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January 28, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-28

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~~;i+der DIS MUSIC. Cold 7Teatlher ?
4 _______ tat itivvs where'1l 1111't e-if ic- I ' ___
l'iiiai'-l a taly IbccnduY 'exia' d till ic oi - l is- sihe -i istrtliniti l 'S xLn - )
the ibgo year, by " i O
THE [l Of M IEPEIETI SOWIAIION I lit"e:; t tdcirtttii' it iiit at i tr lt..Iy rankI tsliiit ,A rctic s
Oilm%]. lit the n yin\'iltt ' ye r51515 or it-le", I - raitesite rtiitl .151)
,)it iei.timeshluiiiig N. \Sri t-,u~~st etn,.H s p r 5c ns
pas alicti. !icititi. ~tilcs 5111' CoIeN (t' trr' l eiby.H apr 5cet.R u bbers
EDITORS. btbia iit'-'.t" tetslli5itfs COLLEGE SONGS 1
11. (:) is~, Lb. i 11 i s .e to1st ito-Iciave lbtui d t't n ustily sii ihis b stetltiet citllia r u t'a
(:. Ii. lnicesesIsir s 'till . t. it'sls't-. Iis i 1ls -oIssnd t Sictn- evrrif 5511'sl, Heavy Paper 0 CJ 1t O B Al A Li ilitiX I 1 ..
A. HW bets-, Iii. ,pci-.Assitac t ' lnt Coit Itli'tlct tisi sc sr itvit l 'ih cents, Cloth Git, $1.00.
C, in b's mcrIi Lt. 'i, Ac-Is til. 11 - IA Y S
T. .A. Lesen, I .1i9(, Atlrtli- bdti'. (lwidenl it ttil li rotntdt woit k 'it I l is "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS")iaeingtn l lii el. Ann Arbor
! . Prie, Lstw'it"), Busliess liacat-' ' s.ee i l stllilti
i. 1v.'.litre, Lsii il. ss ssiti UslaIttb it lie ilri llworshipl'l.wTtll IHIe' es) 11110)iiIeICd
ng o h l .dii; cn tsnfr ,camer., tt A i
Associate Editors. All , llnc 111''Ihll h(li btt t oti Hav Pcr,$100t
S I. SilleyLit. 'ic 11.nA. iatcer, Iiit'htS. last' of etligittt I li' i ti i rn t' G N G T O L
I L. vsL. w1>IEs-assl Late). iuftr .(d by hi s. 17iol ii.Sasdrt-lt iciMElIit'tii.c. W DNE DA , AN AR 3 1 95
i'trrieV.Ssith.Lii.'iii. L.litteblis~L c' ':hi.,rltel t-ll. ii si'-ltltt- OA OL[IO HTTEI[DIA ~ ~ W D ED Y A U R 0 9
1I. ilile t Ii ngr . tI . iBl.itittistt t, Ilictts!1. tst;lii'i'. Y s rtit
________i_________________________________a___on_ . SIDE TR~ACKED.
T1o11lly1r11r >1o1111 11111l e u rc cs nr hin, ii lielt irat[ iittitb I
re tiintiof.. 1. Poitt'Lt I 11 rod1 itt' rrldouth sibshtIlirisItt.InIti'tOLIVER DITSON CO., JUlI.E(1)A.LTERS
ioard iof eitrs. lttItoj iilis laidtil 1t)vi Ilis sie iat -46t3 "':- uigto I. lit. N toii t ' St . AiComplte i-i-
-_ - .- -de fou GillttiAit'a y ti lt'tits.
omtafi'trttrSh0 dvl-ttitic .1 t ci i' b-bitt sil t his ieal PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS PRICES, - 35, 50c 75.
