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October 06, 1894 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1894-10-06

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Time Table (Revised) Jly , 184
Mil and Ex d_.4 e0 Mil ..i-.-_ ___84
NYSpecial--- 5 10 N. Y.Speial--7 05
Eastern Es_--15225 N. S Lo td___9 2
AM. PcificEs.. .215T
Atlantic Es .... 7 47r.M
1). N. Expees5..80isWestenEx---15
G. RI. Esxpess _11 05 . Ci. Nt E--- IS 1 d2
0.5t. E s---.-- )
0, W RI~cCr.1s, 13 .SAYS,
G. P &T. Agtt., hcgo.Agt., As Abr.
Itiso well eore levig home, whether
forbsisneseorplasuree todeide psi
Whn you visit DSit SEe wild be
plisd to hive you slp at the old
"Fran klni House,"eor. Lamed
aod Btes ts., sheeeyesu-will hveegod
meal awl a cleas bed attmoderte raes.
Thehuse hsbeesrenoa'ted from tt
bottlosm,andiis oosio Sis-class coditio.
Pe a 981.50 .
Represents Every DepartmnIt
oft the University.
$2.50 PER YEAR.
Big Four Route
Through Sleeping Cars
Petoskey, Louisville and
Passengee Tesrie Mg. Gn. 1?. 3 T. Ag.
Cornerseof State sd William sts,
Willim S. enteance.
E F 33FD B1RS -A. EZT'N~l
Choicest Line of Cigars and Tobaccos.
N. 3 N. Minl Stee.
AsinAebor, Mi. Cpial Sok, 350,00.
Splus, 150,00.
Orgizled under the Geeal Bnslig Laws
of this Sate. Receeives depsis, buys and
sells eexchange 00 thee priicipallcitii f the
United Sttes. Dra~fts cshdupilppee
idetiicatin. Sfety delisit hiies to renst.
OFFIESt: Cliristians Sack, les.; W. ).
Harrman, cile-les.; Chass. E. Ifisoc,
Cashile; Al. J. Fet, Assistnt Casie.
iHigha Gliss and Domesto Finish.
E. S. SERVISS, Manager,

