TE U. OF M. ')AILY. IG IA E T i - NOTICES. page, type palgs- to bt littl by seve-i BUSINESS l'ocal'S. ___________ ies, and designs for huioros ca ts[Notices Inserted is this column at thi-it lIIST()t1 e, cents per ine. Spcia rates Ca irlgri rime Table (Rietsed) is ov. 18, 4 li1S- llXilstrating legal terms. Meitbers of.tisae atitiexta liars furnished by aplyut EAS. ws i .Dotsletistrs Iat 110 . iti tesenior lar tass miytoentribite at the D~smx sle.] P. A. A~r le gier'Tuesay) awl ltt'sdas, or ,).J3,tu1,ttlststttt It sO-1t. LAWVIII-INI i-A. Si L t Itt ittI. S tuidy tf otkis.iititielstii t o.I I1 Texas & Patciie Itailwasty, Itruti-os SUNDAY tTDIE.i ore- fPltclEoin oncrn0 1i ]ltoaoy ok r1Ca ve pilsiati froi nns gssres- St., I:t0, : s1 5s ota--tsftoitet 3-ettiy Cifeei--s ttt iitosl tor, l& Great Nortern i liroad,anst 7:1, tis3al uit ti pm. IlPrinciples o e Si etnces-of lfinsance Tuesdsas toldtiThursds, .1012; trtt- Snir aii sisty nwsus Lesse Atn Aebste Junctison. :50,40)101 (,- ists-secondo t-slste, Quiiziit.^ . ISRAEL ( lRU SSILT..Trt oienlouelis (q0 ad95701 ) . gisen i__th___ tho "OnlyTreSuhn.ot"ha r.5modtipcitc tietCi s tttgt Uti SSeit tiltie- 1 lnlt- t- . 1OF:,. ICALENDAR. places in sericec atrosighifirst class; SVM P PR KRteStis t..ill Ii. it tseadl of attt2p I1.. tis tSttedt____ sleeping t ar t~d torist sl-pi, els., in the :iitotttistttsit. 110 At-s tu -Is-I . 3 T 1. 11"al in lit leaing Cicago daily at 3- I a. in. FLOWERS, FL WE SIOIIN P. DAMSlt;land Pscagli iulitn- itIs S it- i t ous1 teSoc l i F The inkiit ilttlssustoithelmeamill to tzars Itsalm' - (Sot Srings) Austin, Sail Antio ~DlllNS& H[LHsiTi-, feeh 1 ritu . given ill- te. Gy masiuni r seb. till I Tbs ays, [t-I. r . it ietlie t it II pL reao (sc-lure a iect comnscuesis- beis 1mmi-ssoom. Aisplicatolls sl1uittitl tt ill Slim o ls of t lasie. imate with tirough slom _cparstfou T[he sades- nsit tte to cb. J. hri.. 1-501t. S-teeClib a tleiltIceCity of Sexico), El -lasLs -OASI>'S iri.,Fels. 1S-- NinetenthliAtu:tmiAngeles and San IFranciscso. Tisi. CloCivitr-nL-eafPrtitaI1ilof tie Fraernitiliss iit l trutan uAThuicns 1 eglnn ot tim only line fromssChicago shicis i i i C,108ioever Leawhohaelad50155asum gimostetiemiIt tiosi stli lmsse 111 15151il5l1111 Ioffer this excellent seviiea. 11si(,I Spanishisi w xill le offIeresl ii te see-Sat~, Feb .I-rss. faimmiae. iol endueott senesler. sadens (Isiu-ng to Itaf, in S. . A. coumseimVUiersiiystrltonyiceagtf basi or connecting lincs orptiraet takethmo cocrse- tm-ireqcestdl to eit-c alotoiernrsum lcelom. :matter sowing time, rotei-.mt's ~ isnictil' twit i, theiunstsigned iiatt, STAitM COLLECTIONS. - riltion of a tet,or fdPlease keep in mintih le Toledo,I once.NVewntobysapclcins CS.RAEG.P&1A. St oi &Kna Ct tIt, jil .) i1.11;MN anth still jay caim for Cle sacmmuconit S. LIns Its. Thle Clover Leaf Route, "Fast Studentts swhun desire ti-tter ills ora- receipt if price asked is satiatctory.: I. A. tALSfIi-R, Analt(IG. A.. Iitte" for St. Louis, Mo and thse torial cotest aionl letive thire Colectiomns sholmd be sett by regis-1 2TSCaka ~iets.il West and Southwest leaves