THE U. OF M. DAILY. T1IEIE CRANDALL TYPEWRITER to t. -r r C TD 3:'cc- F. C. STEBBINS, AE1IA81[ 9 LA1WDMAN Will cell for and deliver work prompitly. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ')()'/S. -S'ATE STREET. Tiir n~aani rV nnfliuTrnl THE NEW ffInfriMGNT AI SchaIIer's Bookstore! UU U I U L I I ,fl1L ~Formerly with George Wahr, 19 YPSILANTI, MICH. everything a, Student needs in the ____ line of Text-Books, Stationery and SUNDY DINERSAT 5O'CLCKMiscellaneous Stock in general. SUNAY INERSAT OCLOK. MARTIN SCHAAILER, thi eadurtrwil nYpiati n~tdns n itzn rhud az t 'THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKELR assr aceicthey Nott] hid cie, a3 cvcr, KELR Most cordially, 19 E. Washington st., one block W. H. LEWIS, Prop. e ast of Main st. 'Teonyigh (:rad~i 1;ab$n on lif t SllY1LLArh ll.THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANKp A. E. MUMMERY'S, 'akttsk't , t ia Ii,'asonaclett' iet', AtnArbo, ,,h. ('tita t Sot., O0. -KE P YO RS L N A Attewv invetiitn for duplicatinig ettitlua,5', (t". KE OREFNA Simple; Durable; Writing in Sight; cotpis of witings and drawnt as. oalzed attt ~tthGea Bit awsi NDCEN -Permaent Algnment Instaalyoftis Stae. Reeties td'epostsc, tuys nd-ottCLAN Permaent ligu unt; nstatly tltsxla 'eon, otthe principal cities 'tf the a ,Changeable Type. tole raftc. ts ish ettettupttatrptttet We will help you with lFrgtt' Cc hi 'tttltaa hiack, Pres.; W.I). ' Hi r J.S.PERL Aenttoeiatc, in,'ec- eec. ; t'ha~s. FOtitotc IToth~ l 5tt; E litotlo ., AnntArbort, M1i;'t.-t'Cshie;,Al. 3. t~' i~ai a sc ie p a lll rito FLAG PINS $1.50. _ FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS 'qso is e -- Yellowv and Blute But- LT IIN AL INE TOILET SOAPS ~ tons 60c. t tur'ort ticit, at, o rd inacey torete With U. of M. or the ato c c, oat t optt5 an bt mecFity LT IIN ALR~ FAND SPONGES. 'opiesofttityprtc e rttt toscttipt produed W - year 75c. in l5 minutes.Send tttctt uai ttantd'tttcples ( tttStai te and Literty Sts. ' NEW DRUG STORE. -Arofwr.AE'SWNIEEWR ,WI 11,"1.WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. LAWTON & CO., itoardtt, tated.maiir ANN FAXRBOB0T 20Vescv St., New Yotk. The Daily $2.50 a year.~ LL' ~.B [R STEAM LAUNDRY CO. LAMPS ! LAMPS ! LAMPS! LE' WIH IIOtIig c ttis ndDamestc ii ' htl. Malta to tmistake. Do yoti wanttatolamp? We ctaltso;w'yotu a greatt E.S. SERVISS, Manager, variety ttnd give you lower prices than any houtse inth liasmarket. 46 5. MAIN STREET. 511 Ji tt R't'idl AVE7t 'Jil Attexatntati of our stock demtonistrtates thatt it cttntains lte beat -W 5e R_ , '-J,2D TheDalyisedied pb-and toast unopraved lamp mtade. Thtirty-thtree years expterience itheFIS CLASS CUSTOMTALIN TeDiyiedtdpu-Latup Basintess is wvcrtlh sotmethting. Buty of no cnd get the betnefit al it. FRTTIOIN lished and supported by the Corcereof Statle ,ttd WX ilia ala. Stdnt.1EAZ N & OOINIIA NX_. rtttavit st.attetttte. students. ~44 South Main Street.MO R & WE O E B O O K S *UNIVERSITY NOTES. Prtot. Anlgell will lecetture to the ittt11- 6S ans. n tt tc """" T' c c c ,,,'a,. . c., ;;. V,, , , itir ca's thtis aftt,'rnoaoni ant"Domtestic I ne of 'William at.,have a Second Hand Books, College Text Books, Law Books, Medical Books, it cut rule prices at lte 1)'STs't' 0Itfit It gradtetttic ork. Retlationst." T cc.. aCtyttlttttp t'ited intirtuctttr in phOysic'santi 'W. II. -citnwrrct, %'El lit, is ttZtck ( is Iay Phtillip,791 lit, aw'ilnt rettirnitaocolt'gc tisiayeatr. WX. L. 