JtI IL [1'. OF 21-. DtINIL. nL,4nr HAF .A POUN D ITHE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS M SUITS SchaiIers B oustor, 1 i 7 rrel wt ere Vlr 9sellioexchangonothe principaltiesof the lx Washrington st. Headquarters for' COLGATE'S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAP idetfication. Safety dstoit boxes to rent. Jus received a sam~lli eve°rything a Student needs in the AO HaRsrrimanst, 'sirr-Preo.; Irs;Chat. E. lHise(lO t .of Gi7lai Si. 11,(< line of Text-Books, Stationery anti Colgate's Otearl Coap. Cashsier; 1l1 J. riteAssitat oCashier. Mita xellaeseous Stock In general. Colgate's Gireeritie Coop, __ sU s temnuatuedh tt ('olgoteso Whitecl emoatix ss, AN N AR OES. b MATNSHLE, Cottute's Alm lesel otaop, tck STEAM LAUNDRY CoOverman Wheel Co., makers of TH OW-ONBOSLE orcksfrri Leigih Gloss oni Domesticiiesh. Victor Cvcles, which is sufficient : .Washiington st. one block MUMMERY'S NEW DRUG STORE, E. .DuRVaS, anaer as to their (luality. east o Mi s. o. guaranteeigonst.' angr, ofMin ______________________ 2 SOtS VI-fFOURTH AVENUE. 1We' s11them for less than what ----- EUBEN H. KEM FMetropolitan Cafe u. you; have to)pay for inferior tosutttgartGetrtastyutand in ot ingsos. Nso. i8 N. C0r C eetehfreyu iv --ITeacher of Piano, Organ and Musics FoutirsiAvs., brtorrssArAi-tonss Hotel TRA' Composition, also the Art of andsit ('flI te tBuiling. (t)pentt'llO-A1T- 551.Teachong. Sui22SiviesionSt., Arts Arbor, Mkh M 1r. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Props. M, SIAEB[[ER'S CYCLE EMPORHIUM, A ELN 'F ATT 1ENTION! PLEASE w7 . 1t W. Washingbton st. {'amxAr yout aninoyedi b yont lamp wicks esared? Ily your lamps fillinsg ~p tt owi -__________________- threlsousse withsa. sitckeining smoke and givitig' a lighrt thte enter of the j' T' nmooiswlhen sressthsrourghlasm noketd glass'? Ifso, use our IRed Stsar Oil, sod GIRANGBERS tlirs trosibles wsill vsanishi. It gives sa white light, sdnes tnot chasr the wick,' FOR MEN AND WOMEN' tmit stto odor, santtd xiiw i ltburnsouit of tire lsanp. Itedt Star Oil 8e tter gail.,' S DOL OF DANCING. Watir:Whiste Hesd is t liit(l. he per gal., 4'sssokeiess Gasolinre tc per' gal. ~ ~ I. lO~ 5 Sout Main Street. to Urniversities, Colteges and Schrools All1 e> , zrde Isepesoalil-til 'lrstrit1"; 2. Tise litisolle l77rsi tt': throughlout thle United State'.,sat ion f Ie. otssi r.. s'. sssagt'r. 's-ate I UNIVERSITY NOTES, -' 1 lsotc.Cits .tr rtlessssxgivenos on 3lsseofseit Arleset's't -____l~sey Stl ogsu~oe.. ie srialt'e Aissileose.gronrssl z l Ja italltlaioli s pt os' ted ey lislt Isl isissoditi ('Is 1 s losts's ,r, is oMay nifor111'11's to.stit. FLAG P 1INS $1. 50.4 IFromsrs Nuts'oisal sitsosss r ite INew llis"' t' s iltohi ii t 1'ioittl c York clubscotitiswsill btitriesd b' jury. s's'tis'lt tsr ilst'e Dily'. Yellow and Blue But- Retv,.J. 'T. Stitlelntiitrill speakit Sensor Law QOiz Sections. tn60.nx 11d uonl" iollcle-With U. of M. or the tiol "XVas.sso r"sit''elst ttbdiistiosif rise ssizsecstiosi. year 75c. 