Political Science Association peels, not to speak of granld vislin, For sale elieap for,0ca51, 5550ulll.ti..
ete. In sheet all 1110 scenery usedtabe- tireil Columllbila bicycle.(South eondli-
The thiirtd annulmneetinlg of the longs to the comipaniy exep~t the idrop Lien. 11111lIafternoonsl, 14 N. Inigalls at.
Mticbigan Political Science Assoeiation curtain. Tile elasies in dancing at Grangers
swill be held at thie H-otl C(adiillte, U.O CAEDR Acatdemiy comneee leiions Saturday,.
Detroit, (Set. 19-20. Tbe folloiinilg U FS.CLNA Oct. 0. No stairs to mlouint. Office autd
- eildancin~g hall oh groun~d floor.
program wsill be carrietd out: Alter- Sat., Oct. 6i-'Varsity vs. Sii-Sligall
110011'session, 2 p.in 1., papier, "Uniformsi Military Academy at Athletic field. Sir. A. E. 11ose, rep~reseniting thle
Goldenl Eagle Clothing Co., of Detroit,
Legislatiosn by 1t1e Several Stites," Sat., Oct. 6.-Alpha Nu literary iisvo lb- lN. 0H urni.,(tn
Hon S.SI Cncllol, Dtrol;5ii~iirciety meets in roomn , at 7:30 5i. in. dali's former sltnd) duirinig iii entire
"Cenus Blletinl No. g8 of 1891,' 11055. Slonday-, Oct. . - Probibitionists week, Oct. 1-7, swithl a comleilte line of
Alfesiltuiei, etrit.Essiii g5-5 seet ill toomll12, ILaiw5builtdig. Ilie nobbiest fall 111d1wisiter goods for
Shill, 7:30 pi.III., piaper, "A Nationial Three news tormnitories liavie just the cuistoml tratde. All studsenti doll-
- ben peed t ale 'he cst lt temphilatinig the putrchalse iof winted
Rteserre fer the Exigencies of 11," belcputSatYl.Tlycolat- ltings or Smackilltoshlesilhould see
Cotl.J. S. Roge-rs, Orchiart Ltake; "Tile gtther $1,000,000. SIr. Rose at once,.lielhlsS also a fnll
Future of La~bor," E. N. Dtigle'y, linse of reatdy miadie clothinsg whiich can
The Daily is edited, pub- be seeni at 1110salill aclle.ASIr. tRose
Grand fRapids. Moisninesigiconil, is.
Sn., ";Corporationsinllthle Light of His lished and supported by the less catereid to the best university
toy"D.1 .Dvs niAte;students. trade for thle1past six yealrs and al-
wsyivelth e best (;f satiifaction in
"Su~ggestions for' the Revisionl of the BUSINESS LOCALS. fit, style soil prici'. Stuldenits and otli-
Coriioration Law, of Michiganl," Jay P',irs aie inivitedl toinsip~ec-t his itock.,
teeLa~lisig A itislico stil 0[Nicees iser-ted ini this columisiat thle erite whletheir 1thiy deire to buyS or 1101,
LeeLansng,.A buinis't'etilsg wil o rensspee huee. Special erites fli i;e
timeiasid extealhnes fuishedliy lipplyiila If Soul sishi So base -our rooms rentc-
tie heldt at 1 .i.at She DLY ssfite. I
Dr. Davis toolk the I'l. 11. degseeia Don't forget to subscribe for the esd, advertise 11101m in the Daily. 1-7
the U. tif Si.lst Junse, slid is itnown Daily. For slel, a s-cry sispertor Banjo1 at Sa
as ani excellienitsttidnt. Ili'pris mSlfli Buy 5'tile uSt F-oun~tain 1P11 at Htal- ve'ry' liss'price'.(Geo.t1. Millier, 30. s, lrsJwlySoe 1Ffhae
a creul tuy f te ubjctofcor Frtirtnest board ill 1110cil'ty all att Suscribe to thle Daily ss-lile youi are
liiittiollO anidswill lnoi totstlpre'sn te. .s :31 a. Wisitng-iol it. t lshil, $2.30 per college year.
excelilnt iaiper. A large numberllof f5t 1113(ias tyIl'I The Daily lhis been enlarged anti is
lT. of S1I. irofessors are liiolilis of 1 I:OSCOE 'KNILING1 is theo braii. I.101 iitd.iltlesbcito
the Ptiliticasl Science Assoiciaioin, neDllrSa-nadrS las1 phrice remin~s tie samie, $2.50 per cot-
One ollr bus afirs clss Fuu-loge Sear.
mateyl, of tilellarie expiected ti he pros- fain1 Pein,lmaldie by Ralnd, SMcNally & tilltiihlsanlIofS.Nvl
ecut it tis Illeotig . Co. Sttudens .it wsill 5)ay 7.01 to til' Futisalinles laivdtUSore . 0Noe-
one '______ 01 at W'ilsey's Mussic Store, Nii.-12
NOTICES. ;Mt sot. Sold by stndenits. AWaltei Tsvo hustlers frosi the Stled-
ForRen -Aver deirale uri ofical di-partmeont to solicit for the-
The class football g;auiks 1still le tromsiheatod swithi hot wvater. Stationl ~iy
playei eary tilS S~it. Slle~giso ry bowss-iwsithi1101anid cold swator. Twss- udients fromlithe aSchool of
cuaptains are utrgedto 10gilt11101' Wel1111111and closot. 47 S. Divison . n i -Sisos-sthatoschol.lDil i-
otl at oiice. Dental stiudent 5walntetdto solicit fit bcti5Sltilo 11tla ciol
CHIABLES iIAIID, Mlgr the Daily. The IDaily ha~s Itlreatdy 10oeinti-
isz" Fo Pet.-lesan sigl mon. il- scribers amonghI the co-eds than ever
Forflot-Peaant511gbroiiii S~l-befreiin its history. Co-edo, sub-
Ishill be in rooii 12, T. 11. every glo room, lighted and heoated, $2. Oiieor Scribe, you are ti'predented oni the
aftesrnoosi tS oisekfs-oni 2 to -S. fur Iblocke from campulsho900E. Wahineton ,