I gcs throe ~ ~ ~ liio t'litThe'it5 iii'ttolii'lt Itl Onits r ,Ioa Da od .t lg
noilthig' ll't''iittst o ii i tltitti hut mt gaes i it-lititerai. iamtstttdslbtitgts V RE T 0 IS 0
notin i-sit- EVERET''litli i i 111-J.C ATS IK ToERSK A&EIES
tit' tuttueg'i ta t.i ttls t is hn I'iii i i ttt lii:i'tIan s ld.1 te he, ran ATelyriElyre- Ciao i 35 W bs v
itileitttlilitlli iS lMIwilI"fIdeal;lit- ill.,a-iClilt
for i' itl ini it' ii alliInstitution hicsituptiItl.t. ISK .TEACHERS1 Is ENCIE
olteitteiia-roanstofiC trcil Wililtiet sic.,
to insure1 sprtgoiwi-it iitolI iliiiriofi(hti1tial
a tihi all tuu -t-ilb-i'. 'lii' hu hs, s a tttiltI if uplatt IHli' iA ste l tililit. A R ERt-t ,lii S-t ib IeAnrr oott
i seah u n c h a s s ocsi ai lib iteIN-tisli u s s s t t l y tcti l t 1 ii c iin- s p T . I 5 I A l ? r x n
titlite iii nltta tt titiof t liii iI'i'o- ii t-''ti Ilit tt itt tiii-niiirindli lnnest.t Stu ents Re .31Ce tioni e ad-
ii't-tt-tg l- a at-i-t I. wiltlsi.ttlltitiittttI'here t i~jIR$150 SS CRIBE NAO IN$1 he.50t Nit . HAiticySt r I
al., f< bti:I, Iohis's Iai1 ru'liltiIt' isi iii u-it't-ei
itsttttit etit tisui su(itucia(, -- - r I ~n 1st-i -itCisnsct-ofiState antdlWitltiatil's-i's
ti-lit-u tihistttlet no lter the aseti un il'Wlimst nrne
urtftulsul still ttutuiutingu tufor'elils t ~o:lor Eh adtlht ut ltha-tl' i iu tit t tt IlE.dited by ALS-D, 11i11.' SilAS'Srl
e liras r lx~opl' to disiu.u-it- Itises is11"Siouutshiua Iii hilt' 1111111.C
iic'itti li' uutultug til Ii i ii.1 1 t tus iiit 'u-t IIin ic l l ilt diti Inrwng I sa dal ihe liofih Arecas evev n Re e s se
isi uppligituuu. to offer au tt 'ltill ---i pt.tu ht iiist1i' the fetsue priy re t ted i t t cae3:30 giiM.I E c ,.ite -hAlRus ' Was N
of-tolechtingtu tiup s sii tio';ut i Coo.1sM teb1 Adupartalers.atel
i-Illai-iitin Cup.l i ihTis e r- iii y ' elii toctyor t;N M inSret
_______ The Reviewolsf.Revielalis a monlhtly, itmesyrininlticsstateonhatidffesi
on'ltvn.cu frftu liiph etrseatlc o 'hrSitut tdf~iyaiet iycseiutynso ue day Is " *.a+6degree ceve:'r
lu-' ilititu' siut utu utuutuutt' 1. hi t i tsaIn Annheor deamd f.Tholsudaofieaeriwtsofersberocmtccdii't
-unl tsill,,Ati iii'st'ludent l ex-iaa i eu te'raei nae s nIt saity hiIa Reiwor
ed ti' 0 ic-.iv l eyt,h an asi' cf psu i )(uttgsifoiri-ito t )1ocaorges. Te m iihluetha ncatdso e
lita ifuut sriscttaunusihit -- 111 ii i s-aii I. tuog titti iteecosmca sa
hush -- ci all creedsfltorsad all. panitae ya Breeth i c ailca afodI hse
- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h lite 'litsssti isiushotwsntlliit sUm-lii'-uu - R~eticaliciih vistdhl o r
ituuuihtheuti-lt Iitl ihgl t uu Ct 'Pittlhuit iitts3rlitonsr- idspsaic Te dpaltIi r
ovieur uilulisiusl. oitdcictibyecsiftel peciaileeitt THEROULARDEPARMENT
of tilt- variousIathuii i mpatlil1va1'lii. A
buti' inui-ti uuuiaunc'uhauire1 sead oh uuerfs)isc -weidTiWAi April,'19,t ht e firsilatnutr -
nI aiutiti lt'1h5''ailittitt church i-I ' cre o uuccdali uteesic anutie(beabui iuilugniieont
I Sl'ltistlu-iforiretellinhi illatl.tiati-s oftyha Amerinevss iew fReviews R ves
A liiutihihs tuutt'ofuithisu errslIti' ttu. 1sd luu g i
lilaltuait ltu'siluuiiIti-iultu' iliultulitut-li Ill tts x inal arth ei eltesto A eia eysopr ,_oite haedO uta-e
(toe;; not11 tutitutuf Ia iicompulsory-s - ofReviwc hs= caE ho pr hhe - n te wasinociatealsta
sn'aitiuu uu uiti.ht ttiuiii I l i-li~'''s' uit .ntu n ee.s a tlentd g ag
,ll'uiiiiuponutichhtourhltihu'sa el s ofiits e prite or ihe9Eniish eon. I dal~s mslarel wi,rth
tuencrllt ii th he i ustofullit - A _______Ha___Dedicated. Amwi n he fmorsanaiedied ach er. etidpedne n t vnofie I
icuupauy. iiilii- ulutugli sntitl i Chngeof horl Unondoncrt.e A esview'apo ei esisn 'ampe hlyttineWe i lluti s trati oad txt
tr eul lih illil st h oseha INuholit - aagee ibsancoeaaioo e eiesut mmu ntsof he aio ade. eeleer s
titotIhuct-Il tuf bll-ofelhitiiui tliuiic SeeelYac ysa __
ileruau'inlu erill altic-tdc'ii ll ihia' ('lr-cutil beorsea medo Tos s anso edrswoortie heirsomnutio s u
relyp ~etl uoueate a too WitieecpeattoguSaturdaygoriilh
et thuiiea tt inn cuerbotiaitis etiiigaon te tegraespasts in the 0wo edesa tuctheReviewit f
byi tai y iii-ien iiuii'y 1 ipro t i. tu il Reiws res tem s~Jexabocuotie]ed oy h l
prt y o1 e oii tun i rlaye chio li ed '- i g-i What th3 to Pac e shoudkknowaboiuepoitis eaau
thate hu f 11)f s to ) vfle (Ifrareuoomcsancscilciires.reformsfuetil enayetme
ft~so od panll pyfo suttnn nisglggp.tN R yr ~ j

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