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January 25, 1895 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-01-25

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F'2 . OF M.Al.U)AL.

~caIler' Bok store o! T ENyirulc oltsa o
Ill wahint~l st leaduirersfor!COLGATE'S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAP.
eveyt tiga. tudntneeds in the
ine o-flext-hooks, Stationery andttiti iOt.rtat oap.
it iieellatines Stck it ntt-tellr11 o al's(Iyei-i- e oap,.
('old rt - XiWhuiitclmt is-. I
MARTIN SCHALLER, cooatte'si hoe ip,
TEDOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, li l(sDe IAii 11Citt ll),<lS{:.'aeTE r3el~sfr5"a
19 El Watltittgtoit at one tint-lok MUMMERY'S NEW DRUG STORE,
it =AWTeacher of Piano, Organ and Musica'
1' Composition; also the .Art' of
7 O } caudit) :2 sii. till i S t Ann -Abor-Mtct,
S CH 0q F BANCINGE I ,) 12

Ora ize ndrItItit. 500,1105 L ws
othigate. Rev ettttt t ee osets , buys______an___
Scells etc g nt he-tis ii pa-it c itiescot tie
linite tt es. Ciuitt. u tsi r etiutttponpoe
idtenctiication. Safety tdetposit bce to-ete ;.cN I ist lceeivtild a samiplei I mt
tF"Fi Fat C i~ tmi hl ck;IO Pc,1t'. D.~ 1 - as o Siih 1h s
aMT72 A1 ARBOR eonCls arciianiifactiired bJ tte
STEAM LAUNDRY CO. vetlli Wheel Co., ill1lers of
IliiIt :osdat tt .> iC c Fiih.. Vi\ctot Cycles, which is sufficient
E. S. SERVISS, Manager, n ne st hi iilt.
1?.SQI So ti Ja'Ot ETH AVEFNdu, ? We sell them for less titan \vhat
DMetropolitan Cafe -er. olt have to pav for inferior
huch iand t itDin-tiot 'No. IsN. tod.See them befe toll01 htv.
fouthAcet leit iii Xi lete te
and ii iCiity i e iling. ()poll :1!a-Xi-

Mr. and Mrs. Edwardi Lewis, Props. MP ST!I[8L[RS CYCL[ EMPtWIII
~5 t~~i-5~tt-t~ 11 W 99 ottimt l it
Caps and Gowns
'Prs<cP~sBa'II~ok- = [,0FO MEN AND 1,10EN,
1- t .)-tI te Vito tivt-totli( a. ('out-ee tu S c1l'~l-
:- I'cIt - d t 4-ci ttrtatttitii t helii Vn ited States,. at
II t a- iuicIsrl.in letlvlow pricte-. StIf lt-it-
-. - -. til th s~tren-, ill it- lfoiit'11-edi

1 ] Ii c i2i t ie '"c;. i~ r~"
i=* tu 'itla , c I ar ; <i ci !1 tt'
i-I tcS tilit.ai t ci Ii Xi t i to - ta t ii
F~7~ LAG FINS $1.50
- Yelloaw and Blue Bitt-
tons 60c
- With U. of AT., or the
ayear 75c.


1 - ~r, - i tl
( l ,e P' a+'ii It 2111 CC7 :.C2

11pollT<.'( lit.

Ar- cctiilloiitli aicr iitjiasick- litrdli ctirLii 0 iiĀ° RIBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS
nir an ':N-nk 'a i ifferli t- -i withus. 1liitcti-i r tlt-
It-e ititse with cc au-kni ig ettioke cd i-a i c litt thu c-tlor o thc_.-
trtotubxl-i a-iwii lurocli i ottaickecI glaca? iit lhi se tacit- lt-c ti r i. til lne
licta rettilc wil i-ctteli ii7tt-sciwitti it-l I.chi-alit-iar i wi-k ~i- rh-ve,r-e-c A -aJeP. ni1.-4 F-.n

