fL%. V OF A]. DAIL 3. " 1507")THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BN Y SUITS. PhII s e PtF~ of niecly terfumesdtoiletsoup for Ann Arbor, Milclo Capital Stock, $A0,0 GY M Organized under tihe General Banking Laws ________ ____________-of this State. Receives deposits, buyosod FomelywitllsGeorge Xatihr,19 United Sates. iDrafts casihed uo roe ti s eeve1asepeln E. Washington st. Headquarters for. COLGATE'S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAP, identification. Safety depoeit bees torent. , ~ tO evrti tdn ed nteOrroCERs: Christian a le Pes.; W21) (Ythn tdn ed n th AOOHarriman, Vice-Pros.; Cihas. E. iicock. f vnsiin Stlt. These line of Text-Blooks, Stationery .and (oigatest otineai Soap, Cisbier; M. 1.iFitz, AssisttCasider. wosaemnfcue a h Misrellaiieous Stock in generai. 5oigate' Gyceorioe Soap,godarmnuctedbth Cl t .WieCematis Seep A1N0N RBOR IVATNSHLE, ('gate'slmon eloap, t UaakSTA LAUNDRY CO. Overiman Wheel Col., makers of Cogt' emlSa op l ~ aeSEMTHE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, or ckes fo 25cat Skis1oot) Gloss sod Domestic Finish. \Victor Cycles, which is sufficient 191E Washington st.,otte block MUMMERY'S NEW DRUG STORE, E.S ERIS angr uarantee as to their quiality . 23 SOUTHI FOURTH AVENUE. --esellthemforlessthanwha --=-- R U E H E P, ~to9ia you have to pay' for inferior i Fom the lRoyal Conservatoy, dMeeeopoeitaniCeioe ---" tuttgasrt, Geromany, ILunch and lining IRoon. No,.10 .N Q)d. eet1)5efre )o5biv Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musical iFourth Ave., bei ween Ariingioa Ilthetl)l1) Composition; also the Art of and city tofice Btuilding. Open all ~--;t Stdo:''1S ivision Si., An)) Arbor, hiick Mr. and Mrs. Edward LeiPos ter. ' 11AVWashington at. ii..> r 4 ~ NOVELTY IN , G 1 RANGERS t. obes! - Caps and Gowns* K lI E2Si l lie :ous islar&Crr cntiathkRobe-,s j FOR MEN AND WOMEN. flhlflfl flAL~lhL~f4 ae neow uade in all lbsh__ SCHOOUL OF UAING. U ~ EAIGSTRIPES W Xe are preparedtofrilLa. lu _.! I..l f~n na of t iro in li Cap AlI clesoc 'are und)er iihe person)alinistruc- t ion ofAir.atnd litre. tRns(Gratnger. Private or clans lessons givesn ot asy dance of mserit requested. Office at the Acadetty.gmod h lit6 aynard st. FLAG PINS $1,50, 'Yellow and Blue But- tons 60c. With U. of X. or the year 75c. WM. ARNOLD' S, Jeweler. IKom1ctLe tlirice;It W.Waobgiongtoost..Phone No.8 YARDnS:Alt. C. R. R., 'Pbone No.51. MRS, ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing and Dlelsarte. Saturday, t0 o. m.,OGentlemanobeginnerseclass. Saturday, 4 p.m. Lady beginners claos. Mionday, 7:t0 p. to., Atdvanced Class (Ladies' and Gentlement. Taesday, :10 p. mo., aeginners Class (Ladies and Gentlemen). Private lesoana by appointment. SCHOOL 46 S. STATE ST. NEW STOC3M OF Sweaters in the latest styles at Sheelian & Co.'s University Booksellers. GYMNASIUM SUITS, GYMNASIUM SHOES. BEST LINEN PAPER in the city at 15c and 20c Per Pound. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Organized 1881. Capital, $10,000. Surpius and Profits, $4,000. Transacts a gsnsral basking b sinss. Foareig. exchanges bought and soid. Furnish letters of credit. P. BACH, Pres.S. W. OLARSON, Cashier. { " 1 i (siC t y sei~ert. Tltin ssderour, a mt ^ 1 V1 1'tIle pstenet. IPrice, itscE2cotton terry,1 $7 in fite wool terry, $to. Delivered f/ sa,~free. Returnable if tinsatisfactory. If, net found at your dealers', send to u -mentioning colege and enclosing price. STAlB & CRESCENT MILLS CO., Philada., Pa., s , ;1 to Universities, Colleges and Schools throughout the United States, at surprisingiy low prices. Self ineas- urement formes, coiitainiing all nec- essary instructions to secure per- fectly lilting garments without visiting the store, will be forwarded upoti request. I . .