THE U. OF M. DAILY. jGHTOAN GCENA Ti e Table ee d)p1 o' . 1,4,14. 01 ~ ~ ~ ~ A NF. , Oh1 '4 N. Y. Speial -515 N. Y, Special---- 7 :30 Eastern sEx----10253 N. S. Limited. ---0932 AM. Pactific'Ex - .----1315 At11an1i" Ex . 7 47 I'" A U).N.E'I'UU. ss---3540 OWestern s.. 121 G. It. Express ---11 035('hi. Nt.7. ------ 1U 2 1. W F YS (J.1'& T Aa. C'lia~o A 1, Ain Abr T., A. A. & N. MW. RYe. (1.' 11effectSundaly, .111. 1, 1r194. ore. .OUUArb':w4'f.14 O tl 10 1 )1. iylUOI.UI:U15. II. I. 0.CIIEENIO001)I, A nU N11.I BE1'NET' G.. 0A. Toleoa. ANN ARBOR &_YPSILANTI ST, RY, Time Table, October 7, 1894. 1Leave Ypsilanti fom .oUIPIress .'. 1.,7:(10,9:0(0 1:11 11:00 a. i. 12:45,2:15,5:00, (;:45, 19:W10) I :11)::. I~ .: 1:15.3:45,5,:30,7: 13,11:1111 111 1:(011p.m. SUNDAY 11I10 5:101, 1:40 ;Ind19:001p. m LaeAArbor Juncse.1(1(11 ito:, 114:0f),5:30), 7:(X0111 :01 1 )1 t. tars run:oncity linle. 1 ar: sill 7le.'r151 FLOWERS, FLOWERS E y 1'e1phye 1y The Clover Leaf Route #W'"Please keep in1 1hind(1thle Toleoo St. LouIis & Kansas City R. 1.. :1h1e Clover Leaf 1101100, "Fast Linie" for St. Louis, AMo., and tile West and South~west leaves To- otto Union Depot at 53 p. in. laily, arrives -New unIion1 Station 's At the Grand Opera House. ''0h 1,11 0010.'11. I 11_ 1:l111d IlUII I 1111 11111citI 11\'11111 -o11 11111 11111 1 1r. 1ill 0l11ol 111tiolmt 111(1 :li110171 1111)' '101i- 1171" ('1110l tl1e1' the' BUSINESS LOCALS. I70t11110110 0'ho ldesire o ent111r 0111'ora- l[Noticies inert~ed ilis 111l1)10111 theI ralt of Scen~ts 1per' line. special ratelor b llneree 101001l'11lltlt .1101111 101111e 011111 time, and11e'tra lines furnlislhed IbyIOIapYplyng11:111 , 101),Il'0 slJ1't (If t111011' 11111111 :a1 the DAILY votil adtecase 1 1I. Quiarles :tt thePsi 1U11111101'by F1.. the C (ook ostmo o '101110 ( inspect ,1.' 011i01:s souldht o'1110'l 111 ll17' 110 1010.i ....,,i,., . V,. t. , . - 'Pi)110 1, i ll011 eJo offer1ed1 i111 1110 011- 1pa 1t of '(c il111011)vlll l' 1 1111 1 11111 a o p ru iy11170. you1to1se11 t1': ('loll:' IiIl 1101011 0111': 111)'.1110. 1111pece11 110s0a0the lTest not epics i I,1'1111 of 11:iti 0171111110 i 1 1111 ('1Srill 0', 1111l . C1l1a1)111e0.m . 1111 (('1111 othe' insuch quII id s l c '111 00111d 1'r 110'111:sit r.L osll1lll i' 110ls1: doll101111(''If1 ~to I that: th ((':1111 ' 1y11x,'t t 'l'0 11111': ('1101'il11 111 ' 1:111 Nb :11:111p 1 .1'the'1arl:11'01110110ods f bright1011 11111 culol lot. Ih:''1l11 tl 111 tl 1:1' '111 11'01 0:117 11 s1(11111io I11 1111. 1:1 10111 1151 0010(1 11 (e1f01 111 11 01' 1r1111(0et}1 101701' 1:1(111e ' l 1 0111 1' , is l'()11(( 11 1111 1il' Miter(,1.'d 11111 I'1 0 1111' 1)1111)'.olld lt n tbo 111 ' 110'.oill t s it 1' i':1111' linlccos. IN. .e se00:110l s 11'l 0('f 11 theln', h11c lt'1171111 11c: h :t1t 1ug[ale or11(ent11 11:10:' 03111 7011(0e 1:7 TEXAS MEXICO AND CALIFORNIA, W11 ABASH .0710I11111MA.l. 10011 Mountain & S7outh~ern Rai1lay' Texas .&l11110.1110i11H10011), Intrtoflion- al & (reaf -Northernl Railroadh. 11111 Southlerno latilieI1a'iloo 'I)Isilknown1 11 place~d i10se100100a 1hough first1100 lz11 1011v11117Chico'1 d ily)at 10:0 11) 1I11., {via 700. Louis0toite1110 ck,: 7M3011er11 (1100 Spill) ~AusinlISan nt0001110 Laredo11 (('1:01r' 1a0dirt'ct l'onnect'on1 i5 1110 Cily tof lMexicoE 1o .offt'lths excel7011n1t service. I Il(,1 001110 1o1111)'ticke>t 117e111of N-'1w lWa- 1111h11r01' 000110'0 ines 1100for1' 1111110( 111100001'sllobilg 0t1(11,i'out', r 'sads (011101011 of 01111, etc., 110 C,.7S. ('11.0ANE. 7, p.. I.. St0. Louis, l 3o- P. .. ALM3O'R, Ato. G'. 