THis . Off'Ml. DAILY.
1L i4s~1. . A4Irij+ 1 1 7 y2iil 4(,hll WIS ii DITSON MUSt.IC. cold eT ather!
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tressl )I (11(( 1(11li10 ii1 ( il'11t ltOl iiigti( ir.'l'((i l (( i ,ROYAL COLLECTION INSIHIMENTAL 10)1)d MUSICI." E N S A A U R 0 5
THE U. OF M. DAILY.,______EPihty-ioo (piece, for'te lii'00(1 froth the 11 'he ~r a I i iiiouly ul oey
The Woman's Annex. oi olr50cns
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1i.4. . m'svl, Laow,96, Ososaol 1 . I1 iiltsoniCo. N. V,1I0 al i on,(1 ii'((idAi'i'(y(f~iiVlic'.
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S. i )a 5. Piiy Io E.L. is'.0(((1 . (0. r('1e(y111 uh(1 11\111110 i (I'll (o(Ir0il(,IPERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS, PRICES, - 35c, 50c, 75c.
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a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t to il i'IIlo 'rio'Iol 111' (1111, 1 wil Ile7 . , il . (1il Dr P'tIT .I. IF TCL SIT iO ,AIORING iy t Hire a e. Ciae 5ahig aI.
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0irylci:lwl1114: (1' iiii''lro td . 'lii 1' tl i t 1(' mioii uu ''$/ll O'DSBSCR I But N OW er 50hquarters
1((13(110li'(l teiol 14 1" I'oiteito s'l o itpo wi 111111 illo i th]),.N K nesoo.Botono1a; N. tl lloi i tiu'ot. nDt
itithceult ' ' 041011(1(1i]indn. 1c5
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Iil'iaily dtoes1 ii alid fwih olisoIr
Iprs iof'thei'Inilaiiaiilleio'01e0'011.'
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e('10at1(1not ierthle' '(II Ilfth 11.1
utV it t'bforoe el'ct it l'l'0(Oi'toi
Book Reviews.
lie grafhlolt'csalloed sotii t 1ilii ' ''I ove's f nati"'Ind11'wdo 000 110 1
11100'1 XielieielsI io miiis . i ii' o f fliri ie liod lhoot'. life i ll eIIo'sloc
l t Ioiad ;1°:uao ili 1 alt iii1)tt' liti o 13 f flu iIiOils iiiiio l
iiti lt111101 theof i, arti'io' tlt let 1113'li seeol
I'uo'llt' luadui 1 is i ~lt15( fIli' Ii" 1101'O '1 ' .o l rot' Ili' gtul latest1111(
souI'ldO 0'Iw poviedloring' llre o illut Ileir jofo ieutf-lioorpaperilI 11110'
Ilt'ad dii i u1alc1l1i'llobyu' athnII'iE aut' h 13 olujioilis e bel o de-'i
'aoil Ntis 'win iatiugliia. llli ea A 10.n
lTheflOO' pra i lg ourt:i 'Iiich'ge s li- ke-1110" rcal .e01.101.udesi
rLITR5WAS in17Aprlt.13S1,.t1(t1the firostanlmber
Cof tile Amsericanu Review of Reviews wa
priated Thle 11ew idea of govng 1t10 best thlat w'as il
th otther magafzines 1n additionl Ia its 011wn illiant, orig.1C
I 115 artiches, loot America by storm, as it lad tatken0
Ooeaao.Idl 'o (0(1 1h111 (0 lgzilneitsetf utasnoat at alt
. -. reprint of tihe Englisha editioa. It deato most latrgely wth
O America affairs, and is edited with perfect andependence, iln its own lofic. 1
u) The Review of Rfevies is a onothly, tiumety in illustration 011d1text,
}z and inistanty aliveIsoIthe, nooedt moyements of teday, 10 a degree neer
b~efore dreated of., Ttousands of readeis wol offer 111(0eirmma~e~tilose
a0i000 themllt11(0greatest namlles inI the orlrd, say !th~at the Review of
Revies agives 111010 exacty(0101t tiey shlould kaowe abostpolities. tilera-
(((10efcoanomics anld sacial plagr-ess. Tiem aostilutl men511anld 100me0
ot alt crds anld alt parties hlaveagreed 1t1a1110noamly 0c1n afford to lose its
ducational value, w11i10 for profes. f________________
sionll adllblusess 1men, it ISsl spty ' r
indispeissatble 'Tedepaeimenatsare00
condcte bycarful pecalitsin= THE REGUELAR DEPARTMENTS
stead of mlore scissoi's-wtirlders, aid I 'Besides the aspecialarties an0(11cotto-
scrsof immeldiatlintr tng o. d cor ahetches of thillinig interbst and
0coees iisbeestisg par. linehiss, the Review of Review~Y
trails atud pictllres are ill each numi~ber. hath oeeoeguar adeart~ments:
All this explains wh~y the Review The Progress of the World.-Aillstra-~V
'1 of Reviewsahbas came toa aprobably osemitoialei fh ee ihtiking, alet mn nandd 0.0 e
o u noprecedented s0c0017 inl the first thsree soldudrsad nteirorigaiti-
'e years of Its hxistetnce. Far 10905Ii 'Leading Articles of the Month.-This de-~
1.0ldth succeeding oneT
will Wbbe more invauablaetan hoer. Periodicli seiew, emb aioy heidea.s ,
w onamed. All thou is bailt(ain heaotha.r
le Agensl ae reaping bandiome prafit.We maiea sAeriianad fi,is
here brpfil sumarsized, reviewad !'
l gveliberaommisonse. seadlfoalruars. quotfoi .
0~urn Hii'stoy iCa r eCicaurbechraoce
Annuail Subscriptione.50 the santh's aisorye through te isctur-
50esqmasoalthe sacesfu oon
Smple Cosp. is Cens, n t- l thotmae apeparigfthogogu tehworad.i
r ~Oedepartments teview carefully nsawv
T 1II~'lt"FEIEW hoks, giae liiisad inds of a1011rticle
REVE~iREVEWS i e ord'smainses, andioaosha erse
t3 A~istor moo News s 0 dol Imd of bcarret ei
"1, x ". r'?___',.______________lr~~l+4 ~r~.. C"eL.Tlf.r~