T-HE U. OF M. DAILY. . =&Llr POU~N TE ANN ARBOR SAYINGS BMNSUITmS. o~nl~nc f niceiypecrfunedtoiettsa p for Aee Arbor, Dich.Capital Stoik, $BANK0 GY k' ~ loC Bo stoe I 1 Surplus, Sli. #Tk '~~KNT ~ Organized under the General B=anking Laws _______ I ~ ofatthin State. Ieceiven deposits, hays and i'ss'isii 1sells exchange en the principal cities nf the E'. Washington St. HeadquartersfoI COLGATE'SCOSALTIESAP idnfcao. Safety deposit hos t e t eevdasml ll Crveiytiirg a Student needs in the AI, OHrrimcFnTEos: -PChristian Mc(P'has. . ochof G4{ mnasfinSuits. 'hs lieifarx-Bosrtamaernad, Vice-Pres.sE. Iisc'I-Is'sl lies etBos ttoeyan Colgae's Oatmeral Soap, Caskier; l.J. Prier Assistant Cashier. xillistrilaneous Stock in general. t10ggate'lycerine Soapia, gTN R3RNAM ooods are manufactured by the MARTIN SCHA.LLER, tolgate' s AHenys Soap, OemnWelC.maeso " Q j! Colgate's Dermal Shin Soap, all iL a caike STEAM LAUNDRY.CO. vra he otaeso THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLERI orPcahe- foreL5i t 11g. OGlss and Domestic.Fionih. Victor Cycles, which is sufficient 19 -E Washington st.,our block MUMMERY'S NEW DRUG STORE, .S.SRMage, guarantee as to their quality. eas ci Plin t. ss s1218'i SOUTHkte t FOURTH AVENUE. We sell them for less tihan what ________________ DROP IN AND LOOK AT THE HITLY XERCSER ~ afe you hlave to pay for inferior Luc t inieom. Na. 1 . goodis. See them before you buly. nasians for exercisiss" thoroughly allthe r rin's rieglAht- ha, isf nd Cty-OficeBeidin.Open taii cls t stnoiseies".s, slfadjustingre sstaece of frees 2 toWI ssii'slolss prscdby the hiss. russid ttesr fthesseyears.Allatsr ar-u IEL[' ~[EPrIU ra'tdgftorte ftwo esCll aaylouets.11Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Props.il clniallsA5AW Annmi rbor.a ( sivemteeeerlii tie7le.Dty. I liW. Washinigtosn at. TE'; ______AOVLTI__ C psan G(owns a'RN RS1 th Robes' . FOR MEN AND WOMEN. SCHOOL DANCING, 7 h~~~Tie fanmous Star & CrrscentnBathoRobreaenwmdinllte1 WeaepprdtofnshCs SCHOOLG OFLDANCING.IFE and Gowvns of the highest quality Alii aseon srs undss tie. persnasinstrucLIGCOLG TRP tniversities, CleesadSchools Qus( ssdMs i'- ~rs~fsIiaa t Oality superb. Mode under our'"Fast _ - ' . throughsout the United States, at siol, usc. endIss. oss nGr aneof erit Pile"patent. Price, infineccotton herry TZsurprisingly low prices. Self nmess- requsd.fficHlse at else Academy, ground $7; in flue wool terry, Flo. Delivered urement forms, containing all nec- ttso.551,ssa d.t "G cfree. Returnable if unsatisfactory.sayiisrciostoscrepr ,________aynard __________ not found at your dealers', scud to us- fectly fitting garments without 3 ~mention ingcollege anenciosing price.. visiting the store, will hse fora-arded F LAG PINS $1,50, STAlR & CRESCENT MIMLS CO., Phsilada., Pa . upon request. Yello andBlueBut'RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS tans 60c. Ar~' T'T 1\IT PDLIEA.SE . With U. of M. or thej ' 1.--"-di 1-~'tfterent widths, at moderate year 75c. Ase vou annoy'ed hi 'your lamp wisicks clisreti? By youtrilamps fillig prices. --gym--- the house with assickesning smoke and giving a lighst the color of the- 'Wm. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. moon when seen through as smoked glass? If so, use our IRed Star Oil, atid Strawbri dge & Clothier _________________________thus troubles will vanish. It gives to white lighst, does not char the wick, PHILADELPHIA. emtUoooadwl l br u ftelm.RdStrOl8Ve a. h ater White Head Light Oil, 6ie per gal., 74'ssmokeless 0.tasoline Sc per gal. 'rise isargest excilusively D~ry (oods 44 ]D331=7 PN & COM E'Pfl Y. os nAeia 44mE South Main Street. HueiiAeia ORDER YXOUR COAL 0f- MJOORE & WETMORE M_ .STsAEBL M8R,. UNIVERSITY NOTES. 