T [ i ' . () I4 Al. D,. I? I Sch ailers Bookstore! ofHeLy fumed Po UND.Soa) o a T 1 11) I lo THDE ANN VINgalSt BAK GYM SUITS. Orlgoosed IalBiiiko.ILaws_____ of t1hi0s t sts)0, buy) an sells excilOI l pli~t ies110of the United Sta, oihed upon prper J1st 1 sol a titin)le lille idientifleoati osit bol(s to rent.l Iarrimanl. ie-tes..; lins. E. Iiiock, ! of (Gvmnasi nutSuits. These Cashier; ii. .1. FtzlAssloistant:iashier ~ I-.RI~hR. oods are manufactured by the tForinci ly withi (eorge ' Wallir, iii E. Wisiiinrton st. H7eadqotirters for C OLGATE S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAP iverytliing a Student needs inl tile ,0(1 tioe of Toxt-Itoots, Stationery and111 to("illiOili 10at ISoap.4 Miscellaneous Stoek in general. ( 1C laivGyeieeeSoap, ~MARTIN SCHALLER, ICol- te lm Hon o 10111,4 (colale'sDerml l~ kill Soal), all it 10o aca e 'THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 'o a 1010 f1o at i9tE_ Wootiingtoli st. one block MUMMERY'S NEW DRUG STORE, eastolf Main st. ill) 100100h1a111Washingl.tol sts - REUBEN H. KEMPF, Frmlie Ityal ionservatory, ( Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musica A AW Compostlon; also the Art of Teaching. Su22Sill Div1111o11SI;, nAlXiSII i ii I _____ ____ I Bath I ___________- , 4 Th ioCP;tarc& SCHOOL OF DANCING. Q AIGQ - ifile1511e'I. Price, STEAM LAUNDRY Co. IIigh Gloss anid Domsi Finish.10 E.S. SERVISS, Manager, '?. -00 TII OU11RTH A\ N1,1. DMetrop9litan Cafe Overiman \\IMeelCo., nmakers o1 Victor Cycles. which is sufficient gutarantee as to their duality. 117e sell tlteit foir less than wihat J roll have lto par for inferior .goii s. See thtenm before voi utyitx. i c n r:. IMr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Props V~lY w I'E 1 MI Robes! 'LEGSB STRIPES r i} 9 11112 1 1 i; ; "Fst ^ , ,sre ctt l erIo : S ..- MS SAEBLER'S CYCLE IMPUPIUJM, it 11' AN'liotill-tlil t. Caps and Gowns = FOR MEN AND WOMEN. Wea pe paril i~Ied oi 0fiirihti (ls 11n1 1(1own s 111 the)hilghest quasiity 10 I iieroities, (Colleges 111(1Schoois jli11 elIi ili ion1of 'Mr1111 tel) 1 I, Grelisc Iiii II SiiprPlinltIvlow prices. Self IlleOs- 21 idli, ti, ieii 1) '11) f( free. PReturnle ilCif 01110atisfactory. If \\ requlested. Offclthe A ii lnde~l1011111 i' sai ns~itructions to Secuire per- lloe,0 M~~~lyllO l3iri mclitionin-lgeCotcgandeclosing price1. tx btii lrIelt iioi ooiest Maynard 5t. ) 11Oh 10 1101, 11111) 100fule at 0l iite. snf0 1 ~et Ifirtig gaco ntn ing ii nec _____________________________STAR & CRESCENT MILLS CO.,Phiuli a, ipa.2 visititpg the store, will to' forwairded FLAG PINS $1.50>,l -llillet I - Yellow and Blue But A EY UITR SE I O N ANPN~ RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS - - tons 60c. ooci'ovotisa-nt-irt With U. of M or the --difrnwdtsatmeae year 75c. i o )0.-.prices. -AT RAPID PEN FACTORY. WASHINGTON, .C. Strawbridge & Clothier W M. ARfNOLD'S, Jeweler. AT E T O ! P ASPH ADL iA AS S. 11)1 largest exclusively iry t(iodsl. Are yu oii yedlll 00bi 5you11r l )amp 51is e0i)) ii 025By 11111limptfit llting IRiouse in Amelrica. Stt Ve iilioe switii a sickeingo,5lkel1i1d ivin )1 g li tt I il l ort11 of the UtRlE) YtI'017:(lAL OF)1 tillstrol esie ll van111h.1 It g tive s o itite igh t,111oe 1110no t ar tie swictk, eM.S..F3SI1I mits n( odor, and will all burn out of tue lamnp. lieu stir Oitllctple 7 r1S. iS Main s., intl State st., cor- 00 15:n ~w~)111on WhPo2"N~ tr \lite 11e Ieoli gt Oil, 6eper ga.. 74" ~oeItl'o iliil)'5(- ic r oat. 1100 of Williaml St.. lhave a YADS: ht11. . 1R. I., 'P10110No. 01 ; EA.N 8z& C f 5f- e cmnplete stock of P 44 South Main Street. MRS, ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S UNIVERSITY NOTES. A) tie t 1)01ti'1i10)f 1the 1 ,itifilia, 1JIVIRI[SIIY I[TT BOOKS School of Dancing and Delsarte. 