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February 04, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-02-04

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tfrom 111llte of thiagytmnasilnl 1DI SON MUSIC. I'TI LL FE . "
f for social iiii'tios. 1 itue r 11V sofee 3.
col,101.after r e sitri ii 11t ii 1by S idA. L SAL
latbilided IOily (Sunday yret el duinlg., noeas,1115otfi i'1 'i L v o g ,'
the ('dlrge yea, by tej11) lta 113sott ei ~1 oeSnsp
ILU0 NEHIASU ttltly jtiotiiitrt (an a1iTliltit'1x1le10oGENT'S %FINE %SHOES
iiif U. f M. INEPENDEN ASthat effecnt.E.Itoted. ripatio ,iof Si
10 rico'imes tuildng N. Jii I i o poiitI!etns e v a e,7 e t. i- ANI-
EDIT oRfc. l ( ht hi s:noe1ashihoedtohl t('at)iiand ' sci -ot f'COLLEGE SONGS 1LADIES' AND GENT'S
. Ii . i tii'i7O , Alat ' Idiui '.inth. } tcas tuu wl i ill.]tti .ntiiiit otiou o 'te og ARCTICS AND RUBBER BOOTS.
A. N r M I Tt lSt.. A'. ltait i(tti.andliti back1) 11 x7 t c (l'iliixu'i (ler tttt,tHHttl td. Heavy Paper, 50 _ [
'I cents; Cloth. Gilt, $.00. JAC~j)13S &UA LMi NI
.1 5. 1"11,Li 9,hn 0 t''tc t il~'I t tl'li iltitlt. COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." X1iogi r hi t too F:rbor.
T.S.Irnitr "'9, ~nsile- llaattttisttyy hlot onlyofaclit' tbloil
Associate Editors. oiei i 'inls Nc]tii iele u' cowas l ii 0111songs tof tiel tia'll lltO 'lii('00file Ii t.
I3,ii Silety.1lit. '5t . . anit er, .t.9,. . Heavy Paper. $i100.
I. .XvitooLtii'9 't . ,fSuderatit , ;It britex'pcrit Or llibs littlilthatl fit' lDyL CLLECIIOA IS1UUM[NaIU I id MSC
t'at'i'ioV.Ssithi 1...51. 1. ltunbteoLtutn ll. !pt i a Iaiti.t'. iesut o rt.lgil'ts
f .Ia ltt iiii t. ]'iyi A.hul l (O l, i rii. i S isto t tf t tthey.iiittiiilt ito otte is. Eigttn iel'5 e nrts. This isfrserved
t1. todbati'. ing . 9 io'i.(t7Ittlo ttutoedn .s etor~i pedd olttin l
titons y iti'lift iilii'tt oliter cf te Dai., 11.1 ll"titist il'e'trte't. Vittli OLIVER ITSON CO., for the Grand Opr
of the edioi. tr authoize ottteittt . t'st'tO 0 taiii''t't oiit lit' l' tt'ii en. i &tu to . I H ouse.
t'timoiuiiieabitto oliotild riakithit'iit'tier ot
. r~omm u atios~Os 'il th offic leyei'l'. itiittti C d ..itt .
(ly.Adies llmate itede fr 22bl1 i >l e. m 2.be o 1<$2 . IPERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS,,':IS &Co
Ltessnaitger. mil i il' ii. itrtgags it olritte ral. ititmitds ouhtotgi ___________________________
j h l~n w atswil' s ell t 1111 hlll nd sold. ittntulieo adtiJewtlry niciely ire-
THE U. OF M. DAILY, i.N ''' . pairedi.ffice atinyrieiitu t 3 iberiity EVERETTQFS &CO
Th elloo o1111md ei' ltc'oawiil 'lipoussily iyollt'oiitii.tt tll s.p'nJ C'WATTS. 'THE
lbefrteopinions ior ttteienetof cn'r le- o- it'it 1111t o ttnilass seotnials t ' FISK
pioderus, pa lrilo' te A llAis. b t'i''' tt iiii i'U1IO~~DCATERERFS ECER GNIS
'Fit ottii it .~ iniol Di t uilyi li esto at i 'titstoytDun thoily I1M IG S )IE fF LD ; Chico ,o Ill. 355 W abash Ave.