'l'lie lsaw' ilirstr,\tots clots-tilaitstiofbe i'otr law' sits-sf-itssinto iff.ect 'Ii. l l' 'See' veer.s-'srirrirsiecotrrt sif tSltuire'e-iii onday.iti ix its sittiostillxxiiiite s'i .l ' e ee . li'v'r'sxlby' i--Goisthlssili. fotltiwssduinrrg tiii'remaorin r of 111- jtIisiitti basrd tomorr'it xow ft s-s uts siit tiOi's s isisot is1 Suesfor tMody: Ill t4to'clok itsn i sres' sall. IttRososs 13. 4-1t is: 8 to'c'tlo. lii atS Ga ...2'.'JO' £5 L045.5.5.'5' Wedneiitsdayt of neixt ti'si-is issi Pr'of. qisss 11oisssssrs'tsl for 'ls stay: c t]s :it i v .~-lssoto st.,t'ilsssse'No.C YA D- \ot.i C5i15. 'tisisoitli0-soti, 'E'isrsslts i tu ind s'idasy. I lituiri13, Si ia t 8'5. )',iaoil :I ibiti l. Prof. Atltiss' C. Mlaticitlit twill -las.oil Sr. -41) ott1. MRStaNI AD OTRSIle: as tiii'stiltsosf Ihis sixi'rst lit- tQuizz'tes iottis'ss fist Vi''tlt'siot 5 ANNE ARD FOTER fre heS. I'. . ati ext-itt-try th ll ossiss 13, 2aaoilSr. 2i) at 1: ~i 55-l. School of Dancing and Delstsrte. tomrr'ott' iilat 9: 15 a!. Ii.. "'ii-- la sit . lb at. 1. -sthursisy. siosa. rs.,Gntlmanobeg.innertclass -trturdos. t, so., Lasdy belisrer's clss. '' ist Itisstiorrosy' ts titiris." Os)urzsssssssrrnteesi fist 'lsirsiloy: Vtsndsa 7:s30 i. si., Ads-ated Clasts (Ladies' Prit. Tholtlsttrannountcitds't ste-' iceC, s t .Isoi i ss4 ass, teiet).- Ro 3 aa ,3)a :Ro -'iriesdssy. i7:s0 p. is., iis'oisser- 'ss ltassL i'e sissay lhat lie rould lecurre titshue 2a .at C, 2b af 1. ainsiGentlemn)s. Private lesonosoby appoinstmsent. Juorsssnext isinrslay' te rida'ttsy' ott (jirizet5sirtnountce'dfisor'idi: Rostm Sd-bOb ,46 S. STATE ST. Surface S sts' rand th ie differenrttitles 13, 1stsit lt si) t 1:loomsia. ha is C ;ssveirnirs' therighittsoget tisd of it." lb af 1.; 2T T ITOOH M OF Prof. R. Kempitf's Lyre clutsof Sf Thle heatin-'ositlif'if lsthestnier snrprisingly lowv prices. Self streas- iruremenst forims, containirng all nee'- essary inrstriuctions to secure per- fectly fitting garments withrout visiting tire store, will hi' forxvarded uon re'fsts. RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS differeint weidths, at mioderats' prices. Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADELPHIA. 'The largest exclusivelytDry (iosd-s; jh-ouse in Amnericas. MOORE & WETMORE 6 .. lain st., and State st., cr- netruif Wsilliamn st.,lhav'e a complete stock of UNIVEBSI1YTEXT BOOKS New and Second Hand. Note Blooos soil other Students' Stipplies; Fioe Stationery, Sporting Goods, etc.,whc shey otter' st tlb Lowe-t Price-.. Call and see us before purchasing. SPALDING'S oINTERCOLLEGIATE ;: SWEATERA Sweaters in the latest xtyles at, Slieelian & Co.'s .Univ'ersity Bookseller-s. GYMNASIUM SUITS, GYMNASIUM SHOES. -BEST LINEN PAPER in the city at 15c and 20c Per Pound. FST NATIONAL BANS. OF ANN ARBORI. Organised 1861. Capital, $100,00. Surplus asd Profits, 840,000. Transacts. a general basking business. 1ei5g.