1IPI'. OF M. ILULYA. S ~ Dnnhirnr 3HALF A.pOUN"Dn THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK GYMS oUISLI f nicely perfu med toilet sap for Ann Arbor, 501db. Capital Stock, $5,000 . G M S ViT ShIrs __EN C N S Orgaed ne'GeerBankingLaws Jstecida UnmrywihGogeXaid Sttes.on afet cashed upon proper sa ,c ' H. Washington st. Headquarters for COLGATE'S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAP.ietatin aeydepsosit boxes to rent. Jut ecivd Smp s inte everything a Student needs in the ALSOo Harriman, Vice-Pres.; Chas. E. itiseocip of01 innasim Suits. 1 hC~ e line of Text-Books, Stationery and Colgate's Oatnmeat Soap, Cashier; M. J. Frito,Asisttant Cashier. Misewellaneous Stock in general. Cotgatesa Glycerine Soap, g'oods are manufactured b h tot is s white Crmatis Sooap, q ±M T'AbyBtR MARTIN SCH3ALLER, ClaesHoe op ClaesAlmnd Meat Soap, STEAM LAUNDRY.C O. Overman Xheel1 Co., makers of j BOKSELERCotgate'sIDernmal Skin Soap, alt tW- a cake' HEL DOWN-TOWN BOKELR or 3eakes for 255 at High Glosms and Domentic Finish. Victor Cycles, which is sufficient 19 F. Washington st, one block MUMMERY'S NEW DRUG STORE, .S EtIS ae, guarantee as to their quality. east of Main st. Coe. earth and Washington sin. E.. RI8,angr _____________23 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. We sell them for less than what ..._____ REUBEN H. KEM1PF, Xetrop9litan Cafe vK you have to pay for inferior Frmthe IRoyal Conservatory, aFotattarieeriaytLaeianiini ri ngto n oteN godsSee them bfore you buy. Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musical ForkAebtenAigosot Composition; also the Art of and City Office Biltdin. Opts; all -.-AT- Cl-ltu;dio 2 .-iiso- S.AnAsrhoe, Michk r and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Props. M, SIA~eLEB'S CYCLEEMOIM TEAF AK . ...........r- OELYI Bath RobesI Caps and Gowns G A G RS) The famous Stur&Crescent Bath Robes FOR MEN AND WOMEN. arQu aliyduebinadteudrorFo '1"adGwsothhietqai SGIIDDI OF DANCING. LEADING COLLEGE STRIPES 1 w' We ar prepared to f urnish Cuaps Alca ses aunder tie personaliiustmoac Pile" patent. Pric, in fine cotton terry, tUnvrsities, Colleges and Schools irc teos;giss o s~ dsci cimiesa free. Returnable if unnatisfactory. If surpisingly low prices. Self annas- 4 css esn;gvno n ac fmrt * ,nseOffice at tic Acade, aroand, Inut found at your dealers', send to u urement forms, containing aliltier- lore6 aynr st.. ntioning college andcnclosng pric . l~l essary instructions to secure per- ' oriiiM'iO ThitSiCENT MILLS O,'.. I'iiiisdn ,. --.-' fectly fitting garments without $1.50,visiting the store, will be forwarded r FLAG PINS $u0 _______________________ pon request. __ Yellow and Blue But- -A'T iIM'T'ION T .F'LE ASE . RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS tons 60c. Aeyuanydb orlm ik hrd yyu ap iln fi With U. of M. or the ArdyufanoedrenoutlapwicktciardByyoumlmpsfilinadto yer75c. the house with a sickening, smoke and giving a light the color of the outiths.tmdrt year erissisoontihesns e hrnm h i staoked lass? If so, use our Red Star Oil, andprcs WM. A.RNOLD'S, Jeweler. W OLI ORDtERi YOURtCOAt OP m- STA IBLE. OFrier,: it W.Wanincton st-,'Phone No.81 YARDS: 5M. C R. R., 'those No. 51.J MRS, ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing and Delsarte. Saturday. 10a. m.,Cgentleman beginnersoclass. Saturday, 4 p.in., Lady beginners class. Mondasy, 7:31 p.mr.. Advanced Cass (Ladies' asd Centiemen). Tsday 7:30 p.mi., Beginners Cass (Laidies and G~entlemen). l'urivate lessona by appointment. !SCHOOIL 46 S. STATE ST!. Sweaters in the latest styles at b"lvieehan & Co.'s University Booksellers. jYMNASIUM SUITS, GYMNASIUM SHOES. BEST LINEN PAPER in tihe city at 15c and 20c Pat'Pound. FIST NATIONALJ BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Organised 1801. Oiplitai, $100,000. Surplus and Profis, 840000. Transacts a general banking bnsl~ess. Frit#- exchanges bought andnsoid. Furnish ltesof credit. 