studnts iii taing 'lt'icoi'sit 11 in1 athis iititiei,.1111d 11t ais to'e il l 'o W vi-R . T i. '. Lt,. FsJi
atv'e titriociointit deisirve'ost''''retha ot ihe retgtis nmay. afte i ii o FIRST LASS CUSTOM TAI LORING! the most1complt Aeny ysei 'ipilt1t
'inltotreli, tie.'otoolelonelipruiit,'iifife Vt-Otveroiisidet'positt'niif.tIfelal it 1,ti4i
s1t110l; t o' i1intoiitiftt' .ofi:i ol iil'! Work in Medical DCart ent i tITROPtDIST li 1'r lcA inut, foriery Bosiiniii. liaga, Wahigto,.C
Deparment. withD leNEcorsoin flRoo.towmsat Newt V on. s Angle Troto.
aeinc iilineidito tak' luti ii aliii' thepstnffieblldli. Wato.toris, m-f
burt' ' .. . losIorownlaNils ind tll iflu'ttifeu's u
Vernyod tfewie'i'ie hspetoii tlt ptilell toutsiti ofiii "the'fe'tnsueemst"oytreite. i. t. to :Oo K IT51'litZ.1} R. GA. iR .I' E Ntt
liat offitets'astt rcl tIt ilsuh miet-l'lehl d(It'lmlrit e mii'amrI' f Ipt.Gie1loe1St0d .Students Recreation head -
amotnt f ocomlo equireti uf ileit-i. 509USCIENOW $ 0cure
sowitnl. .detisboof (lit dpartmenmt. Durming flit'
to i tt uk .L of le'tiru'o audti rt'etattoo7l, i + "A N- 'ih.i . it h~Ct li,0 1~ ..
'tiut othIe p t'aluui t'1rk t'u 'ii tiuland m addition itre trcquir to'st ndl lu 0111'f a /
birthe i stuttsIfOof fif iicat de-itfromtil 10'I)l' to iiadin11 so111ms cseI THE EVE ~oRj.1IE'WS
pttm't ci. Sitttcl otut Ilis. titpooli iroihon0111'tot 0101 i ither tel'tutoumiii.. R E V
'hankt, a oi, h e hit elst isttitiolo et'f tl a teriiioogical or ceummiet11lahbt 'Edited by ALBERT SH'AW' l
til n 'tu t hit oits ti duats ac lt o tou.'y . 1110nec''sitateso tihhelrmiign Ss t
1s9ut to paotiue munily'Sttett ttitiitti u t l tson iilt 'ehhg ''i' REYJW REVIEWSApi 18oe
t'stttil ati ait'' 10 l li oiouto li Arety pdepcaTrttnentd gasug ic est hatwastthe
'l'hi uuidi'tt' P~ilill rt lo' lit troto. rttittit'ulI ~ ~ ~ 'ttiit'i~tT theShute Apriltos1891ddtion1 atilhoeioibriliantmberg
t o n 'ss t te y lim e, l etu t i is t t ] a1, Oib lug I n u meio t utsotI'm ', yet l L . a t t a l t huc es o k A m e ric a n b y i e o R ea s i e1 s wak e tor~ i e ( o o h r s h o i . d n e o h m i ii t l n
Enln-though ttetugauceitself wsno ut at all a4
fit thhe tdimig iiyli'ti Journahil , t Thu t 't'y i is tier the aet isimu'tofitDur.-rpint of te Enlishedin. t dals nosi largely wtha
onm h eire, thtttatbroado, tandtsonny.ilof tto o iiti 1ii luuruiiom fle Amerccam affar, and is editdoit11pretdidpndnce, in its otn office.
