THE L"V. OFM. DIY .i n~n~nr H&LF & POUND THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS- BANK. I of nicely perfulooed toilet soap for Ann Arbor, lidsch Capital Stotck,,too. SchaileiiS 0 t aSurplus" $,0. 'Tr S.NI' C r NJTS Orgsnited onder Chsc eneral Booking l.we ~ of this State. 1Iteeeives deposits, buays slid ^- - - sells exciane on the priscipal cStirs of the Vtitly ;w itlo (deoorge Walll',. 19 , United States. Drafts cashed, upon proper E. Washington St. Headquarters for! COLGATE'S COLOSSAL 'TOILET SOAP. identification. Sfty depoi boxes to rest. ottika, Student needs in tile ALSO 1O4rrian, is:ce-iteso Cuts., PrEW. Ii. line. sf1 TeXt- looks, .Stationery and t'ollatc's isatmeal -soiap. Cashier; M. J. C"rli. Assistanst Caxsier. Mliscellaneous Stork in general. teolgate's tGlyceriee Soap, 5 slgitex',s «'itiiCletesatis Soals NN AT BCQ NARTIN SCUHAI4L R, Cl His lon e~Sa, Soap, J ]R Col-gat e'shrmsal Skin Soap, ll lo0c a cakve STEAM LAU001C : THE, ,,DWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, o 3eksfo 2cat inigo (los;andi sDosticFinisha. ) f. Wasliluginst., 0ne block MUMMERY'S. NEW DRUG STORE, eisk it 'Main St. ('or. FJourth sued Washinnton stx. R. S., SERVISS, Managnr, 23 SO)UTHt FOURTH AVENUE. -- ~REUBEN H. KEMPF, eto1iauCfw 7/ i oe theRoyal CosertviatoiryV stutte ut eGrneanytLunchs and Dliiig Itooni. Ne.t8I N. Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musical FieurliiAre., bsetweens Arlinigtoii)ihotri Com position,. also the. Art of :aeeSCty Otilce iBuildliing, open a11 a I Teaching. ius Stuios2 S.Div iisin"t.,Anni Arios, Mith Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Propn.j / - ~GA NOVELTY IN G I .. NTGhe S ~ i os sinta r E Crescent Rathli obe eAf- SCHOOL 0OF DANCING. I (. EADING COLLEGE STRCIPES Inst received a samlpe, line of , yin;nasitl Suits. :.1 h lee goods are manufactured by the Overman Wheel -Co., baikers, of Victor Cycles, which is stffticient (;uai;antee .as- to--their qu~ality. Wek sell them for less fhait what yout have to payr for inferior goods. See them before vona buy. -AT- M, SIAEBLER'S. CYCLE EMPO1WMI t11 V. "sVasltingtoii . Caps and Gowns i FOR MEN AND WOMEN. Wet usre i tlesi &o tsI titiisli Cais. aiiis (Gowns of thehugliest quiality to Universities, Colleges anti Scitool 1." ICOsisisly spcrb. itls la sdr our"Fss ~-i1; t ees i Ali ls e. :ii's t. Cie li i r~tu- ( re e i -ie,in at 1cotton5terry , ! 1 sit itB sd i.,,, i~~ta n fine wool terry, fro. Delivered t', throbnghou t the United States, at ((( s ff~~ free. Returnable 'if uissotisfactory.e srpIf o rie.Sefaes- sqooxtecl. tiicat tsitAiciademya;oud '5 N1ii .st found at your dealers, send to ius t oeetfrmcnantl ilhr ,3eiuss sssis iteiou n nocgandettel ropie. r1, n," sary inistructions to 5 etre per- so',s ?ie slarsi t. -suitioincll0 itgpic .io : fectly fitting, garments witiot STAR'& CESCENT iiILL il., XL'siiaiis.. Psa. 'Y.ort.