1. BACHl, Pres. S.W. AJ.LARKt5ON _Canier. thus troubles will vanish. It gives a white light, does not char the wick, emits no odor, and will all burn out of the lamp. Red Star Oil Sc per gal., 'sater White Head Light Oil, 6ic per gal., 74' smokeless Gasolinie Sc per gal. 7 8PCN $& OM1F'AN~Y. 44 South Main Street. Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADELPHIA. The largest exclusively Dry Goeods House in America. ZZ MVMVlI islp WaY wva vvv { ( - i_ --- _ _ t UNIVERSITY NOTES. 'Te cihss in qsuaitatie -init'ical MOORE, & 'W ETM~ORE stoilyis igii ltict-otir wet ~: i., ain st., and State st., cor- icif. Freecr is giviti- his class il cisy' tier of William at., have a genierai che'mtistry setonointerestiniget-' Di'. and Mrs. 1'. C. tiglia iintl complete stock of peritunuts iont stlpsr. eutertissithlii'sophlomuori' uteieic s'iiiss UIIST ET ' will hcItiacksoee xa miitiietillsiiand ini-ibers tof the iiygienc' clai.sat UlWLIh ~ OJ( tasi i, itie, Saturdaiy mniititg z. 1 their homue ott .tat(,( t., this 'neiiig New and Second Hand. o'stock in t'thlan'ir lecur-etoott. fret 8 to 11tt. in.Nuts Books asd other Students' Supplies Dr. Courtnsey, 'Xi medic, sttg(en-iu- icstiitricrA lt eakc.,',ihas recevesi is. Fine Stationery, Sporting Coeds, etc , which chief of tile Nertlerni Pacific It.t11.,lie'tOat (lie Anil Arbor osic ih:tss itesoe y fe t h oe ees i' the. guest of D)r. V. C.' . lagiiat. allowe two additional earnris. This Cl n e sbfr ucaig r~nnnciiminsiiis irii insi41m._ ai-S rremiii cnrrms.gement Ci ue I rangemeuts to plurchiase;c picture or Wendell Pthillips to hanmg eniiho' walls of room 2?4. Pires. F. E. Audrews, of theiNernoal School S. 0C. A., will lead the regular prayer meetingtat NewIerryIHa!;, Wednesday. All applicat(ions for mien ba hip to the Webster society should be hande to L. E.. Mahan, '95t law, It. M. Me- Kaskin, 'i6 law, ot 11. F..Nothiumb, '961 law. The "A" quit sections Ct' the senior class, will be quizzed next week by Mr. Hughes, and the "it" quiz sec- tions by Mr. Smith upon the lectures on Damages. The Engineering society uts to- morrow night instead of tonight on account of 'x-Goy. Russell's appear- a nce before. the S'. L. A. this evening. Tbe meeting will he in room 10, en- gineering building and will commence promptly at 8 o'clock. Dr. hiuthe will read a paper on "Hertz's Experi- ments." There will also be an elec- tion of officers. routes which will insure so earlier de- livery to the students, especially of the meruing malls. The Daily will issue ati idition of 3m000 copices tomiorrowv. A special rate has beein arrangedl to those who subi- scribe for the remainder of this year, and it is hoped that by a free distribu- lion that the circulationmiaoly be too. terlally inceased. lii chairmen of the variousv:+ citrsos appointed by l'res. Crostie can obtain *itrmctions as to wvhat is ex- pcected (if them, from tile program emms'mitiiec, which consists 'at. Messns. hIl tonherger, D. R. Williams3. 'Mliter, ILockwood and Watts. The senior laws will be quizzed on the first live lectures on Damages during the week beginning Jan. 21, in room 4. Sec. 5 on Monday. Sec. 4 on Tuesday, Sec. 1 on Wednesday, Sec. 2 on Thursday,' Sec. 3 on Thurs- day. The "A" divisions wilt recite from 8 to 1S a. in., and "1" divisions from 1 to 2 P. io. Subscribe for the Daily. SPALOIN'S ..f INTERCOLLEGIATE -o-i SWEATER. Itis the best sweater made and is superior in any other ems the market. Made from the llamst and softest Australiami wool, hand halt, and was used exclusively last vear by neariy all the eollege football elevens. In white. navy and black. PRICE. $ 7.00. Spaiding's Base Ball and Tennis Supplies arms reeognized lenders. Everytiing requisite for the games. Spalding's Trade Stark on what you Poe. cbase is a guaraintee that the goods are the hint. A. G.. SPALDING & BROS. NEW YORK. PAIL~ADELPInmA. CHICAGO. Wild, Wild, Wild. STUDENTS, TAKE NOTICE! DOIR WINIER AND FALL GOODS we senl on Reduction. Fancy Snitings and Trousers. The goods nmust go. Please call and see. 2--east Washington Street.-_S.