tile prselhh of coiistlhtationl. The it. 7
courseoss'ill be giveii as announced iii first claso board, $2.25, at 33 I. Jef'-
the calenidar. A. A. STANLEY. fersonl St., siconid house froni camnpus.
The Chuoraul Unioniu sitlimi-ilat thei'6-8
school of mus~t' ii'ilusy e'5 intg it Hiller's Jewselry Store for yoiut
7:30, slurp. t'. SM.ITH'I. Fountain P~ens. G-11.
LATiN Iz. Junior or senior 'Slledic" swanted to
A special section i11 Latini, CouseOS I, act as stew-ard. Call at Dily office at
for students svbo have had Course II, 1:13 ibis .evening. tf
and are required ts head Lisy instead When yell want a good Cig ar asb
of Cicero, still beet Mlonday, Wednes- fei the IlOSCitI CONKLINl.
day and Friday, at2 o'chos-k, in toomil.TUTORING-In Latin, Germean add
20. H. A. SAtNDERIS. French, Gerhmall coniversation circles,
AnEIi'.N iISiTORY. Eveinhg classes. German tdratmatic
Course 18 muay be electethasa twIso club to be formned. SMrs. ILI. N au-
hour course. Course 111 shioulsd read inann, of Merlin, Germnany, U. of S1I.
14a. Consultationi hours 2 to :1 111 gratduate, experienced teacher. Rlefer-
rooml 2, Tappan Hll. ences-President James 11. Angell,
('COSE 3. ETHIICSi LL D.;IProf. Calvin Thomnas, A. SI.
The first lecture wvill be 011 'sed-WA ED
nesday, Oct. 10, 3 55. i., ill roonm 21. WANnt oocuythe.nfrise
The1 teulrcourlle ofchesed tho roonis in a convenient and desirable
stil th conenince f tose hohuarter of thle city. Will rent either
wtish to take the ,course. singly, or one single and a suite. Each
ALFRIED SI. LLOYD.) is large enough to accomumodate two
John Griffith in Faust. persons. Convsenienlces as to coal,
stood and wvater. Price 50c. each, or
Firidaly nilght, Oct. 12, tile 101111 rlf- $1.23 for the three roonms. Call at No.
11th Co. wuill presen~t ill spectatculahr 025. lifthi ave. 1-7

Three tretsonSs All S oilshouldtIhate
tis do yonr haundhry stork: 1. We are
responsible if any articles ane host ansi
still repslace sames. 2. We still retu~rn
your storissvhecn promised. 3.GUi-
forhmly good stork. Wagner & Co., 21
S. Stain st., representing 'Toledo Laun-
dry Cs. 1-13
Do you wsant boarders? If so, sfsS-
vertise in tho Daily. 1-T
Students, and all noe comers, re-
member the old nes stand, 12 N..
Slain. Detroit, Chicago, Nest York,,,
Cincinnati and Toledo papers. R~es-
dents east of State st. can leave their
orders at 20 5. State, at Jolly's. 2-7
'To finie suites, s-cry cheap, furnace.
bath. 33 Forest ave. 13S
Nobles Star Clothing House sells the-
best $3.00 Derby in thle city. 1-12
Fsr tlehiexest to sekost,~y till'
shoew you thie largeot ansd best lines.
of Suits at $12.00. Others will CISPTgpS
yen $13.30 and $135.00 for the namfe
The best ill cvcrylbing alwsays gves
the greatest satisfacetion. The RIOSCOE
CONKLING ('igars are the best and
cost no mIote thahn inferior brandls.
Thy them,
Wagner & Co., 'Tailors, still be
pleased to interest yon in the many-
nest things they are offering for fall
wsear. 1-13
Tile Daily wsill print full accounts of
all football games this fall
Wagner's & Co.'s U. of St. Collar..
Do you swear itS 1-13


form Goethe's poetic serumon "Faust,"
in his icity. Tfh10 production is oaid
te be scenically coehi~hte Slidstonider-
ously statltinig, 1110 electrical effecti
are marvelcs anldsteirthaith terrifying
scintilationsi. The scenery is historl-
rally correct, including Dr. Faustus'
famous old laboratory, the Catbesdral
of Nuremberg, th~e electric rose garden
of Mlargur-ite; the Mreken stith all
its mysetrisus crags and terrible as-

Leave yonr orders for U. of Si. Daily
at Stofflet's news stand, general agenlt
for daily and weekly papers, and
monthly magazines. Give me a call
before placing your orders. 2-7
Teofreit, steam iheated suite of roosh,
nicley furnished, pirice very reason-
able, 206SMaynard it. 7
Unless you stint to be a grind sub-
scribe ts the Daily.

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