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January 17, 1895 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-01-17

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~i ~fl1 ~Have Selected a Sculptor.

i'lltliheii l),iy (Sunays xep' duin
lie (Cille b year, by
post oflice.

''oi'iiianiitlea af the'-'aid' i i 'aid
i- lie' ma'tr f 'llilais.for ike
blushlegf Prinl ci ent'ii cii 1141' I
jl )f. 'Ta~ft. of C'ilca;o. lia 1,""l ie-
.1"igito isnake lbothlilicassfo te laim

A University Number.
'l'ii' annaig nunitir oc ic b'llelecit
'tang Jourarll, the officialoiganftli t 1
{MichiganlaMuicji'Leacher'iweti ceiticit.
is a 'nit'eriig nmber.llwilyae
coains;iia aNavill w iilen iaccolunt o
organ, eanat theifautra't le \\iiialhc
haf tonis wichliappiarediiitllain lea
SLires. the'liiiiitii' s10well worth
lstellinc' is a souveirvof tIli'licaa
work it the V 'iiiswity.

l4bcitinpice Vt50 iiiei eari, iviabii lly il' $t9tl, tillicli is a ztetltu(il f li
in advacee. Siiglecopies i ci t. ublsciili-
ons a b~iYle lifttie liiiclt of tiii' lanaL, lidt at 'ii liii if b-leo alei toi cab'1k the
of the 'ditors. or auhizies]a solicitors.F
'comuiectiioiis sihouldl rach heo'fciei' iby tiev'erl iot'er hiis t' recived. ;til
7 o'clocki p. ci. if they are ti aplila iiii nex't A~.fiin'i i ii osat 1SI
cy. Addraess. ill mttr in itendied for iiiilil-
ctihoe to tiii Maniaging Ediitor. Allibusiiiisis Iao' i'l biust, Ala. ()'Ntil, of I 'lijat.
comuniecatitos Siiouldi bet get to th Busi -$70) eahliterl'o 110 o
THE U. OF SI. DAILY. Bthl. Afaliy' twho tait if Mri. Aliase s


IG.It. HlRi~Siiiisi Lata h, Atsilsitan.
I. COiEiAN,, Lit. 'lii'.Assistant-i
iA. F. ROCKiiEiauit. 9a.6tAssisati.
.i. S. P'ARLe, Lsaw '95, Buainessta Magi'.
L.a SIERAY.. "i . Aw
SB.. A. Iaucer, 'lt.i
Carrie V. Smitih, '9i.
Minnie Tlioeipetii'9ti

flby hiltsitltili. ut it isatoibe lit'
liutt liit iltbu ts ii ih lm lat ' Ii i - i
0..ii'I- still iprov' sli.titl'iiml'g v it);11l
p1-it's i'iit'i''i'l.
Peace Reimsa
Th rob-in thei'high S'i')1im-er
the e'xpuilsiiioof 1 stdinits forl' [w-
rtitFItaii. '1 itil te t'isaioll of 107e

The '95 Victors
are imodtlls iof straeth aadhbeaut'.
'lTestauchelst light whit'];tever
buiilt. Anti tdesire' i'm t :ili'I
yoiiwat ilia 'Ais iii' i
?i Ilii'tasty' : ii : .:
tents inastampis seicrea thei. 'Vir
_Alaika o i l~iii lciiiiiid Atiheiooas.

Cold Weather!l
.5110E 1)EALERS,
Wasingtona Bloak. Ann Arbor.
This space is reserved
for the Grand Opera.
HANGSTRFER, vashingi
Students Recreation Head-
Noi. 3 N. Slain Strect.
Corer iof State .ad Willim s' .,
Wiilliam si. entrance.
(J"IItROu OTI T ~~T Iii 1F.IAl ut, formeria
'withlir.N. K'eneisoni of noston, nite at
the posti)%-'e biinig. iWarta, Corci, Bull-
ioiillcortitallig Naila, aa if il cities of
the feet auccessfoiy traltid. Ia)cit n o 5:3)
p. ni. Offace elated Satuirdays.

pondentsa iii'lainigi tii'DILYmm.
ai'itlia ii li' isti it' 'tllim'. iiiis;i~44intlealavag Huttlitost'ytei
''iAccfait l; ott aal ofthic' ii atalii bosicawili Il llt' c'ire-cath ir l'iy