- et visitiisg the store, will Isoeffr ovalrdcii /FLAG PINS $1, 50. _______________ __ upon reqthest. Ye ltow andSglue But- ../fPT tIrEVN 17IOW! PL'E.. A .SIE RIBBONS I-N ALL COLLLEGE COLORS} tans 60c.' Are you annoiiyed by your .lamp* wicks cliared? By yonr lamps filling -different widths, at tuoderate eaith5U. o .o th ie house with a sickening smoke and' giving a light te color tsf the pirices. yer7c moon when seen through a smoked glass? If so, use our Red Sta~r Oil, andc -At-- ,thus troubles. will vanish. It gives a wisite light, shies not ctar the w,>ck, Strawebridge & Clothier WMX. ARNOLD'S, J elremits no odor, and will all buorn out of th~e llamp. Red Star Oil Si' per gal. ________________________Water White Heoad Ligit Oil, e per gal., 74' smoskeless Gasolisie St pes gal' t P 'HILA DELPHIA. i A.I7 & OI IA ITY.. th'e largest exclusisvely Di ~x ls 44 South Main Street. Itotuse in America. t~tI7I O' CA tF j UNIVERSITY NOTES. j'rie Sstirit eii' iiisthis sitsjuttiois MOORE & Y"WETMORE . ''I: oii g'stBLscsssSviiit lawiu1:sosecitty. 'shl lutist its tir:thii',' 6S. ilain st., and State st., cro- k~irrc":i 11s v l it's 5'sssssgtotstl'P~ isos lilyri daI'tisy sifte'rnltii sit :1(5 sI s n rulil nlei} ot W illiam st,ihave ss ''AIMSiixM1C. t.I . . io e No. 51. list' still lhisvt t1551115555 i 51 0 ,1:5 '1 , ft h ihlD'complete. stoels of 'Ile (SI .-stt l ub 'Iihs ts'il tis t'-t'i- ,ith , uh ilyi~s . l MRS,' 'ANNIE W ARD FO5TER S ig at thelt' hiiss' 0'. aitis, utesubtss ltntistr ', whoitalii'tets NV[BSflY'f IXI BOOK School of Dancing and IDelsa te. X25 1ill St. suoin sbject of thie socitytIsbIs thyIs New and Second Hand. Sa urd r, 4 p".me,'Ladylh igissnera class.stdof1traletrla. NeBobanohrSuet'.upie Bendsa1.7:30tp. in., Advancsed lass (Ladies' iouwIProf. Oicchili sill toncludeit'hie The WebstatSoniety Cn etlo( tine atlney..Sporting Goods, etc ,twhih Tuesdaey, 7.:0 p. es., .itogtnnero Class (Ladies "f tjs'hy heyebetatrheSowesiPrces ansd tentltien). Tsubject _______t' v il iolit Private lessossa rby apioitmesnt. C' Is. tevaut, c'Ri 1 is is lsr 'ttruch ,'io isi oceo chl(il I SCHOOL 46 S. ST ATE ST. regular u-cs (kblesf io-tinytsluliilli Call and see us before purchasing. It'(ts>mlltc ihis core, tfter la somle-__________________________ n ebst 'r 11l11 'WZ :W"S Z'OO M XQ7 ' 'thalteiust10,0 ilsicss. vii1holcers o0 ' ytutiasiut icktelets 'h slsut,,i~thili liiiii-N' ed' "tte se ecte-c; tttc'Isuitr.t;u:i, ?ix5 , who 11 t5est yet handed -in this co-t ftJt. Iir o o~ V.-itusBrow;.ssasy;. ut. t111osss INTERCOLLEGIATE T~/ e~,{ poh 'ettsh'1 00011ii oatolisAir. A.CN. hDasis: inl snot . tronipto aat lresident's .015iisr;usl;'115'SMAER, Pro Isisrtti s'tihcorucr- jtiiseleettos;Idelaite,lesohvs'c thallct llt't15 tIt is thuetbest sweater smsade adssud rior ior havts- yconlilit to iiemiory all ofto -any ethos ta rthe inarkek... B1adehaum his,: ntiaet sye tshiottudnot b alvdts 555th '1, inguet ado5ftest Australian scoot, hsuutushknnt, in (la latet styco at sections fotir and seventesen of theti at o'tosct bt su a sds~cuieyio srtystal tfhtslts ofniatads.States, alff., J..A. Istoss Ii, ill thue college, football ceceeens. Ii whitte, 1 E:I. '.Gardner ; neg., i.It.tutu'ons, A. =-asy ad black. S 1x ih eir. v(os iO'lcil lcnc sti G. Ungsbsiry,; ittotltls at,510 hrh'i- PRFIC~iE $7.00. las sn tyaa;gcs. t lay, and ovillt lee- tout's piris x nQiral lscsiittsshit. Spaiding's Base Ball 'nd Tennis Soptiie Zv I1VC'Sl OI Se~er, "urn-toll~t} clase i :tcr 1 ;; Pof.are recieied leaders. 'verythuing resquisite UnvriYBokelr tn to tOcass:aros'1ri.' _________ for the games. -_________ 'dah11atillv: lecture I