&haIlIs Bostr !H 1 ' o POUNID THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BNKG MSU IT'S.o fncl efmdtie.sa o AnAbr lc ai tc,$000 ofniriorrasdeod oIp o AnSAbrh.pitalStoc,1$5,00000. ____ 'T" NJ Organized under the General Banking Laws_______ v1 L , C of tkis State. Ieceives deposits, buys and Formrly ithCxeU'ge alll 19seils exchange on the principal cities of the Fomry wt erg ai, United Stateo. Drafts cashed upon proper Tus E. Washington st. Headquarters for COLGATE'S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAP. identification. Safety deposit buses to rent. ofs Ieceiv eti a samjple line Geructns: (Christian Alack, Pres.;' V. 1). , nsu i S is hs everything a Student needs in thse A~LOHarriman, Vice-Pes.; Chas. F.. llscock, Of Gunlium Sis 1h tine of Text-Books, Stationery and Clgate' O(atnmcal Soap, Cashier; 01.0J. sitz, Assistanot Coshier. scllianeous Stock in general. colgase's Glvcerine Soap, goodsA are aufcturedby th tolgates's White Clematis Soap), ANg N antaturRBuyOR MATN [OALE, p iColgate's ond MealOO Soap, e STEAM LAUNDRY 00. Overman Wheel Co., makers of ~IEDW-ONBOSLE, or 3cakes for 25c at ou, al e 0cot Glass and Domnestic Fiislil. Victor Cycles, which is suifficient 19 E. Washington sO., one block MUMMERY'S NEW DRUG STORE, - guarantee as to their quoality. east o Main st.tor. Fousth and Wasingoton sts. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, t 23 SOUTH FOUJRTH AVEN U14. AWe sell them for less titan what -. -IREUBEN H. KEMPF, D ernltn - yott hav-e too pay' for inferior rom tise Royal C.onservatory, Cf Stuttgart,Germany, Lunch and DiningRu-ooms. No. is N. gos e hmhfr otby ---Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musica Pourth Ave., betweenu Arlingtuouu Hotl T%1Dr Composition; also the Art of ouud CityOffi05c Bilding. Gpen l oi -A- k' Jc /RF Teaching. hours . [p [ i (+t C[ 1{ Stuo2S. ivisin St., Annu Arbor, Siick Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Props M STAEBLE'S Ys[ EMPORIM, ( 0 b_~ " ,. . A O E aTY-N 1 it'W.Washington St. A NEW LINK CLIFAN V~fI GRANEF?~ \ \~\Bat Roes!Caps and Gowns Tlefninsta&rccetfatBoe FOR MEN AND WOMEN. arc now miade in alt the ____ SG1Io oL OF DANCING., LEADING COLLEGE STRIPES i ti. 01e aie prepared to fiiriisli Cups 1 Onality oupcrb. Made under our "Pastaiis Gosvns uf thle highest duality Allu clasuesoareudProshe0posoai ss te Pilep atent. Price, in fine cotton torref, iato uivtrouhotteClU e nitd Scolut sa 'tio of i.. nd Ars. oy Gange, Prvate$y; in fine wool terry, io. lDeliverdthoghu'teUntdIttea uo as lssonusgisvenuus on ludanueof sOmeritfrece. Returnable if unsatisfactory. If I surprisingly low prices. Self. ncas- ,reusled. Gifice at tue Academy~,,roouud 1 not founid at your dealers, send to no ! \ -- uremenit forms, containing all see- flusor, b Maynad',t 4 mentioning collegecand enclosing price. Xl essary instructions to secure tper- STAR & CRESCENT MILLS CO., Plilada., P.. ': fety itii grenswihu FLAG PINS14$A50.hJ visiting flhe store, will he forwardetd FLAG__________PINS_________$1______501____ upon request. Yeltow and Blue But- Aj~rTSr E NI0 WOI! F'.I ,.I RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS ithsU. of M. or the Are you aisnoyed hS your lampl wicks chai sed-? By your lamips filling year 75c. the house with a sickening smoke and giving a light the color ut the diffesrunt widths,.a moderate -AT- moon when seen through a snioked glass? If so, use nile Bed Star Oil, and . prices. 'M Jeweler, ~~thus toblswillvaihItgvsawielgtdosrocarheikaraobd ARODSemnits no odor, and will all htirn out of the 1lamp. lRed Star Oil Sc pee gal., bige & Clothier Water White Head LighttOil, 6c per gal., "f4simokeless (0'soliuse Sc per gal., PHILADELPHIA. lED EAIN &8z QCOM:A.NY'.! The largest exclusively Dry (loods K OL i 44 South Main Street. Htonse in America. JN ERYURCA L UNIVERSITY NOTES. Indivicduai In Government. MOORE & WETMORE (E Ii: sv. aslsntoolStsO,'PiuOne No(.8 'iii' ' ocoloc 1aw55 ullos hs li'dcs:' Ilis. sljl'cl :of tIlt'ls'elllt osbeouie- 6 5. Main St., and State St., cr- Ya 01: l.C. R.R.B Phone lNo. ai. user of Willialm st., save a ar_________________________ s0IosnleaPopety asdossi sissloliveoedi by s'xiov'* cuscItussoll. oft complete stock of MRS, ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S tenatioa::isu taisstc:ilt'O , iii tile tudio Ils IMlfQ.TV IYT BOK SchoolwofoDancngeandendeNsarte. ire associatiou Fbridsay, Isis. 1!