THE U. OF R. DAIL. GH G R(E T~L The Senior Lit Social. NOTICES. RWIAN LA. ~J HI AN ~ I Stdeits intending to elect lhe Time Table (Revised) Nov. 18, 1894. naertnewt h eir lht thr'wl eli llirt tIc~lgCorse in the Latin texts of the EAST. IVEST. class expressed il lass imeting, tie' of the tDaly oard Satelrday evening IonnL~" 1," . s A A oanLt"(Latin a), are reqesel Mail and Es 1 55 Mail -~ senior' social olniittee ihs decided 1(o at 730 o'clock. Evey mmer ti gvshi ae 155011 151 N. . Secal.- 15N.Y. pit.70 offer cs-ry possihle preference and aid- earnestly reqe(sted to be: lprellut. i oPo.Kle rryit 0111 Eastern Es-is..10 a5 N. b.aItonProe. Kelsey or m_______sothat A. M. Pacific Ex.._-.12 15 Vaintageto 10silos iii thi( social 011 tlt'aSfiintnme fbok uyh Atlantic Es.-7 47 =M1thr n veyefoti eigptTEXAS- MXICO AND CALIFiRNIA asiiin snhro ok oylt Dt N. Epres. -a50 Westera Es.. 2 1 t;ad'v -ot s1' 10 set-srei for the one of the class. 'lb' 6. I.Ex press --11 55 Chi, Nt. Ex-1 25 forth tostake this onhot'l te imos' GREx - a..3_. 5lls of the coise is to make te t' 0 ~ 5 . . IsooL , f. NV. HAS, pl setsant events ofth li'Senior ytar. THE WABASH tRALRlOAtD. detfaiiirwhtitisoy ti 1. . & T. At.. Chicago. Agt. Ann Aibor. 'thei' will be' o literary iprogril. lsitl In connection awithi the St. 7?"oIr.,tesets miawttohle hitryland (lieSie fioii 7:45 to :45 swill bet'e-It'ron lonitaisi & Sothernialiway, and to gve hisi a vocabulary of its T. , A. A. & N. M. RY'. dotedl tosostiial nttrainsitn. tan- Texasi & Pacific Railway, ntci~to-tiiitlternsaWie ttititt S-l T aking iii iiay a.119. inig will follow. Te'li niisis ocshestras al &Grat Northern Railroad, 1and be idirectedl chiely tothe oec t ca I rune veAnn Arbor ins tents-lnt 0a noty ,.,dme. illfirnishi tittsit. ;~il light uftti--Southern tacilc Railway, knossn ias tr, oplortnity isiel hi gOn list- oaTU" se(tian. ~tits will lit' strvt'il. the "Only True Sothern RIote," ha 1 atni*:5a.m ents 15110imay so desire, to mkittii '12:25. so. iab3 am Th f l 'XIS wtSsill bi pa10i, not tb' placred ill service a throghi ist l-ss 1Special stdy of the ILatinity ott l(' 415 p. s. 900p. m.SIcastis aas stattdbut ty lt' sale' sleeping car aid totrist seping allttle f(otsIt fJsiias 'lt'rainsnrunbetoeeii Ain Arboc nd Toledo Itttt fGll n fJitl al :iiiin.soilf liclo Is, whit-l tmay iowv In' lrectlr-leaving Chicago daily at 0:50C i. '. 7,.ME vol-:ll. R. S. GRESY 011,N G ,A eit d if hr ilantcttisiiiniltce sortf thia'l St. Toiiinto tLittle 1ok Ilioik.I.,ENTTG .A.Tldoo ouut5laJdiniyte n-(Io pinsA:'r-,SnAtolo Avrie l heDiy ustisl infecets takes ini this affai' by Laretdo (where a tdirect connectinis- ANN ARBOR 8& YPSILANTI ST, RY. it hsi iii t'bitt htSi'md sil hog ieig--- - Tne Table, October 7, 1894. clit'l tttit''IsIlltasil-ka d-Se ~~ fSe 5 A Leave Ypsilanti from fongresa st., 7:00 9:001 -__ Angeles and San Irancso ThIsi ant1i.a m.;i12:45,2,5:01:4, 9tt:W and l~itt.ttii fI 35Iwrt 0ai ice ieto m11:5i03 ;1:4.21,30, :5:5oi At the Grand Opera Jan. 14. the only lne from Chicago sviiit'ican _1- } _.