- exchanges bought and soid. Furnish lttters of credit. , P". BACH, Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. voices .will appear ttbeforetesty'ouing tier'ss-ltb if the ('ongir'gatlionai churrchitSomoowxnsigisi. Drt. t'ssstsn wxill tlthotn "Ysourt Lifs' What Is It:" lDt. Vaurghan nt'ertainete ils'.5011- erstore miedicalelass tt is ietniteerr Ma-irs st.last s'x's'rrtrg. 'fist stellnr5 Wa~s devsote'd trisimssic nudsocisal en- joymrreit, oparticipsatredirinty 155) tests- ber's of ts' class. At l'nity' iClbnext :Mondsay 5 teititi tier. tRed Sturt, of Detrost,wvill give as lecttire err "Lteaturre anrd Life." 1[r. Stuart is rise of tse best konowvn treae-lor's it thise s'terird*an uri- uisally interestinrg l'cturre ility' be ex- isected. The plresent legislaturetwill be pt'i- tonted to pass a. law-s which will re- quirete treasnrer of the University do turn over to the state treasurer all money or other donations to be bold in trust forever for the particular purpose for whch it was intended, interest entis to bie thre sante as on the Ujniversity trust fund. For the next three Sunday evenings Mn's. Sunderland's Bible Class lectures wii be upon the Groat Religions Move- ments in England in the Nineteenth Gentry: , 1. "'Thle High Church or Rtualtstic Mov'eiment in the English qusizzes fromti1 to 2 s's-lssci stneeessi- lateol by' the saddsitionalsamontl051 of55 xwork platcedl uponrrthe ilstrlllito Isy' ltst subditvisis ofsitsectios. Michigan Alsumnus. 'Ilis' fotsih nsmbr of stheSite . tis-i t ithle Sest sser e an d ois u s 't AI tttstil e ~ at io y otherruss sie markeot.Ma~de' crom ft'e Almuswllb uoay,'ad s fnettasd softest Auttraslin wool, lhand knit, ursuatlis a very itkrs'tin itttniiu' andwins used exclussiveoly last veare by nessnty a'1 te collcge- footballS ielves. Ira whites, Althtotghl it flees isots'entasinr isny' lit- nasvy ansd blasck. erasry'atiles'of special htt'resl. is is, PI CEL~I, w$'LO. oiex'rtiihess tet ailacli's'. Spalding's Base Bal~i sandtTsnns Suspplie Tite urincipliartlicle ins iris iumortirare recoizsed ileader xlss. Evrtireste is Is history antsi secritiosuitof lte for thes gamnes. Cpaldn's Tradoetank onwt lstyoo pusr- C'hicago aluni sIsociatiorr of ste Urn- ebs i s'a guarantee thist the goods isoett versity of Mlichigans. It is awxell xvrit- best. teni article and coniains sofull account A. G. SPALDING & BROS. of (toe assocliation from its beginning. NEW YORKo. PAIADFLPHIAt. CHICAGO. Thsis is follotwed by a comiplete oun ril , of (lie wiork dense at the DecenmberX ilW id ' id imooting of lire hoard of regents. A ___ considerasble space in devoted to M ict- STDENTS, TK OIE igan noon, as usual, ansI gixves mtuch T TK OT E information concerning the xwher'e- llJ~ M AlI'fI abusof alumni. DORlIiijiTI iAND AL OOS The remaiisder of thse book is Grken We Sell on Reduction. up with editorials, an account of alut- oh meetings, book reviews and maca- Faoncy Suisino-o and Trousers. zine notices. Also a communication O5J 5d5 from Prof. Hempl advising the estab.- The goods most go. Please call and lishment of an Englishr library at see. the University. 2--East Washington Street.--2