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January 14, 1895 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-14

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of niely ert'ned tilet oap or An Ar r, plas StCapital Stock inSo~w
T M E N r - Orgis e derhe ner I Baokis, Laws _______
of this Stte Receives diepsts bys ad
---------sells excang on the picpa cities of the
Vi tniiy With G~eoge Wah Ite 15 CotLSSL OLE SA, ntet state'Drfts cashed upon prpe s eevdasml il
%, asington st Headqularters for CLAESCLSSLTIE OP identification Safety dewslost xsto reits.ceydasapeln
eveytin ain AllOFICES rst Pian blasimPSuits.WThese
evrtigaStudent needs i the AS Harma, Vce-Pres.; Chas. E. uscoct, Of tGymnsim uis. Ths
litre of Text-Books, Stationery and t'olgate's otmealnsra oap, Casher; M. J. Fitz, Assstait Casier.
Aiw-llaneous Stock in genera. lsgatesGycerie Soat, goods are mnanufactured b the
totfaies'- Wite Ctemittis Soai4N N'ARby
MARoINey Sitip, Co.-twis Horey soap
MARTIN SOHALLER, ~c'olad1' Atod Meat Soap.T A A N R .C .lXllcl sktL. c~~o
Cogates tDermtal ElitiSoap, al1it aksie S E ML U D YC .OemnW lC. aeso
eif DOWN-TOWN DOOKSELLER, os dates forat 1 i Ligt Gloss and Diiiesie Finih. Victor Cycles, which is sufficient
'19 . Washiitgtoin St., onto block MUMMERY'S NEW DRUG STORE, E. S. SERISS, Manager, gu-Iarantee as to their qulality.
eastof ainat. iiitot3 SOUTH FOJRTH ANEN Ur:. We sell them for less than what
rU hBN H.Coea F, Metropolitan Cafe wir you have to pay for inferior
sttlgart, t.eroany, Lnand insingtitiRtom. No. Is N. (rood. See them before voe by.
Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musia FortiAsr.,ldcinArttnton Iotti
Composition; also othe Art of oInd iCty fieticIti=dOg.peii all AT
Teaching. hours. CCEEPRU
Stdi -:;, DivisioS lt., Anni Arbor Mcti Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Prps. MS9BE YL MO I
ATTENTION!I PLEASE. It1 W. Washingto t.
Ti J Ate yout tatnoyed b your lamp wicks caed?Y your lamps filing Ca s G
T1, ANK ~~the hotse wih a sickening smoke and giving a igt the coor of the Cp n on
00m o tnianScott throtugit a smoked gass? If so, use otr Red Star Oil, and
G ~ NG R' tustrouibles wiii vanisi. It gives a white light, does not char te wick, FOR MEN AND WOMEN.
emits no odor, and will tll bunt out of the latmp. Red Star Oil Se pr gal.,j
(1 E I Water White Head LigttOil6c per gal., 74'smtokeless GasolieS8c per gal.
(1 O:EFA.N & COMPA.NY- We are prepared to furnish (ps
44 Sot anSre.atdh(oss-is of te highest quality
Southsse Mainde troStreet.intr -to Universities, Colleges and Schools
ofAltio-,-l and Rs rateneroPiate NIESiiNOE.suiotrwQuzSceul. throughout the United States, at
iosrifcl .as ot ienaleyos dagcer.f mriati NVRIYNTS uirLwQi ootl. surprisingly low prices. Self meas-
-itrelasslessoas greleonuryedots ehfesnariluremenestforms, containing ali nec-
reiostedi. 0ffc ai te Aadesi, ground tri.ile-lt ettist to't55 Clii divisiiittotiCqiitlo eeiottoItinte-essary instructions to secure per-
ilo~r, ii Diosard s. tidaty atill otorow. juior hiss-cltss lies affetototay'. feetly fitting garments witout
FLA FNS 1.0. The jlior ltwssswiltl be quizzeonThlt oursbofrciti onItowusstan s visiting the store, will be forwarded
FLG PN f$.0 orts this wek by Istuteor Huhlges. follows: upon request.
Te- tmlemes uofte fresmtatn foo- Qttizcs5 announcitiel fr heil a :I
Yellow and Blue But- bll te-ami has-i-tiurhlasi-il ilass sseat- Ioomt 12. Secut in ait 0o'ltici. RIDONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS
tons 60c.
With U. of M0. or the iiS' Stti ibst 11 ouclok;is toit -, ediferet -idts, at mfoerat-
yea 7I.ltstrucitir IDiyer wviqizttIPyer75.Scioi:3b it I1 ocloe; lRoom u4 prices.
-A- jollitr hlt'ssoiiStplutiililtliding tis Se-ish 4a lt 10i'cocS-tt illora bid e&1lthe
WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler,seels.at hi olou-i.
PtfIBarbour, of lii Sili Nittital. CQuizs ttnnlolnciiifr liii sit :lurii iii iHS
3 0 deitsre i t Cod isteresing ridit pioit 12, at10 toi'uclok,. 5h itat 11iolm ITe largest exlsively Dry Goocs
3 O A L bli.taddeslt Nisterry Huillyestr- 4, 1 t a 1, U t 11. House in America.
da loninug. Qizes liliillted foliii V idlci 1ii ii E~VLR
ORDERI Y0U11COAL 01P tiiil. A. t, eltllglliti sill rlldia lRssli12, 2 tit10. 21ist 11;ioiti~m OO E 4.EMO
AJSTAE+'LE R. Palpr ott"Ch'Fltirst Missioalry o f itat 10. lb at 11 6 S. Main St., and State st., cor-
OFIE 1W.Waotingon st.'Phone No.8 Amiericatefore ti S. C. A. niCxt (Osics tttmsil for ttiurisulty: ne of William st., have a
YRSAlC.RR.'Phone No. 51. Sudam orny in~lig.1001124ta1.41st1;tiiii4 complete stock of
NQRS. N 11E WARD FOTER'S ilaCtoe will lie slmalilto telier i ( uizes tallnouncd fill-Frily: hiRo ~JNI~DIY I~ OK
School of Dancing and Dlsarte. lecture inthli S. IL. A. totrs this yttt, 12, Ia at 1,1It at 11; Roo 1 I.
