THDE U. OF M. DAILY. Di- ~ r. Bigham. Friday, both of which were very se- J. T. JACOBS. CHIAS. H. ALLMAND. V .O J + " t Dr. Bighan, who has jut been ap- ios but thanks to Dr. Martins skill- ~iitdful hand adhsal sitnD.J C R LM N Publihd Di) ly (undayexcet)d usin pinedinstructor in l'hiloshyoth adig ablelsitn,. r A O the tCollege ,year, by a ini of rare literary tact san abiliy. Ln 'ohar on el.fLIIIU TE D. DEM INDPED[NT ASSCITION. lieHasfloe i ayprosalTo give the "Best on Earth" is the ehsfloe ieayp~isalDAXLER11IN OEEIr::hislife deotig hi atenton 1il~-i-motto of bWitters' Palace Laundry, 'Gne:nies building, N.Mlis t., opposeshslie cotighi letinl wtl ihici leaves nothing ndonc that icn _qr + postfile. pally to Greek aiid Philosophby. Ar- a ho done to give perfect work. We cl- + Z7 ' + + subscriptiosn ice -0.50 pe yea,.invaribly teacher, lelhs woii the greatst r- lect Mondays and deliver Thursdays. C7 )YE ADD) St U ..-1 in advance. Sigle copies ;1 ces..sbcip- Pet aiinig all who have icoe uiir Leave orders at Fulde's Tailor Shop, tiups may be left at tihirc f ticeODAMP, hisA istrucioii . iB.higaui is still cr. of State san William ts., or ad- at Stofllettiat statet. new stoond, wthllany descr oL .Cr,2 .-tt t h ahntnBok of theierisoat ihorizlos-l eii,li. uOnparaiely ia young man1, harving C ommnctossol ec h ~r y-- p---.. .--.cloch p)m. if they aeito PlOe tic snextibhens brn Iiii ittsbueg, Pt,'an. 3>t S~iknn nfar 4kn t Ipb d !iafln InFLOWERS, FLOWERS diay. Addres-s all mattser itndi-ii for pablil- 1S64-ires he received his early du i~~iu I11 U lM. uaiy Fors, Terytinuua ad Eeyboduy caies tii tho Maaglig Editor. All bauassCcI vrstae. eommannicaossshouad Ibes-ittthii sii- catin, gladuattig inithe Pitsburg CSStS & FL FIhlhiTelephoniiaile 15 ness 5lniigiir. prparltory school in 1850. After The DAILYv con tainosofficialnoticesEX LSO +LA N R THE U. OF M. DAILY,.X E SO .L U D Y giaduation, le ook advanced work in from the Faculty, and notices from Ani Abrsic h. the athletic teams and other student 20 EASTI'HUROtN SREET.v clOR. -assls, and enters-ilAmher t olege, org(liftios. addiGuceci ted.4Goods clle o for JI. a..Liuiii:'9, M 5.lanaging PEdior. Ms.: weeli]rslaci ih Ite contains cnmlte reports of allandelv h.IP. 5Suits-i, Lit. 96, Asistait. higist hoiors it l5S7. As a studnt, University events of interest. 22 Years in the Business -MZ -n IIt.COts-ANs.Lt. 1.S Assistat. le %as hillsnt, carefut ld prscver- Itkeeps you psted on ynr own IA. Ai ume, it. 9thlehtic Editor. ing, being at ll times t he first in hisltn every oiler departmnet. CT A N R - -_______,Assistati. cutler SUBSCRIBE NOW AND KEEP A FILE - Asistat. to stitiiesi, iiscial learning being M. X. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. A F Rckel ,96. F . iid-9a twitrd treels aniilhilosophy. Nt $2.50 IN ADVANCE._ Missesthoi i.sosa97.L . Ev.sil>5. onlsy was le the fist ini his studies, ___ _____ urnit. but his purgltfrdncss, integrity and Subscriptions received at this ll "A fathf~UOS mae hi th mos lxnr-DAILY ofice, Times buildinsg- Staff- rnEsoeter. inent uenibr of lila class. At ca - lets anid by all autliorteed soitors. 1 All rutty musti he at lie office before 8:0 n.inicustbeeevu waishnw m.oii hi i uhiciai as the Bontdlprize for thei bet oa~tin The editoirs do netttholdt thsiselu-s-,esuan- aiid hichWoods prie for geerl ills sihle fr thes-oinionsa-ic s-itemeiuiof corers-- t uv. traenent (ul-uil, the coursc. I the LEDIN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS and SHOT potiduuteapp(ing uluthis llt-Y HAND. Maga.fienthuilding tntaches large "- -""i '- Afer racuat~nhe hretihisattedane gaddisipine;supeeeor okell Afte grdu~tia, le dreresi is - t : aepile redig eaaa; daiy letrse, atrd Tiset yearly rece.ptions of tir 5. " pleening eeceptios;radin ropen the lentire yer audyt ecig 1hecig n agtcaS-^f a o lcn tdnsnposeonp ttattesia oteBoardatdtuhtcas-- -.. - tiehasihitieomfr $2hingx.75dPen ekinprivt.n tddC. A. last night cns wrigas ute l ohlargely at- atOtawaIl.,after will he aIt r ailed. adeeaHate sy eeeo.III y e appahited professor of redk at Pipae hbolag Fee Catagee addesa Clns. This recechtin is for the sleitP