Daily is ipa'ased toiiiinniunicethow-tt; INTER-COLLEGIATE.
'avi', thait, oinlgit a -galidi l i'vraist' 'ii lc fS f'ifi g'ui
ini isnlscriber's'afrolilthat do t t n t, Ii lecls f'7o 1tfsC evh
r'epresentatiotn ii iia' ntled. 'thi t o li ted t icittlish .a hisatory- f l il tha qe
poit1nwi ' e ies inth liiic-o- istiuinate*eri'l alas oUthe Notii~ing inThis W orld
't'e trutseis ofi tt mouai thli('oillei'
itt erien'lit'is andti net' nietlittis in . .Is so cheaCisf5at newspfaper'lwhether it b-"aefral eete h ei~so
concinwt etsr hc ila XNst 'orkmhsarehiteeit furrhbtildiings t. lmefasuredl by the cost of its production 0o' by its
fu~rnishI elitght 11155nutieitr fotot tt
tahtial'si'i Ii it'u'st n isthst be' hereted 1on1thii' prtoposediI alraitghi';tvalhte to the iCOftSI~tCi'e. 1WV'arta'flkintg abouft
noril.titith e tttliiitis. Withiut thrInatn Americain, ntetropolitcan,cldly paper ' ofhet
yea________ glrs theit' htairaintii' still le vial / irst closs like INHE 6CHICACO RECORD. .It's st
It is gratifyimig to nteitha~t tiiviiumgh tpletedl withiosir 51,t,00morth c ofii{ttc/heap ond so good yohucan't affordCZin this dogt= ides fPo' aae t ebidnsadwllb h ieto t
hheI oluntnesoatdPctom of ii's nua a i audingahe mA stl 't 'lieti t fcnenreet eutfaitnceli
onceti eekforthel~rctit o co- '---- - -- --papers possibly os good, butt none better, anhd
It'g sdigsis ccaeth Ahatliit li ~['SON MUS C .none just like it. It prints all the real new0s of
DI Ngooad that cnites from a uttenidanclt the word--the newsC you care for-every day,
a tJnis'ersils' is n(etahca elze tkitats and prints it in the short est possible space. Yohc
ieetinga of this character are anil "Six Love Songs," can r'ead THE CHICAGO RECORD anod do a dlay's
tae. litnttsatcscaihisiti o flinehusttflyr icsilexquiicite mill I ivorhttoo. It is an lnuep'jetzatent paper antd ve
titu ar caif c lohshuck nicm th~r eilmig Hevy ape. 7 cets.all political news ,free from the taint of party
fi'ona aeet theyr izedifront thi tsource"COLLEGE SONGS bias. In a torc-it's a Comnpete, condensed,
ofacioplteyreaohich stmudetnts onreh-e sadr oleino olg og.Iclean, honest fanuily newespaper, and it has the
thee 300,000 sold. Heavy Paper. 500'hcg gnkolvr ltl.Tedrioycnt;Coh it 1d0 largest morning circulation inChcg or the'
systaem of thme east is, ot eminrs(,sluat "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." west-L25,OOO to 140,000 a day.
bringsastundmts toetthecr fcr thea Only baeo f thie tind pcblished. Th le Prof. J. T. Hatfield of the Northwestern
song rehearsalsabtnowaiatttt aot. snso h edn clee o oe.Heavy Paper, $1.00. University says: "ii'TE CHICAGO RECORD
Smtanley a tlsssillinig'ly eneI'tsftotn jl comes as near being the ideal daily jour-
mnlat thuoseo-sY'1io desire mu emnjoy tiuie IIEROYAL COLLECTION INSTRUMENTAL CLIMI MUSIC, n al as we are for some time likely to find
aide of college lift,thlere is little donubt Eighty-two irers lou' the gcuitar front lhme
bttamuhinterest 'will hi' na~lihect souces. A splendid colletioni. Ilamid- on these mortal shores.
lasted. feb ttoe stndent body t0urn fout Anmy bhoels-emt u1)ohmiid omi recipt of mrine. Sold by newsdealers. everywhere, and sub-
swell to the f r ct nmeting s11hu1i.1, t0 ItRDTSNCO scriptions received by alt postmaster's. Address
be heldt tomlolmw eveniol O IV RDIBO C. THE CHICAGO RECORD, 18,I Jfadson-st. o)
453-463 Waghingto St., Boston.
Sobsctibe for thc Daily.. C. It. Ditson & tho...N. V.

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