TrHE U. OF M. DAILY. (IjHIGN ENT 7A DeservedCompliments. NOICS TEXAS MEXICO AND CALiIFORNIA Tiee Tabte (Revised) Nov-. 18, 181)4. 1l h e -1 tie 1111,1noe\1110 lt tt't t to 1)' 23)1111 tlo'(I ymiittuin 1let).11 TiHE W'ABASiH RAILROAD. FAST, ErS. art't'respons5ib~le'fttr thee tttrelltst' 1f lttustlsitly nott lnter thttnti el). 1. j In connection Withs the St. osuis,. 1at) dE11O1al 04 i "''t(ilsliiltogn o it ' 3. I . C(OLEMAAN, Sity., Iron Mouttain & Southern Railway,. N. Y. Speciat 3 _.515 NY1.Special.._ 7730frthIti _? oue Tea S 'ci alay In rn)ia- Eastere Ex---.10 23 N. ..Limiterd. - tt25 l'I tiersity of M'ligtai)lave'pt thel oIC ets&Paii alaltrain A. 31. PaciflcEt.----- t2 1Th' I lt ' itit~ltiotts to te 11311 to bet al & Gireait Nortern Railroad, and Attaetic Exs -- 7247 ' m wholestate tutter ta tebtt of graltithd rte ntl'(yittsiliiO 3s~ oihe tch alsakos s F). N. Espres __3540 Wesere * h'tylnailI1?b il oten aii R iw y ko A (". R. Esxiress __At03 Chii. NI.Ex-' --0 1o'he . Altliputlit' 111OVi-tints tart' toIets' ( soot. I. . illtitills shtouldtihlie the Only True Sotutern Route3," 41,14 G. I.Exs ---- 55 ! 0. 13 R2I :s, 1. IIAI S,t Stateditta1111ittrtsecultedi It a fews'itti- tttttttt t lteItlr titttt I-h.:I. pltaced in service aI. trough tirst elo s, G1'&T.At.,thieave.A"t., AnnArber. idults wts osit' f ty ditt ct ua rttlly IC. 1'. I (1i5. sleeping 'c a lndtourist sleeping .-rt,. T. A. A. & N. M .RY ( rtti trill01te ltbor 1tvesa ftt isI eta ''Iltett I'ti 1lttts. letsin ghCiietio ttily at 10:' 0 Taking efect Sunda, Aug. t I894. ")x~onlplSfttlt'ttiupplsriiitt ilisirt'f Sitt 'titir lidestreIt rnt -r te o St- Lot St. toj Little Kitl othock tsllseert OErlfttttlli A "'tt I lttttttlrttltti Iwatlt' t ili' nms ~wsbj.the 'i' ttills Lareoittertlsrseell'tt direconetin>111 et st~ll :1 a . ,1)a. st. tately. ii': tit1 ols isel i i'the o -iltn AI itt th e rssife itth lep nti w15th .1.i1tttatter lwit g tittli'sl'tttint' ar floe Ti; .alOtoe ,940 . l cotatsc etg.t. n~ i thet:'aft eillritititthi ' Itt StatltI. s 'huser ' f"tl itlofrot's ec.,01 ' 2s It t '' tp~ s utbalelt i Annt Aboltrea at., oleo 00,101 .1. 1.. t. A A. tane n . Oa ol1hol 1o adil l It Angels 'ndS. 'an Ft. P.i&sco .T iAc. tnly3 0.h .0 1.?th n y i e fo1l ( hc1 x"1( 3 .- 1 All trains da1lly1except tlllgt'.-.-. -'1 c l0, ill Ibe tttofti. lttgI tllt'ltt t.ttil s'iet''.Ittt'ts i t('htair of-____________________________ 11,lltlItt . GEE -) , "!Ipot11:nleil f h -eut~ fe ti clln evce-.tlt V.I.B E T 5 . ". 1oledo 1U.1111 tilt st111.:t.isic n1. 1'. rtni . Kley ord o he tr ttctt 1SOiatNI) A A O T l~lf~lylt 110 11 Fseyttlly. tititger's.Sv~ttt'ui~'.SirtiteIttotilllytiticttelitIt tit' Bl ToSP1INGS AIRK CNNA lOv& rYP INI STaf It 's hi ttitof lte -itete y L ia. lseF riforn.18 the l Illtl.,i oos _1 ' aho onclit' SANoFRAN Soittet.\\(,Itltig so creigs. r t t lls m lilrsotill bo lit' o lu d t t lN s'exisho ti t lit'ime, "ote, let ls t 1,. Ti e abeOcobr , 89 . treles s lig t. IN he ln tfiiIv' rl- teletitrnis. ii'llilI' ttoflttistetst-ill PLeaYsilkeeifm ngsssni t Cueto7:0l0e, ttir9tf lit00t'ltrt'; t l's ..lIotirett l l tftt uit' i HEW BSH('IAN IRON MOUNTAL IN.Ha. an t:. m.;oni 4,2:&5, ansas :4:5' 69y 0 :(id, 111tio lllu l -l p to . ttrl tl 15t I-]IO U"lrtuttiltsilt 'ill it 111I'ott eti I st iisttel I1t lly Ih 11100 fon r b.LorJ nts, o, '3, <.ntI 1 d11 0 ri ely, lt elt fuor-' tti ' . peta;sri y f he Lait~y of li C IC GO TO LA E o uEs, Wet n Sniu et eve o- Stt, tst tt I~'li'ittr ll:ertii Iisitse )lf lit hsC su 11of haves hatiiutit I1::Wao .;Union45,530,71pot 3a it I:W l). . SttittF.t'i' ,ltIos'itt ' ..t M te Iteth M 1s t , .Tt 'si t ' .,~ .1Ie11gn n( o te obes olo-ii REMARh KA N-llbLE LfLUST ATIN )vltin-ig,11(tolone'hit i' 1 IN A thTaret IM E.solls II lr-tf' i. tt 'le P~l lttnsee01 .Cak to.,Cs ledt 7, e ntltttv,'ord.t -Son's. Journlf-i'lit iand lsemester.iStudt'srdoer tt'tiso etks irtgh eIi 'l e tt e LeaveaYtsiltntoughoto Slo rht-stttetsei0 :3:30,-. 