'Te subject ofRelsv. Ceislot ssdie- 5.lanSadStestor e0rrices 11 55'Waslingiosot., 'Phone No.8 I 'isrt t ,li 6r'C'erss itet SireofM inamdStest., ave 'YARSnsM. C. R. R., 'PhoneeNo.51.1cosea th Prsyeinejc DrfWlims.,ava lie. M i~iess, fromeesis ArgesititC ettieUSuinsdty smorning w-ill Ce "'liie complete stock of MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S Repuhblihsa etered Clt'elental tic- lark of iReasonl its eonnteciosnwith UjNJyI5RJ1(I[ T BOOKS Schooi of Dancing and Delsarte. ?paitment. levelation." Satarday, 10 a. m., Gesteman beginners class. .I.'stt t4le sssis'o ie Telde o lect sissiii New and Second Hand. Satarday,4 p. in., Lady beginesers class. CGleoectlub, is studigmsc n'waragmnstotk cmpeecag Monday, 7:30 p. ms., Advaneced Cl ass (Ladies' 'u teseisNwirueeesot tkiclsiC-ela'eNote Books and ether Students' Stupplie Tamdayenlmen. elsnrm CasLais ork city. of one dlay's editissesof1 011e sf our Fine Stationery, Sporting Goods, etc, wisiie PiaGtelemen)yapsme. Lawrence-Im..(libbs, of teeS 'iver- dailies itt a fee' 'weeks to colie' . 'rlwe they offer st the Lowest Pr'ices. SCHOOL,. 46 S. STATE ST. sity of Missouri, 'iitied thse lasw'de- intend to g'Cisthesulic soms'etig IT V T O F partm'ent yesteraty. interesting. Call and see us before purchasing. Sweaters in the latest styles at Sheehan & Co.'s University Booksellers. GYMNASIUM SUITS, GYMNASIUM SHOES. BEST LINEN PAPER in the city at thc and 20c Per Pound. FIRST NATION.AL BANS. OF ANN ARBOR. Organized 1553. Capital, $100,000. Sarplus and Profits, 540,000. Trasnacts a general banking business. lFcrelg' exchanges heught andould. Furnish Ietern nf credit. P. BACB, Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. omny, Bacteriology anti Qualitative Chemistry wisill lesgin prssctieal work tolay. Mseiorial s'xe.rcises in lmiery of the late Mrs. (Gayley-Btrowsne swill hot held under te auspice's of the 'to- man's League at dewsbCerry hstll nexl Sunday-. Fee'. Bradlsheasw wilsp~eak before the young men's club of Ctoe congre- gational church Sunday night on 'Swear not aC all" A fine musical programss sill also bec give'n. All are invited. M1r. Hall illviiieIThis classes in freshman mathematics a wsritten quiz Tuesday of next weepk, on all thI Algebra passed over up to mhat time. After this examination the classes will Cake up factoring. A rush is being made in practice court wsork. Law arguments Bud hearing upon the pleadings nre being heard daily, the former by tiledfifer- out professors of the faculty and the latter by Prof. ,Bugle. P'ro.Isaac' '. lDe'sinieon tels. gottess out t syllabus of to coors" of sit lec- tures on English L~iteraoture. This syl- labues is invsaluoable for those wshling to sake studies of te subjects tretos of. The analysis of "Parsadise' Iost" is especially goodl. On ieumit of his wsork Plrof. Staley has found it etecessary to postpone his lecture before te University Bible' =Class of te APt. .church. AIr. (Geo. E. Dawsson xwill begin his series of four lectures on "The Problems of Tomptation as Treated in Literatuse." His particular topic for next Sunday is "The Book of Job." During thoe following Sundays he will rest "Mae- beth" aond "Goethe's Faust." President Eliot, of tHarvard, IcefI Saturday for a. four enmoths trip in England. The faculty committec of the L'ni- vorsity of Pennsylvania has decided that no student can take part in more than one branch of athletics,, except under special circumstances as to class standing. 7, SPALDING'S E INTERCOLLEGIATE SWEATER. It is tse test Swea ter m.ado and is superior to asny othser octhCie market. Maode from Che finest and softest Australiacn wool, leased knit. ansd was used-exclasis'ety last year by nearly all the college footbasll elevens. Int s-ite. stavy toed lack, PRICE. $7.00. Spalding's nase Balisod Tensnis Supplies are recogsnized leaders. Everythting reqaisite for thu games. Spalding's Trade Mark osn what yoa per- ch ane a guars'astee that thse goads are thes best. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. NEW b'ossc. PALAnELPHIA. CHICAGO. G-. I. WILD IDE LEADING TAILOR Has thee newest Fall and Winter Woolens and largest stock in the city. You can get any selec- tion you are looking for. AW COME AND SEE US. j 2 E. Washington st., nsar Maitn st.