--eV C.' I ' i Y Ftormnerly With) 1 . Washineton st. everything "11,Stm tine of Text-Blook AURselelaneous Stoc W[ATIN SI ;fTHEDOWN-TOW 19 F. Vashingtc east ofr A A 1 iaeast fMr.and Mrs. R, otrfass ir-so sn AlM o]eeXts'.Ofiiceate t An~, Ca 1 I lardl 5t. -6 rA f Bookstoe 111 . 'C3" ' D THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK G YM SUTITS. of ncel y peI'md tAlle1t soap for Ace Arbor, ?Mich. Capital Stockt, ,StS. 'r ~NI CS.NJ1> Organized ceder the General Bankieg Lawes _____ _ . 1 1 of this State. tReeies deposits, buys cald (xeorre t~ti lr 1 sells exchanege on the pripal cities of the 'S COrgSSAWTOILET19O PoiS ates. lDrafts caishe d specpr~oer 1 >istreeivd alile line Headquarters for COLGATE'SCLSA OLTSA.identificlation. Safety d si hoscses tocrent. Ls ecie iasml lent teed in he ~OrrICES: ChlAI A MacA;, Pre- .;EI).ofAi' 5S det ees nth l: S HrrmaVice-Irs.; Chlas. E. 1iscoct. o 1inlfl i l 3iiit5. tl ese c, 0tS O atitonr - i oltie's Oaimeral SaAA Cashi;Al . Fr ilz, AssAAiantACisieAr. ek i generai. Colgate 'stGlyceineS~oap, ffodare manuifactuired Cv the Co~ld tes'A Ofhltie tlemat~lis SoaAIA,,- JN -551- C ? OHALLER, Collate~sAlmond lieSoap, SaLAAL UN RYCo. Ov erman Wheel Co. makers of t olgite's5Demal StainASoap, all l0e a cikeSTA L UN R N BOOKSELLER, or 3tcakes four /2-5 a usgs.5h tSIosetrFsVl. ictor Cycles, which is sufficientHihGssadIoitiFii.ontoeblc MU ER'NE DUGSOE' )irne stohirqlt. St ose hiok MUMERY' NEW RUG SORE, E. S. SERVISS, Manager, iuaate stohirqlty bi1anSt.ursFth1 5cli aAd sis4asi01Sts. mmal 22 SOUTHleSOURTH AVENUE. We sell theim for less than what REUBEN H. KEMPF, ~roo yu af ou have to pay for inferior I'IFrmtheCoytaCneirvitory, Me rpltnCf 47tuttg0 Carc~e.tertmany, Lunichiandsi iuLooml ic. No. i8sIN. 10?oodls. See them before you boxv. Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musica FourthlliAve., hAll AirAlin~gtonc11011-A lCososition; atso the Art of 'iii 11d Cilh OffiAII~liA/A. tpenIaill -AT- " - Teaching. AAA- as~nr~ tcIo15.irilAS.AiiAhoii Mr. and M~re. Edward Lewis, Props.Il M, TALES S C YCLE EMPOIUIM1 U GER °.'S DANCING. t~5Gagel.Prvt inaAnoydance o eit. teAcadmeAOA,eAAoundA rIN qeie U11 A NOVELTVYIN bath Robes! are nose made inalli tht LEADING COLLEE STRIPES fret. Retaroali)le if iinsatisf,.ctory. If ~ 'N saot founsid at your dealer;', sendI Cous 4 ScTR. n clge andclsclosissgprie STR&CIRESCENT MILLS CO.. Psiaea, P. ixW lWashington st. Caps and Gowns FOR MEN AND WOMEN, NVo'arc irepaired Co fiirnisii Caps. asid (GowsV of the higihest quaiity to Ui iversities, Coileges and Sciioois tiirouigihout tile United States, ait surpriisingly low prices. Seif imeas- uresnstforsos, containinlg lii see- roesary isnstructions Co secusre per- fectiy itting garsments without visitin~g the store.,xwiii he forwardedi upon Irequest. AREoOU IILMU14T11IN OUNTIN OENS S - Yellow and Blue But- A EY UIT R R E NF U T I E S RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS With U. of X. or the --_ _ = - t isffernt widths, at smoderate year 75c. Nvehavsoethig ewTad suelriithis ine~. DroAplis a postal El 10 buyn111 prices. .._--- RAPID PBN FACTORY, WASHINGTON ID. C. Strawbridge & Clothier WMV. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. ! ATTEN- T IO N I PLE A SE PHILADELPHIA. A l 1-IS 1 J T F]eE SE - I'iiie largest excinsivelyIDry- (loocti Are you aninoyted 1) your lainpI wicks eiard? BSlyou111lzaip11 fillig! Hotise in Asmerica. IK OS he houseCrwith a sickesning Csmoke andlitiiilnt o aliht till 'olorofAtheI snooo xriieis scent lroi ha.ssmoked gliCs'i It oaelou1-0 lAleu Slair Oii l alid MOORE & WETMORE 01 DR Iot riCO-(A.LlP tius trouiles xiillaishI. It glees a whiite' lighit, does not llac IhAr-,nick, ~~T ~ emits sn odor, anid swilli alburnoult of the ialll p. RIiced ar OilC; 8c egiai.. 6 S.aiii st., and State si., col- -V: 'A-:PB 7; Watere WilitI-Headi Liyii Ct(Oil, Aicper (grai., 74 eliinkre listsiliA sc Ile)il- crltWiiae t, itti ir lrAiti V.l-ht:ell osI i'hoe NIS. O itiine r y o Wpleiamstckhavof .Y F .s-s.