'~II~ DI~~ &LF ~ POUNDTHE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK G M S IS ofa~rs uUS1[ nicely perfumed toptoor Ann Arbor, Mich. Capital Stock i+0000-( yM U I S r s iell echange on tlit prinicipal cities of the Formerly withi George lr 9' ,Uie tae rfscse pnpoper ; trec'vd sutle ue' 11. Washington st. Heaoiquarters for "COLGATE S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAPIUnift iao. Sflymoit bas tords.. lstI" a,* ~ tla t~l !OFFICERS' UChristiant tack., Pri'.; «W. It 1)un.uis ~ t everything ia Student needs in the ;iASO Harriman. ie-ties.; Chas. E. Ilisto c,1 Gmnsim tlt ITes Iline. of Text-Books, Stationery anid idg ateiso atmerol soap, Cathier let J.1F1itz, Assistait Cashiei. Miscellaneous Stock in general. Cigtaro Glycerine Soap. oods are manufactured Cthle l olgates's Wiiticletmatis So") g F ' A by MARTIN SCHALLER, 'oig atesA londMalSoap i2 TEA.M LAUNDRY CO. 0vetrman Whleel Co., makers of Tor DOW-TWNBOKSLLR; for . > t ~sainli t igh (Ono si([Iteretr VilO. \ctor Cycles, which is sufficient i9OF. Washington st.,onetilock MUMMERY'S .NEW DRUG STORE, T.S.SR Snger, uarnteFastother.qtalty east of Main st. Cor. Fourthinad WIasktngton st.S SRIS Mngr 12a________________ oUTH 1.FOURTH AVENUiP.. We sell them for less than what NW4f* REUBEN H. KEMPF, IfetEropo1itan Cafe yKoui have to pay for inferior- Stitigar, Geiiiiany,iLu nansin~ting ioomi. No. t8 N. 0'0o)ds.See them 1before vOil bu'. Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musical iFourthiAvecketween ArinigtonlHotel IJ Composition; also the Art of andtid thffce i liii,. Ope~n all --aT- "Teaching. 10flofAurs.v rnr aanita iA NF A m tdi o ivisioti St., AiiiiArkor, Mich Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Props. STA LELBSlOCYCLE EMPRIUM, FNEW COLL&Rj GRApnGER'S Ampki A NOVETiLTY IN I BathI, Robes. ! lie fiiiious iStar&f.CresccntfBath Robces ' F3 arenowviiade anall tiii 111V Wasliton 't. Caps and Gowns FOR MEN AND WOMEN, H Uui ur uI 1 t o U, LEADING COLLEG ESTRIPES W r=peae ofrihCp _______ ___ i al y supeorb. M iad nor our1"tat ___ tnd CGows tof the .highest qtuality Pile, ~1')cItir n icl ilr ~ L to U niversities, Colleges and Schools oiift.0PriidTiltlllasot^ucottonIttatimno 1 f-, or sse Iayared rthe 1nattlotitgoleganeicsinstreuej esar-istu tiost euepr il ire i ui i t li Ii 11 $7;inite 'sooltetory, $o ileliserci hi throughout the L nited States, at Mtoi.a d s fslietis dirngec ivate tl eeRtrnbeiueatsttr _surtarisingly low prices. Self mes- ,i iieitii dnsrtn o fmda o ote sent yto us __uremettforms,. containting all nec- ______, ___6 ___Maynard_ TI st.ENIW r~CP+ladP ,,)\ feetly fitting garments withlout STAR- CESCNT - - ILLS- Ptla- -I'u r- vistitig the store, will be forwarded - FLAG PINS _$1,50_________upon______request.___ ___ Yellow an-le u.ARDE YOU INTERESTED IN FOUNTAIN PENS? RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS tons 60c. With U. of M. or the -- differenit widths, at moderate year 75c. prices. W e have' something new arid ouperiore in thin line. 0rop itsa postal before biuyinothers. WM1V. ARNO}3LD'S, Jeweler. RAPID PEN FACTORY. W.ASHINIGTON. D. C. r. Strawbridge & Clothier _ATTENTION11 I PT1=1EAS- E. ''1iePHILADELPHIA. (od Are you tatntoyed by your latmp wicks heli ; B Iy yo'otI tnpms fttlimg House in America. tthe house with ta sickeninag smoke and givin~g it tight the coior uf the moon swhena seeti through a smoked glassa? If co, u1150ur111Star ilatt toOGORE & 'WETMORE' ORiDERt VO1.t, GOAL Oh' thtus trotubtes will vaniisth. It gives a wvtite h lit, toes riot ichaittile wicill Southl.,; .Mainst. aStreet.t, or M4suhMinSreRS. ANNIE W FARD FOSTER 1'S UNIVERSITY NOTES. !iSeer at liriiseietis ith rligariltlo IJNIVIRSIIY TIXJ BOOKS School of Dancing and Delsarte. the vetitionie o(f the laiw librmiry alt New and Second Hand. Saturday, i0n. m.,Oenttemanhbeginrs sso. :limsLas I i a iotm, swithi 'lilit lust taos' t eetotre rocimi t l J im i atim' Saturdtay, 4 pm., Lady beginners clasm.NooBksadthrSues'upls Mondy,'7:30 p.m. dacdClassaim s'year,is ititing friendn tho city. atid ottiers will bic itoleht-d inform- Fine StationerSn nlmn._y, Sporting Ooods, etc , whicih 'Tesday, 7:3 p.mi., ateginners Clasi.