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January 10, 1895 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-01-10

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MIHIGAN "'' A At the Grand Opera House. BUSINESSLOCALS
Timse lahit (eisedl N i is, 1514 511Mis tda ISIC is litiiilsailtolof 1r-[Notice- olsettil tlolmatIi, t
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lsaesteeo Es----1(125 !N. S. Lci di e 2-kt i to Plritl t n olGH O
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1.lt i:. Eseecos 1itll 1155-lees .11 1


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lislit Untioti IDepot ait ;- It to.
dlaily, arriveas Noss IUtiotn Statioti
thle largest ill Itle sworld) SC.
Li s catrly tewt morlnin1g.
2111( ieiit i Centl linet- it
Bnfet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Fret
111151 Vestiuiled Sleepors so it-
(ctetal Passenlger Agt, Toletdo, )
kill' AR THE 11EST./
-CICARETTE SMOKERS tio arc wt i11- tII
1110 to Ipis a litle mooe liha lie pric11
chlaredfor lte toedinary lirade C igarettes,
Th ichmond Straight Cut No. I
e froni t e tiie1 belliteat. lust delitate
ilore a111 hilghest cot GOLD LEAF
THIlSil BReioANDspro olote
11ise itame of lie manuitreres 110
tlais oii eseey has tago
1t ANC" itibe for the Daily.

i altt. Jill t S.(.lX(i- II 1' aind ... i-hljctig est duti-
Stit 1111 18 Iiif.f earsti- u Si (slls Slt. 15sti Noe xs., Srrstilass iAtandAfirst ll
ui 11111 t I ttu i i luitss \-sti l lucy'I.'n[ I-1; A5WorkA 2 Y ar in tho Buscin ess tn
Ne it l Bal. 205 (at f li-z i
St.7.t l-3I. S . tae t-, iccai --lE _.L_ At__r
Iot. .lnl; 1 It,- 1:(i 11A COLLEGE TOWN PULPIT., IY LVDY
l'lr.l (1it 17.-Seitti stilt 1< I(MONTHCLY) * M. lI..SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave.
e -it~ . lau. l17-( 5 (thu (lassmll st-iA T AIL RIGi
li i~i~e tltt15Series of 1894-95.l iii tus 1essisg isdORHiiruin,
______doss nsatlytty
Shn ~ti.21 lt- tti-l it~iI fSEPT.-The Soul's Cry foe God. AOL..SC 010 Su>WALD, 0'10 MasIizt'I.
Dletroit. wi-i !0 10lt i- ii hty (lull"
((,t1 Sr. IOCT-Josus as Humanity's Ideal. EXCELSIOR f LAUNDRY -
i- ri.,.,1 :. It - .111 utitue 0 ,,-iss i i ptNOV.-Secetrianisus: Its Evils, Causes .711 EASTr IIsitJN ShtRET7'
isiiand Cure.uiGood NV i1it iGuarntild Goscl- led fur
lit- lullsrsle it at1listtuit ., 'sle at She11ehn',-i; aindtsiStoitlii. I STEAMVlDYE WORKS..
3 iii h lui list uxnntiliti huhili l htliitl I1\iT7IilL' T'l(ION ' A______________________________
atll'y u l itlutIy .1 I t:-1 tet c if! ttothiu sbfras. DlC'IOiNAI? Tatti
:.'1. min ii ihIilin--. Coverietto or. ____________ MISS H tteLong,
(Iciu~tat- huli eli tllsli lii-A Dictionar. lt ! Guitar, Mandolin -and, .Banjo,
English,6c1 Siller lice., AniiiArbuir, Sieli.
rsdic ofASeIsrelctI all LI3 SVuuoli - E IGeogratphy, __________________________
:>) i).11. It- .Pi-isitt os-ill Jgir( 1111AGad#ades(i ol bllcllbrtre ntct1p , AbraCstodfEtheaTimes Students Recreation Head-
otiii utssli ii(trli~y tu-A Library ionIseit quarters.
A ---.o. NcIN.Slain Street
ill-l itoialiti s Inels cxiiltO to Ion. D. J. Oreivsse>
' dil iu-ittionis hreb extndedtoluisticeof ef
all sudens il fli gr'liiat, seilolSupem out., wit : tsgPERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS
oil~~~~~~~~~~ cftitl i tcgusof-stolsirommSn itoail ..xie
wi111Ct ll ttuctnhirs of iifaculy 01051 The One Great StandardAitthority to nSWacehes, JIsIYlry,lDiaoionds anid elatt ("
Iticr - oSSed b -~ mortgages as colteral. Diamods bouglil
.i 1:PtIITEISC( titItl3ITA; LCO.,Ss~xx.eu tuust t .ta and sold. S'teies and Jewelry nslet so-
lI. aleby ll Bokslle s i1t> it f1', Paireid. Office at my residesce, 331 E. Libeosy
F :l tussfortu opec~tus. t,,cidty. los tio liam.,1 o 3land 9 ~o~.s
cf^l)eot bp epritsof axeic rsl;dct. a P" m.
Advertise to1 Cbe Daily-,. J. C. WATTS.

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