t' methids d vztult'it'bt he ii'fiulii- S . 'tiiil and(hrizy, ad a.mi 4 The Review of Reviews is a monthly, tiey. in illstratio andtex, i
haeien dptd i ttie'r shuo lta ttmhfui'h iitii'o ;l'lt ad intantly allot ho hue newestmomns of the day, to adge " ver
11.1of0 iletari iidopti i thl lii iiy before dreamed of, Touands of radrs who oilfer their commndations A
oitl' te ttotihhent. h tilthe cemical hlaorator'beingtin- itn them the graist fauns in te world, say that the Review o
_____d- tertuto charge of IF. It. Mille ti Reviews gies hotm exacly wat they soonld know about poitic, litea.
It app(lius, after(It utbills havtic' IttAl. Semoutr, loth ot whomt hiaveu' tue,economica and social progrsn.Te most intfenial men and women
,rseedeu anh d iii oileetioml iitit.glade thatkt lutL dahltrd oreniinthat I 4 ~of all creds and all parties ae agreed that no family an affrd, to lose its
time eniuitiitl ic harge of the juniotr sehinc.t's. 'he work i the h et'triolu,. AJ educaional vaie, white for profes.
iartit'of Jatitalit',2, la1 $75 tSof thi gieuH lalt totytisoutndete ilt' u ireulli I 4 sonal and bisisnss men, it i5 simply
ofProf t" F. C ' , ii l. ee , j ' indispensable The dprmensarae.
outmon ieccoohuy to hpa' 'oi'htst. ('hater- sooho. ltlSt.c ondced by carefl secaiits; Inm' TiEREGULAR DEPARTMENTS
muniuatI~tktp il s 1125 1011 ha aitt a 11 t' 'I' ' 'Work. sead of mere scsors teilders,'and " t 'eideu lie peil auictesattdue'r
gy naiu s ettob p idi'r. f e it, s tatb 111nd thsthfou rimabnla i scores of immediael itretn po. 01 ctr kehes oh thrilling inteestand 'A
1 tih~tlii 't I i uti)tu. IS qal'~oluel tu hStuo' ~ I - ' 'timeliess, lie Review of Reviews
courethit' tumitr clas tillimatkt tilttors' coursoes, thstadl of three. ,These e4 trais and pct res are it each number. 'hsathieo eglar deprciinoth
ai ratca ul>toe-,hst All Iis eplains whythe Review Te Pro ee .o h e w lii s itoea.
ho deiit, but t hatiunsnotma lter thlitt u't'ta t tthh' ioogttheh " 'lef' f Reviews has ome to a a bl t iaiieiileihmuesumoutt'ensoi
tho-theaetniho tic ll h ysolgialrbalhenOY silo t ug tine. eneet <nd
tict that te lm un' ats :to iiu iiti lth n 65,. unprecedented success in he f irsotrecn u ema iu tir o.. &yA
ceimisthry. Thi yolhk of the tuis reni c uld uelren. obepipuhc
talll'. ll,,paty 1'a laloril. n eas f its existence. For 189 it LadigeAriles oohthe M oh.TTaa
Ahdjtil m~soo cSO i a wltbe mre invalualt than ever. lradlol it. lnamo. d y to decai
the best munirh o ssl' i lethai' ie omit stadard,. prcoii ixo t tic % l Il 1rtet 'an iio the511maiii ee o ilumber
f ttees worked Aeteorouit'. t ltt th' head liiataing ile pac'EiOf tle -Agensineriapig ladome ponts. e f. e ini. t Am n id ieigo. t
attodatl.' it mi hih't'toot~e gm-laboratory Aork of tihefirst two yu Fnesetears.,oiue~ehu~ e
attedane wa: L a tle.gy a-3crrntirr5.oryIn ic.re oicl~oes f
ii hit rihi otsh' hoetisoi Tl 'he fees. ithis Ile1'mrtnihet for te Aocl Sobserpiw, l a i Othe itomoef>i uo~ b a
practical .'e '" es mot to s ohe. oCeho o loc, ihi :h 1be~ euiilPan~ t
- mSo o uichitet iomoeiboest iyuco lha
111tan h thhnnul tt txplenss;t ' h o~~tacons ai ld3 ,,rtiiih + e} c cutdomoiaeoeoc idilh r hi i
for a sucesful pmatl'tih, ad nt the notwihstanding tlit''and , hard f y toAsttor Pae, New York, aim renrdcif rretevecoos
rt YIsneothhncoragihhg. lbshows work reuirdof Oihe ass , theteto l Vy ,, . ,p
hoS altt hr11 hy len anii o.' erclout la5Crowdedh 0o i.tstuosf01 0'.ph 'th. "' i~* *

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