H.CESRYPer. tupcofgtigsuettoehrColege, Wis. In 189 le eutered Y ale r7 miacquatindwtesoethe Divinity School, froim whicehihue took .111E (aA\ ) OPLRA. IJOVUS . insondieto oths D. . dgree in 192. Ieen FRIiDAY ON EOCTOER S. . . as lwysshon mstentered Htarvard gaduac school, fai-F I A ,O T B R1 commluendable sprti-hsdeclt amdiisnsoreonra rge htlg up spcial studies in philosophy COTRELL& LEONARD, h'is-t podctinit~iils tete of Mr.len lury th ndi s tuet d orc oto tk etrgrt ad adpsychology, with AMensterbeg. rssN.V, 7 cedd hasvv bigseetrith tfuet os-thshletu- the tudets d nottakegreater si-hecritto iottcnsspe vantae ofit. 10oycc amd Jamis.s Tires e received Sisers of the his A. Mt. degree in 1S93 and Ph. D. treis, si., supnretis-lurthtituturysarutuietr We call the attention of our readers in19. .A auHaaTAT,4 W~ie + G-RTN 'SHmn. to the advertisement of the Ann Arbor With instructioniiotrhic highest FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Ii his orignlctIanud riusur cespton, Organ Co. on the fourth page of the colleges, and moist distinguished tea- OFu ANN ABOR Daily. This company San aays beeun leead ih aae amount of Cpitali000Osrpusad ois- s, Prces40,000.c, 5c lleat.sCO geepas adkingebies. This Event f he Sesion foremost in patronizing college publi- practicec as a teachie, there is ever eeue- isre~ih ushsnes__________________ 1 1 leterigf crehl tes boght and sod Frnish MVERCHANT TAILORING ! rations and in foraarding in every reasoni to believ-a that le will be ofles-aocrdt P. BAChI. tes. S. 1W. CLARON, Casier. Cait-nma, hessting n epuaiing way possiblc studct enterprise. the greatest value to hic University, 1dne s. ly by They hae a Standing offer of $23 for in the positioun w-lch he occupies. THE NFTW AUG. SCOENEWALI, fO .. Wasingon the original aords and music of a The Hopital. Z'flfl Michigan colegc song, and givc a O C D N A lrenmeofpieindfeetWe wokbgnith edccollege conests evey year. They arc department Oct. 1, the hospital aas trntwrty n vey va ad orhyalmost full, and patients are rouing YPSILANTI, MCH. of yor patronage.nsorpidyatpreetCitalCi SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK. ______________ hedls will soon e taken. There is eery reason to believe that Dr. Carrow's clinic has the lost sudets and citiaesushnold make ths - , stei eadurtrswile in Ypslant,andl - the mas meeting hirld last night will patients, last Thursday being an aver- assare them tey ill 5ud me, as es-r,e Mo1tCordially,- have a mst salutary effect upon ath- age day, when there aera 23 cass to W. H. LEWIS, Prop. - ---- ' letics. The enthusiasmu mamnifestd be examincd and treated. Dr. Carrv shoaed the geat interest felt in the ihhsusa xetes efre FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS scesof our football team anid thc three cataract operations that after-EIT TDNIGY ARTHEh olyHih ra e cieon. h money subscribed on the spt aill noon, wivh seeral mors waiting for Alnanket saolandat aReasnablhe Pre. strtth sscitonona rn ima- ex ciicda.Cr State and Liberty st. Simple; Durable; Writing in Sight; ial basi. As Coach iiacatlcy said, The clinical material in suis-try1-OADLWS rp Permannt Alignment; Instantly however, mnoey is mot thue only hing, internal medicine, nervus diseases, Boasrders wan ted. cagal ye it in necessary to sup ort thie teamoadsi iessinaudit n h J. S. PEARL, A gent, 11an sindieaesisabndnt ad heDaily $2.50a year. f3EI auilgt nt., An Arbor, Mich. aith yonr prcscnce, with your throats, a-rk in progresing nicely in those de- DET S& C ANS UD ~ IS and it should require lilei urging partment. DEA C A Z T 7 F+ T after the rousing meting of last night The assistants on Dr. Martin's staff U. OF Md. TA&ILORS -THE- for the ahole studcnt hotly o turn out have had a severe breaking in, anltna Latest and best etye f Freigand D- FINEST RE STAURA NT- me tic5oles First cann fit and firstlas in Ane Abs en masne to cheer the men tovitr laparotomien are performed Chmthiskgearntaerd. Cleaning, preping and ~ .s~~5S vcayrepiring neatlydone. GLAS 'S In the first game of the sehion. week, one Tuesday and the Other 48 S. Htae t., Seond Ftoor, Ann Aror. Ohs-ita tri-. F.. Bron t,