'Whitney, '94i lit, is teateiitg mtathtemiatics at Baolmu,,I11. - - ' - ' -- F. Pinec, li4 lit, is heachiig histo ry Bargaintsita Statioinery attd Nate at the Banitele high schtool. 'Books. special redtuciti, this track ,ona K. & Es Drtawing Intstrtutmeints. IH. 'W. 'Wetbber, '94 lao', hittoplenedt 'Xe lucre tbe best. a l iwroffice at Dena-er, Calo. 'SPALDINC'S ATHLETIC CLOTHING Partiucter, '96l nedie, is tatteniditig and Sporting (Goads far the new a tnedical school in Chicago. gymnnasitun. Cotanttd see uts. 'We It. A. Powell, '914 lit, is with antielec- are thte largest detalers itt the city trietaleaoncerntin ittnatpalis. and our prices are the lowest. r'Q"'. II. McCouirtic, '94 lot;, is prtactic- SE EHA N & CO. igs in Jackson, ini Price's offce. iL. i7 1It. AB.orer,'92 lat;, is Oat ltiut WNholesale and Retail Booksellers city cttortney at Des~loitica, io;s'.. MUSICAL GOODS C. K. F'riedmnn p. g. lawr '94, is AtT THEpractitcinga his ptrofession ill Toledo. Ta~r nrnrr BUIJA flI IIVa nTasel, L.. 0-AB. '94, is STT SAL~1TEE MVUSIC STOREfildsecrtatry far the RpwrarltLea- Cheaiper thtant anywhere else in f e. the Couintry. Atdo Zarbell, '92 lit, hacs rei;'ed lTt'r iiaster's degie i t Chicago 't'ot;'cr- STWEEJINS! oly. TitE FI N EST R E STAUTR A N T Geot. . Cotit, '91 lit, ottdftr 1f0o r itAnArb .coc is years litelier an the "'arsity boi! teami, 0- .. -.A...SE-01 , ' S_ was martric'drecemtly to Miss NV :trnecm, Gt tri l. . Hurona sa ,, t. llter itf a promiieniat hor o DIETAS & SCHANZ, Dectroit. E. C.'Woodrtiff, '94 lit, is teciniig 'U. OF X. T. ILOnS chiitati dahltysics iiiIte hLutting- l.alEalcand heat tlisaccForeign in td Oo- toit high school. TI. AB. Sawryer is in- aetesic le 'tit. Piestclas t ad fScat cc attk ach acteed. Cieaitt, pressiaitettd strtuctor in history uad Englishlit te eeatiitotteatliydone. 4S S. Stole oh., Secod Fleer, Aran Arbor. samet plac. rerbodiyrisintvitec ti -ttedith- operniiitn l r~e ctt'tofttiobtiirg tolb tiltsevtting.oThersf'iluretoftsom'ie ti- e~ltr Thet'Prhi'itionits rofttetilow1'di- phiirt'ime 'tvecallediii metinigcricbe hltreinextMtanday icro'miit12 , lS. ei an teswl adesth et Te-opeig soic' iit' ce ii ctfl sI tiltb ;will titilbe eimotherntafrern 'rrcstnemxt'Mobiblevcsein, OetarS a 8ig'tackt.inlltalicbfr asudtes con, netl a'ithcatihetUnietotye reitspiet cialinietd.ityo 1 'l;ii itt,'ieltts erttfetueii ll r eitigsservice Prof.Uitianthuca nayt ttiltoeveiot tif wlcnticeeculary inhengliser Twortittientstiertcyafternooneitto4 wiloe oiroomize. It thesT;nia n scutyhtoeitoklrendcay iatoclcat o the clstuents theil eol, srvdineac secton, Shmobeimig l tonun erouth literatrecyestuerd. atrnobnats4 thefre asimegibyltnede. u complete stack of UNIVEBSI1Y I[XT BOOKS! New and Second Hand. Not Botisasd other. Students' supplics, fise stationtery, Spotingtittttds, etc , wtich they ottec it the Lowsat icce. Call and see us before purchasing. K IrTJF T)-E 1.(3- A t 7Pa 0' BILLIARDS AND POOL. Choicest Line of Cigars and Tobaccos. No. 3 N. Mitnitstreet, AmericaoHovuse Cornearshingtont at,, anti Ashley at. Rates $2 and $3. 'PHtONE B123. 29. Fo? &E3ZLEM9 PRIIO'1ETOR. G. IT. WILD IH[ LEAOING TAILOD Has the mewest Fdall and 'Winter 'Woolens amid largest stock in the city. You can get any selec- tion you are lookinig for. 90-COME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington st., near Main st.