THE U. OF M. DAILY. tAT'S OUR BUSJNES.1 POPULAR AND STANDARD Sheet Music. U. of, Al. '311 Es'ln," 7' o good in Woebstenaw county and can furnish reful management and a moderate profit will petition," for some competitor might sell at EVE are general Music Dealers. Have the largests you anything from a Jews Karp to a Grand WATE sell the hest goods we can buy, as low as cloe. admit. We don't claim, however, to "under at inst, and we can't pay our bills and doa the \WEJ sell and recommend that class of goods wchich '. i make you a lasting customer and will not allow any misrepresentation to he made about any article we sell. seE .v< rXV'E sataes he good will and patronage of every student in the IT. of M. We appreciate heis trade and try to ,N a<~, carry such instruments as cvill meet wcithi his approval. We- give a list of somne of those and ask you and i In mc 1(o call and look at our line. N2i, Itu2': 2 %. C. /mot ,'yCvin CO.. 5ae.4 e I S ~Zt .: . P - 1 S. M,,iti st. cor. Liberty. New Seon Rad Avi, .ui anudsle' irofile. Sail $10,, $c2 $15, $1,Miac s tc i gcuira N' i liiilr, stoiimic oiiiitf Sii'ii'c aer to mri ure alo o FFICooen, STA S Tx . MUST' %v at lrs1 . M RI CALR il }l- iilnil with- Grerg- ri-i.,-. LA P19A P L M ! TEDW-TW OKEL Call and see us beforec purchasing. F. 0. STEBBINS, R1WFJ % [-1.Ij ORYHMAM1 ' itea l foit' altelrivet' ssiirk lin(ltill IV. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ,201, 1- IAS II Si to-; 1KL5. = FLAG PINS $1.501 Yellow and Blue But- tons 60c. With U. of X. or the year 75c. Wil. ARNOLD' S, Jeweler. :Second Hand Books, Collego Text Books,, Law Books, Medical Books, it cuit ruite prices tit the SfVESlll-lKT R Ilrihslin tiiicitioniery and Note Kooks. -'pelial redu tction, this week on K-. & E.'s LDrawviig I nstriili s. W~e iave tile hiist. SPALCINC'S ATHLETIC CLOTHING andi Sportilig Goods foimtile niew gymlnalsiumi. ('suns and soi' us. 'Ve .aie lihi'largest de'alers ii till'city . timi pi' rices ari'the liiwvist. Wholsale and Retail Booksellers NUIC.AL GOODS AT 'fI11 'lTE STREET MUSIC STORE ('heater than anywhleres'eis'in till'totitry. Makile no mistake. Doiiyiiii sant a lamp?' W'i' caniisluice iiliiaiimeat vlaiiety lid giv'e 'yoiulosrrpricesothlaniy hiiiseinIlthis noarlsi'. An examiinationiofiiir sbtsk*deiinnstro tee Itlar iti'iiita ins liii' lest and moist iiiproived .Jaimp made. ''iirty-thrri' rears cateriencill iithe LampiiBiisiiiess is cccrtlu siiiiit in lug. lhuiy iof itoa nilgeltlii'ei'iinellit f it. 44 South Main Street. tiNIVERSITY NOTES. It. 11. liloc. 'J<1(letl, is plioi-icilli Wi. V. Wolvimi, '114shut, is lp.i'ctilii at Rochternil MicNeh' oP.rSoI. l'ccBen'ii ll.tilecturilothe ;ii It. . W illiamsnf, 'focitli's ittd, IliVii'iciiii a rtrisihoo gli lime cY iir'k . S.Is i'lPetii' '14 lii.,11is ii'ti' edn le H1. I. I'alnii'i, f'l inlt, 'as 4aluilaie'151 rii en.P.CPas.sDr'ke lit titl, is ieaching civiihthe Ku'uc'n rid etii'o'., ef (Chi.- Ca go, 111. Iresident Amngill wciii address tir students at Ncccberu'y hiatt, Silinlay moninliig, O~ct. 7, at 9:15. Leclaire Matii, fornerly '95 lii:,cclii has lb'eionn'yeariatofrounell, has it'- turneiltIn gscaduate ccwithI '90. 'Thle sinior indetpendemnts c\iii111 mea1 in the chlapel at 4 Ip. iii., Th'ursdaiy, IOIt. 11, tn till c'ancancics onlthe 'as- taliani hoard. Gen. G. Scott, ':3, ani Llewis A. Stonem~an, '94, Oil' limlcliciitilawc, liii di r tle firm mitlile of Si'iit &Sini- mni, Nn. 3 Bhil Blk, tDetroitAlichi 0cc-ig tn the ba ocnition of Pie ,-rouinds, caused by the rain, ibe;.uiil 1.accs could nt ptilce footbaull yi's- ticrday, but ccill Icy it MTnnihy afti'- iniiii at 4 o'cloick.. 'T'e houtrs fni' recitatiion f'iir liii ;miuni'r lawiclassi's iii Blaikstone liai'i breni chuamugelfrom these at first 'ii- nounmieit. Iseadl of 9:30 amid 10: ,0 a. iii. these classes c-,ill reciti' at hi mild 10 a., in. At a 11150 i'Inoiiig iflthe'sht lIs it ilcNn nccIuiv'ersil ty li les aisiei by subsciriptiii i ionfrtePootiiitll aeil- ciafhums. 'The Eplisc'ipial studilinis intere'usltd in the cl-slur sericeis c-ill sihiet'for' i'il- fi'm'iuii'' liiimorriocw afte'rnoiiini iat o'cluock ini Ham-tshail. 'Thire cr11li e a meetinugni'thue'Necv Yuork memubers of thie iuno lace-chiao, iin lhe'lacc'lectiure rmom, titmnediatly lifter the lectuire mext Mondiay, for thur piurpoise nf lireomieimiga (clumb cr. Sei'mrii-secliuus iif th'lacw' depamt- u-is-ni are- is follows : Si-c. 1. iamiies Ibiglimiuncii liii' 'i'htelii'irs A, It, C, , I''; 4f, "I ,L , '. .V *Se 5 ,I 'flu Ciurise' i ilu'ne'iii' h iy. mie lest -year fiir'the isttimelprmisesiil- Iio bei Uniumisl'ly i'i'rst'sanimd ini- strmicives. Lantlernuslidesshace hi-n prieliairid for thue illustratlins of asl- ent alt aniillift', iasieilaeonliii mi- iil-ils aimilnsiript~ion~siif Assyrius Itid Itlulylills. I19 E,. NW'ashinigtiimeSt., onii block euist of Mliioh. ii A. E. MUMMERY'S, 5KEEP YOURSELF NEAT a; AND CLEAN. "iWe ccill hilp yu i thclii~ i t p SFINE TOILET SOAPS AND SPONGES. NEW DRUG STORE. HIALLER'S JEWELRY 46 S. MAIN STREET. itH Cornuer XWashimugtonu et.. anid Ashiley it. Rates $2 a nd $3. S-IS90Wst 553123. 0-. - 1 WTLD4 Has the mecwest 1-tltl11dWiuiter Wionleuts uand lurgest stiuck iii the cily. Youi cami get atuy si-lee- tionl yotu tin loinug'fnc. rCOMB AND SEE S. N E. Washington st., near Main st.