(Ladles The junior tawalwiltlIodi t tle netemester. they offer at the Loest Prices. and Gentlemesn). Privlesson snabyappointment. timeitg ltoorrosi'tfternoonti italll'Th te juittotor'awtalasswillb t i lion- SCHOOL 46 5. STATE ST. lately aftertiec te'. i iml ,,.,ro.,,t.. ..r. .. . aladseu eoepurchasing. 1 IIIP- tlia'.ai rat ita i -i...i 1 .) z" ala d e sb f NE W SrOOM Or ' Prof.(Cotenetscass. in itletatico Dwvyer tnext week. hitch studcall scil has tomplietedt tiffereathCat lciuusbe required to kitow01 Iitoumimetnce anidt will tbegin t hum gent Ciateulustlion- a suit in his0101ow sti'. er S tly. TheoPhtloogical oelehy wittlmuI'' Inastroictco'rHughiestantouneso a vrit- itt roomo r at 7:30 o'clockh tonighit. 'Te S w e a t r ten ouiointhe firsmt nine lectures on program ilmetnist of IL tueb Evidnceforthesenor awsNet 'Mr. L. A.Strauiss oil "'OhmsRtationalt in the latest styles at t'.oth Seitetenicttaratgratph.- rf.1 Prf. I. E. Col v asnotabeto TMftmbers1sf Ito Chiorlio nhaveli ibnen a u 6 LUniversity Booksellers. GYMNASIUM SUITS, GYMNASIUM SHOES. BEST LINEN PAPER in the city at 15c and 20c Per Pound. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARtBORt. Organized 1813. Capital, $100,000. Surplusad Profits. X4d,000. Transacts a general banking businems. Foreign exchanges boaght adsold. Furnish l ettecia of credit. P. BACH, Pres. S. W. CLARIKSON. Cashier. meet .his class Tuesdaoy, being do - layiti ty' tt brokenitentgiitett Battla Creek. Tickets for ft'e concert lFriday night may' be obtained ttCamlkins' drug store. and at tthe Aimi Arbor Orgatn Co.'s storo downt town. Prof. Craig wisttes to lall the atten- tiota of literai'y students to the neceso- aity of each studentas ascertatning in time the data of thteir examinations. A rumor to tieefcect that Presidenlt Angell was seriously illwicht gained rapid credence early'thtis morning proved unfoundeid upon investigation. Prof. P. AL Taylor delivered a very interesting lecturo yesterday on "Mon- etary Reform in thte United States" in his series on Banking anmd Currency. thtc privilege of butying one tickeet for tha c'onacert Friday' eveing, t. lt0 cetuts. They tmay'he obtatinied at liii School of Music fro i)lt1 12 sait 1 to 4:30 o'clock. Prof. Rieedltils givein thio class iin Phiystcs 1 a. list of psr ohtnms covering thie subject of Mechanics, tund those who solve a sufficient numboler of themo wilt be excused fromu a final examn- ation en that part of ftoe work. Those sections of tho senior lit' class which were not quizzed in Con- stitutional lawv last wvock on account of tho illnvess of Instructor Dwvyer with not havbe a separato quiz. At the next quiz, they will reviewv thoso four lectures missed in connection wsithlt fle assigned lessons. SPALDING'S INTERCOLLEGIATE SWEATER# It i the lest msweter made arid is superior to tiny othuerott the markek. Made from the filest anud softest Australian wool, hanid hnit, aid wits need exclnsively inst year biy nearly oil the college footholl elevens. Int white, navy arid black. PRICE. $7.00. Spalding's tBase Bal tud Tennis Oirppiies are recognizhed leaders. Everything requisite foe thu games. Spaiding's Trade iMark ott swhut you par- ebaso is a guaratutee that the goosnalre thu best. A. G. SP.ALDING & BROS. New TOns. PAIL~ADELPHIA. CHICAGO. Wild, Wild, Wild. STUDENTS, TAKE NOTICE! DUR WINIER AND FAIL GOODS We Sell on Reduction. Fancy Suitings antd Trousers. The goods must go. Please call and see. 2--]1ast Washington Street.--2