T1~U F i. IY Schalei' 000Stor , o nierly prfutimed toilt sop for Fortnei ly with (George War, r19 sI.Washinetonst. Headquartersfr o OL.GATE'S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAP everything a Student needs in the AiSi) line of Text-Books, Stationery and loigale's Oatmeal Soap. Mfiscellaneous Stock in general. C'oigate's Glycerine Soap, ('elgatesa white CleimotiesSoap MVARTIN SCHALLER, Cogt oe op s 'olgorte's Almnod teal Soap, THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, Co aes ema5kin soap, alil Sc a cake iS E. Washington st., one block MUMMERY'S NEW DRUG STORE, east of Main st. (or. Fourthiandals ahington sI', THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK GYM SU T Ann Arbor, Slick Capitol Slok,$5,00 U I S Surplus, $150,000. Organized onderthe General Banking Laws ________ of this Slate. Receives ndrposits, keys and sells exchange on thre principaul cities of Ike United States. Drafts cashed uon proper 1list received apleul line identification. Safety deponik boxes to rent. , OFercmns: Christian Stack, tree.; W. D. Haorrimnir.Vice-LPres.; C'has. E. Iliscock, Ol Gymnasium Suits. IIhest Cashier; SI..J. Fritz, Assistarnt (ashier. AA N oR (oods are manufactured byr the _ STEAM LAUNDRY CO. Overman Wheel Co., makers of isigir (lis ndn Domuetic Finish. Victor Cycles, which is sufficient E. S. - g, angr, (uarantee as to their quality. 23l SOUTH FOURTI5 AVENUE. We sell them for less than what r _ EUBEN . E4F M VI'81etropolitan Cafe - ,D._ lea Fromr lirhe lRoyri Concerti rsn=r Scttgarrt, Germarny, Lunch and Ilirriing110ooro. No. i5 X. Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musical F~orthiArc., between Arlirriton Hotel] A~,Composition; also the Art of and (ity lOlhcBoilding. Oper all O Teaching. Horie Studro22S. Divisiorn St., Arrr Arbor, lickS Mr. and Men. Edward Lewis, Props. GE?.ANGERS I 1>,L§ f ~fiiu;LarS CrescetBath Robes , . rc 1 a 'tIc in ll tii; * SCHOOL OF DANCING. L( DI C0t be-Urr rAeictiit b 1 G OJ7~ ~ia you have to p~ay for inferior goodis. See theim hefore you buy. M, STAELR'S CYCLE EMPORIUMr 11 W !Wilahingtona 't. Caps and Gowns FOR MEN AND WOMEN, 'We arelprepar ed to faririshi (ails rind Gowcns ofthetir ighest quaolity to Uiniversities, (Colleges and Scisools All ( rrr ai' rre e ir e peisoaru i ien- infire creel termirs o. Delivered1iC ; throughout tire United States, at lionetoSMr. aind Msle.tRosa(iGranrncI'rleiivt0il free. Returnable if inrsatisfrctere. f ; strtptisingly low prices. Self iaeas- orrclas lessronr givenr onurev idan;caofemerit UP5 rot found nt your da'lers' ,senrl to us ~ uremeist forms, containing all iiec- menaeei Ofc itn Ailne arrdCriitioningtiaolle adecoinpicc ij essary instructions to secure 1pcr- b a -IIS5NM 1COPilsiiOr feckly fitting garments without oo, lrnnrdst Spon request.L O. Ptiad.,P t FLAG PINS visitinig tire store, vill be forccarded TYettow and Btue But- AT EN r ONrL A E RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS tons 60c. Are you annoyed b your lamp wicks clioied? By your ilimps fiulng With U. of M. or the tihe house wvth a sickening smoke and giving a liight tine color of the different widths, at moderate year 75c. moon cvhen seeir through a smoked glans? If so, use our Red Star Oil, and prices. -AT----thus troubles will vanish. It gives a white light, does not char the wick, Stra'wbridge & Clothier WM. ARNOLDIS, Jeweler. emits no odor, and will all burrs out of tine lamp. Red Star Oil Sc per gal.., ________________________ Water White Head Ligiht Oil,lie per gal., 74' smokeless (Gasolirre Sc per gal., PHILADELPHIA. ]D EA.INT 8& CO A ' ire largest excluisively Dry (leeds I O 44 Suth Main Street.- House in America. I UNIVERSITY NOTES. ( liver' lila third l('eurei heeiesn MOORE & WETMORE ORDOERiYOURI GOAL tub orr"Te'mpltation a j' Tearticdliii II lue San tad tt t. rr itsi,.Sr2~,A : iiL.,EJR r. 'lire'.Aliliau rl ril tonllarighwiulciiturr'.''ilhsiciehm hr'leill o er ie no r lof nWillaiai at., Sar ave a OreIce: 1lIWaniingtoe et.. 