TiHE U. OF M. DAILY. Schaller'sstore of nicely perfumed toilet soap for Formerly with George Wahr, 19 E. Washington st. Headquarters for COLGATE'S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAP. everything a Student needs in the ALSO line of Text-Books, Stationery and Colgate's Oatmeal Soap. Miscellaneous Stock in general. Colgate's Glycerine Soap, Colgates's White Cematis Soap, MARTIN SCHALLER, Co'gate 'honeyasoap, Colgate's odMeal bSoap, al1'ack THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, or lakesDforal l 19E. Washingtonst.,one block MUMMERY'S NEW DRUG STORE, east of Main St. Cor. Fourth and Washington sts. REUBEN H. KEMPF, From the Roy.I Conservatory, Stuttgart, Germany, Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musica; C5Composition; also the Art of Studio 22 S. Divson St Ann Arbor, Mich A NOV TRAD EARK - THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANKGY SU T Ann Arbor, Mich. Capital Stock, .$50,000.S I S Surplus, X150,000. Organized under the General Banking Laws _________ of this Statr. Receives deposits. hoys and sells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper Just received a sample line identification. Safety deposit boses to rent. OFrIrE: ChristianMack, Pres.; W. D nasium Suit . Thesc ilarriman, Vice-Pres.; Chas. E. Iliscoch, of Gvmnsu Su . .lhe Cashier; M. J. Fritz, Assistant Cashier. - A Bgoods are manufactured by the STEAM LAUNDRYCO. Overman Wheel Co., makers of High Gloss and Domestic Finish. Victor Cycles, which is sufficient E. S. SERVISS, Manager, guarantee as to their quality. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. We sell them for less than what Metropolitan Cafe x you have to pay for inferior Lunch and Dining Room. No. IS N. goods. See them before you buy. Fourth Ave., between Arlington hotel and City Offcle Building. Open all--AT- hones. Iann- - - - - - --rr rainrra Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Props. ELTFY IN b c SCHOOL OF DANCING All classes are under the personal instrue- tion of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Granger. Private or class lessons given on any dance of merit requested. Office ati the Academy, ground oor, 0 Maynard st. FLAG PINS $1,501 Yellow and Blue But- tons 60c. With U. of M. or the year 75c. WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. ORDER YOUR COAL OF M.iSMTA~ESTDBLD R. OrinE: it W.Wanhin gton st.,'Phone No.S YAns:M. C R. R., 'Phone No. 51. MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing and Delsarte. Saturday, i0n. m.,Gentlemanbeginnersclass. Saturday, 4p. in., Lady hbeginners class. Monda 7:30 p.m., Advanced Class (Ladies' and Gentlemen). Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., Beginners Class (Ladies and Gentlemen). Private lessons by appointment. SCHOOL. 46 S. STATE ST. NEW STOOK OF Sweaters' in the latest styles at Sheehan & Co.'s University Booksellers. SYMNASIUM SUITS, -GYMNASIUM SHOES. BEST LINEN PAPER in the city at 15c and 20c Per Pound. FIRST. NATIONAL BANK. OP'ANN ARBOR. Organized 1003. Capital, $100,000 Sirlus and Profits, $40,000. Transactsaa general basking business. Foreig.. exchan es bought andsod. Furnish letters of credit. P.$BACH, Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. / ' 4 !. t / f i ( l t' r ysn "q tl LatL LRoIesJLJ I Thefamous Star&CrescentBathRobes are now made in all the LEADING COLLEGE STRIPES Quality superb. Made under our "Fast Pile"patent. Price, in finecotton terry, $7; in fine wool terry, $io. Delivered' free. Returnable if unsatisfactory. If not found at your dealers', send to us mentioning collegeandenclosingprice. STAR & CRESCENT MILLS CO., Philada., Pa. np~pw r I r r i h " ' 'fir'--.1" r 1 e M, STAEBLER'S CYLE[MPORIUM, 11 W. Washington st. Caps and Gowns FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We are prepared to furnish Caps and Gowns of the highest quality to Universities, Colleges and Schools throughout the United States, at surprisingly low prices. Self meas- urement forms, containing all nec- essary instructions to secure per- fectly fitting garments without visiting the store, will be forwarded upon request. RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS different widths, at moderate prices. Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADELPHIA. The largest exclusively Dry Goods House in America. 60 ------------ ---- ATTENTION ! PLEASE-. Are you annoyed b your lamp wicks chared? By your lamps filling the house with a sickening smoke and giving a light the color of the moon when seen through a smoked glass? If so, use our Red Star Oil, and thus troubles will vanish. It gives a white light, does not char the wick, emits no odor, and will all burn out of the lamp. Red Star Oil 8c per gal., Water White Head Light Oil,6c per gal., 74*smokeless Gasoline 8c per gal., DE A N & OO PA-IT . 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Th Choral union social willibe hel Friday night.I There will be no ieetinig of the Adelphi soeiety this week. Prof. 2. E. Cooley will leave the city tonight to be gone a short time. Prof. Tlioiipson will lecture to the gjunior law s the remainder of the week. The junior laws will have one more lecture on Agency, and then Prof. Mechem will deliver eight lectures on Partnership. Both senior and junior laws will meet Prof. Thompson on Easnements Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. AS soon as a vault can be obtained for the library the faculty . contem- plates binding all the theses and filing them for reference. Prof. Mechem has declined an offer from an eastern university to sever his connection with Michigan and ac- cept a position there. The Blackstone examination which was postponed from last Saturday, on account of the senior election, will take place next Saturday morning. The Political Equality club will meet in McMillan hall tomorrow af- ternoon at 3 o'clock. Much important business will be transacted and all interested are requested to be present. Claude E. Sheldon, '95 law, who left the University last week in charge of his father, became quite violent on his arrival at Windham, Ohio. It is feAired that his ireason ill ni5er lu ri- covered. The University si tiute at its last iie-ting formulated a plan in regard to te proposed m"lg i the ltugth of the vacations. The plat « ill be presentetd to the regents for the q consideration at today's ien.ting. A one hour course in beginning Por- tuguese, open to those who have pass- ed Spanish I, will be offered next semester. Students who intend tak- ing this course are requested to com- municate with Instructor Bourland no once in order to arrange for books, etc. Dr. William G. Anderson, of Yale' gymnasium, will soon publish it book on the pedagogy of gymnastics, which' will be the first of the kind. There aro many works on the scienc-of teaching mental branches, but none in English on the science as applied to physical educations Dr. Anderson has had years of experience as a teacher of gymnastics and has been asked tc prepare this work for teachers.-Har- vard News. The calendar of the University of Chicago for the fall quarter has been recently issued, and shows a registra- tion for this period of 1,000 students. The contestants who will represent. Evanston in the intercollegiate debate will be chosen by a committee of th faculty selected by the student body of that institution. Subscribe for the Daily. MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. Main st., and State st., cor- ner of William st., have a complete stock of ONIVERSIJY TEXT BOOKS New and Second Hand. Nots Books and other Students' Supplies Fine Statisnery, Sporting Goods, etc , which they offer at the Lowest Prices. Call and see us before purchasing. SPALDING'S INTERCOLLEGIATE SWEATERS It is the best Sweater made and is superiom to any other on the market. Made from the fnest and softest Australian wool, hand halt, and was used exclusi-ely last vear by nearly all the college football elevens. In white, navy and black. PRICE, $7.00. Spaiding's Base Bail and Tennis Supplies are recognized leaders. Everything requisite for the games. Spaidings Trade Bark on what you pur- ebase isa guarantee that the goods are the best A. G. SPALDING & BRoS. NEW YORK. P oAILADELPHIA. CHICAGo. 0-. HITSWIL THE EADINC TAILOR Has the newest Fall and Winter Woolens and largest stock in the city. You can get any selec- tion you are looking for. WCOME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington st., near Main at.