1'. .,. r 201 S.('lark: st., CIhic:11zo, oIl. Advrtise 1il lt'10Dai1y.- THlE WNABASH' AOVI[ HOT SPRINGS. ARK.. { 1 touis early)'s mrnng drtlise'in thoeiDail13',TEXAS, iix 10111.1'. OF . . 11 L'ND.11;. a ro l!:.: LO AN E S CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR _.__tril lori1101' CuII io LOS.ANGELES an ician C nta lns t Ion an 'l-l.1. ot nI tone[ 0110e tftheil os10 tpleatt hinglll.s (Ni Ioet.1:110 0111., l"'h lleI105of life. If party of 1S0 can. t S NeF ANCSCO ~~~~~~~~ IellBuffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free 11011"c1rurc7011,s 'iedi1Messr's (lreellovood l'; (illnofe Vettoto 1'tl 1on., Ja. I.-I1. loo'ilt lorangof r 3 as 011-1NleifNw 'exassan~d ('alifornia Sleeping ant t ib ld Steepers wih- etroit, woil1ll'cturei n i 111u11C'r0 'loot: :ou0 ehanioe. I lri ao'1 car10. w1.3 oill 111031entire (o ie c. o....j~i~Ki t~ T~lro...1:11. 2) l":r~lly ~ cost of joutrney inceltinig 111als, berthls I"reoIal t'onorait. hy10go THE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN HYS. (Generat Passenger AgO., ToledoO .o 1r11 1110J2n . :.10Jui111 o, s11 oca1:1 l ob 11-t iI'st. Sl i11 H310: 1.110av st'alraeo a1 nelI' Daily 1hie 'ft (Xj0111" 11111. FIR .0,,rCLASSLEEPFRSIifrom: DIETAS & SCH.ANZ, ILLNo1ots''ytarolllo to rentl' 1so011l.-(1 V. OF . TAILO~.S; ttbscribe for heDilyt'1)113' vrtlse 11:111 11 il'l:ll aly. 'CHICAGO TO LAREDO, TEXAS! Vi11111ttlRok.3I:lcl'o'l, Texarkaal, 111- 1 0(01.111d host styles of10oreign aood iDo-A ~estine utien00110nod San Atonio. Pseop' Norootluaraotod. 10st class lit 1nd lirst classOHotfSprigs havehII 1110010r opatlydose. NL VO(at 'lalveoo :55:I . cl. fnest day), arrivinlg 485S State t., SecodFloor AnnArbor. # UULLLU at lHot Spring~s a1 11:10 a. m. Six hooors tho, _________________________________quicest 1 ,11 o gi l e~epingcr linoe betc'eeon 22 Years in the Bsiness.- . !0110 go adallo vernlspoo. ,Olsi daily lisp of ______ T____ corst bleepers, leavinog Chlicago 1100san10 train, thouogh to Sac 1'o':oio ia 10Losi CITY LAUNDRY, o fTngBeo~ls 'l r.'t:14ul oe'c " M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. FITn 1\, ti1")sand\ulJ nfoJ. H. 'rl MERCHANT TAILORING !: J" " v.A* L-. ..-Y. .1 B REN J. HALDERMAN, (leaning. Pressing and Ilepairleg done neatly by ! IlictoigantPass. Ogo. Trav15. Pa:ss. Ag AUG; 5CSOENEWAt.D,. 26..1.Washington EXCELSOR + LUNDRY! will be delivered at the your room the remainder of -15 I ~ITICKET tOFFIOCE: 1011 Clark Ut., UIIICAGt E 0CESIRO+ N REET. the college year for only $1.50. F. H. Trintram, P. E. Dombaugh, hoed Vorl1 Guoranteed. Goods ealed for('nPas.A. Pa.&chtg. (1014 delivered. A. F. COYJOIT. Prop,. CorV~TK'Vt '1. 7th ave. and Smith- 3021lMadison st. AN ABO ~.fiel.VV Od st., Pittsbunrg, Pa., Toledo, O. S T EAX DYE WORKS. C~~with II Dr. DrN. Enoc.N eersonu.ofBoston, omrt , o ,0 $odes' and Gents' Clothing Cleaned At Daily 'Office, Times Block, at Stofflet's News Stand, th otofficebilding. Warts, Corns,, Du-- or Dyed. Olie feetsuccessfuly treated.0. a. .to 5:3'1- W. w.HURN ST., ANN Ar RR or at Paul Myers, State st. ,'News Stand , P..offien closed aturdavs.