- -- - ARE YOU INTERESTED IN FOUNTAIN PENS? RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS dififerenit widths, at mtoderate prices. We otte seohinshng new asodsperior in this tine. Dtrop us a pastal before buying, ether. RAPID PEN FACTORY. WASHINGTON. D. C. Strawbridge & Clothier ATTeNTION!sPLEASE.u'riely ry(good:, Are you antnoyed bN 'your lamp wickos citausec? Biy your lamps fillin~g (House in America. the house sills a sickening smoke and giin g a light the color of the moon whtetn seen tthrougha a smtoked glass? If so, use otir Red Star Oil, and I MOORE & WET1YORE tihus troubles wsill vanish. It gives a while light, does not chsar the wick, emits no odor, and will nil burn out of the lamp. Red Star Oil 8e per gal,, 6 . Momn sI., and State s1., cor- Water White Head Light Oil, t6e per gal., 74 stmokeless (Gasolitie Se icr gal. tier of William s1., ihave a, D EA N &8z QOM A~' _1Y _. complete stock of 1 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. 'ri)35lawn baseball ttea iitad grontpapictre takea Satrdtay. 'rTe S. C. A. cabtiuet was phioo graphled by Rlatidall Saturtday after- W. A. Prescott, '96l as has left te University to engage in te lumber' business oft(Clevelasid, (S. Mr. Murrill, agent for Cotreit & Leonard, reports that about seventy orders for caps and gowns have been rcceivedl fronthSie senior like. A sleighing party composed of the members of tihe Crescent literary so- ciety of te Stake Noriuai, came up fronm Ypsilanti Saturday nigiti ho at- tend the Adelphi meeting. S INTER-COLLEGIATE. The Aimerican Coiegiate Baseball association will bold a meting in 11os- ton, February 11, when a quetaion of ruling out the Dartmouth team on te charge of ptrofessionalinmwill be con- sidered. Two new degrees have been estab- lishoed at Oxford, bachelor of letters, and bachelor of science. As the hold- ers of these degrees may become can- didates for the degree of lmaster of arts, the Oxford M. A. in the future may he conferred on those who hlave no knowledge of Greek. "Temptation of Faust." Mr. ticorge E. D~asotigavethsie last of iseseries csf lecturceton''lie' P'roblettt of 'T'mptlatinas 'Jr.'sited ito Literatture." before tiete niversity Bible elass of the A1. L. chuorcht ysster- Temnptation of Faust." Mlr. Dawos said thsat ir-. tire phases in lifet'hlrouighiwhicm ts'eihs- mast race aos a wisole, antiltesixlier- ityi of ipersonsstinitdiv idtuals. sust- pass.lHe holdtitese i ts'bethisty si- cal, mntal and spiritual periods. Inu mtanity is now inite intellectuail 1cr- iod, and looks forward to th'e crtaini development of te spiritual life. "Goethe, in his character of Fast," sid Mrlt. Dawson, "re'pre'snts tile transforniatiosn of an indicidtual ciitr- actor from tho, intellectusal to the spiritual conditioni, as is tunado ap- parent from a study of both pari's of the drama. Faust is introdued to us as a man of usauuinoth intellect' dissatisfied with life. He is lend by Mephistopheles into the lowest depths of crime; but at last his sl.irituai nature comes uppermost and lie is finally born away by tho spirits of light. "The moral which Goethe wished to teach is that an intellectual life does not satisfy the human nilitT, but there is always .a longing for the higher 'spiritual 'life." 'UNIVERSITY TEXT Books New and Second Hand. Note nooks ansd other Students' Supplies Fine Stationery, Sporting Goods, etc , whichs they offer at tIoest Prices. Call and sea us before purchasing. SPALDING'S INTERCOLLEGIATE SWEATER, It is the hint sweater made and is suporior to any other osi the market. Made from the Sinook and softest Australian woot, band knit, sod was used exclusively toot year by neariy all the cee-s.footbtatl rlevess. Its white, isavy and black. PRICE. $7.00. Spatding's Btase Btatl and Tennis Sopplien see recognired leaders. Everything requ isite for kiss games. Spatding's Trade Mark on what you poer- chase is a guarasitee that the goads are the best. A. G. SPALDING & BROS Now Tooux. PnsAILADELPHIA. CHICAGO. Wild, Wild, Wilda STUDENTS, TAKE NOTICE! 0011 WINIER AND FALL GOODS We Sell on Reduction. Fancy Suitings and Trousers. The goods must go. Please call and see. 2--East Washingt~on Street.--2