJealosehat ilia iti'lug existeI btwvi'eiiineepeidetistsand1 fraternty mess have beel ttiri'son- able and p1ett- il the manl.i h' in dependents have doubtless lc tmi s mutchito hlatu for this as le rateii. 11t' mei, and have generally ben as unwilling to overlook -the existing df firentes. 'fli stit that has beell takeii N in tan' right directiotn, and( tony proee (li ll't bspan in10a-patiaL closing of the brechl thatstill. exists between the tio factions. Wh'len the fraternities were swilling to;-go half wiay of their town accort, 1t would hase bet most sortsigIieal for the independents to ref use to meet them. We congratulate bohi parties alike ulponlthe inovation, tandil oudntly hlope for itilmoe frtteral feelimgt is its nil~ititil outomie. An They See It. .t Alateulriean11paper gleeis lini c' toun t of the ttarvard-Pale footall gnue at Springfield under the lied of "Brutal Sport."'iThe article goles n to tell how the gnme was turned Into "an awful .itutchery," witi a fimal Hummiling up that coou ia's back was broken. ad ll tie rest received broken legs ad noses, and arious other serious internal injuries. To add to the ho1or tie lales faintes as thbinjredones werecarridaway by tie atnants who wr prosent for the purpose. Slen sremel ad shouted, but were powerless tii stop the frenied participants. Nw all Anerican college professors oar" iy- ing to suppress football.j The authorities of Vassar host' againi refulsed to permit tlo studens to wer caps and gows-Px. The business manages of Uhi'bs" ball tennis at Rutger ave been al- lowedl SO per cent of all ecxtess off1re" ceipts tovr xpnaes DITSON MUSIC.I "Six Love Songs," By Pranik E. Sawyer. Tranal'tios of s of Hieine's finest lyris in equiite msi'lI settings. Heavy Paper, 75 cents. "COLLEGE SONGS.'" fhr stand~ird coletont of W~legt Sons. Over 30,00 dl..Heavy Paper,500 cents Cot, Gilt $.00. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS" Only bosh of (lihe ind published. The songs of the leading colleges for women. Heavy Paper. $1.00. ,ROgYALCOLLECION ISRlMNAL CllhA MUSC, i Eghtytwo pieces for the -guitar from the estuources. A plendd'ollctlon. and' some Cover. 500Cent. Any boo snt potpaid n reeipt of prie. OLIVER I)ITSON CO., j 43-l463 Washingtn St., Bstn. 0 1 isnenC. .- THE VICTOR TRADE MARK is ani absolute gua rantete of quslity. It is never fountid aniy list the brst gosds. Victor Athletic'Goiods rank with Vietor Bieycles. and are becoming more popular every day. Pull line of Biaseiball, Tennis, Foot- ball, Gynmnaiumn and Athiletie Sup' pl es. Sesd forcatalogiuesofVictor :tltci hoods, - OVERMAN WHEEL CO.? Mabers of "Victor Bieycles. Bstun. Philadelphia.Dtinroit New Yonrh, Chirago, tDenver Sansiranclsru,LIonAngeiens, Portlandi PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS. On Watches, Jewelry, tDiamondn and chattel mortgages as eolateral. Diamonds bought and nold. Watehes and Jewelry' nice ly re- paired. Office at my rrsiienee, Al E: Liberty" Hours: Sto11 a. m. 1toi3and 7to pM. J. C. WATTS., HANGSTERERI oHESg. FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING Corner of State "and: Wil Liam 'sts. C IIOPOPIST-Dr. F. M. Burt, formerly with Dr. N. Kenerson, of Boston, now at the pin ifice buildinig. Warto, Corns, Bun- ions, Ingrowing Nailsn, and ail diffieultien of the feet nuce fuly treated. 91 a. m., to 530 p. m. Office closed Saturdays. F&TILL FB.15. SPECIAL SALE -___OF GENT'S $ FINE % SHOES AND- LADIES' AND GENT'S ARCTICS AND RUBBER BOOTS JACOBS & A LLMANID Washington lockr. Ann Arbor. THlE GRAN I) 'OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7.. THE NEBW OLE OLSON Thn greahcst of all Swedish dialec . omedies.. NEWl MUSIC.: NEW SOJNGS.. NEBW DANCES. PRICES, - 35ic, 60c, 75c_ heats now ott aale at Watt's irewetry atom' without estra charge. ESvERTT 0. FISK & CO. THE FISK TEACHERS' A8ENCIES, Chiago, Il., 355 Wabmnsn Ave. it F.(LARK. Manager. The tiost etmplete Agetiey Systrum itn hd YStilted Staten. t.W"Over 1,t0 i petitions fileed in 18HS. .5tt5CVUE LOCATED iAT " Bsoni, Cicago, Wanhingtn, a.C.- New Ymork, Los Angeles, Toronton. X L I 5 E G!Z3A R T N Students Recreation Head- quarters. No.13 N. Main Street. I I R P1 ' 1 ! , 1 ! I w Wbi Zl% WK MN w: TnEREVE~REVIEW E1dited. by ALBERT SHIAW V AS in Aprih; 1891, that the inst numbe of the American Review of Reviews was printed. The new idea of 'iving the best that was in I - ' thce0111er 'magazincs is addition to itson b'lliant, orig 1i huallnrticles, leek America by storm, as it bad taken;~ rtnca~wK England-btogh the magazine itself wan not nt all a iua~~a reprint of the English edition., ;It deali most largely writh Amenican affairs, and is edited wills perfect independence, in its own office. The Review of Reviews is a monthly, timely in illutsraion and text., anud instantly alite to the, newest movements of the day, to a degree never LWJ' before dreamed of...'Thousands of renders who otter thetr commendations.,~ atnong them the 'greatest names in the word, say-ihat the Review:go Reviews gives thea exactly what they should knosw abeut politics, lera . litre, economica and social progress. Tse most influential men and women. ' of all creeds and all partics have agreed that no family cans attend to host its, educational value, wile for profes. . stonal and business usen, it is simply: . indispensable .Thle departes are. conducted by caretsl specialists;'in' THlE REGULAR DEPARTMENTS stead of niece scissors-wielders, anda ' I (Besides the speciii articles and liac- scores of immediately interesting per. nelter skthes oh tbrilling interest and i .trats nd ictues re n eah nmbe. ,imeiness, tbe Riview nf Reviews .trais ad pclurs ae ineachnumer. ,h'as tbese regular deparmmnts. All this explains why the Review; Tbe Prigen. of the rd-An ithusr M of Reviews has come to a probably te e ~ ii e iewah th~i'ees unprecedented nucces in the inst tree sould understadsithiperpsiengi. years of ibs existence. For 1 895 it t LeiingArtiamonithn Mnt.-Tlis - will be more. invaluablePan ever. ' ninta tevnewsie. bothid ea ' named; All thalt isSmeiinheinhe Agens are renping handsome pros. iWe' naanen. Amantndfrigns gir fiberl!inmssinna bendfortem. oteadfrm V.._ Cttn,mi lenre In.Carcaur chnes~~dnV A.snibit larpfgt. enun , themnmth's hitory j SumgS th i 113 SMOGQvj oCepns. in it tinnu thaumeman nfith. niuc tlartmom,, 0peangthrougbomihe rd. I! a thtie<1prunen~einn m'foynilewmu MREVI~l.REYbool ,. ieel imsand inds alt arf utiles to Astoer Pisee,'NewVerb 'dall e eednimnurn vna I I It. t h . t, I i i It: E r I i