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Vol, V.r\No. (6l9.
Ilc 1.TinaoEiC GlIN TS.
Mr. Brooks More Than Sustained T 1h(= prn-a'n. capacity of til baths at Has Been Permanently Established.
His Reputation in Last Night's th gyv. 14 Ilxbemor'e110Ihillobled to Will Begin July 8th. Li 's to) learnll 1itllitlt [1001s..
Program. -Many Clever 1Imee 11lie ''quirementoos. t A 44'trall ''41111''44-40 (11 111 Sonm e oGple tlilotliitry to 0use
Poems Introduce d. OTheoi('l I ifltschooll(will hiii littl
showor w410444 1illibeI nlt li 111he11000114 ilathf, iti:'01111110141 1411411(1 lit' tiii- 0' liiil11111'
li'rooks 1a1t:1 lighlt wasiS14leohet of its wiiiie1 equippedi ooi t 41 440011 44 ll 1 h111114441 fii 1 400 4inie aliuilit44,11'1he 111'nct e Say Boy v,]h oseW ic ae l n
101111 giVill ill I ltv4'roilv 11,iii willil r dsol 0 e114 bathsg' 11114. ''ll)' 44 lock4'44( of 11 ( l.'11 ,1s0i.e1101000 and11 he 1 t I. er(o0111 (tiay s-1dlt+ileI Ien tarie e ri r x ece es ll in:kiiit
,it* Mri. tiroo4ks 4111114 11414' liglillv (lilily. 114'll lii 144'i140 i s soon4a4,0ca011 school.40111.441.
re'eo111114'n414 1. b1t111 ilii e14 ot oi'dd l 144ssi141. '114' 4440441 1440114iu 44 554441 4 1114
-- 51 South Main st.
4114 111 '01111.;11 41144 441 11144of 44is 14ienc14 j Graduate Clu . 41(44441 will login 1144111 41 1114 44 ____8,
Iris 11141441 cXp io4ill 111141 his 411104e 'Ifllinst1u4111o114il11114 41111 11li1re1h1114
141041. 114 slI-in4 ((VI'tie 11 lcts-a- (.. 144410000atvn1 4144k fur 111at 1period, orthr111111 - 1 44 BOARI NG HO IIUSEL
I t:ll ;E (110 ' M olllghI 11441felin1g,1114n111 411sou11s. ''uition1l 111044will 144.r, 14 441o 4'w, course4-1 1o141 4111014 414114
1110ot w''iil111(14 1111 001i-l n il4141 41 il -i' al 4:d(11105 144('410444oil(14 Iy 14'41114' 4014 f ll S(!11,l'Itll of fae t lo ee th
44441114' ('11(41111141 11l1excellnt4il1some h11l'44 IaxIr14 1' ; of -( 44 aie b he sfe- , sia f1'F'IIlY F 'Ia'li NE.It(110ie14114
44 14 4411 151at 41ys 41 Epa , e r tOe Superi so
('414(1h(.wa poba ly th olb'thrt lssnsoioe ou al1 i l i s c il( 404(40l(til of (0fle'a 1410
dents ill'I04the 4-111 411(1 inel schogol. to111111141ts1m(. FOODS'404arer'included i'n1
sneoflon '11(1 -w i -l-44a t. 11(4' 111 4(11104 If141 f (lo 141 ~l 'I' ]l 111 1110 l(l~lly.I'11Ii l 41114111'n5 d i~y '(1 -ll. rvter mrt o
41111 141' - o01(1eLfacility ,m(1 I()4;litItI4(('train wor('((4--
11ie s1h11ed41 xepi' 1414111 11141111y. I114'lot41 --(If 1114-literary- ' Ilo l4 lell alld11(4c(r(011it o. 11 Maynard St., INext to School
dilly1' ol1(441 the114-b1o-0441' f I 1(1'Volil1'l44 Grand Rapids Alumni. 41ill 144' -h-ll114o 'I'glila ll(0 11110(411of Music.