- L xtoE---r uttin 364:30ad LevIii ro nitii, -it offer this excellent service. G1.1 A <:omn:t1.felirtwiet igkehten, f WN,- HOT SPRINGS, ARK., i ri fl as UNDAY TIMIE -iliiiniuateti cabolos:'and pr tifl'l aho oietn ie o ille Liave Ypsilanti from tCongres'slt..l::, :Atbs rcnetn ie o rne 500,0:380 and 0:0 p. mn.svorking esoilt'.a, iiagiiiiilt'it sct'ii' tf matter showing time, roate, rat' stdes-f Leave Ann Arbor Junc(tton, 2:00,4:00,5:0, Nta TEaXASonlgt ih1e1Ip n 7o ~n ,r i cito fcoseco Crs ran on city time. Paie: singe tip5 allmit. !is seen ftom ipn st'isi triire. !LO ANGENEL(ES , 3 ents; rond tripl tickets 25 cents. CNCAE IP e ,A .. WM. I.l'ARKER, Sap 'ile fl ight f It' F fst .ttili llitiSt. Louis, lo. -A - ANtcoss's lii:'o igt oait(I i:'tli~ i o 51 1. N. . ALMER, Asst. G 1AP. 0, SAN FRANCISCO. FLO'WERS5,FLOWERS slt s tll hout, ant i a e'l;ti ' t.liit 235 lr ,Ciao Iai aionaSepn FrEvryhiig ad Fserybdy Itoit rate ant .u1exIII:)titnonr t' 31 Miss- - es lea 9USIRS &HALL, FlrIl ~a 6 S.iniversity a~e, s'.pi arealion ~li iuo'11151:iv s:" Dsa Current Topics in the Schools. ICar Line. ep ndnemichialiala i-~fe t, shoits-nin TIhe li,'sugeslitn that. eey t:'tlit'i,! ees ttls .1.('liter' seSc eip'rliodctioni,wsvtel in iicity.Iillt"o'r ilstrict THE WABASH k1'3 RON MOUNTAIN RYS. f t li'I-l. a ~il" t'Alit I:llll'ischstool sold Stris otiterst hisHaee f te(-nOprdo=u OfN" initav nHIA Tugae aewDilLnef Clover Leaf -':-itp. ills miitltnstil cuf rrn Iit tohCds FI-tST CLASS SLEEPERSfrn BUIESLCL. obet of schol intrctonli ~ CIAO T LAREDO, TEXAS, R oute i 'olees insetd i thit coin s ittthe rate ltively to tarry theipuisthr ioughi Via Litle Rock. Malvern, Teana, - Ol l- of., cests per ]frl. Special rte for longer so snasany text-books 011 so50 ii iiif(i- ctine, Astin sd Son Antonio. Pas'sessgers I ttheDUr. an exra ies .1 itl' yoplgftrent sbjts, btt so t guile their for Ilot Springs have ony one change of car. i growke i hidte'rlto '' i5ing ind sitsisto develop the est (ta lP-en 9:30 a. s. net dy). arrivisig St.Lties&eeKansasnCtye1Toled, 11'ttrilgad' lii ~totllihthtni soirhot.'' ~at Sot sprig at 11:10a it. .Sinoi',tie St. Lois & ansasCity R 11., Fornlor~ig andeveni Detrot wanoosi nd wotnhoodonoga- qsleepingo carlee lineca betnss-eeiti The Clover Leaf Rtoute, "Fast ilpapers go to '. Stoillt's 12 N. Sltis conipishl these re(suls, he 1acher Chicago and SMalver. Also daily hune or Line fo St LoisMo. anI te 'St. or S'tiull Meycis, 2 S. State ,,4, muast go outsidethe Shntxt-boots, insst Turist Sleepers, leaving Chicago oii smei West and Southwest eaves To- S'fAII' OOLECTIONS. pit life isto his teaching, aendsmust train, throgh to San Francisco vi o. ledo~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Ne Unoweo tah.r. Scsant to biy stampil ollcioiis cnnet the school work withs thin life Angrles, Cal. daily, arrives New UsnioiiStatios anad sill tpayacrashifor tie 5staic oSandthoustght ot-Sli' cay, es'pecialy ir miaps.ticts and cll ifrmaion, (the largest in this word), St. r eceipt if price askdi is satisfactory.- thit broader thought of tho- great out- apply to Louis early net umorning. ('olletions shioult Se stsibSy reins- si'orltia-doet but litle kiownto H GREEN J ~ ElE~ teed mmiitic express Iith leter iDanal- the 1551p5ls Sute schools, 'Iie fisst 'J.HLEAN CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR Ing pricenmitlor seprtate covet- 'c. eqleiuisiti for thi successfti stSdy01' lliga ass t.-. gt. 'ria. Ciss. A asid Michigans Central lines at send supe~rior aiprovalmst sto re c- curr-enttoics iii hs' srolth is a-R Tohedo Spomsibl tt ieits. tacher hoitsi hiiist'lf in sympathy TICET OFICE:20ClrstCitAt. NV. .1J.tANKhIOCE &l('0). an iii icontat'thl sthe Ibest thought F. H. Tristram, P. E. Doibaugh, Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free KEalamnazoo. Suich, ofSl il-mv 'a'11T'he et requisite is at ten. Pass. AgA. ass. & Ticket Agt. asnd Vestibtled Sleepers with- All lhe eaing palter's anioltagi-ouucial that cantuliie.usetds a to-t- or. Ilkass, and Smith-.:37 Sadison S., miut change duies ctns Pt'hatd at F. Stollt's. 