+ Ui ILIII L Saturd ndDlsre « h a0i. es., Gentlemanabeginnersoclass. s's'rsiO', will outer oour lass-delparIt-."holuiedividl s in (iso 0111111 isO A New and Second Hand. Saturday, 4 p. i., Lady beginners class,. 055elit ear. t5'5si. lb ofse br ty. Monday, 1:30 p. mn., Advanced Ciass (Ladies' t Ietyf bry. and Gesnlemen). AtheeetngfteAelpicoci Note Books asd other Students' Supplies Tausy, 7:30 p. in., Beginunera Class (Ldies AtsesscngoIl'Adtlicol Fine Stationery, Sporting Goods, etc , wihich riad Gentlemen). sty, Satuirdsy cevening, a utmboler of INTER-COLLEGIATE, they offer at the Lowest Prices. ,SCHOOL. 46 S. STATE ST. profesors'Iwill miake short spceclics. Enigianti hiss94 uniivesities Cl and seesieor urhsig 1 +W ST C O ,Tm nscr11'MaaznQlsir ploy15(s 2,72S instructor's andi lrof 0r.5C .Sweaters in the latest styles at Slieehan & Co.'s University Booksellers. CYMNASIUM SUITS, GYMNASIUM SHOES. BEST LINEN PAPER in the city at 15c and 20e Per Pound. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ASS ARBOR. Organized teal. Capital, $500,000. Surplus and Profits, $40,000. Transactn a general hanhlna business. Torelgs exchianges bought aid soldl. Furnish letters of credit. P~. AACH, Prens. S. WI. CLARKSON, Cashier. "A Walk willsautfTatalist,"stihich ap- peared in the Decenmbcr Inlander. Prof. tlelont has been'Iwaitinig ses- ereal days for the parties swhlo intended to take lessoons in fenIcin~g. Those intending to enler the class shiould call at the treasurers office and mnake a rrai sgeineats. U. OtF M. CALENDARO. Netd.,.Jain. lit-Regents mest. 'thus., Jan. 17.-Faculty - osocert at Frieze Menmorial hall, S p. us. Thurs., Jan. 17.-Senior social, at Granger's Academny. Thurs., Jan. 17-"-Senior class social Fri., Jan. IS.-Ex-Gov. Russell, of Mass., lectures before the S. L. A. Fri., Jan. 1.-Meeting in room 24 10 rehearse college songs. Sat., Jan. 19.-Alpha Nu literaiy so- ciety, preliminary debate. Mon., Jan. 21.-Rev. Reed Stuart, of Detroit, wvill lecttire in Unity Club course. Fri., Jan. 25.-Junior class social at "Gym.* Thurs., Jan. 17--Faculty concert, Frieze Hall, S p. m. arsvsrdsSfist ba~ssillgstosse *of olsis season will be played st ll ifover SAON ' M atch 30°110 tauobeitlgc. I-EROLEGA- Amiong the 3,000 studeusts registeedt NECLEIT at Hlarvardl University, 400 iecstietisE.. SWEATER. ly enigageds in atiiletics. It is tise host So-eater made sand is superior Ou~t of 11.102 football phayes is tule to ainy other on flue market. iMade from the finest and softest Austraslian wool, hand knit, 18 leadling iiistitiltiolis, onily- 65 svs're -and was used exclusively last year by neariy n-1 the colioge football eievens. un white. sdisabledl for esek or e ( lurinsgunavy and biack. the plast seasoun. - PiRIC Ei $7.00. The profits from this Christmnas trip Spaidings Base Ball and Tennis Supplies are recognized leaders. Everything requnisite of the Cornell mnusical clubs svill hbe for the games. Spalding's Trade Mlash on what you pur- giveun to the nuavy to aidullis sendinsg thue chase is a guarantee that the feuds ore the cresw to England. best. I n all thue Unhversities ini France A. G. SPALDING & BROS. SEW YOuK. PAIL.ADELPHIA, CnHICAuO. there are nuo classes, no commence. mont days, no periodicals, no glee (3- 1j[{ VIILDI clubs and no fraternities. The faculty of Bostoni University Tf ha dciedtoalowstrkonth cl- HE LE DIG A/LOR lege papers. to count as a certain nunm- LE DN her of hlours tosvard graduations Has the newest Fall and Winter The Yale Literary Magazine is the Woolens and largest stock in the city. You can get any selec- eldest college periodical in the coulntry tion you are looking for. which has continued its publicationi up to the psresent time. It was founded 9W COME AND SEE US. in 1834. 2 T. Waahington at., near Mfain pat.