500ta30ansi:0tp.". Ctiketsth icu'rs r t. 'i ted111 teketo --__ 7tltchag ore 2 yas it ts ' ~tl,:0 in'wg t J .GENIHLEM N ("asrlloilciy im . 1 ire:s in(Ierfs Piire ltt.215tIlte -111Iv. 511 eus'ile'l ;Tt iklo~Su H Et Wli~t laBilS fH ti'R OU C . . '. -\J . F . R K R , 4 1 p . E 1 IP si i' I ]lu ll 1 1. J il. 1 ;,. t i 5 1 i 1 51 . 0 1 l _t it it s e I F ' n L W P a Sn er A g o lY e d o 0 C'h r ., Itsu 2 . - l tit eli t-s(e i l. 11-it -C i t 4tt e s : t 011 to ('OeLgorltN1T '-T --lI E 't t a i t l t ~ GranETA's&eSCHANZ, -I tt Ciigotouhil ttslectihesF rsr .B obuh U.oEver thingS 's ieennsdtiltotvseryl bodt yil' lte('r. SPt RIe NdG S,7ttilons HALL fl~lss, !6 S rn~eritr i tO ellrits :111hin'. Spetaltr ee(r lnge~ rs2eav l hYousL-atsinTexitsto f theTXas T h bI l de1id sC. Oital all 3 . Il.g ItotPof.KTeeyorsloso ha FrislJail.elells. 1-trotssellisa!lit endficientetuiss bItt Ofti' li 11y 3j'cbei wek sastted letnsi lrellt ,In l l Sal'8-CO--ICE CTIniloomS. 1to uad Cro tay courseti totmaleflt tit - rearlletatydtters'tcooit ISlOLI.iiCIe tloll -it3ol1111iS11 lftti tt 48w 5. ' neeas1,nSeCniiorniar Anner)hr utd,.llp15;utl frth ou ti t o fam eli Cr it trylitdst 22 YPeas nkthe Buindess ld, sv ba( o ie t 0 cog 1S ittdreted ciy t d thCRANDALLtTYPEWRITER I.Jin o t.VLois Mo., ad th 1ct,reti iaryvi eate. , ilr Spcifltl f he s toi i'vlssit ftheC IA O T LRDoTX itprier' un1d1er septtrteO 'ovetr. Vie Mt 151M SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. senid superior apiprovaul hlots tt t'- XERCHANT TAILORING ! V.3o J. 7,tl Ilitt'.L\ .&C. Cleaning, Pressisg and Reitairitng Kalanmaiooi. l11th. dosse neatly by AUGO. SC5OENEWALD, 26E. Wasington WIMt 11035' CIIRAP! . 1tip to Florida jute nlotw trould EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY ! he one lit thle most pleusattIhings 20 EAST HURON STREET. otr lift'. If paurty of 1S van Ott se- Gosed Work Guitranteed. Ceods called for cured 'Messrs (Greenwtood & (Gilmore tand dielivered. A. F. COVERIT, P'rom. will arrange for 15 dlays trip in hir ANN ARBOR private car. $t6250 will pay entire STEAM DYE 'WORKS. cost of journey includinlg meals, berths Ladies' and Pent' Clothing Cleaned and transportatisn. Wily not go? or Dlyed. Feb. 5th is date set. Send isn your 3 -W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. namne. fuiir thing hy noeite lost trip I mlade.' Tho reptation of Cts firmilhuts not) been tacquiredl withiout 111y115' tieint tof lose of sim~ilair natusre during thle 15 years of their experienve, bt such ithingsIaie lalketl ahout far nditlridte, land nosy Ward Brothers utre lecog- 3lsizedI all os-er thsis countrytts lteders in the husinless of furnishing railroadf -anti steamshiip trannsortationi, and r teir ortlers for tickets coimo frosnta- a-most every stotc in (ho Union. N ?ote-It might pay sonme of ouxr owyn citizens tn correspond wvith Woril r Brcothers boefore taking any extended 'RTCE $5CO' Thie only 11igh Grade XBeeline lion1e Barket sold ad a Reasonaible Price. Simple; Durable; Writing in ,Sigist, Permanent Alignment; Instautly. Changeable Type. J. S. PEARL, .Agent, 531E, Washtington nt .,Ann Arbor,'M3i -