'lhereoto.; ossstha-t sil fuirnihlitheitruet field st,Pttsbrg a. 'Toedo ci. scsi icc-arcssre ts intS whatO yotu iwtsit. esaryca-ltortdof eents iss l tnn . L C. C' . JENKINS. 19N'EI12H130WCHEAP: lelt theeos,with a goosd ransge d Y X.DCL T Gesneial Passensger AgO., Toledo, 0 itrtils o F'lorita jst now.vsotuhlI-variety' of reatding. With such a loot-r f Sole agemt for l iigi he one oft thiosmost htlesan~t things Insol, thin eader utmis iitke thit'stdt.,fosite DIT St CH N, o lift', If ptarty of IS ass be se- tf c ucrt't topics of retnttie. CELEBRATED 'U. 03r 34. TILOZps+cst essticnvol&(imoeso ol ~ hnsloas ttt ims~ Laes Cre e s renoo e Glor nt nl o hescilatibu o in- 1 will arrasge ftr h5 days tri ini their self. -. weekly jourInl that faith-sLESySHR ltest }Vnd o "best stylhesncofssI e n add lsD ass P1 $:nea ."07waill pay cntire presents aliiisides tf eeryimotn wor ngaranteed Cening pressing and cost of jorney incudug italms, berths psubieiurstion, amis that admsiirably illitsattheCits boo(-., rpaleisig natly done andtrasphortatio. Whiy snot go? silts the riquirs-cnts ftr the study Ann Ashors Jan 15 45SSaeitSenjlnr n he is tdato'sst. Sedi iour of curettopits Si Si'nh the hoosi' Toeeishs-inmg o avail thsees onifa 22 Years mn the Busiiesss""*l nsuit. PusblcOpinion, published at Wssh- chance tOilsecure Ie {AAA L ave our ordetrs flordliei-rs- sf igoi, )' 2.50per yaal. A ITLeveL ('ucgo. a151rs at I-. tolh it'.solt' contribuioni of t-sicelnts apiece frmiiBEST SHIRT IN THE WORLD X. N. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. HII ENtC IBOAD NtsH IOtUSE ftr one year, or ive iellts aiece wllii should call. This is a brad statemeit,tut TAILORIG ! carefullyaselets its bill of fare o pay for it for six months. 'ie seekly w a rv tt n ihntivniae MERCHANT snc'~~~met the aants of Olin Student Life. issues can bse used as text-boos in N hvsgn kr rn ne u hs Cleasing, Pessing and epairing Its tdietary- is pretpared1 under the slp- t'retdisg classes, ntl if preserved sitn nn-on po hr raigudraon dne neatly by sntsgdsno raig dowi arondnil li AUG. SCHOENxEWALD,- 26E. Wahington setvsiom of a Specially Trained Cook and bouniil they male .a Valuabe ad-I collar ande is always Fresh, Wholesome and dition to or snuceus for ta shoo l li- EXCE1LSIOR + LAUNDRY ! Appetiing, Ishilefre from o ees' cly. Sendilfor Speciienscol,,. KS Ni S) Ei HIC3-G-& R iT :0 MW 20 EAST IHURON STREET. Stimlulatinig foods ant.ir0ritating dico TLdSsnlvdokgel, StdnsRceaih ed and Work IGaranteed. Gods-o led fs i a fotrvar tOtsttching with ve c lak button..denFindertiuarters. anid delivered. A. X. COVERCT. P'rnp. dients. A thoroughtrloftea-rd tchntit edutnsFnr latr. ioun Helath Foods wshich are included lave at stewari's ofice. Nso.3N iAtain Street. ARNE ARBSOR in its mens wlii prove their merits STEAM DYfE 'WORKS. for brainIsorkers. BohLs adies and] It is probable that the dae of Presi- wc. R. 717x1 m, Ladies' and Gents' Clothing Cleaned Genteenare ordially ireceied. N. dent Talmag's lecture in the S.L. A. FIRST CLASS CUSTOM IAILRIN. r Dyed. 11 Maynard st..-nextto Sehool of cor'se Will teilisiged foil 'eb c "reraf! tate and William sts. $ W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. Music o FSep. 1.1.,, . :'lhmaw . entrance.