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January 17, 1895 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-01-17

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O1~ I.(F M. l)AILY'.

o inerly w-ih(ceolse XWahr, 19COGT'CLSALOIESAP
".Wa Pin ton st. Headquarters forCOGT'CLSALOIESAP
everything a Student needs in the Ala)
line of Text-Boolks, Stationery and (ltgate's Oatmeal Soep,
Miliu'aneous Stock in general. lelg ace's glyceinle soap,
Colg des'-.NNXite cCleatis Seap.
MARTIN SCHALLER, Colngate sloley Seep,_
THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, o eidskeermial Seesop, all 1cpC ee
19 FE. Washington st., one hiock MUMMERY'S NEW DRUG STORE,
east of Main st. Co. eeirth eeldXWashingten sty;
~cr P - g' REUBEN H. KEMPF,
PSeutti, Gterma ny,
Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musics'
f/PADr Composition, also the Art of
/InARK Teaching.
Stuldio 22S.Divisieon 'St.,Ann Arber,111ic
R.ANGER'SThe famous Star&1
DAN CNG,,arc now made in a

Ass Aibor ilich. CapitalI Steck, 50.
Surplus, $150,000.
Orgaeized uindecethe Gesneal Banking Laws _____
ef this State. Receives depesits, biye end
sells exchange en lie principal cities eft(he
Unsiteil Slates. D~raftscaehed upen peeper Jstrecevedasapeln
idestification. Safety dpiosit bPeveto rent. IIt 'c el slpeln
Hlarimnan, Vice-P-va.; Chas. Elliscochz, of Gymnnasiuim Suits. 1 hoe
(ashier; Sl. P. Fritz, Assiast:-at ashier.
N N A BOR (oodls are manufacttired by tile
STEAM LAUNDRY 0. Overmnan Wheel Co., miakers of
Hi~ghiGloss and Doestci aiisli. Victor Cycles, which is sufficient
E. S. SERVISS, Manager, guarantee as to their quality.
ti SOUrT- FOURTH AVENUE. We sell tihem for less than what
Metropolitan Cafe w .you have to pay for inferior
Lench aid IDining IReom. Na. 18 N. (roods. See hmbfr otNv
Foeurth Avec., betiwee Arlingteneol.ete eoeyuby
andilCity 11111ev Ilillia. ((ie all -AT--
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Props. M SAOE' YL MOIM

Alll 1i's iiall! ilii liethe esnal ins-
i iu at(ifMr .and Mris. les Ilvasase. Private
-irc" .s lea-ella is cien il and dance oftmacid
rersied. Office athe Academyc,gon
l:Mr, i Mayniaridst.
iea/ FLAG PINS $I.50,

Quality superb. Md
$P;i"pnte wolri
free. Returnablei
not found at your,
3 e meiitioning collegi

Robes! .
Crescent Bath Robes ,
11l the
Made under our " Fant
ein fine cotton terry
erry, $io. Delivered
if unsatisfactory f S.
dealers', send to us
;and enclosnigprice
[ILLS8 CO., Philida., Pa. s - -"'
-icks chared? By your apips filling
Id giving a light the color of the
;lass? If so, use our Red Star Oil, and
awhite light, dues not char the widk,
Athe lamp. Jtvd Star (il Sc per gal.,
gal., 7I° smiokeless (Gasolinle Sceiaer gal.
I Prof. lKirirer lii-Ill-ei an(11 lii
'vll- liois n De-o it ltIliliilii-

11IAV. Washinigton 'st.
Caps and Gowns
Wec are lprepared Is furniishi (eps
aindi Gowns of the highest qualllity
to iUiversities, Colleges aud Schools
throtughout the United States, at
surprisingly low prices. Self mecas-
urement forms, containing all nec-
essary instructions to secure per-
fectly fitting garments without
visitinig the store, will hr forwarded
ipon request.
difterent widths, at mioderate
Strawbridge & Clothier
The largest exclusively Dry Gands
House in America.
Gi S. Mlaini st., and State st., ct
ii- er of Williaim st., have a

- Yellow and Blue But- APTE1 SNT*IO0IT
- ~ tons 60c.
With U. of M. or the Are you annoyed Pp youl lanmpl w
year 75c. the house wnithi atsickening smoke1cat
__Z_ moon whce seen through .smcoked gl
WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. thus troubles will vaniish. It glees P
enmits no odor, anti will all hurn out of
Water Wh-it- Head Jig-itt Oil,lic ie p
EMIL A L 44 South Main Street.
(yris I VXahiga a h s l Irs. Ie. li-i-i ss ill clilcellii a hr} D:M.C t.I.'PoeNos1
ofil (-(lle g giuls -atledy 1"ro
MISS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S fironi 4 to () ('Clck~d-
School of Dancing and Delsarte. 111 1 ih. itisa ileia-i on11footan lions;l
: atuarday, 10ai. is., Gentl eman egisneselas. soic of liii-junliir law's to slar III-
Saturday. 4 p. nis., Lady beginnlers class.
Monday,7::30 p. in., Advasced Class (Ladies' Cie literary eel-lily.
asd Cenelemen).
" cesdayI7:3Pp. m.,Beginaners Claas (Ladiea Pies. BT-I. ii llipsonerta-iniiis Ia
and letltemen).
Privatelesns.byippoisimeint. setionl of lflae Xiiaiia Leause Sli ill-
ScHOOL. 46 S. STATE ST- diy ifternoilnlat Ia I iihu.
2TE W ST OCK OF Bi los C. (roves. 'O:3Plw, is now