WMr. AIRNOLD'S, Jewel. i- em ttits int icicr,,acid will till bhunt ot a'iite lainit)-littel Sir ill otie> 1.. r3 c Cl N5)1 1151 (I(Z IU ieL
_______________________ - 1 N.Victi-r illi iIteccul li it Mtill e Ir gtal.4"atittlllee a so tlli tin-n1 i;,1. PHiILA DELPHIhA.
liD T. A 0 z 014T1DA_.LTYT h laii test c-luau ia f IIr
44 Sounh Maina Street. I u-iti Ainic i.
ofI - 14tI~"(1:7 rUNIVERSITY NOTES. L'rI1(- toi act-- ill l liii oi(tliz MOORE & VET LORE
t 1yte~ V1(11.i-i i l o mll d l ItnIl(, Iittutiu Iitii ''ti~ti a ii
tat- I. I ii.ii. tieac Ni bill ili iiia Itmil-i-:i?1lil i11t 1 0 i1i".tiit. lit,anitd attic- t ..ii m
eh} oIani n. Dlsre ci haciiiicit litiit litilstiii(l i N w n e on a d
eticittilicalctti~lliiictutiitttic'c(taa.)hull iii holta i''uleti It oniit t ti Sc lcti d iiT- Sttccii60iHli-
iiiiatitiy Ctlii itctoCitatitucina r(itta littilice 1litul liandaticcitd H and-.
ctt dit-,til;,7 em ttlretii. y l<iii. Ci il, :<> 1t I; r<('~t'l t I ttt ,ii ii
tititeltuttotit-l n tisotincherhioi eliec ii1clcllieu-at tiice
lmis-e te en)iy . 1 -a i 7 ltt tlih i -il a ti-i tiltofit il l ci i(('rtai*- l tci i . it il e t'ra iel ,vsIvcs
SCHOOL 46 S. STATE ST. - utii brtlit -itfa(ian Calllaol)see acs hefore porehas o
.N '/STrrO OM ~F uc-ouiltichiic
Inalt-cciiclout-c ter rill notliiiline itl INTER-COLLEGIATE. _,SPALDI NO'St
oYft h -V " r t i j i; h i l:l Snztc( - 11211 ).l 's hl ,1 2 7111 1 ?u n c i<!t a NECLEIT
Al "hat i hits(lut tic iatIl m A ii ll i ei-utitlccaci iititlic t I, t voct-ic: ii it P 6S ET E Rcc ,c
la iii; hecti-t c u-I ttaic -enIio .N' ,1(1 the iii la i ii.,.L 1itcu( e -ildii- tll iciti(il.iezc c
ii c1icItccutai Itut1l)(ut cit( ticlit- ii N-ut tccicli nisltsu.per7i0 0
Slseel1aii & Co's rutillfel 1,0wsil tiestIi ;ciii iti aiti
11cc- l-iuti011(tg ii flicuiii c1iit0, tul itotherioill1hetiarket.lit d-il'Madetftrom ccc
Ill111e5 it e ;t husi-1e l7,gtuie.T. lice- teluton i eu ,]Male intuto ictoiot la I utiu ic itih a c icte c nd -t je h dte uss ccian iolcand tiiacit,
______________________ hhit-iucC uttch Ilac licix to ttil luca I tihe ict1111icutuwasi ci idtih Sucuduico Tatlcs1tc yeacc.ibylii a it Clii
pp o ' ' i t' c lit iceH(lta uc l aitt e r:1icc :as-h .hIua c1(4t )'mlo uiclci-. it at-ru ti- c hienuu cclle-e tcl i)liii ,ve tt.In itc i 1,th
../ f hi* S bt~t l u lll c
0TVIA UIIS IStile hi ir hut-etc icuceicudt itta ahtr o if 1elcc-iiti alloti C ont olItehi- AC0BSP LD 57.&0RO.
tl fa c riu-liii- .cthe, i le nc tiuxif .anck itad, it ol etoluje-ic ihci- 1 N N si tttchictcstttau
il is lt tt7 h t -ll a li Ie-,17 ii Cettrt. low0tC5 a-ito nlo( t il ltu Ja nd pal di .radrnon n it yn n
A. n!2c P rPo n . ic ~sliroth~CCte-na-er, lo. leeaoi-ii 0000 cliiseons ituobetc-t uo1 h>+ rit ettie-01113 f lN tl that the ;LLds UUItho
GYM ASIlM UB Sfot a ile e ntitl aai bytiot be its I te r ol. l h o Irish IC url O .iudc1t1d , ttpeak . . SellDon RductiO
FI S AT O A AN . sri tyie r es ofth is y , e-ar . , e i teilla-i- it lo ubjettey fthely h 2,11K51-AIEPFF. H CAO
Orasoe 15 uesc-taonsphas-illheoytlta ea proxt000ioic it c-tIislt nul 1cIiti anyitnsanWl , 1 d eIroise
cB pTaL0. ScpIE Nd P PERtoS pOol sitikon ic-cParke, 5Dtois <<o lb-o dgeagd'oTe.eTgods insbygo.oPleaensalluan
Ilece TI NAlBcg eohfe aah aded ens illoepora nd loelter Ntint i f e ie - l pDont frget t d t o us~sr b frt he 5eSllonR dut. n
CaBACHl, ree.0,.00 .lsan ris , Cashier. lee-to e-s1 t 4 it 5toe- insi l uieo gu e. Daily - - EIays t sig - 1C 'to Sr .

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