fi O li( l4'l's5. b14414 il1 4114 411 04 'l't nt1(E141a (o d l- o pe c ie 'tl5 ---
- t 4114 ld ai dsl(1 has1140a11 Ah1i4lwl(i 4; 4(41441'114 14I'il( 1og o II4'40'iIIl141144 ,lV
- (tI I ( 111on 11 411ith 1 a 441 1 ~ r il '' 44444-'r 11 l'I41 1 ( 41111( 1 4(14(4 1.4 4i I x O444 (4
lII.4t111'4' anti1(114 tore4114-44411(4(4lie- :t 100. 'Th- follollillg (41of-th-("4 i4.4 4.. e11loll~g 1(e-I fltll y1 those1( special(1.114 41(o LOWN = S'yi5 CHOCOLATES
I (II 4110111(014 141444 l pi(.' I s '111 1 114'O-l'd4(114 111: 1 ind", 1111it 140104501110(14t 411 11-1 rm t(4114410 11-.175744i~l(I lIA AT
.144'~~~~ ~~~ 1114 1)01 414 11111 444 l'l 0il'or(the 11. 1 il g 44 11'- -- ilIo-4s 111''.1l'l '4tll10. T ITES
11144t.i lan- rttuall eI . l'lilac.441' tolae 11 s1cc itiArtis1c(ztic PhAL, otos
11 b 441.'''h411-' 1 4 1111 trea . . B1 . I it .. ' .,l. "1 444o4, 114
ful11101i41 (11 1- 'eoit olll ws ilgos ,214 1a441.11 .1.llll thati,1(111- nte ig it Gymntict oss he
ResyGesta1Board. N144041(I 1 ll I11114 aEW Iproed a reYSo
MeItie"1111ery:;1(1'etth10114111 r ifo i gai ' 414w i'll soon ibe 'lnl ''4 114(ot. 1.'4ali~iaS. 14(
' (Od todo rsotle e 10111111' 111 1 E am,('I' ('111444.44-41. - l-lt sll 114-le 41ma 1d 141 MatfTISec. A I
I li((rllss s ll- illd4br1esbor'thel1('li n , 1sta ssan ;W . W heel' - 15 l(541 114' 114 (41 4 (11 11
. lan14 gill' ('1411o )O.11 tulsislllllgi' (IfPROPIETORO11TH
Vetera -wihoilw1104'in.i and 1-0o1aft 14r- 0111. T-eGood Pn, New l ;dixt
011ti vlan 11111eiedll-g iost' llnl lu4i (1141111l hii wll (('be 141 If hono 141- Croheher.lo' es noMi B.,An rooks
(Will's M 1%-tlls:ls 1, lllN t'I' l l 2: 1't ztl11l i
I . lj. l.,f OLIM'1 , :1-!' JUNN , Llit:i Ilt.'t:-11 1
'90 Ahead Again.
In splite of1110 c'har'ge'11111 by'he114
11egents of $10t), tilt'junior,,5 liigive
Lt class .0cta1 i11 lii' ylulilsitilioin
Friidaiy eveninig, Jan. 25, 18195. 'fie
110100 of 1ti1ket1s1has 110011 placed very
1OW,51' t.Wb aicoule, and40111lrealdy 11101
ar~e hoing spoken for. Tin' soiail is
10 no way a n opposition to the 19th
a000a1 ball. A list of t110se4'of Ivil
tickets may he bad wlil t' publishieid
in a day or tw10.
.Subcribe for the Daily.
of fttriiler . exeeedin ly fortunate ill falling heir
John D. I.oc:kfeller pivs ontecl Chi- to a nice little fortune. By this will
cn-o tiniv(,rsity with $17,000 as to of the ivell known Califoruia million-
NMecv Tar's, gill.
of o ver'y' graduatek4'si1101'1752. ''i
total hnmber 1 isaouit 26,0111.
Til total donatioiis to the t'li(4'0-
44111'of Chicago, hy'J.101111 1). cka~ll-
feller, amilounlts to $3,2091,000~.
T111'r400i111from thot' (liisti 1111t1r11
o~f thit'(orntell musica(lI clbs Will lbt
givet'o 10hit'navy to 111aill 5l'0cdin~
Il ew 01'to Itoglaiid.
141114Seliator 1'1110, het'is 10o04'0('l'0'
1h1 MC. 'otlloos -4414apintedl11'1onlii
of thit'folio 1Xeeuo(5oflt'e11111. '1h11s
41ill gilv' him 444 lucrive pos1041it ifr
coinditions of thit'l.ii. rato, (''0ii'1s-
is4 a1v1001 deoservlinguig man 1141. lb
41115a1111excellent stiitt'i an11111 14144in
his persona10 lloeainlg 11od11st04111( 1111
Caohaot's University Physics.
Emerton's Mediaeval Enrope.
Chase's Cases on Torts.
Paige's Cases in Partnership.
Ziwet's Mechanic, Part III.
Andrew Stephen's Pleading.
Novy's Bacteriology.
Huber's Histology.