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January 31, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-31

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, i. i I t .

VOL. V, No. 87 .



-- It is nt genealy knoawn that t
DR. WINKLER'S PAPER BEFORE University pubisa( a general Bata WILL UNDOUBTEDLY SURPASS Tretolanwhotbk.
THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. lgea l tirr nisulnsA THOSE OP PREVIOUS YEARS. Soepoler toghtrtols
Subject Treated in an Instructive the institultin sie its tailldilg il More Varied Program Than Here- m iusical ilstrluents with little
and EntertaininE Paper.--Goethe's 837. Tht iook y Wisstl ill 1-i tofore.-Will Probably be Held or no toni.
interpretation of Relation Be- anti ealntais thit tits ot all tiheerts About March it.-New Events We Say Buy hSe WhICh HaVe 100e
tween Nature and Art. at the University t'roe tite agattta- 4Pooe.Ju
The aeting oathAe 1IllIiosotial s- tion fat lbfirst Ihoar at Regents i . datteor te anltt indoo tttr Ittt We sell tat kini.
telylast tnighttwas wll atlesliltl, 1817 toMrchtt, t' all gtaduatettl' ill ndnhtt ly bIsist in a ew ays.
hr. winkit t ised a apertillw tttinte -,;'totatavittttt-ti ttettte 87. btttmitttdle ot Mtrht aid kill ittlttet a51 South Nain s.
.Aesthetics atf(toetite" swhicit wastflttltwhid tt Ia d t .teoree. tttaer-ied list ottvt st lIlacve
,tfintres an mah ejoyd. o b_ Te, ttbcatiru(ltthi eaalou"beore. Ilt-reotttetS itdor mItts att
ant by tqutiut g crii tilehosaidthalt Wtas dtied-tutottn. by te 1loItlt i
;t returntoIscsiiih awatys ttttilttpro-lft 1 and)tttdI tttttite tttttmpxitt ut aitetetieyatbxit tt
gress, aittl applieti it withti ttittiatelt- lIrSitent Angiltltgt ts titett- atnd etiigeeil.Thswtstl1vs
Continuing, 1 sid "xot1*ts lPettet a nhrielt ielthatgt-ese tetravit- lt t eett-rit
testaeits tre stuttesshi difficult ofatht lwork. grtlam. Thisyeaesstill see our first
tetetecause at the tii d(-l A Aslttiltr ctaliteuttriI~t11,pulserainiidoor Iloet aothy lifte nattiIt he LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSIESS adSIOR-
rC~peatet ettr ttlthswit "111teftr Llt eltlbiistt: l s11rt10-4AN. attndace;lcentdisn;ildig; teiteachers; large
reoren viit hogiei lssui-sttittl ttue ttl ititiilatts. NO dtibtitt plan Ity. set, gri tesaan gwoisiise sprk; erll
sttpii edig ruso;adulIe; arda
tugs. tne period, loweve,-tat e- cttumplettrtie rt. TOtls etn -td i sttts st h toviecbtit ti-suv pitngteeaptissr; pesd sie er wp
tittit ittiaottits iti m, elteill[itetcitfacil ittis tor pacig Sudets is psutioss
sween 1788 anti 105-st.oaS t amrtsreutestedtha esos 55cse wl th le Inteitiona atthose in chiagto on Santdsrusm$to $2 S.5per teek is prit
fitis iti- These rues redced te *5s by sel-
than usual decisiveness. Go-the drsw-ri-prt any tttdrtssai .dtathils. chtnges lttei teeai l ieSttt iwtbaaesgo tlouttgu address c
tnunchof lts ispira~l~tintttt Italy tot itamte by itarriage t lem nd tit ourgylnitnl itItielie cbe-NCLAY es
and tho G(reek assoeitits tinre, and tOtetuotfittc tianr ecivietdt. e.1 tltttuces.ltatis it=lt~ O2' IJ7YMT = S
cetasces-oxnwetigarly decitdedto ttdevot his ensees litoll(Tlil tC itets, tluittitiandtt11ito- aittd ein~g swil Still ctiFRttSH a555NE55O
atrtistic lines. lithis aesthetie theoris gradual~ts oathtil1I iiversil C t Pro. Irotuaitutfeature oatheltprogam.LOWEniHOOA E
itt -s much tnflucaed Ity-Kant. ut liettti. A iit iiitrttiotl i Sill iut iti thrWillite itst thttit tittlttttttt JUST itECtrVEreA
still more. by My-er, fr Knt ut t i aht wt ttt tttitittat It is itltttsstli ts lie-iosatit rititTLE
abstrattto apptlttidstiotgly t hll)i the catlguet-i saiteit- It Itlit arietitn ttii-ts, as tgyiilltshitil+t 48S. STAE ST.
(othte founddtIttSist-mIll IIs Ofit ettetary - WattliHoltris lttrge ttttotghto it:)tlixii, tr QtoRNALf-
tintd stas extremelytratcicl l nti n-s Pupi's Recital. lit 3aits dases. Itt tititorlttiGoito iNDALLtf-
Iirial, aoititg phios.othli- thata- Ftiete AsIttitiitihttll wts tcll lititit cs Oti t - r~ing tttck, ~ A tstc Ph t s
