OFIE1. 1 M. DAILY. hailer's Bookstore -tirnecrin with (eor. XWahi,19 XwashintcttoSt. h eadlquarteirs for everything a Student needs in the tinte (of Text-Bunks, Stationery aid MssT~ieianenus Stock in general. MARTIN SCHALLER, THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 19 E. Wastinogton St., onie block MaairAain St. GRANGER'S SP DOL OF DANCING. ' lo atf M . and Air. Itos- t;ranciter HiVco a~rcanoiesons iv~ienionanyclasieii senert * g eil f.Ofe t Ii jf : ,,adtis goa nd t5). & i it Hr =c; , _yFLAG PINS $1,504 r TE"rN CEN TS. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK GYM SUI TS. Ass ArboriAtick Cpitto~sck, S000t Orgaizei~dssndiiiiiGenerail Baii tw i _______ at ti s tteRcivsdeisit,band Sells echiansein eiipalcities siflthe 'COLGATE'S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAPiduiieui% ao. Oety ciiisibx ito ee;t ALSOttHarrimas, Vc-Ptees.: Cine..E. lit-coce I. CIg Oi. sit.nrsi alt MUMMERY'S NEW DRUG STORE Col'.iiiiii ianai Usi;tgiitss E. S. SERVISS, Manager, 2t; tit7ltt FtOURTH-tAV'E~I E. REUBEN H. KEMPF, Metropolitan Casa Siu tga terinaiiy,tuch and iiiiigRoots. No. in N. Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musica isFouth Ave, btieen Arliingiosn tel Composition; also the Art of iiid City tfice tiiiiiin . 01)i,11oil Teaching. isiiis 22 D.iiiii iAisAbr ikMr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Props. 1 is t rcei ied a s11tJ)1Ole l r o (Oi1f l l7l Sits. Fliesc 'f(rood are tmanitfactutred by the Overman Whleel Co.,nmakers of Victor Cycles, whtichi is sufficient ( tiarantee as to their qutality. We sell tilell for 1es i tan what you have tot pad- for- inferioir b~o d. Sees them~ before N-otl buy. MC SUAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, 11iNN' Washiigtoiint. Caps and Gowns FOR MEN AND WOMEN, We tire prepatredl to furnish Cales anid Giowsri fci the highest duality tn Universities, Colleges anid Schools thtroughonut kte United States, at sturprisingly low prices. Self meas- urement forms, containing all nec- essarye instructions to secure per- fectly fitting garments without visiiting the store, will he forwarded uiponi requiest. fiT) A NOVE~LTY IN I .ccerc Iuti5 I , c 5n CLLEISJ1 ,I SI IiiC .IEXCFNT ILL ., Pil _do Itft"', i I Yellow and Blue But-. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN FOUNTAIN PENS? RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS tons 60c. With U. of M. or the dhitet cot widths, at todnierati- year 75c. prices. ___ tWe tiave somethingn'tins d suspertir ints lise.tirtip us a poastaltbetitee buyi notthers. W . ANOLD?'S, Jeweler. RAPID PEN FACTOR.Y. WASHINGTON, D. C. ; Strawbridge & Clothier ATTErINTIO®N1 PLEASEi. 'iePHILADELPHIA. ti- L Are xyoi annoyerd b your lap wicks 'liiired:' Ity your Ilatimps filig IMouse itt America. Cthelititsie sith a sieneintg smoe iaid gisvig a l ight the cttuolooftheI.... ;n-lit-n seentih roughlia.tstmokied glass.?If Siotiseouiir Ited lStait Oil, nilticl RE & WET MOI~RE OlittI i~t RCklO0t,'(Ittitus troubthes-ill vanishi. It givss white ietgtt, toes tnt t rtheitckit,''-'--~- 1\P1- J AFB L-: . emits noi tdor, and snill ill burn out nf te titiiliflied Star Oil fhi tiec-ill.,' ans. - "tt ter (te-riri;:-1't WSrcistintosst 1'Piiiiie N 8 NI tter W itei Heail Litlit Oil, 6c tier gali., 7-Isiniikeiess(Gasolie 8(- t pter g.aaidSttestlur Ya t-tI tI,'teeN i D.FlkIN QN IP A i1Y. complete stock of ________________ 44 South Mllain Street. RS ANI WARD FOSTER 'S ' UNIVERSITY NOTE. T-jtbr iU tl' t- ii I M I5IY EIXI DMW Schoool of Dancing and Delsarte. luig yisterday afteritooti,tic pinciptilt