'Pluone No.8S YAsRDurSi . C. Rt .B,, 'Phone No. 5i. b,1gill iprompllt'l t:30l o'clocuk. aspeciailly "'ihlc i'lllitu onuf lrc- omplete stock of _______________________________ lzirualanbr Dv. ls5 nal~aC irbetll."UI[VTVfAh MRS ANNE WRD O5TR'5urrl c isullr'Ia u' r tau'hrs' tsrialiig Admission to Clinics Limited. UNew nd ecod Hnd School of Dancing and Delsarte. today. N wadScn ad :Saturday, i10u. in., Gentlerman beginerrcluss. tro~uf . \Iieiwillile lila, btc irst 1 'l's'liespilal ruthouritie's lutly ,lu'. Orturdrcy, dir. im., Lady beginners drase. Note Books and ether Students' Supplies Mtondury, 7:30 p. m., Advanced Class (Ladies' etre-eroaillartneshiput e lr' i i doiuaslto u'nfer'ucsth(ldc'rlul ethitnoT rr ino Stationery, Sporting Goods, etc , which and Gentlemen). Tuesday, 7:Wh p. in., Beginners Class (Laudies lacc e iaxt Moendary. oer wilIbe arllecced toste s' o51u''lriu's they offer at the Lawest Prices. arid Gentlemen), tirivate lessons by appointment. Tire juniior lamusrweill tue qurzeianilwitliotat1 acirisloir erd. Tie'iu' SCHOOL 46 S. STATE ST. tho last four lectirres eis Aguineyand corals ar' granitu'untsb'h lu' senarr Call and see us before purchasing. NEW SI'OOH OF' also ther'rec'icsw'in resim4, ruext ceeck, ais u ir eiis, rand.iany sthrer "The' Tramp as I lrauve fon ul," cc'ho lhac'a gooeasonsuiitas b lupres' SPALDIN'S isesujectofTrac'y' McGrc'gor's cml, 'fins rulc-sris cldedul ri cr's- S 1/~T~j j p~ address Sliiry mrninirg at Na'cwberry sar's'ylire iincreasingt'cdssofblaw INTERCOLLEGIATE Da'I,.) tr. ('raig reilt leetrou teforc' lie l'cistuarbead tilt'prof saarsr isnulirs'ge tivisersity Claessart thre Pr'asby ter iuisorutheit clinics. It is the best swater nmade and is superrior 10 thG latest styles at Sabbath school tomorrow oii "Gernesis 1.L in(lie Sight of Assy riology." Sheehan O& C .S Areceiption cwiiibe givueniTrailic-te Gregor toinighit hie parlors of --Ness- University Booksellers. GYMNASIUM SUITS, GYMNASIUM SHOES. BEST LINEN PAPER in the city at 15c and 20c Per Pound. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Organised 1863. Capital, tSiOitO. fSurpdus and Profits. $41,000. Transacts. a general banking business. > reign exchanges bought and sod. Farnish iettersof credit. P'. SACS, ins. . W. CLARKSON, Cashier. berry ball fron 7:301 to 10. All wish. ing toiseet himnaret'invsitedu. Tire announsceiment of the me'eting of the junior lawv class csas overlooked by the lecturer yesterday afternoon, and consequently tiiere swas ino mest- lug, tint probably oineswill be called early in the followirig week. The Socratic Union met yesterday rfternoon and elected Mr. Donovan temporary chairman. Mr. Davies was elected secretary. A committee was appoited to draft a constitution and by-loses. The next imeting will ibe held Friday, IFeb. 2nd. Next Sunday in the Methodist Ren Gestae Contribution. Tire board ouf editors for Itt's (eslt surbinit to lass studceits trn' foliowsiing subjects for coumpetition: Tu'o poeims, serious, humorous or sentiintal, of not more tjian 500 wvordis each; alregal romance, net to exceed .3,000 wvords ini lengtih; desigirs for cover and title page, type page to be four by sevein inches, and desigiis for hlumorous cola illustrating legal tories.SMenmbers of thre senior law class may contribute for competition an essay or thesis, not exceeding 2,500 words in length, on any legal topic. Those who desire to compose for tire legal essay are re- quested to hand in their names, but not their topics, before February 1. All other contributions should he sott or handd with authors navies to D. F. Lyons, managing editor of 5tes Gestae, by March 15. finest and softest Autralian wool, hand knit. arid was used exclsively Inst year by nearly ill terollege football ele'vers. On white, nravy anrd black. PRICG. $7.00., Spalding's Bane Ball and Tennis Sapplies are recognized ieaders. Everything requisite for the games. Spalding's Trade Mlark en what you pur- ebase is a guarantee that the goods are tine best. A. G. SPALDING & BRos. Nnw YORK. PAILADEroPneA. CHICAO. Wild, Wild, Wild. STUDOENTS, TAKE NOTICE! OURWINTER AND [ALL GOODS We Sell on Reduction. Fancy Suitings and Trousers. The goods must go. Please call and see. 2--East Washington Street.--2 chiurchi Mr. Gee. E. Dawson will do-I Subscribe for thre Daily.