~tjo;M. . II ti.C, 'Phoocne Al5. . "!C opeesoko 44 South Main Street. MR1S. ANNIE WARD 'FOSTER'S' UNIVERSITY NOTES. lDe. V.t'. C.Valiglill iis 1111115 rum l--tl 1NSI L( OK School of Dancing and Delsarte. ho- usually instructiveilectcie"lil 11his (1.a5 New and Second Hand. '.atssrd;a'. asa.o.. Gel1lemai e bginoers Alass. Ili 'iillCampbe sll i c l i cquizi Sygiene, h1is let rtiri o l IA 55ii j ccSol n te Suet'Slps- Saurday, ,f p i., Lady hegioniers class. lore's this 1afte-rnoniil l )1thil Cratiall N"otalSyglil. -ie Bostokseryndohr tuodetcSupwis ..Ml~onday,7:0 p. in., Advancedla lss (Lilies'mb"Mna l-ee- FeStiorySptngGdsecwhh andea tleemaen). al is." teofeatteLw tPrc . -ruesoday, 7:30 p. in., Beginn ers Class (Ladiesls huff andA ilortallsii Alel.i-t in they fe tteLIvs ec and iGotletaetn).Prf'1hms lcuetot la.y Private lessons by appoitmeni.t.. lelisu trile A 11 sISgymnaisiumi -rllay inight. till' lAwlilr ~SCHOOL 46 S. STATE ST. todaiy ad tProt. IKirchnel rliee ;dy Call and see us before purchasing. _________________________________________casi hase thr s;ameirly lillilyilt 511o 2q S TO o OF asseS 'hiursday. Mr. Perkiino at She gyiiniisiiiiii. A puipils' recital swill bhr -thnal thAIjonios' liwsslillhave l ~ , PLIG Fieze \eriios'ial mill onl Wrednrsday. ails.i~iiiAoc soool till' - -CDHG Ja.30, at 4:30 1. 111Itlletrsin, Iariiirrslip ireldl'lisA'l'll, : INTERCOLLEGIATE U Prof. M\erliril re'qiuirrs juniior laws ~\~7 e ~ tC S 11111.It 'will psobably-takesle l ee'k511;after )w e a te r to incorperale syllabi of all casesnet 1101i Ctnrhp nthi ot's. 5t is thebslt swloter made aed is suer~ior 'itet illt'artecoiitl il tlir 1e'. 5E. AdamsI 11clil' t iilcalitfslifahertos any Iotier osl the marhet.IMade fromm Sil io the latest styles at Pres. An~gelrlsernesd today fronifinst 0111 softest Australian wool, hansitll I ~of Prlof. H. C'. Adaitis.c-ill sIpeak IS'- and was usoeelusively last yeor by nerarly zlieelian & Co.'s University Booksellers. SYMNSIUM SUITS, GYMNASIUM SHOES. HBEST LINEN PAPER in the city at 15c and 20c Per Pound. FIST NATIONAL BANKx. OF ANN ARB~OR. Organized '1863 4*kptal, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $40,001. Taaactba a general bankln" business. V.aig--exchanges bought and sol'd. Furnish Virers of credit. L3*ACH, Pres. S. W. _ClAISKSON. Cashier. Blooinsgton, otliese lieliao beensat0- toetling She layiing St a.cornler tonse. Thie S. C. A. library is to be provideed with a cacti catloguseof subjects aned authoirs lbefore (ho(close'oS th1111e505015 ter. Hlereafter htady visitors still ho ad- mitted to She gyniisaisil tidurinag the ladies' classes oss Tusdlay and Satu~r- day. Dr. Fitzgerald states that tse lock- ers fer She gymnuasiums sust beoisere tit week or tisc order will be can- celied. News ilas heen received at Newberry tones t'e S. C'. A. at Ne's-lerry- hal, Sunday- sext at '9I ; a. ii., subljet "Piosee'r Missios in015wa." prof. Ftreer wil qulizisi class in Gorn- tral Chesmists'y today for ithe last timei antI xiii des-ste Slie reot of the tisse to lecttsre wvork inl order that lit'maty cover tise required anmount of work hefore She end of tile sesmester. Thse regular qui7geo on Agency will be completed thsis week. There will, however, be hold two review quizzes on (ho subject during thso next to weeks. In tihese reviessthe matter will be gone over on tise basis of the niavy and hlack. PRICE. $7.00. SpaldinsoBMoe alhand Tennio Sulpplies are recognszed leaders. Everything requisite for thu fames. Spaldinf's Trade Mark 00 what you pur- chase is a guarantee that the goods are She best. A. G. SPALDINGF & BROS. NEw YORK. PAIL~ADELPHIA. CHICAGO. wild, Wild, Wild. STUDENTS, TAKE NOTICE! OUR WINIER AND FAll GOODS We Sell ont Reduction. Fancy Suitings and Trousers. The goods ioust go. Please call and see. 2--East Washinigton Street.--2 hail that Oscar Rtoberts, theo S. C. A. leading cases cited by Prof Mehtolemo, missionasy who is now in Africa, Is the principle being deduced from the ill. Isle Roberts is suffering from facts of those cases. the African fever, but it is not thought that he is seriously ill. Subscribe for the Daily.