itn aTho ae.tetic Iproblemilthat heytsterday iterittittbt he tntntis tait-m itaililattsseKaoIt 'm
eeA himself wais eminetly cstrttt - anti patrons oatllit Sholofit .Mtsi. 1ttttttat8i ariis.gyuitaaste t itt-.
wh~at shall beoillsa reaiton bt ellai- They sit-vt lauit itly t-ittvaitit- lor ipaticulariy thethigh juttap, tiorixtith NEW QGALLERY.
tre and tart, 'hial tututisbe ta tn 10htidtutu aterttbty t tiva-ete Diti. K . tiice wst' wi- sl 0ys rsnitrrtro aut!pormpeertdb ~tItiso opeetepori.LAGES OPEAIG ROOM IN SAE
In trying anser this question h lit. uthe scoliE iveryi ittiut-vstis v-i- Jefesnin oiey
applieti himself to ia study- of naul ~~tderedt1in t nttltit- Jehitl viliet-t NOcietWASHNGTON BLOCK
science, and as tu result helitavseat imutthicetit bohupon theli itsit s fltt'tetitoiii Jffro isotet- still httlt
tae conceptionlofatn inner creative tand lt-ei itstruttits. its reglar neittig titnigt. lihitot- AnnflArbor, Mich.
power in natute very like the latanit Those tilsotok pat wetstei- tisss loing- pogrmlt sil litetdtrt-ti
ideaism Thi noionbe Icororaed Ima ~adsits FlgBD. A. CADIBUIX.
idelim.Tlistuolo le tiorovaelIra taiai ~ Kocth, taitFlossie- Readingg.Ar. Ntrris;Seit-,tN-l PRPRItEOt O S-us
into his llsttetic theory. Al-I art, hie Stence,- Alit-i Ntnt-itit, CathlierinetHanill; iiiiiroiltittsi dicussittntaf. Latest Improved Barber Shop
saitd, is based upon unaturtettnd iiilttt ? Niuerd-e, ranetssS. 'Taylor. iltili-Dit. lDanai neg.iMr. Crss d-btate Is the ety. F. tashtgtas st. tt dor
etstf Maist. Ass Aror.
hion in its loswest formt. howeser iin- pine(_)SSylr.:ltitu- Ie. Suthen, Frd- ltSatlset htur otiretsttti ts-ss
tan is tolta art in itself, atdtlctetos in ericki. tillette and( Ieleit h. Rtheti t-itatcilitts est-ry'sortoatpoitictaal MAMMOTH PIPE SALE
a necssry progreion toinmoitteal- tell; Messrs..IoswardtBtrnutjil'iamticorvruptiton; IM, lessstAltlarg
iced ~~~yart. ('itrfut huitation stillevet- If. treet- anti (Itstastis (hlihtg tiitiand rgit; e. ;iltss. Kirbvty-tnd IO JY & C '
sally make a true artist, wvhle lack of H. N. Castle Was on the Elb. I Slt iitt26t SOTH STAEST. 5 Don'tttfll h case
ate sill rtl itm. True art rope- AHo i ttttlih~h - et-RoussadPttos ~t uandCulrtt uIes at AllBses.
setsen tstiH tistpiatihaaut silsthsahaitrchut hsres-ttitytpicatll 'ttea-uttiiin'tililna0tur0e A.L.
tnd in man, with a caretul balace this moniting's xta9srsus the tahtitf it O N SA
between Individual and unisersal feat- eny-N.Catl,:ttItbeentii t anus s ered:s .AiTiay liti
theI i eterraim.liriteal- Castle wsit astudent of thit tiadiate - Tb '
schol oftheUnivrsit lat yer an Maltarkus, A. ii. Olson (tlt itsenw enyss.tndat
the artist who grasps the nueaning atabohrltlsottotf tir'i tutat
a rohe-i-lw Meto. iadi, shott Referredto RItis -S ICok
nobject, both as an Individual and a omrycointetedt withi teIlii- ieij E-C i.('n,
.as a typo is a true artist sversify. ]_________ ,. I. Gooitdog. OL.ACEIAnnOthr Pems
thisequiibrim beweenrealand Meeting of Debaters. F t ihrso.ODAIAdOhrPes
ideal is the mun chelaacterstic of Choral Union Rehearsal. B
Goethe's assthetic theory. Later in 'chic Xnietcers at the Intellteoitgiat-
life he developed a mrt speculative dbatts commilittee ad the sciey tde- Thu last reherstltof thts Choal FRlED EMERSON BRtOOKS.
and abstractly philosophic tendency, aters aua requested to metiii Wel- Uion befor the concert sill te held ___
and becamle inclined to deny tie stat bal, last building, at i10:0ita.i. tomorrow morinmg at 11io'cock. AllCunetin tlevue. ad
artistic character of imitation, but thisCmlt noevlm.Hn
was only a reaction against the grew- Saturday. At ti meeting te Ie- muembrs are urgently requested 10 e sonely bundt in extra cloth.
lug naturalistic turn of aesthetic hters will choose their lplacs othle present The eearsal will behheld Price $1.00. Postage pre
paid to any part of
tilonglit in Elurope." preliminary debate. in tte. cispel. - tae world,

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