New and Second Hand. Saturdtay . tt)i. La., L, ittemii eginerser l s. cis-. t1t ' 'iils!iti N-ill clr ote oiet fw ih w st ;lc ot Satoda, %X)ip. in,dvynbeditemCts. - - seLad-tties'i te itjct ttssiish 55li tt ettititi Noteosoks asd ether Stedents' Suppliets 71d 5 ieti. Ad-oice CassltIide'i55 td.atindidtt i-tans eoliitn.As utiial, tiow- tieeStatiosery, Sporting Goods, etc, wikc 'Tueday, 7:30 p. m.,tBeginnesetCtiass (Lad ies The ci-tin Iii idinecititi shietil 'ui' 1 itiiti-8Rtultles-1uicttnui' ti tiuey ofierrit the tiicest tPrices. and Getlemen)l. P'riv'ate lessoncs by aippoinitant.i t heintitor lawns iretSo his qutzed tnext tparatnotti untitittofidiscssioti lefori :SCHOOL 46 S. STATE ST. Cl n e sbfr ekwl efudo h ultntoieeighdporse a n ucaig WE W"ST'OCH 07 bocardt. conttinutd sc o oiiielast. In soitil'1itt-. _ibo' anniotunc-imetit ; c i tili itt ii iiti titcoitt e it s the Slit s di dtfttially, S ALD NG' ert ltt e givnlbty the 1'.-it Al. -"liei sortse nOi a1 tuott. Itows itiihappentedi -... cltb at Olin Detr-olitipit:1luctise, '1ri-oSCii'ecatntell. liiie mottit cliosei5 isINTERCOLLEGIATE S w e a te rs ay, hebrurS 8'J"nx tast "siprui1iii' Itistsuotgnst- t SETR fTesusbtject of Mr. Geci.1-. Dawini uts iloo a miore sitotl- tiiotito fte i S Weetutreefrotryet-elT iversity Bibl)e cts nouldtbe "Srfet uspriun -" Ithi the bent swceter made a:dris suprior in telatest sylsat _________ i totiy othieretinCliemarket. bMede fit-e ii Class of tie Methodist ciiurchi tiiior- ITRCLEIT. fnseindotest Aestraliasnwoltan ietl rZ.ISin Tlil e mpaino 1Ital teclle-ge tootbali eleents. tIn white. L,%,h La Q , , C Id S Danuielnt tieti St dtr-nchefn." ndback. ofthlirltst ectilegeitatier iii tirUntited PRICE. $7 .00. University Bookseller's.0tiesl fOio el uectStates. IS t vs putblisheid at Dirt- Spaiding's Base Bali ted TensnSuippies toniorro-w miorning allid(ellilig at sre recognized leaders. Everythineg requisite mtoutih.for the gaeas. tie (hurch of Ciist, on S. tiinerli~'Tirti,.u'iis1 tne i Spaidigs Trade Martk en shat yes pae- asee ,erinL Hn adP- ces la guarantee thantte goods ire Ciii V itare thulytt'-rity it t ho be IIYMNASIUMSUITS, 'ave J tilo'tarsisnilliani. brese. 'Tnill retiorliwtowilalean axt yeur. ' A.G. SPALDING & BROS. quiz in the lfirst eight lectures i ilTertr eirt asYl fx heNewaYea P tuuecratA Cuteso GYMNAIUM SOES.Agecy t room 12 next synchk, also the cases cited tor snudy in tos'- lee- of Wisconsin will pubalislli their ts t W~4id, XWild, X'1ld. in book forin this year. fliplubtlie n BEST LINEN PAPER lures. tion naill he sold at $2 per copy.SUETTK OIE The Socratic Union ceillt into per-- in the city at antoraiainysedyfe- Through the generosity of Mir. Ati- SUETTK OIE 15c and 20c Per Pound. noon and thle following officers were gustus Heenway of Boston, thle Hat O IIE N AL OD elected: .C. Davies, president; (leo. yardgymnsiumnnilRtieuncaiodn. F~TN TOA A gthe building of a cousildetal.to Stil W elonRdcin FIRS NAION L B NK.Oiarrell. nice president; fMr. (I en.l OF ANN ARBOR.Lin Th« Oraln olsecretary and treasurer; Mar. Titshlan Ion Th present building wi111 be ndrot.4555marshal. There -,will be a special etne 0Le n ilcnan FnySiig n rues Taial.sees upu ample accommodations for 2:8 shower The goods must go. Please call and Tasacce a general banking business. Vbeeg exchsnges bought andesold. Furnish meeting Monday afternoon at 3.30 tO baths, 2,354 lockers, and a laot water see. teecedit.- :P. BAGS, Pres. Sa. W. LARESOSN. CashIer. complete the unfinishaed business, honk with a capacity of 1,0) gallons. 2--East Washington Street.--2