in tlie Iatest styles at
,lieelian & Co.'s
University Booksellers.
in the city at
15c and 20c Per Pound.
Organized 1813.
-(apital, $10,00. Surplua ad Profits, $40,000.
Tranunets a general hashing Puiness.
Toreig,. exchanges Pought and said. Furnish
lettern of credit.
kP..BACHPren. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier.

Boston Thelol-icil Semlinary, Bloslall.
Ilcelingine{'crinigstocietyli xs ld 111ani
-ltction of (oliics ill tile business5
imeletimng aftar 11- lprogrami Sailliday
The chiellub crt:. 11may otalinsom
very go~od quiestionsaof fact fr1o11tlii
list of qiuestionis irof. -tecle-iihlis
publlishltled inAgency-.
The eoinlaitt(-as llllsilg tile sale ofi
tickeets for theieioril socili report a
rapidt sale of ticetes, amnd exerythinug
indlicates a mo1st emjoyable affair.
Prof. Stanley- and the Choral "Union
are xworkimng faithfully for (lie success
of (lie next concert of the seris. Tile
rehearsal Tuesday evening was con-
tinued over txvo hours.
A musical program, games anid
dancing wiii constitute the entertain-
ment at the second Choral Uniomn so--
vial tomorroxv nighlt. All members of
tile union are invited and those who
xish to attend tile S. L. A. lecture will
be welcomed if they come at its cleee.

. 5. 1111. wsoilay h l) 115I 111-inii comiplete stock of
i- 9,hsenlrdtejuirlt lass 1in(1 cllc(-ts till isiuii w h e 11 New and Second Hand.
coureire( . ir-Iteialso llsi iiecrd INoesBookas and other Students' Supplis
as 11 baseballl playerI. Pine Stationery, Sporting Goods, etc , swhichl
Stunt-s illlelilillgo1t)ake1partlin ltheyofeseat11tle Lswest Prices.
the ratricl cotes slouldhmi in Call and see us before purchasing.
the-i irine. stubjIet 111101-lass that__________________________
tht-y 111tnil tiaiprl's. iii, toIJ. 11.
Quarls by F-ib. 1. Thc- ililliiselilt fSADN}
oioions meshts-ei by Fell. 10.
(uizes lare- posted1for cixi sll vITECLLGIT
O~lhli hil-II- es-ni-s c-lit-l ISWEATED,
Thiomipson is to dliver Ill jiuniorsa
It is the hest Sweaiter made andis la sperlier
this -eek. After e(11(quz111herlilcil s iito snp other on the markeet. Mide from thie
isat and softest Australianl weal, heedkhit,
be t short. written quiz t i ker scsiead wiss sed exclusiv-e1)lest ver by nelarly
al ike college football elevenis. In wlite,
lectures. Tiecils is to beii uiarla(-l Iilv.y endlatk.
01n t11151writteun:Iquizes,.Whchh'xill PRICE, $7.00.
1t11e thlac ile offinu allainatliionl. Spalding'sIBase Hell id Tensis Supiplies
arev recogulized leaders. Everything requsisite
The National Society of thie Sons for the games.
Spaldings Trade Mahrk oen whaiustppr-
ofthe Aulericami Revoloutioui offemse a ckase le a guarantee that the( goods are the
gold medal anulaly for till-besceees-A be S AL INs&BR S
sap- on 5soime,1subject cecetedl with A .S A DN R S
Amlerican rexohmtionarp- historp-. Cbun-NEYOK P IALHA.CCGO
petitiomn is open to all ntudemnts. 'aThe G. H{ W I[fL D
subject anmnounneed for 1515 is, "The.
Principle Fought for iun the Itevolu-TI i ni n T llfl
thou." _ _ _ fTHE LAINI b ILUI1
Alexamider Ploffat in a. recent arti- Has the newest Fall and ,Winter
doe on football imi the Boston Herald Woolens and largest stock in the
urges the entire abolishment of mo1- city. You can get any selec-
mcmtunm plays, and also of the present tion you are looking for.
method of signalling a fair catch. COME AND SEE US.
Subscribe for the. Daily. 2 E. Washington st., near Xain st.


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