4eclub 1)1urt1 1it1110is ll toilldtill)e1I New and Second Hand. tatuellI y, 101 a. 1., Gettcmanbe Innersl s5 1i)i, 201.IoI5 tt~t -I oly1-hail lf'l O sa Els l 001 1k i ll Ii 51)111 I iatord as,4 p.in.,Iad.i y Segins 0,class. .710___________Note oo0111a1d)1otter Students' Suples Tues~day, 7:30 p. in., Oeghol es-UClass (Llesic and Gentilmen). Private lessons by .appointmen5)t. SCHOOL 46 S. STATE ST. Sweaters in the latest styles at (huizuasiir lh~ri0lStillhs iposiei1 I (-asillTortsto 1bei 'studlIiedin 1eo11ec- 011on iivi thth iiiliz forctisiweeko. 'Tis namesIofSthosei hoi' 0111er'1e Oil- cesfult illthe hiistory ecainlilaiiiSaSit- board. Till'broaichtiof promise 'stilt lual) 0000 is be triedin iltle Kali,as clubi court Satulrday aindi whichlicaus1ed1 so 1)muc1 commnclt amoisngthe 111w0solulilig ito pa1st neck, «00110eidediltIill favoroi(f S Alpha N's Art Progoam. ithley offier at the Lowsest Price-i. 'Otl' itt~l Noti'l~ 11)1 (I 111' Call and see us before purchasing. enij)oyable m l iii i ' (If t i 1 t1)0its 111W liall 1r0o11_M, Sainrciay l's1-lil Thc hrram 's oencci rrt NcllSPALDING'S desliveedotret'itiiolib11 - iss,i nbi.101 1 I T111 wa folowe bya scne romINTERCOLLEGIATE Romleus l 7lJllil't ly Otis ls Osborn hiltSWEATER. Air 10 stflew111--il nWiI'ol1 0lm-de 01111 is s)pf io_ At a miltilg o(f is eDaily tBoard Univ ersity Booksellers. GYMNASIUM SUITS, GYMNASIUM SHOES. BEST LINEN PAPER in the city at 15c and 20c Per Pound. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Organizedl 1863. Capital, $100,000. Surplus ad Profits, $40,000. Trassacts a general baakia business. Pereigjl exchaages boaght and sold. Furaish letters at credit. P. BACH, Pres. S. W. CLARKSON* fCashier. Satulrdaly A. W. Simih11and C. IL Far- cell wvere elecited IPssistit mlanaginig editors. 1. It. tHamlblin, '96 low,11'. A. Spill, '96 1law, and At. Gilbert, '97 engr., were eleciedt associa~tOe:titos. Tile folowiiig young ladie s- -e the guests of tile local chapater of Thetat Delta Ciii fraternity for the Juioir party: Mlisses Helson, Sitwyer,' Eingle, tieyco, Geiger, Maynard anod Creary, of Detroit; Miss Sotphen, of Defiance, Ohio; Miss Hamilton, of Chicago; with Mrs. 01. G. Xanruyi, of Detroit, as chaperone. A sleigh ride to Whitmsore Lake was given in their honor Saturday evening by the members of the fraternity. trating he remalrks by sn' 110111t01-11 ings. Messrs. ltlillan 11 l)) ull)e gase anlother oeenc' etrom Romeoilid10 Jullii, Wbichl 00115well rc-eied 'I. 'T'e last num~lber 1o11 tin' proIgramli 0010 a 1p0011 by *Mr. Daniels, 0w1100)-ilitiy'is too we111 I'.iognied llto 111e1 1111y 111)1- tion. Aiftetile lrigrili 10 ibusinlessaiiet-t ing wvas held and tile following officers wvere elected for tile hext semnester: President, Mr. It. tO. Lymailn; vice president, Miss Gardner; treasurer, MI'. Block; librarian, M.Nr. Hinickley. The 'Total Abstinence League of Harvard has more than 5101 nembers. Six ineaabers of the Lawrenceville eleven will enter Yale next. fall, two Princeton, twvo Willianms, and one Col- umbia. 111 1113'o0111r001 lihe market. Shade 110111till fiest 111111sotest Australian wool0, ilndlkiti, andli wasuse1d exclsivoellst yealrlby nealiy all1 thle collge football elevensIn w11)01111, nav and llliblack. PRICE. $7.00. Spaldig'osBase Sol 0114 Tennis Supplies Irk recog.nized leaders. Everythlisgrequsitle for the gam1s. 950415., s Tiadoe1Ma11..o11 what.0you pu1- clease 1s1. guaran51tee bhat the goodls iaretill best. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. NoW YORK. PAsIaLrsno, A.CHICAGO. Wild, Wild, Wild. STUDENTS. TAKE NOTICE! OR WINTI AND FALL GOODS We Sella on Reduction. Fancy Suitings and Trousers. The goods most go. Please call and see. 2--East Washington Street.--2