To- naumses, the subjet of theniraottions ired mail r exiress witiht letter nmaa- edo Utnions'Depot at a p, il. Atmdvust lt eruru ati.1 u iieuimlrsiaae o-r N ~ ertises in the Daily. dlaily, arrives-Nosy Unioni'Stations1. Quarks at ithelsi C- louot by I-tb. sentd splerior ap~prv11seetslu-sto I u- --- - rile largest inth le worltl), ht .LtOr.tiorstsshousdttiits hanldedi1litbtttspomsitic iartiesiV RAAU ffhT Louis earlvs-et nttiortsitie tillt-h0. tV. I. L1NAI lENtIl& ICI), IIILE VWABASH3DROUTE CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR baipQ~tt~: ,; us.Kaan--oS I airtis tslihui ths t th ie 111 I lN 05111N itdiiesaiCelmsIiiditto be gusvtnt in lie iiasuuisblt, iS Sr...- Itst -su n O Toledo O(3rprsetn h H T SPRINGS, ARK., Gioten agl, 9 \VopdvardartDe EXAS, Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free I. V. I. Ii tESlI N N, Sei-. roi, -ill blit theol:eI st~houose Int - amtidVestibiled Slees sith- Psi aCllos. ily uanul ettiu sday, 1eb.iSitslimani LOS ANGELES out ChanugeIllselboardiof eitors first s Gesle itlht withm a full idisplay ositlFsrtigmin ~ II;'v s ubmit to lass studenmts tlime folloss-i i-tst lnusi Nutlit t¢Si--oi C. ~~~~. ~~~ . isbjects for compeitition: Twso ipoemis, in~ listi. All art-iniisctoisipett S NFR NC CO lieneral Passoenger Agt., Toledo . sritouschumoroussorisetuimntaubl, of httil]itus, vtie twsilt 11.; foundi i stes--Ness-Texas and California Sleepin- not umotau IOswordtcnh; a legal iiiy fi,-.CuteLitne DIETAS & >SCHANZ, omanee hnot ti eul 3000 wtod its '. 03r34 TIATo~a lenathi desigminsiortoet antdtitle Suiserite liiitilt IDail.i - aetan etstlso Frinan o THE WABASH AND RON MOUNTAIN RYS. mestlci~nnlenus Sntch sfus li nicttaoR-t E1V V- NEWSHav siuuatedi a iet Iaiy Line osi satgarateed(leetiing pesiui, nd **. tr , oor n lealy done1 if rn LL1i IRStn-r OS SLEPRSfromi 419 State sat Sucenul Flume, Ann Arhbor.U OLEG1U1HIA 22 Years in the Bsiness-~~~ AesnLite ok.MaveriresuarianaP- La 'teustNsium -ad Pnonl tcoearsm- CiTY LAU DRY,- - H fo Hot Spiafs bae only one cange o of dre tiitaler, :50 a m i.net duy), arrivig r' at lit Spiagsat 1:10 s. i. Six Hours the No. 4iN.I4th avCle toi n I vrmAtt al ie MERCHANT; TAILORING! * .1 l i O 1 * osmit lepers lea lang Cl Icgo out sam.MD teaning, 1treasing ad iepalhat -I' A triain, thugmeh to flatiFr.nciso it s t done neatly by Agles al. - A1113.SUOENEWALIP.,-26,E. lWashingtonm will be delivered at the your room the remnainder of Fr mals, tietrsad fal itfa rutatiomi. EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY! 1apyt 20 EAST HUR~lON STREET.th college ya for oniy $1.50. J, .H GREEN J. HALERMA, Gooed StarkiGuranteed. Goos called' for lichugaPaa. Agi,. Trute. is Ag- mdueiee. A. F. COVENIT, Prap. N fV A!--o-- ANN ARBOR ' w a . '-RE3'NO -ML TIC s1Fl 0OFFIE: '' Clark -;St, UCIldhAllt STEAM DY E WO RKS.tad F. H. Tristram;'P. E: Dnambaug1a, Lamis' at mai~'Cloh~g~lan At Daily- Office, Times=,Block, at Stoiliet s News Sad n.ia.A- Ps&Ca or Dyed.InC~r th mise. anid Sntim~- . Madison 9t., II .,HURON ST.,, ANNARBOR. or at Paul dyers. State st., News Stand Soeld St., PIIsbnrg, Pa. 'Tno .