Saturday, 10 a. m., Gentleabeinners class and it is ptobablietatthett course itb t1.ewadSc dHn.
Saturday, 4 p. m., Lads- beginnesscass. wl,' ecoedb in.JhTl' ~n
londaytIll p. in., A~s-tced Class(Ltadtes ilh loi yIli.T111h.l~n 1e sectionsitt Aso iot uraets Nte Boots and other Students Sppieu
Tusad Ge0p.o.,hewe nesola. La is, prlwsill iecite at ite(-same otirs at sohich ble Statosery, Sporting Goods, etc whchut
Cawdaytlemep.n). elnr las Jude osephitWalsh ,ofPot. uroon,. tIe-i. Snitisits in lBlacksdtonie oeroili-rs.they ffer at the Lowest Prices.
Prhvats lessons by appointment, osas appontedl afoss- days ago to te
SOHOOLs. 46 S. STATE ST. offten f inspector geeral ofltheAl.N Senior Law Meeting,
Call and see us before purchasing.
3E 7 STOOK OFr (G., by Gos.John . Rich. (lou. Walsh The setior laws-stld te class uet- ____________________
s an Old tJ. of 1. basebitll payer, o- iig Saturday moniing to elet thitit
eupylg te catchers positon behind maimni class offhcerstaut to dsose - SPALI NG'S
thio plate mi toe first Cornell game of smiscellaneous busiiess.i
S Waedin etoit Fr-heofpast two F ite office oTbvalsitherinesir.INTERCOLLEGIATE
urncomupany. of Ohio, Mr. Iays nominateir. Mi.01 - SWEATER.
t. Sulitan of Califonia,ad sill
Enrollment Inraing. Keu ldM.IN tsIs of l yeotherSeater nade ad s supeio
in thle latest styles at thue worpled. Made frowDavthis
T iche iit Oi t hsMcia i ioualou M-Drl finest and softest ustre.lian wtun,iand knit.
and s ned ecluivey last -ear by nearly
sateld ofco Stra sas fMlows-: ham Ows aelected oi Che 'first btlloht, dttheudcoee efubul1elt ees.Iiswhit,
h .eehnio. S Lteraty. department 1,47, ledial receiving 72 votes, Air. Suivisant c- savy and blaci
00.8 lw b4, phiarmacy 7, ihomeop ceiving 5 votes and Mir. Davis 12 PRICE, $7.00.
th 10.,sdenal 15. Ths is a total Messrs. Sellng of Michigaun, and padings Banon al ad Tennis Spplis
University Booksellers. enrollment of 2,7S3, at incras of 56 Ferrier of ossa, were placed in noe- are recognied leader. Eerytiing requisite
sinc tin holdays Thefor ths gaes
sneteuohasTtogratet in- inaion for historian.t.sr. Ferier was Spldings Trade ric on what yu poe-
YMNASUM SUTSI cease since the beginnng of tie year elcted on the second ballot by a vto chase tooI guarantee that the goods ass the
S !II~IM SIT, haa been in Cle laos- depatmnt of 71 o 1. Messrs. Ottmar of Mich -bet
wihshows aniincrease of 4 t- igan, Ludloow of California, and Day A. G. SPALDING & BROS.
GYMNASIU SHOES.dents sice this years enrollment an ton of Texa, wo-re nominated for hie w on-PIA~pl
first announced, office of prophet. Msr Dayton recei- --. -T---,-,-v\
Couel' posecslorig a majority of votes cast, was de . 2.WVE.LDi~
BEST LIN N P PER Corell' prspets itea good bset- cared elected.
13 ST LI EN PA ERbal team os-re never brghter tian The report oni class memorial was TH FLAfINGI AIL
in the city at t present. The wh-ole of last year's nextprsneaddotdwhal [T
team is back wh thCle exception of thu recommendations and tho commit-
15c and 20c Per Pound. two out-fielders and Cle catcher, while too was autorzetd to act uti all Has the newest Fall and Winter
there is a strong probablty that arrangements are completed, The el- oln n agetsoki h
FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Priest, who lian re-entered Cornell this Wcoostoadtholeranaetob sct. o and aget soa nteec
gndOF ANN83 ARBOR term will be able to pitch again this in by Feb. 1. tion you are looking for.
caial, $100,o15Surplus and Pet,8055 pig sacleepthrPis
Transacts a general banking igPoisusness O. hsalpin.Aapuatincleescnd only to pthrCsterres Dr. James L. High began the seres AW-COME AND SEE US.
Fosigs echanges bought andsol. Furnish and ho, will doubtless assst his team of lectures on Injunctions to the p. g.
lettiesof credit...t ayavco
I?. SAC, Prs. S W. CLARKSON, Cashier omn avcoy should he play, laws this mornlg,. 2 E. Wsingto t., near Main t.

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